Exodus 34:7
Exodus 34:7
maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation."

I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations. I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But I do not excuse the guilty. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren; the entire family is affected--even children in the third and fourth generations."

keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”

who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations."

Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving wrongdoing, rebellion, and sin. But He will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers' wrongdoing on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.

He graciously loves thousands, and forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin. But he does not leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of the ancestors on their children, and on their children's children to the third and fourth generation."

keeping loyal love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. But he by no means leaves the guilty unpunished, responding to the transgression of fathers by dealing with children and children's children, to the third and fourth generation."

He continues to show his love to thousands of generations, forgiving wrongdoing, disobedience, and sin. He never lets the guilty go unpunished, punishing children and grandchildren for their parents' sins to the third and fourth generation."

keeping mercy for thousands, letting go of iniquity and rebellion and sin; and by no means will I absolve the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons and upon the sons' sons, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the children's children, to the third and to the fourth generation.

keeping lovingkindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty , visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation.

Who keepest mercy unto thousands: who takest away iniquity, and wickedness, and sin, and no man of himself is innocent before thee. Who renderest the iniquity of the fathers to the children, and to the grandchildren, unto the third and fourth generation.

keeping mercy unto thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but by no means clearing the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation.

keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin: and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation.

Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, to the third and to the fourth generation.

keeping loving kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and disobedience and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the children's children, on the third and on the fourth generation."

keeping kindness for thousands, taking away iniquity, and transgression, and sin, and not entirely acquitting, charging iniquity of fathers on children, and on children's children, on a third generation, and on a fourth.'

Eksodi 34:7
që përdor mëshirën për mijëra njerëz, që fal padrejtësinë, shkeljet dhe mëkatin por nuk e lë të pandëshkuar fajtorin, dhe që viziton padrejtësinë e etërve mbi bijtë dhe mbi bijtë e bijve deri në brezin e tretë dhe të katërt".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 34:7
حافظ الاحسان الى الوف. غافر الاثم والمعصية والخطية. ولكنه لن يبرئ ابراء مفتقد اثم الآباء في الابناء وفي ابناء الابناء في الجيل الثالث والرابع.

Dyr Auszug 34:7
Yn Tausner bewar i d Huld, tilg d Schuld, Misstaat und d Sündd; aber bei de Verstocktn kenn i nix, daa verfolg i d Schuld non an de Kinder und Eniggln, hinst eyn s dritte und vierte Kunn."

Изход 34:7
Който пази милост за хиляди [поколения], прощава беззаконие, престъпление и грях, но никак не обезвинява [виновния], въздава беззаконието на бащите върху чадата и върху внуците им, до третото и до четвъртото поколение.

出 埃 及 記 34:7
為 千 萬 人 存 留 慈 愛 , 赦 免 罪 孽 、 過 犯 , 和 罪 惡 , 萬 不 以 有 罪 的 為 無 罪 , 必 追 討 他 的 罪 , 自 父 及 子 , 直 到 三 、 四 代 。

为 千 万 人 存 留 慈 爱 , 赦 免 罪 孽 、 过 犯 , 和 罪 恶 , 万 不 以 有 罪 的 为 无 罪 , 必 追 讨 他 的 罪 , 自 父 及 子 , 直 到 三 、 四 代 。



Exodus 34:7
iskazuje milost tisućama, podnosi opačinu, grijeh i prijestup, ali krivca nekažnjena ne ostavlja nego kažnjava opačinu otaca na djeci - čak na unučadi do trećega i četvrtog koljena."

Exodus 34:7
Milosrdenství čině tisícům, odpouštěje nepravost a přestoupení i hřích, a kterýž nikoli neospravedlňuje vinného, navštěvuje nepravost otců na synech, a na synech synů do třetího i čtvrtého pokolení.

2 Mosebog 34:7
som bevarer Miskundhed mod Tusinder, som tilgiver Brøde, Overtrædelse og Synd, men ikke lader den skyldige ustraffet, som straffer Fædres Brøde paa Børn og Børnebørn, paa dem i tredje og fjerde Led!«

Exodus 34:7
Die de weldadigheid bewaart aan vele duizenden, Die de ongerechtigheid, en overtreding, en zonde vergeeft; Die den schuldige geenszins onschuldig houdt, bezoekende de ongerechtigheid der vaderen aan de kinderen, en aan de kindskinderen, in het derde en vierde lid.

שמות 34:7
נֹצֵ֥ר חֶ֙סֶד֙ לָאֲלָפִ֔ים נֹשֵׂ֥א עָוֹ֛ן וָפֶ֖שַׁע וְחַטָּאָ֑ה וְנַקֵּה֙ לֹ֣א יְנַקֶּ֔ה פֹּקֵ֣ד ׀ עֲוֹ֣ן אָבֹ֗ות עַל־בָּנִים֙ וְעַל־בְּנֵ֣י בָנִ֔ים עַל־שִׁלֵּשִׁ֖ים וְעַל־רִבֵּעִֽים׃

ז נצר חסד לאלפים נשא עון ופשע וחטאה ונקה לא ינקה--פקד עון אבות על בנים ועל בני בנים על שלשים ועל רבעים

נצר חסד לאלפים נשא עון ופשע וחטאה ונקה לא ינקה פקד ׀ עון אבות על־בנים ועל־בני בנים על־שלשים ועל־רבעים׃

2 Mózes 34:7
A ki irgalmas marad ezeríziglen; megbocsát hamisságot, vétket és bûnt: de nem hagyja a [bûnöst] büntetlenül, megbünteti az atyák álnokságát a fiakban, és a fiak fiaiban harmad és negyedíziglen.

Moseo 2: Eliro 34:7
kiu konservas favorkorecon por miloj, pardonas kulpon kaj krimon kaj pekon, sed antaux kiu neniu estas senkulpa; kiu punas la kulpon de patroj sur filoj kaj nepoj, en la tria kaj kvara generacioj!

Joka pitää laupiuden tuhanteen polveen, ja ottaa pois vääryyden, ylitsekäymisen ja synnin: jonka edessä ei yksikään ole viatoin, joka etsii isäin vääryyden ja lasten ja lastenlasten päälle, hamaan kolmanteen ja neljänteen polveen.

Exode 34:7
gardant la bonté envers des milliers de générations, pardonnant l'iniquité, la transgression et le péché, et qui ne tient nullement celui qui en est coupable pour innocent, qui visite l'iniquité des pères sur les fils, et sur les fils des fils, sur la troisième et sur la quatrième génération!

qui conserve son amour jusqu'à mille générations, qui pardonne l'iniquité, la rébellion et le péché, mais qui ne tient point le coupable pour innocent, et qui punit l'iniquité des pères sur les enfants et sur les enfants des enfants jusqu'à la troisième et à la quatrième génération!

Gardant la gratuité jusqu’en mille [générations], ôtant l'iniquité, le crime, et le péché, qui ne tient point le coupable pour innocent, et qui punit l'iniquité des pères sur les enfants, et sur les enfants des enfants, jusqu’à la troisième et à la quatrième [génération];

2 Mose 34:7
der du beweisest Gnade in tausend Glied und vergibst Missetat, Übertretung und Sünde, und vor welchem niemand unschuldig ist; der du die Missetat der Väter heimsuchest auf Kinder und Kindeskinder bis ins dritte und vierte Glied.

der da bewahrt Gnade in tausend Glieder und vergibt Missetat, Übertretung und Sünde, und vor welchem niemand unschuldig ist; der die Missetat der Väter heimsucht auf Kinder und Kindeskinder bis ins dritte und vierte Glied.

der Huld bewahrt Tausenden, der Missethat, Übertretung und Sünde vergiebt, aber nicht ganz ungestraft läßt, sondern Väterschuld ahndet an den Kindern und an den Enkeln, am dritten und vierten Gliede.

Esodo 34:7
che conserva la sua benignità fino alla millesima generazione, che perdona l’iniquità, la trasgressione e il peccato ma non terrà il colpevole per innocente, e che punisce l’iniquità dei padri sopra i figliuoli e sopra i figliuoli de’ figliuoli, fino alla terza e alla quarta generazione!"

che osserva la benignità in mille generazioni; che perdona l’iniquità, il misfatto, e il peccato: il quale altresì non assolve punto il colpevole; anzi fa punizione della iniquità de’ padri sopra i figliuoli, e sopra i figliuoli de’ figliuoli, fino alla terza e alla quarta generazione.

Yang memeliharakan kemurahan-Nya bagi orang beribu-ribu dan yang mengampuni segala durhaka dan kesalahan dan dosa; yang sekali-kali tiada mengirakan suci dari pada salah segala orang jahat, melainkan yang membalas durhaka segala bapa kepada anak cucu cicitnya sampai kepada gilir yang ketiga dan yang keempat!

출애굽기 34:7
인자를 천대까지 베풀며 악과 과실과 죄를 용서하나 형벌 받을 자는 결단코 면죄하지 않고 아비의 악을 자여손 삼사대까지 보응하리라

Exodus 34:7
qui custodis misericordiam in milia qui aufers iniquitatem et scelera atque peccata nullusque apud te per se innocens est qui reddis iniquitatem patrum in filiis ac nepotibus in tertiam et quartam progeniem

Iðëjimo knyga 34:7
parodantis gailestingumą tūkstančiams, atleidžiantis nusikaltimus, neteisybes ir nuodėmes, tačiau nepaliekantis kalto nenubausto, bet baudžiantis už tėvų nusikaltimus vaikus ir vaikaičius iki trečios ir ketvirtos kartos”.

Exodus 34:7
E rongoa nei i te aroha mo nga mano, e muru nei i te kino, i te tutu, i te hara, e kore rawa ano hoki e tuku noa i te he; e mea nei i te hara o nga matua kia tau iho ki nga tamariki, ki nga tamariki a nga tamariki a te toru, te wha ra ano o nga w hakatupuranga.

2 Mosebok 34:7
han bevarer miskunnhet imot tusen ledd, han forlater misgjerning og overtredelse og synd; men han lar ikke den skyldige ustraffet, han hjemsøker fedres misgjerning på barn og på barnebarn, på dem i tredje og på dem i fjerde ledd.

Éxodo 34:7
el que guarda misericordia a millares, el que perdona la iniquidad, la transgresión y el pecado, y que no tendrá por inocente al culpable ; el que castiga la iniquidad de los padres sobre los hijos y sobre los hijos de los hijos hasta la tercera y cuarta generación.

que guarda misericordia a millares, el que perdona la iniquidad, la transgresión y el pecado, y que no tendrá por inocente al culpable ; que castiga la iniquidad de los padres sobre los hijos y sobre los hijos de los hijos hasta la tercera y cuarta generación."

Que guarda la misericordia en millares, que perdona la iniquidad, la rebelión, y el pecado, y que de ningún modo dará por inocente al culpable; que visita la iniquidad de los padres sobre los hijos y sobre los hijos de los hijos, hasta la tercera, y cuarta generación.

Que guarda la misericordia en millares, que perdona la iniquidad, la rebelión, y el pecado, y que de ningún modo justificará al malvado; que visita la iniquidad de los padres sobre los hijos y sobre los hijos de los hijos, sobre los terceros, y sobre los

que guardo la misericordia en millares, que suelto la iniquidad, la rebelión, y el pecado, y que de ningún modo absolveré al malvado ; que visito la iniquidad de los padres sobre los hijos y sobre los hijos de los hijos, hasta la tercera y cuarta generación.

Éxodo 34:7
que persevera em seu amor dedicado a milhares, e perdoa a malignidade, a rebelião e o pecado.

que usa de beneficência com milhares; que perdoa a iniqüidade, a transgressão e o pecado; que de maneira alguma terá por inocente o culpado; que visita a iniqüidade dos pais sobre os filhos e sobre os filhos dos filhos até a terceira e quarta geração.   

Exod 34:7
care Îşi ţine dragostea pînă în mii de neamuri de oameni, iartă fărădelegea, răzvrătirea şi păcatul, dar nu socoteşte pe cel vinovat drept nevinovat, şi pedepseşte fărădelegea părinţilor în copii şi în copiii copiilor lor pînă la al treilea şi al patrulea neam!``

Исход 34:7
сохраняющий милость в тысячи родов , прощающий вину и преступление и грех, но не оставляющий без наказания, наказывающий вину отцов в детях и в детях детей до третьего и четвертого рода.

сохраняющий милость в тысячи [родов], прощающий вину и преступление и грех, но не оставляющий без наказания, наказывающий вину отцов в детях и в детях детей до третьего и четвертого рода.[]

2 Mosebok 34:7
som bevarar nåd mot tusenden, som förlåter missgärning och överträdelse och synd, men som ingalunda låter någon bliva ostraffad, utan hemsöker fädernas missgärning på barn och barnbarn och efterkommande i tredje och fjärde led.»

Exodus 34:7
Na gumagamit ng kaawaan sa libolibo, na nagpapatawad ng kasamaan, at ng pagsalangsang, at ng kasalanan: at sa anomang paraan ay hindi aariing walang sala ang salarin; na dinadalaw ang kasamaan ng mga ama sa mga anak, at sa mga anak ng mga anak, hanggang sa ikatlo at ika apat na salin.

อพยพ 34:7
ผู้ทรงสำแดงความเมตตาต่อมนุษย์กระทั่งพันชั่วอายุ ผู้ทรงโปรดยกโทษความชั่วช้า การละเมิดและบาปของเขาเสีย แต่จะทรงถือว่าไม่มีโทษก็หามิได้ และให้โทษเพราะความชั่วช้าของบิดาตกทอดไปถึงลูกหลานสามชั่วสี่ชั่วอายุคน"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 34:7
Binlercesine sevgi gösterir, suçlarını, isyanlarını, günahlarını bağışlarım. Hiçbir suçu cezasız bırakmam. Babaların işlediği suçun hesabını oğullarından, torunlarından, üçüncü, dördüncü kuşaklardan sorarım.››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 34:7
ban ơn đến ngàn đời, xá điều gian ác, tội trọng, và tội lỗi; nhưng chẳng kể kẻ có tội là vô tội, và nhơn tội tổ phụ phạt đến con cháu trải ba bốn đời.

Exodus 34:6
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