Exodus 19:13
Exodus 19:13
They are to be stoned or shot with arrows; not a hand is to be laid on them. No person or animal shall be permitted to live.' Only when the ram's horn sounds a long blast may they approach the mountain."

No hand may touch the person or animal that crosses the boundary; instead, stone them or shoot them with arrows. They must be put to death.' However, when the ram's horn sounds a long blast, then the people may go up on the mountain."

No hand shall touch him, but he shall be stoned or shot; whether beast or man, he shall not live.’ When the trumpet sounds a long blast, they shall come up to the mountain.”

'No hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through; whether beast or man, he shall not live.' When the ram's horn sounds a long blast, they shall come up to the mountain."

There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount.

No hand may touch him; instead he will be stoned or shot with arrows. No animal or man will live. When the ram's horn sounds a long blast, they may go up the mountain."

No hand is to touch that person, but he is certainly to be stoned or shot; whether animal or person, he is not to live.' They are to approach the mountain only when the ram's horn sounds a long blast."

No hand will touch him--but he will surely be stoned or shot through, whether a beast or a human being; he must not live.' When the ram's horn sounds a long blast they may go up on the mountain."

No one should touch them. They must be stoned or shot with arrows. No matter whether it's an animal or a person, it must not live. The people may go up the mountain [only] when the ram's horn sounds a long blast."

Not a hand shall touch it, but that he shall surely be stoned or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live. When the jubilee sounds long, they shall come up to the mount.

There shall not a hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet sounds long, they shall come up to the mount.

There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet sounds long, they shall come up to the mount.

no hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, he shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount.

No hands shall touch him, but he shall be stoned to death, or shall be shot through with arrows: whether it be beast, or man, he shall not live. When the trumpet shall begin to sound, then let them go up into the mount.

not a hand shall touch it, but it shall certainly be stoned, or shot through; whether it be a beast or a man, it shall not live. When the long drawn note of the trumpet soundeth, they shall come up to the mountain.

no hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount.

There shall not a hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through: whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount.

No hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through; whether it is animal or man, he shall not live.' When the trumpet sounds long, they shall come up to the mountain."

a hand cometh not against him, for he is certainly stoned or shot through, whether beast or man it liveth not; in the drawing out of the jubilee cornet they go up into the mount.'

Eksodi 19:13
Asnjë dorë nuk do ta prekë, por do të vritet me gurë ose do të shpohet me shigjeta, qoftë njeri ose kafshë; nuk do të mbetet gjallë. Kur briri të dëgjohet shtruar, atëherë të ngjiten mbi mal".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 19:13
لا تمسه يد بل يرجم رجما او يرمى رميا. بهيمة كان ام انسانا لا يعيش. اما عند صوت البوق فهم يصعدون الى الجبل

Dyr Auszug 19:13
Öbbern Sölchern derfftß niemer anglangen, sundern er mueß verstainigt older mit Pfeil dyrschossn werdn. Nit grad für Menschn, aau für Vicher giltt dös. Eerst wenn s Widerhorn blaast, künnend s aufhersteign aau."

Изход 19:13
[обаче] ръка да се не допре до него, но той да се убие с камъни или със стрели, било то животно или човек, [който се допре], да не остане жив. Когато тръбата дълго тръби, тогава нека се приближат до планината.

出 埃 及 記 19:13
不 可 用 手 摸 他 , 必 用 石 頭 打 死 , 或 用 箭 射 透 ; 無 論 是 人 是 牲 畜 , 都 不 得 活 。 到 角 聲 拖 長 的 時 候 , 他 們 才 可 到 山 根 來 。

不 可 用 手 摸 他 , 必 用 石 头 打 死 , 或 用 箭 射 透 ; 无 论 是 人 是 牲 畜 , 都 不 得 活 。 到 角 声 拖 长 的 时 候 , 他 们 才 可 到 山 根 来 。



Exodus 19:13
Nikakva ruka neka ga se ne dotakne, nego neka bude kamenjem zasut ili strijelom ustrijeljen: bio čovjek ili živinče, neka na životu ne ostane.' Na otegnuti zvuk trube neka se na brdo penju."

Exodus 19:13
Nedotkneť se ho ruka, ale ukamenován neb zastřelen bude; buď že by hovado bylo, buď člověk, nebudeť živ. Když se zdlouha troubiti bude, teprv oni vstoupí na horu.

2 Mosebog 19:13
Ingen Haand maa røre ved ham, han skal stenes eller skydes ned; hvad enten det er et Dyr eller et Menneske, skal det miste Livet. Naar Væderhornet lyder, skal de stige op paa Bjerget.«

Exodus 19:13
Geen hand zal hem aanroeren, maar hij zal zekerlijk gestenigd, of zekerlijk doorschoten worden; hetzij een beest, hetzij een man, hij zal niet leven. Als de ramshoorn langzaam gaat, zullen zij op den berg klimmen.

שמות 19:13
לֹא־תִגַּ֨ע בֹּ֜ו יָ֗ד כִּֽי־סָקֹ֤ול יִסָּקֵל֙ אֹו־יָרֹ֣ה יִיָּרֶ֔ה אִם־בְּהֵמָ֥ה אִם־אִ֖ישׁ לֹ֣א יִחְיֶ֑ה בִּמְשֹׁךְ֙ הַיֹּבֵ֔ל הֵ֖מָּה יַעֲל֥וּ בָהָֽר׃

יג לא תגע בו יד כי סקול יסקל או ירה יירה--אם בהמה אם איש לא יחיה במשך היבל המה יעלו בהר

לא־תגע בו יד כי־סקול יסקל או־ירה יירה אם־בהמה אם־איש לא יחיה במשך היבל המה יעלו בהר׃

2 Mózes 19:13
Ne érintse azt kéz, hanem kõvel köveztessék meg, vagy nyillal nyilaztassék le; akár barom, akár ember, ne éljen. Mikor a kürt hosszan hangzik, akkor felmehetnek a hegyre.

Moseo 2: Eliro 19:13
Mano lin ne tusxu, sed per sxtonoj li estu mortigita, aux li estu pafmortigita; cxu tio estos bruto, cxu tio estos homo, li ne vivu. Kiam eksonos longa trumpetado, tiam ili povas supreniri sur la monton.

Ei yksikään käsi pidä häneen rupeeman, vaan hän pitää täydellisesti kivitettämän, eli kohdastansa ammuttaman lävitse, joko se eläin taikka ihminen olis, ei pidä sen elämän. Koska ääni rupee pitkään kajahtamaan, silloin he vuorelle astukaan.

Exode 19:13
la main ne la touchera pas sans qu'elle soit lapidée ou transpercée; bête, ou homme, ils ne vivront point. Quand le cor sonnera longuement, ils monteront vers la montagne.

On ne mettra pas la main sur lui, mais on le lapidera, ou on le percera de flèches: animal ou homme, il ne vivra point. Quand la trompette sonnera, ils s'avanceront près de la montagne.

Aucune main ne la touchera; et certainement il sera lapidé, ou percé de flèches; soit bête, soit homme, il ne vivra point. Quand le cor sonnera en long, ils monteront vers la montagne.

2 Mose 19:13
Keine Hand soll ihn anrühren, sondern er soll gesteinigt oder mit Geschoß erschossen werden; es sei ein Tier oder Mensch, so soll er nicht leben. Wenn es aber lange tönen wird, dann sollen sie an den Berg gehen.

Keine Hand soll ihn anrühren, sondern er soll gesteinigt oder mit Geschoß erschossen werden; es sei ein Tier oder ein Mensch, so soll er nicht leben. Wenn es aber lange tönen wird, dann sollen sie an den Berg gehen.

Keines Hand darf ihn berühren; denn ein solcher soll gesteinigt oder erschossen werden, sowohl Mensch als Vieh, und das Leben lassen müssen. Wenn das Widderhorn geblasen wird, sollen sie den Berg hinansteigen.

Esodo 19:13
Nessuna mano tocchi quel tale; ma sia lapidato o trafitto di frecce; animale o uomo che sia, non sia lasciato vivere! Quando il corno sonerà a distesa, allora salgano pure sul monte".

Niuna mano tocchi un tale; anzi del tutto sia lapidato o saettato; o bestia, od uomo che egli si sia, non viva; quando il corno sonerà alla distesa, allora salgano essi verso il monte.

Seorangpun jangan menjamah akan dia, karena tak dapat tiada orang itu akan dilontari dengan batu atau dipanah terus sampai mati; baik binatang baik manusia tiada boleh dihidupi lagi. Maka apabila tanduk kambing itu dibunyikan perlahan-perlahan bolehlah mereka itu mendaki bukit itu.

출애굽기 19:13
손을 그에게 댐이 없이 그런 자는 돌에 맞아 죽임을 당하거나 살에 쐬어 죽임을 당하리니 짐승이나 사람을 무론하고 살지 못하리라 나팔을 길게 불거든 산 앞에 이를 것이니라 하라

Exodus 19:13
manus non tanget eum sed lapidibus opprimetur aut confodietur iaculis sive iumentum fuerit sive homo non vivet cum coeperit clangere bucina tunc ascendant in montem

Iðëjimo knyga 19:13
Kas palies, tas bus užmuštas akmenimis arba pervertas strėle; nei žmogus, nei gyvulys neišliks gyvas. Išgirdę ilgą trimito garsą, jie tepriartėja prie kalno”.

Exodus 19:13
Kaua te ringa e pa ki a ia, engari me aki ki te kohatu, me wero ranei ki te tao; ahakoa kararehe, ahakoa tangata, e kore e ora: ka kukume roa te tangi o te tetere, ka haere mai ai ratou ki te maunga.

2 Mosebok 19:13
ingen hånd skal røre ved ham, han skal stenes eller skytes; enten det er dyr eller mennesker, skal de ikke leve. Når basunen lyder med lange toner, da skal de* stige op på fjellet.

Éxodo 19:13
``Ninguna mano lo tocará, sino que será apedreado o asaeteado; sea animal o sea hombre, no vivirá. Cuando suene largamente la bocina ellos subirán al monte.

'Ninguna mano lo tocará, sino que morirá apedreado o a flechazos. Sea animal o sea hombre, no vivirá.' Cuando suene largamente la bocina ellos subirán al monte."

No le tocará mano, mas será apedreado o asaeteado; sea animal o sea hombre, no vivirá. Cuando suene largamente la trompeta, ellos subirán al monte.

No le tocará mano, mas será apedreado ó asaeteado; sea animal ó sea hombre, no vivirá. En habiendo sonado largamente la bocina, subirán al monte.

No le tocará mano, porque será apedreado o asaeteado; sea animal o sea hombre, no vivirá. En habiendo sonado largamente la trompeta, subirán al monte.

Éxodo 19:13
Ninguém porá a mão sobre ele; será apedrejado ou flechado: quer seja homem quer seja animal, certamente não viverá’. Quando soar prolongadamente o som do shofar, o chifre de carneiro, então poderão subir ao monte livremente!”

Mão alguma tocará naquele que o fizer, mas ele será apedrejado ou asseteado; quer seja animal, quer seja homem, não viverá. Quando soar a buzina longamente, subirão eles até o pé do monte.   

Exod 19:13
Nici o mînă să nu se atingă de el; ci pe oricine se va atinge, să -l omoare cu pietre, sau să -l străpungă cu săgeţi: dobitoc sau om, nu va trăi.` Cînd va suna trîmbiţa, ei vor înainta spre munte.``

Исход 19:13
рука да не прикоснется к нему, а пусть побьют его камнями, или застрелят стрелою; скот ли то, или человек, да не останется в живых; во время протяжного трубного звука могут они взойти на гору.

рука да не прикоснется к нему, а пусть побьют его камнями, или застрелят стрелою; скот ли то, или человек, да не останется в живых; во время протяжного трубного звука могут они взойти на гору.[]

2 Mosebok 19:13
men ingen hand må komma vid honom, utan han skall stenas eller skjutas ihjäl. Evad det är djur eller människa, skall en sådan mista livet.' När jubelhornet ljuder med utdragen ton, då må de stiga upp på berget.»

Exodus 19:13
Walang kamay na hihipo sa kaniya, kundi, siya'y tunay na babatuhin, o papanain; maging hayop o tao ay hindi mabubuhay: pagka ang pakakak ay tumunog ng maluwat ay sasampa sila sa bundok.

อพยพ 19:13
อย่าใช้มือฆ่าผู้นั้นเลย ให้เอาหินขว้างหรือยิงเสีย จะเป็นสัตว์ก็ดีหรือเป็นมนุษย์ก็ดี อย่าไว้ชีวิต' เมื่อได้ยินเสียงแตรเป่ายาว ให้เขาทั้งหลายมายังภูเขานั้น"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 19:13
Ya taşlanacak, ya da okla vurulacak; ona insan eli değmeyecek. İster hayvan olsun ister insan, yaşamasına izin verilmeyecek.› Ancak boru uzun uzun çalınınca dağa çıkabilirler.››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 19:13
Chớ ai tra tay vào mình người đó, nhưng người đó phải bị liệng đá hoặc bắn tên; bất luận vật hay người, cũng chẳng để cho sống đâu. Khi kèn thổi lên, dân sự sẽ đến gần núi.

Exodus 19:12
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