Exodus 14:11
Exodus 14:11
They said to Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?

and they said to Moses, "Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren't there enough graves for us in Egypt? What have you done to us? Why did you make us leave Egypt?

They said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt?

Then they said to Moses, "Is it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you dealt with us in this way, bringing us out of Egypt?

And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt?

They said to Moses: "Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you took us to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?

They also told Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you took us out to die in the desert? What have you done to us, by bringing us out of Egypt?

and they said to Moses, "Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the desert? What in the world have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?

They said to Moses, "Did you bring us out into the desert to die because there were no graves in Egypt? Look what you've done by bringing us out of Egypt!

And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why hast thou dealt thus with us, to bring us forth out of Egypt?

And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? why have you dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt?

And they said to Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? why have you dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt?

And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to bring us forth out of Egypt?

And they said to Moses: Perhaps there were no graves in Egypt, therefore thou hast brought us to die in the wilderness: why wouldst thou do this, to lead us out of Egypt?

And they said to Moses, Is it because there were no graves in Egypt, thou hast taken us away to die in the wilderness? why hast thou done this to us, that thou hast led us out of Egypt?

And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to bring us forth out of Egypt?

And they said to Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why hast thou dealt thus with us, to conduct us out of Egypt?

They said to Moses, "Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you treated us this way, to bring us forth out of Egypt?

And they say unto Moses, 'Because there are no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in a wilderness? what is this thou hast done to us -- to bring us out from Egypt?

Eksodi 14:11
dhe i thanë Moisiut: "Pse, nuk kishte varre në Egjipt, që na solle të vdesim në shkretëtirë? Pse e bëre këtë gjë me ne, duke na nxjerrë nga Egjipti?

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 14:11
وقالوا لموسى هل لانه ليست قبور في مصر اخذتنا لنموت في البرية. ماذا صنعت بنا حتى اخرجتنا من مصر.

Dyr Auszug 14:11
Zo n Mosenn gsagnd s: "Geit s öbbenn kaine Freithöf z Güptn, däßst üns zo n Zgrundgeen eyn d Wüestn ausher holst? Daa haast üns öbbs Saubers antaan! Zwö haast n üns überhaaupt aus Güptn aushergfüert?

Изход 14:11
И рекоха на Моисея: Понеже нямаше гробища в Египет, затова ли ни изведе да умрем в пустинята? Защо постъпи така, та ни изведе от Египет?

出 埃 及 記 14:11
他 們 對 摩 西 說 : 難 道 在 埃 及 沒 有 墳 地 , 你 把 我 們 帶 來 死 在 曠 野 麼 ? 你 為 甚 麼 這 樣 待 我 們 , 將 我 們 從 埃 及 領 出 來 呢 ?

他 们 对 摩 西 说 : 难 道 在 埃 及 没 有 坟 地 , 你 把 我 们 带 来 死 在 旷 野 麽 ? 你 为 甚 麽 这 样 待 我 们 , 将 我 们 从 埃 及 领 出 来 呢 ?



Exodus 14:11
Zar nije bilo grobova u Egiptu, reknu Mojsiju, "pa si nas izveo da pomremo u pustinji? Kakvu si nam uslugu učinio što si nas izveo iz Egipta!

Exodus 14:11
A řekli Mojžíšovi: Zdali proto, že nebylo hrobů v Egyptě, vyvedl jsi nás, abychom zemřeli na poušti? Co jsi nám to učinil, že jsi vyvedl nás z Egypta?

2 Mosebog 14:11
og de sagde til Moses: »Er det, fordi der ingen Grave var i Ægypten, at du har faaet os ud for at dø i Ørkenen? Hvad er det dog, du har gjort os, at du førte os ud af Ægypten?

Exodus 14:11
En zij zeiden tot Mozes: Hebt gij ons daarom, omdat er in Egypte gans geen graven waren, weggenomen, opdat wij in deze woestijn sterven zouden? Waarom hebt gij ons dat gedaan, dat gij ons uit Egypte gevoerd hebt?

שמות 14:11
וַיֹּאמְרוּ֮ אֶל־מֹשֶׁה֒ הַֽמִבְּלִ֤י אֵין־קְבָרִים֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם לְקַחְתָּ֖נוּ לָמ֣וּת בַּמִּדְבָּ֑ר מַה־זֹּאת֙ עָשִׂ֣יתָ לָּ֔נוּ לְהֹוצִיאָ֖נוּ מִמִּצְרָֽיִם׃

יא ויאמרו אל משה המבלי אין קברים במצרים לקחתנו למות במדבר  מה זאת עשית לנו להוציאנו ממצרים

ויאמרו אל־משה המבלי אין־קברים במצרים לקחתנו למות במדבר מה־זאת עשית לנו להוציאנו ממצרים׃

2 Mózes 14:11
És mondának Mózesnek: Hát nincsenek-é Égyiptomban sírok, hogy ide a pusztába hoztál minket meghalni? Mit cselekedél velünk, hogy kihoztál minket Égyiptomból?

Moseo 2: Eliro 14:11
Kaj ili diris al Moseo:CXu ne ekzistis tomboj en Egiptujo, ke vi prenis nin, por morti en la dezerto? kion vi faris al ni, elkondukinte nin el Egiptujo?

Ja sanoivat Mosekselle: Eikö hautoja ollut Egyptissä, ettäs rupesit meitä johdattamaan korpeen kuolemaan? Miksis meille niin olet tehnyt: ettäs meitä johdatit Egyptistä?

Exode 14:11
et ils dirent à Moïse: Est-ce parce qu'il n'y avait pas de sépulcres en Égypte, que tu nous as emmenés pour mourir dans le désert? Que nous as-tu fait, de nous avoir fait sortir d'Égypte?

Ils dirent à Moïse: N'y avait-il pas des sépulcres en Egypte, sans qu'il fût besoin de nous mener mourir au désert? Que nous as-tu fait en nous faisant sortir d'Egypte?

Et dirent à Moïse : est-ce qu'il n'y avait pas de sépulcres en Egypte, que tu nous aies emmenés pour mourir au désert? Qu'est-ce que tu nous as fait de nous avoir fait sortir d'Egypte?

2 Mose 14:11
Und sprachen zu Mose: Waren nicht Gräber in Ägypten, daß du uns mußtest wegführen, daß wir in der Wüste sterben? Warum hast du das getan, daß du uns aus Ägypten geführet hast?

und sprachen zu Mose: Waren nicht genug Gräber in Ägypten, daß du uns mußtest wegführen, daß wir in der Wüste sterben? Warum hast du uns das getan, daß du uns aus Ägypten geführt hast?

Zu Mose aber sprachen sie: Gab es etwa keine Friedhöfe in Ägypten, daß du uns herausgelockt hast, damit wir in der Wüste sterben? Was hast du uns angethan, daß du uns aus Ägypten wegführtest!

Esodo 14:11
E dissero a Mosè: "Mancavan forse sepolture in Egitto, che ci hai menati a morire nel deserto? Perché ci hai fatto quest’azione, di farci uscire dall’Egitto?

E dissero a Mosè: Ci hai tu menati a morire nel deserto, perchè mancassero sepolture in Egitto? che cosa è questo che tu ci hai fatto, di averci fatti uscir di Egitto?

Serta katanya kepada Musa: Adakah sebab kurang kubur di Mesir, maka engkau membawa akan kami sertamu, supaya kami mati dalam padang belantara ini? Apakah macam perbuatanmu ini, yaitu engkau membawa akan kami keluar dari Mesir?

출애굽기 14:11
그들이 또 모세에게 이르되 `애굽에 매장지가 없으므로 당신이 우리를 이끌어 내어 이 광야에서 죽게 하느뇨 ? 어찌하여 당신이 우리를 애굽에서 이끌어 내어 이같이 우리에게 하느뇨 ?

Exodus 14:11
et dixerunt ad Mosen forsitan non erant sepulchra in Aegypto ideo tulisti nos ut moreremur in solitudine quid hoc facere voluisti ut educeres nos ex Aegypto

Iðëjimo knyga 14:11
Jie sakė Mozei: “Nejaugi Egipte nebuvo kapų, kad mus išvedei mirti dykumoje? Ką mums padarei, išvesdamas iš Egipto?

Exodus 14:11
A ka mea ratou ki a Mohi, He onge koia no te urupa o Ihipa i kahaki mai ai koe i a matou ki te koraha mate ai? He aha ra tenei mahi au ki a matou, i arahina mai ai matou e koe i Ihipa?

2 Mosebok 14:11
Og de sa til Moses: Var det da ingen graver i Egypten siden du har ført oss hit for å dø i ørkenen? Hvorfor har du gjort dette mot oss og ført oss ut av Egypten?

Éxodo 14:11
Y dijeron a Moisés: ¿Acaso no había sepulcros en Egipto para que nos sacaras a morir en el desierto? ¿Por qué nos has tratado de esta manera, sacándonos de Egipto?

Y dijeron a Moisés: "¿Acaso no había sepulcros en Egipto para que nos sacaras a morir en el desierto? ¿Por qué nos has tratado de esta manera, sacándonos de Egipto?

Y dijeron a Moisés: ¿No había sepulcros en Egipto, que nos has sacado para que muramos en el desierto? ¿Por qué has hecho así con nosotros, que nos has sacado de Egipto?

Y dijeron á Moisés: ¿No había sepulcros en Egipto, que nos has sacado para que muramos en el desierto? ¿Por qué lo has hecho así con nosotros, que nos has sacado de Egipto?

Y dijeron a Moisés: ¿No había sepulcros en Egipto, que nos has sacado para que muramos en el desierto? ¿Por qué lo has hecho así con nosotros, que nos has sacado de Egipto?

Éxodo 14:11
E reclamaram a Moisés: “Não havia talvez número suficiente de sepulturas no Egito, e por isso nos tiraste de lá para morrermos no deserto? Por que nos trataste assim, fazendo-nos sair do Egito?

e disseram a Moisés: Foi porque não havia sepulcros no Egito que de lá nos tiraste para morrermos neste deserto? Por que nos fizeste isto, tirando-nos do Egito?   

Exod 14:11
Ei au zis lui Moise: ,,Nu erau oare morminte în Egipt, ca să nu mai fi fost nevoie să ne aduci să murim în pustie? Ce ne-ai făcut de ne-ai scos din Egipt?

Исход 14:11
и сказали Моисею: разве нет гробов в Египте, что ты привел нас умирать в пустыне? что это ты сделал с нами, выведя нас из Египта?

и сказали Моисею: разве нет гробов в Египте, что ты привел нас умирать в пустыне? что это ты сделал с нами, выведя нас из Египта?[]

2 Mosebok 14:11
Och de sade till Mose: »Funnos då inga gravar i Egypten, eftersom du har fört oss hit till att dö i öknen? Huru illa gjorde du icke mot oss, när du förde oss ut ur Egypten!

Exodus 14:11
At kanilang sinabi kay Moises, Dahil ba sa walang libingan sa Egipto, kung kaya dinala mo kami rito upang mamatay sa ilang? bakit ka gumawa ng ganito sa amin, na inilabas mo kami sa Egipto?

อพยพ 14:11
เขาบอกโมเสสว่า "หลุมฝังศพในอียิปต์ไม่มีหรือ ท่านจึงพาเราออกมาให้ตายในถิ่นทุรกันดาร ทำไมหนอท่านจึงทำเช่นนี้คือพาเราออกมาจากอียิปต์

Mısır'dan Çıkış 14:11
Musaya, ‹‹Mısırda mezar mı yoktu da bizi çöle ölmeye getirdin?›› dediler, ‹‹Bak, Mısırdan çıkarmakla bize ne yaptın![]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 14:11
Chúng lại nói cùng Môi-se rằng: Xứ Ê-díp-tô há chẳng có nơi mộ phần, nên nỗi người mới dẫn chúng tôi vào đồng vắng đặng chết sao? Người đưa chúng tôi ra xứ Ê-díp-tô để làm chi?

Exodus 14:10
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