Esther 9:3
Esther 9:3
And all the nobles of the provinces, the satraps, the governors and the king's administrators helped the Jews, because fear of Mordecai had seized them.

And all the nobles of the provinces, the highest officers, the governors, and the royal officials helped the Jews for fear of Mordecai.

All the officials of the provinces and the satraps and the governors and the royal agents also helped the Jews, for the fear of Mordecai had fallen on them.

Even all the princes of the provinces, the satraps, the governors and those who were doing the king's business assisted the Jews, because the dread of Mordecai had fallen on them.

And all the rulers of the provinces, and the lieutenants, and the deputies, and officers of the king, helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them.

All the officials of the provinces, the satraps, the governors, and the royal civil administrators aided the Jews because they were afraid of Mordecai.

All the provincial officials, the regional authorities, the governors, and those doing the king's work supported the Jewish people because the fear of Mordecai had come over them.

All the officials of the provinces, the satraps, the governors and those who performed the king's business were assisting the Jews, for the dread of Mordecai had fallen on them.

All the officials of the provinces, the satraps, the governors, and the king's treasurers assisted the Jews because they were terrified of Mordecai.

And all the princes of the provinces and the lieutenants and the captains and officers of the king helped the Jews because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them.

And all the princes of the provinces, and the satraps, and the governors, and officials of the king, helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them.

And all the rulers of the provinces, and the lieutenants, and the deputies, and officers of the king, helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai fell on them.

And all the princes of the provinces, and the satraps, and the governors, and they that did the king's business, helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai was fallen upon them.

And the judges of the provinces, and the governors, and lieutenants, and every one in dignity, that presided over every place and work, extolled the Jews for fear of Mardochai:

And all the princes of the provinces, and the satraps, and the governors and officers of the king, helped the Jews; for the fear of Mordecai had fallen upon them.

And all the princes of the provinces, and the satraps, and the governors, and they that did the king's business, helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai was fallen upon them.

And all the rulers of the provinces, and the lieutenants, and the deputies, and officers of the king helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them.

All the princes of the provinces, the satraps, the governors, and those who did the king's business helped the Jews, because the fear of Mordecai had fallen on them.

And all heads of the provinces, and the lieutenants, and the governors, and those doing the work that the king hath, are lifting up the Jews, for a fear of Mordecai hath fallen upon them;

Ester 9:3
Tërë krerët e krahinave, satrapët, qeveritarët dhe ata që merreshin me punët e mbretit i përkrahën Judejtë, sepse tmerri i Mardokeut i kishte zënë.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 9:3
وكل رؤساء البلدان والمرازبة والولاة وعمال الملك ساعدوا اليهود لان رعب مردخاي سقط عليهم.

D Öster 9:3
Aau alle Fürstn in de Pfintzn, d Vögt, Landpflöger und Amptner warnd auf de Judn ienerner Seitt; aynn sölchern Bang hietnd s vor n Mordychäusn.

Естир 9:3
И всичките първенци на областите, и сатрапите, областните управители, и царските надзиратели помагаха на юдеите; защото страх от Мардохея ги обзе.

以 斯 帖 記 9:3
各 省 的 首 領 、 總 督 、 省 長 , 和 辦 理 王 事 的 人 , 因 懼 怕 末 底 改 , 就 都 幫 助 猶 大 人 。

各 省 的 首 领 、 总 督 、 省 长 , 和 办 理 王 事 的 人 , 因 惧 怕 末 底 改 , 就 都 帮 助 犹 大 人 。



Esther 9:3
Svi su knezovi pokrajina i namjesnici, upravljači i činovnici kraljevi štitili Židove jer ih je obuzeo strah od Mordokaja.

Ester 9:3
A všickni hejtmané krajin, i knížata a vývodové, i správcové díla královského v poctivosti měli Židy; nebo strach Mardocheův na ně připadl.

Ester 9:3
Og alle Landenes Fyrster og Satraperne og Statholderne og de kongelige Embedsmænd hjalp Jøderne, thi Frygt for Mordokaj var faldet paa dem.

Esther 9:3
En al de oversten der landschappen, en de stadhouders, en landvoogden, en die het werk des konings deden, verhieven de Joden; want de vreze van Mordechai was op hen gevallen.

אסתר 9:3
וְכָל־שָׂרֵ֨י הַמְּדִינֹ֜ות וְהָאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנִ֣ים וְהַפַּחֹ֗ות וְעֹשֵׂ֤י הַמְּלָאכָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לַמֶּ֔לֶךְ מְנַשְּׂאִ֖ים אֶת־הַיְּהוּדִ֑ים כִּֽי־נָפַ֥ל פַּֽחַד־מָרְדֳּכַ֖י עֲלֵיהֶֽם׃

ג וכל שרי המדינות והאחשדרפנים והפחות ועשי המלאכה אשר למלך--מנשאים את היהודים  כי נפל פחד מרדכי עליהם

וכל־שרי המדינות והאחשדרפנים והפחות ועשי המלאכה אשר למלך מנשאים את־היהודים כי־נפל פחד־מרדכי עליהם׃

Eszter 9:3
És a tartományok minden feje, fejedelmek, kormányzók és a király hivatalnokai magasztalták a zsidókat; mert a Márdokeustól való félelem szállott rájok.

Ester 9:3
Kaj cxiuj landestroj, satrapoj, regionestroj, kaj oficistoj de la regxo favoris la Judojn, cxar falis sur ilin timo antaux Mordehxaj.

Ja kaikki maakuntain päämiehet ja hallitsiat, ja maan vanhimmat ja kuninkaan virkamiehet ylistivät Juudalaisia; sillä Mordekain pelko tuli heidän päällensä.

Esther 9:3
Et tous les chefs des provinces, et les satrapes, et les gouverneurs, et ceux qui faisaient les affaires du roi, assistaient les Juifs, car la frayeur de Mardochée était tombée sur eux.

Et tous les chefs des provinces, les satrapes, les gouverneurs, les fonctionnaires du roi, soutinrent les Juifs, à cause de l'effroi que leur inspirait Mardochée.

Et tous les principaux des provinces, et les Satrapes, et les Gouverneurs, et ceux qui maniaient les affaires du Roi, soutenaient les Juifs, parce que la frayeur qu'on avait de Mardochée les avait saisis.

Ester 9:3
Auch alle Obersten in Landen und Fürsten und Landpfleger und Amtleute des Königs erhuben die Juden; denn die Furcht Mardachais kam über sie.

Auch alle Obersten in den Landen und Fürsten und Landpfleger und Amtleute des Königs halfen den Juden; denn die Furcht vor Mardochai war über sie gekommen.

Und alle Obersten der Provinzen und die Satrapen und Statthalter und Beamten des Königs unterstützten die Juden, denn der Schrecken vor Mardachai war auf sie gefallen.

Ester 9:3
E tutti i capi delle province, i satrapi, i governatori e quelli che facevano gli affari del re dettero man forte a i Giudei, perché lo spavento di Mardocheo s’era impossessato di loro.

E tutti i principi delle provincie, ed i satrapi, ed i governatori, e coloro che facevano le faccende del re, favorivano i Giudei; perciocchè lo spavento di Mardocheo era caduto sopra loro.

Maka segala pemerintah dan khalifat dan penghulu negeri-negeri dan segala orang yang dalam pekerjaan raja itu mempermuliakan orang Yahudi, karena gentar akan Mordekhai berlakulah atas mereka itu.

에스더 9:3
각 도 모든 관원과 대신과 방백과 왕의 사무를 보는 자들이 모르드개를 두려워하므로 다 유다인을 도우니

Esther 9:3
nam et provinciarum iudices duces et procuratores omnisque dignitas quae singulis locis et operibus praeerat extollebant Iudaeos timore Mardochei

Esteros knyga 9:3
Karaliaus kraštų vietininkai, valdytojai, kunigaikščiai ir valdininkai padėjo žydams, nes jie bijojo Mordechajo,

Esther 9:3
A, ko nga rangatira katoa o nga kawanatanga, me nga kawana, me nga kawana iti, me nga kaimahi i te mahi a te kingi, i awhina i nga Hurai; no te mea kua tau te wehi o Mororekai ki a ratou.

Esters 9:3
Alle landskapenes fyrster og stattholderne og landshøvdingene og kongens embedsmenn hjalp jødene, for frykt for Mordekai var falt på dem;

Ester 9:3
Y todos los príncipes de las provincias, los sátrapas, los gobernadores y los que manejaban los negocios del rey ayudaron a los judíos, porque el temor a Mardoqueo había caído sobre ellos,

Y todos los príncipes de las provincias, los sátrapas, los gobernadores y los que manejaban los negocios del rey ayudaron a los Judíos, porque el temor a Mardoqueo había caído sobre ellos.

Y todos los príncipes de las provincias, los sátrapas, capitanes, y oficiales del rey ayudaban a los judíos; porque el temor de Mardoqueo había caído sobre ellos.

Y todos los príncipes de las provincias, y los virreyes, y capitanes, y oficiales del rey, ensalzaban á los Judíos; porque el temor de Mardochêo había caído sobre ellos.

Y todos los príncipes de las provincias, y los virreyes, y capitanes, y oficiales del rey, ensalzaban a los judíos; porque el temor de Mardoqueo había caído sobre ellos.

Ester 9:3
E todos os príncipes das províncias, os sátrapas, os governadores e os administradores dos negócios do rei cooperavam com os judeus, porquanto grande era o temor que alimentavam em relação a Mardoqueu.

E todos os príncipes das províncias, os sátrapas, os governadores e os que executavam os negócios do rei auxiliavam aos judeus, porque tinha caído sobre eles o medo de Mardoqueu.   

Estera 9:3
Şi toţi mai marii ţinuturilor, căpeteniile oştirii, dregătorii, slujbaşii împăratului, au sprijinit pe Iudei, din pricina fricei pe care le -o însufla Mardoheu.

Есфирь 9:3
И все князья в областях и сатрапы, и областеначальники, и исполнители дел царских поддерживали Иудеев, потому что напал на них страх пред Мардохеем.

И все князья в областях и сатрапы, и областеначальники, и исполнители дел царских поддерживали Иудеев, потому что напал на них страх пред Мардохеем.[]

Ester 9:3
Och alla furstarna i hövdingdömena och satraperna och ståthållarna och konungens tjänstemän understödde judarna, ty förskräckelse för Mordokai hade fallit över dem.

Esther 9:3
At lahat ng mga prinsipe sa mga lalawigan, at ang mga satrapa, at ang mga tagapamahala, at ang mga nagsisigawa ng gawain ng hari, ay nagsitulong sa mga Judio; sapagka't ang takot kay Mardocheo ay suma kanila,

เอสเธอร์ 9:3
บรรดาเจ้านายทั้งปวงของมณฑล และสมุหเทศาภิบาล และผู้ว่าราชการเมือง และเจ้าหน้าที่ราชการก็ช่วยพวกยิวด้วย เพราะความกลัวโมรเดคัยครอบงำเขา

Ester 9:3
İl önderleri, satraplar, valiler ve kralın memurları, Mordekaydan korktukları için Yahudileri desteklediler.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 9:3
Các đầu trưởng của những tỉnh, các quan trấn thủ, các quan cai quản, cùng những người coi việc vua, đều giúp đỡ dân Giu-đa, vì họ kính sợ Mạc-đô-chê.

Esther 9:2
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