Esther 9:28
Esther 9:28
These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family, and in every province and in every city. And these days of Purim should never fail to be celebrated by the Jews--nor should the memory of these days die out among their descendants.

These days would be remembered and kept from generation to generation and celebrated by every family throughout the provinces and cities of the empire. This Festival of Purim would never cease to be celebrated among the Jews, nor would the memory of what happened ever die out among their descendants.

that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, in every clan, province, and city, and that these days of Purim should never fall into disuse among the Jews, nor should the commemoration of these days cease among their descendants.

So these days were to be remembered and celebrated throughout every generation, every family, every province and every city; and these days of Purim were not to fail from among the Jews, or their memory fade from their descendants.

And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.

These days are remembered and celebrated by every generation, family, province, and city, so that these days of Purim will not lose their significance in Jewish life and their memory will not fade from their descendants.

These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by each family in every province and town. These days of Purim should not be neglected by the Jewish people, and that they should not be forgotten by their descendants.

These days were to be remembered and to be celebrated in every generation and in every family, every province, and every city. The Jews were not to fail to observe these days of Purim; the remembrance of them was not to cease among their descendants.

So these days must be remembered and observed in every age, family, province, and city. These days of Purim must not be ignored among the Jews, and the importance of these days must never be forgotten by the generations to come.

and that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city, and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.

And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fall into disuse among the Jews, nor the memory of them perish from their descendants.

And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.

and that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the remembrance of them perish from their seed.

These are the days which shall never be forgot: and which all provinces in the whole world shall celebrate throughout all generations: neither is there any city wherein the days of Phurim, that is, of lots, must not be observed by the Jews, and by their posterity, which is bound to these ceremonies.

and that these days should be remembered and observed throughout every generation, in every family, every province, and every city, and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them cease from among their seed.

and that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.

And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.

and that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memory of them perish from their seed.

and these days are remembered and kept in every generation and generation, family and family, province and province, and city and city, and these days of Purim do not pass away from the midst of the Jews, and their memorial is not ended from their seed.

Ester 9:28
Ato ditë duhet të kujtoheshin dhe të kremtoheshin brez pas brezi, në çdo familje, në çdo krahinë, në çdo qytet; në asnjë mënyrë Judejtë nuk duhet të hiqnin dorë nga kremtimi i këtyre ditëve të Purimit, dhe kujtimi i tyre nuk duhet të zhdukej te pasardhësit e tyre.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 9:28
وان يذكر هذان اليومان ويحفظا في دور فدور وعشيرة فعشيرة وبلاد فبلاد ومدينة فمدينة ويوما الفور هذان لا يزولان من وسط اليهود وذكرهما لا يفني من نسلهم

D Öster 9:28
Die Täg gsollnd in Innerung bleibn und in aynn iedn Kunn, ieder Trucht, Pfintz und Stat begangen werdn. Nie gsollnd d Judn aufhoern mit n Loesserföst und dös aau in ferre Kunner nit vergössn.

Естир 9:28
и тия дни да се помнят и да се пазят във всеки век и във всеки род, във всяка област и във всеки град; и тия дни Пурим да се не изоставят от юдеите, нито да изчезне споменът им между потомството им.

以 斯 帖 記 9:28
各 省 各 城 、 家 家 戶 戶 、 世 世 代 代 紀 念 遵 守 這 兩 日 , 使 這 「 普 珥 日 」 在 猶 大 人 中 不 可 廢 掉 , 在 他 們 後 裔 中 也 不 可 忘 記 。

各 省 各 城 、 家 家 户 户 、 世 世 代 代 纪 念 遵 守 这 两 日 , 使 这 「 普 珥 日 」 在 犹 大 人 中 不 可 废 掉 , 在 他 们 後 裔 中 也 不 可 忘 记 。



Esther 9:28
Te dane valja slaviti i njih se sjećati od pokoljenja do pokoljenja u svakoj obitelji, pokrajini i gradu; ti dani Purima ne smiju iščeznuti ispred Židova, ni spomen na njih biti izbrisan iz njihova roda.

Ester 9:28
A že ti dnové budou pamětní a slavní v každém věku, rodině, krajině a městě; k tomu, že ti dnové Purim nepominou z prostředku Židů, a památka jejich nepřestane u potomků jejich.

Ester 9:28
og at de Dage skulde ihukommes og fejres i alle Tidsaldre og Slægter, i hvert Land og hver By, saa at disse Purimsdage aldrig skulde gaa af Brug hos Jøderne og deres Ihukommelse aldrig ophøre blandt deres Efterkommere.

Esther 9:28
Dat deze dagen gedacht zouden worden en onderhouden, in alle en elk geslacht, elk huisgezin, elk landschap en elke stad; en dat deze dagen van Purim niet zouden overtreden worden onder de Joden, en dat de gedachtenis derzelve geen einde nemen zou bij hun zaad.

אסתר 9:28
וְהַיָּמִ֣ים הָ֠אֵלֶּה נִזְכָּרִ֨ים וְנַעֲשִׂ֜ים בְּכָל־דֹּ֣ור וָדֹ֗ור מִשְׁפָּחָה֙ וּמִשְׁפָּחָ֔ה מְדִינָ֥ה וּמְדִינָ֖ה וְעִ֣יר וָעִ֑יר וִימֵ֞י הַפּוּרִ֣ים הָאֵ֗לֶּה לֹ֤א יַֽעַבְרוּ֙ מִתֹּ֣וךְ הַיְּהוּדִ֔ים וְזִכְרָ֖ם לֹא־יָס֥וּף מִזַּרְעָֽם׃ ס

כח והימים האלה נזכרים ונעשים בכל דור ודור משפחה ומשפחה מדינה ומדינה ועיר ועיר וימי הפורים האלה לא יעברו מתוך היהודים וזכרם לא יסוף מזרעם  {ס}

והימים האלה נזכרים ונעשים בכל־דור ודור משפחה ומשפחה מדינה ומדינה ועיר ועיר וימי הפורים האלה לא יעברו מתוך היהודים וזכרם לא־יסוף מזרעם׃ ס

Eszter 9:28
És ezen napok emlékezetben lesznek és megülik azokat nemzedékrõl- nemzedékre, családról-családra, tartományról-tartományra és városról- városra. És ezek a Púrim napjai el nem múlnak a zsidók között, és emlékök ki nem vész ivadékaik közül.

Ester 9:28
Tiuj tagoj devas esti memorataj kaj festataj en cxiuj generacioj, en cxiu familio, en cxiu lando, kaj en cxiu urbo; kaj tiuj tagoj de Purim ne devas esti forigitaj cxe la Judoj, kaj la memoro pri ili ne devas malaperi inter ilia idaro.

ESTER 9:28
Ettei näitä päiviä pitänyt unhotettaman, mutta pidettämän heidän lastensa lapsilta ja kaikilta heidän sukukunniltansa, kaikissa maakunnissa ja kaupungeissa. Nämät ovat Purimin päivät, joita ei pidä hyljättämän Juudalaisten seassa, ja heidän muistonsa ei pidä unhotettaman heidän siemenessänsä.

Esther 9:28
et qu'on se souviendrait de ces jours et qu'on les célébrerait dans toutes les générations, dans chaque famille, dans chaque province, et dans chaque ville; et que ces jours de Purim ne seraient point négligés au milieu des Juifs, et que leur mémoire ne périrait jamais chez leur semence.

Ces jours devaient être rappelés et célébrés de génération en génération, dans chaque famille, dans chaque province et dans chaque ville; et ces jours de Purim ne devaient jamais être abolis au milieu des Juifs, ni le souvenir s'en effacer parmi leurs descendants.

Et [ils ordonnèrent] que la mémoire de ces jours serait célébrée et solennisée dans chaque âge, dans chaque famille, dans chaque province et dans chaque ville; et qu'on n'abolirait point ces jours de Purim entre les Juifs, et que la mémoire de ces jours-là ne s'effacerait point en leur postérité.

Ester 9:28
daß diese Tage nicht zu vergessen, sondern zu halten seien bei Kindeskindern, bei allen Geschlechtern in allen Ländern und Städten. Es sind die Tage Purim, welche nicht sollen übergangen werden unter den Juden, und ihr Gedächtnis nicht umkommen bei ihrem Samen.

daß diese Tage nicht vergessen, sondern zu halten seien bei Kindeskindern, bei allen Geschlechtern, in allen Ländern und Städten. Es sind die Tage Purim, welche nicht sollen übergangen werden unter den Juden, und ihr Gedächtnis soll nicht umkommen bei ihren Nachkommen.

und daß diese Tage im Gedächtnisse behalten und in allen Zeitaltern, Geschlechtern, Provinzen und Städten begangen werden sollten, so daß diese Purimtage im Bereiche der Juden nie verschwänden, und ihr Gedächtnis bei ihren Nachkommen niemals aufhörte.

Ester 9:28
Que’ giorni dovevano esser commemorati e celebrati di generazione in generazione, in ogni famiglia, in ogni provincia, in ogni città; e que’ giorni di Purim non dovevano cessar mai d’esser celebrati fra i Giudei, e il loro ricordo non dovea mai cancellarsi fra i loro discendenti.

e che sarebbero solennizzati in ogni età, in ogni famiglia, provincia, e città; e che que’ giorni di Purim non trapasserebbero mai, senza esser celebrati fra i Giudei, e che la lor memoria non verrebbe mai meno appo la loro posterità.

ESTER 9:28
Maka hari itupun patutlah diingat dan dipermuliakan di antara tiap-tiap bangsa dan di antara segala orang isi rumah dan pada tiap-tiap bahagian tanah dan di dalam tiap-tiap negeri, sehingga hari Purim itu sekali-kali jangan dilalaikan di antara segala orang Yahudi, dan peringatan akan dia jangan putus di antara segala benihnya.

에스더 9:28
각 도, 각 읍, 각 집에서 대대로 이 두 날을 기념하여 지키되 이 부림일을 유다인 중에서 폐하지 않게 하고 그 자손 중에서도 기념함이 폐하지 않게 하였더라

Esther 9:28
isti sunt dies quos nulla umquam delebit oblivio et per singulas generationes cunctae in toto orbe provinciae celebrabunt nec est ulla civitas in qua dies Phurim id est Sortium non observentur a Iudaeis et ab eorum progenie quae his caerimoniis obligata est

Esteros knyga 9:28
Tos dienos turi būti švenčiamos visose šeimose, visuose miestuose ir visose kartose. Purimo dienos neturi pranykti iš žydų papročių nei prisiminimas apie jas tarp jų palikuonių.

Esther 9:28
Kia maharatia ano enei ra, kia mahia e nga whakatupuranga katoa, e nga hapu katoa, e nga kawanatanga katoa, e nga pa katoa, kia kaua ano enei ra o Purimi e ngaro i roto i nga Hurai, me te maharatanga ki aua ra kia kaua e mahue i o ratou uri.

Esters 9:28
og at disse dager skulde ihukommes og høitideligholdes gjennem alle tider, i hver ætt, i hvert landskap og i hver by, og at disse purim-dager ikke skulde falle bort blandt jødene, og minnet om dem aldri ophøre blandt deres efterkommere.

Ester 9:28
Así estos días serían recordados y celebrados por todas las generaciones, por cada familia, cada provincia y cada ciudad; para que estos días de Purim no dejaran de celebrarse entre los judíos, ni su memoria se extinguiera entre sus descendientes.

Para que estos días fueran recordados y celebrados por todas las generaciones, por cada familia, cada provincia y cada ciudad; y que estos días de Purim no dejaran de celebrarse entre los Judíos, ni su memoria se extinguiera entre sus descendientes.

y que estos dos días serían recordados y celebrados por todas las generaciones, familias, provincias y ciudades; y que estos días de Purim no dejarían de celebrarse entre los judíos, ni su memoria cesaría entre su simiente.

Y que estos dos días serían en memoria, y celebrados en todas las naciones, y familias, y provincias, y ciudades. Estos días de Purim no pasarán de entre los Judíos, y la memoria de ellos no cesará de su simiente.

y que estos dos días serían en memoria, y celebrados en todas las naciones, y familias, y provincias, y ciudades. Estos días de Purim no pasarán de entre los judíos, y la memoria de ellos no cesará de su simiente.

Ester 9:28
Esses dois dias seriam lembrados e guardados em cada família, em todas as gerações, em todas as províncias e cidades. Esses dias de Purim não seriam revogados jamais entre os judeus, e os seus descendentes os haveriam de lembrar e celebrar para sempre.

e a fazerem com que esses dias fossem lembrados e guardados por toda geração, família, província e cidade; e que esses dias de Purim não fossem revogados entre os judeus, e que a memória deles nunca perecesse dentre a sua descendência.    

Estera 9:28
Zilele acestea trebuiau să fie pomenite şi prăznuite din neam în neam, în fiecare familie, în fiecare ţinut şi în fiecare cetate. Şi zilele acestea Purim nu trebuiau desfiinţate niciodată din mijlocul Iudeilor, nici să se şteargă aducerea aminte de ele printre urmaşii lor.

Есфирь 9:28
и чтобы дни эти были памятны и празднуемы во все роды в каждом племени, в каждой области и в каждом городе; и чтобы дни эти Пурим не отменялись у Иудеев, и память о них не исчезла у детей их.

и чтобы дни эти были памятны и празднуемы во все роды в каждом племени, в каждой области и в каждом городе; и чтобы дни эти Пурим не отменялись у Иудеев, и память о них не исчезла у детей их.[]

Ester 9:28
och att dessa dagar skulle ihågkommas och firas i alla tider, i var släkt, i vart hövdingdöme och i var stad, så att dessa purimsdagar oryggligt skulle hållas bland judarna och deras åminnelse icke upphöra bland deras efterkommande.

Esther 9:28
At ang mga araw na ito ay aalalahanin at ipangingilin sa buong panahon, na bawa't angkan, ng bawa't lalawigan, at ng bawa't bayan; at ang mga araw na ito ng Purim ay hindi lilipas sa mga Judio, o ang alaala man sa mga yaon ay lilipas sa kanilang binhi.

เอสเธอร์ 9:28
และว่าจะจดจำวันเหล่านี้ และถือตลอดทุกชั่วอายุ ทุกครอบครัว มณฑลและเมือง วันเทศกาลปูริมนี้จะไม่เลิกถือในท่ามกลางพวกยิว หรือการระลึกถึงวันเหล่านี้จะไม่สิ้นลงในเชื้อสายของเขาเลย

Ester 9:28
Böylece bu günler her ilde, her kentte ve her ailede kuşaktan kuşağa anımsanacak ve kutlanacaktı. Purim günleri Yahudiler için son bulmayacak ve bu günlerin anısı kuşaklar boyu sürecekti.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 9:28
lại người ta phải nhớ lại hai ngày ấy, và mỗi gia tộc trong mỗi tỉnh mỗi thành phải giữ nó trải qua các đời; chẳng được bỏ bê ngày Phu-rim nầy khỏi giữa dân Giu-đa, và kỷ niệm nó chớ hề mất khỏi dòng dõi họ.

Esther 9:27
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