Esther 9:27
Esther 9:27
the Jews took it on themselves to establish the custom that they and their descendants and all who join them should without fail observe these two days every year, in the way prescribed and at the time appointed.

the Jews throughout the realm agreed to inaugurate this tradition and to pass it on to their descendants and to all who became Jews. They declared they would never fail to celebrate these two prescribed days at the appointed time each year.

the Jews firmly obligated themselves and their offspring and all who joined them, that without fail they would keep these two days according to what was written and at the time appointed every year,

the Jews established and made a custom for themselves and for their descendants and for all those who allied themselves with them, so that they would not fail to celebrate these two days according to their regulation and according to their appointed time annually.

The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;

the Jews bound themselves, their descendants, and all who joined with them to a commitment that they would not fail to celebrate these two days each and every year according to the written instructions and according to the time appointed.

the Jewish people established this celebration, making it a tradition for themselves, for their descendants, and for all who joined with them that they should not fail to observe these two days each year, based on the written instructions, and at the prescribed time.

Therefore, because of the account found in this letter and what they had faced in this regard and what had happened to them, the Jews established as binding on themselves, their descendants, and all who joined their company that they should observe these two days without fail, just as written and at the appropriate time on an annual basis.

the Jews established a tradition for themselves and their descendants and for anyone who would join them. The tradition was that a person should never fail to observe these two days every year, as they were described and at their appointed time.

the Jews ordained and took upon them and upon their seed and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing and according to their appointed time each year,

The Jews ordained, and took upon themselves, and upon their descendants, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to what was written, and according to their appointed time every year;

The Jews ordained, and took on them, and on their seed, and on all such as joined themselves to them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;

the Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to the writing thereof, and according to the appointed time thereof, every year;

And the things that they suffered, and that were afterwards changed, the Jews took upon themselves and their seed, and upon all that had a mind to be joined to their religion, so that it should be lawful for none to pass these days without solemnity: which the writing testifieth, and certain times require, as the years continually succeed one another.

the Jews ordained and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would observe these two days according to their writing and according to their fixed time, every year;

the Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to the writing thereof, and according to the appointed time thereof, every year;

The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves to them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;

the Jews established, and imposed on themselves, and on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to what was written, and according to its appointed time, every year;

the Jews have established and received upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all those joined unto them, and it doth not pass away, to be keeping these two days according to their writing, and according to their season, in every year and year;

Ester 9:27
Judejtë vendosën të zotoheshin pa iu shmangur për vete, për pasardhësit e tyre dhe për të gjithë ata që do të bashkoheshin me ta, të kremtonin çdo vit këto dy ditë sipas udhëzimeve të shkruara dhe kohës së caktuar.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 9:27
اوجب اليهود وقبلوا على انفسهم وعلى نسلهم وعلى جميع الذين يلتصقون بهم حتى لا يزول ان يعيّدوا هذين اليومين حسب كتابتهما وحسب اوقاتهما كل سنة

D Öster 9:27
gerlögnd syr s d Judn als eeherne Satzung aau für ferre Kunner und allsand, wo si zo ien bekeernd, auf, däß die zween Täg ayn ieds Jaar, wie s gschribn steet, gfeiert werdnd.

Естир 9:27
юдеите постановиха, и възприеха за себе си и за потомството си, и за всички, които биха се присъединили към тях, непрестанно да пазят тия два дни, според предписаното за тях и във времето им всяка година;

以 斯 帖 記 9:27
就 應 承 自 己 與 後 裔 , 並 歸 附 他 們 的 人 , 每 年 按 時 必 守 這 兩 日 , 永 遠 不 廢 。

就 应 承 自 己 与 後 裔 , 并 归 附 他 们 的 人 , 每 年 按 时 必 守 这 两 日 , 永 远 不 废 。



Esther 9:27
Židovi se neopozivo obvezaše i prihvatiše za se, za svoje potomke i za sve one koji se s njima budu udružili da će svake godine slaviti ta dva dana prema tom propisu i u to vrijeme.

Ester 9:27
Ustavili a přijali Židé na sebe i na símě své, i na všecky připojené k sobě, aby to nepominulo, že budou slaviti ty dva dni podlé vypsání jejich, a podlé určitého času jejich každého roku.

Ester 9:27
gjorde Jøderne det til en fast Skik og Brug for sig selv, deres Efterkommere og alle, som sluttede sig til dem, at de ubrødeligt Aar efter Aar skulde fejre de to Dage efter Forskrifterne om dem og til den fastsatte Tid,

Esther 9:27
Bevestigden de Joden, en namen op zich en op hun zaad, en op allen, die zich tot hen vervoegen zouden, dat men het niet overtrade, dat zij deze twee dagen zouden houden, naar het voorschrift derzelve, en naar den bestemden tijd derzelve, in alle en ieder jaar;

אסתר 9:27
קִיְּמ֣וּ [וְקִבֵּל כ] (וְקִבְּל֣וּ ק) הַיְּהוּדִים֩ ׀ עֲלֵיהֶ֨ם ׀ וְעַל־זַרְעָ֜ם וְעַ֨ל כָּל־הַנִּלְוִ֤ים עֲלֵיהֶם֙ וְלֹ֣א יַעֲבֹ֔ור לִהְיֹ֣ות עֹשִׂ֗ים אֵ֣ת שְׁנֵ֤י הַיָּמִים֙ הָאֵ֔לֶּה כִּכְתָבָ֖ם וְכִזְמַנָּ֑ם בְּכָל־שָׁנָ֖ה וְשָׁנָֽה׃

כז קימו וקבל (וקבלו) היהודים עליהם ועל זרעם ועל כל הנלוים עליהם ולא יעבור--להיות עשים את שני הימים האלה ככתבם וכזמנם  בכל שנה ושנה

קימו [וקבל כ] (וקבלו ק) היהודים ׀ עליהם ׀ ועל־זרעם ועל כל־הנלוים עליהם ולא יעבור להיות עשים את שני הימים האלה ככתבם וכזמנם בכל־שנה ושנה׃

Eszter 9:27
Elhatározák és elfogadák a zsidók mind magokra, mind ivadékokra és mindazokra, a kik hozzájok csatlakoznak, örök idõkre, hogy megtartják e két napot, írásuk és határozatuk szerint, minden esztendõben.

Ester 9:27
la Judoj decidis kaj akceptis por si, por sia idaro, kaj por cxiuj, kiuj aligxos al ili, ke ili nepre festados tiujn du tagojn laux la preskribo kaj en la difinita tempo cxiujare.

ESTER 9:27
Ja Juudalaiset sääsivät sen, ja ottivat päällensä ja siemenensä päälle, ja kaikkein niiden päälle, jonka itsensä antoivat heidän tykönsä, ettei ne hylkää niitä kahta päivää, vaan pitävät ne joka vuosi, heidän kirjoituksensa ja aikansa jälkeen.

Esther 9:27
les Juifs établirent et acceptèrent pour eux et pour leur semence, et pour tous ceux qui se joindraient à eux, de ne pas négliger de célébrer chaque année ces deux jours selon leur ordonnance et selon leur temps fixé;

les Juifs prirent pour eux, pour leur postérité, et pour tous ceux qui s'attacheraient à eux, la résolution et l'engagement irrévocables de célébrer chaque année ces deux jours, selon le mode prescrit et au temps fixé.

Les Juifs établirent et se soumirent, eux et leur postérité, et tous ceux qui se joindraient à eux, à ne manquer point de célébrer selon ce qui en avait été écrit, ces deux jours dans leur saison chaque année.

Ester 9:27
Und die Juden richteten es auf und nahmen es auf sich und auf ihren Samen und auf alle, die sich zu ihnen taten, daß sie nicht übergehen wollten, zu halten diese zween Tage jährlich, wie die beschrieben und bestimmt wurden,

richteten die Juden es auf und nahmen's auf sich und auf ihre Nachkommen und auf alle, die sich zu ihnen taten, daß sie nicht unterlassen wollten, zu halten diese zwei Tage jährlich, wie die vorgeschrieben und bestimmt waren;

machten es die Juden für sich und ihre Nachkommen, sowie für alle, die sich ihnen anschließen würden, zu einer feststehenden Pflicht und zu einem unabänderlichen Brauche, daß sie alljährlich diese zwei Tage nach der über sie geltenden Vorschrift und Zeitbestimmung zu begehen hätten,

Ester 9:27
i Giudei stabilirono e presero per sé, per la loro progenie e per tutti quelli che si aggiungerebbero a loro, l’impegno inviolabile di celebrare ogni anno que’ due giorni secondo il tenore di quello scritto e al tempo fissato.

i Giudei costituirono, e presero sopra sè, e sopra la lor progenie, e sopra tutti quelli che si aggiungerebbero con loro, per istatuto immutabile, di celebrar que’ due giorni, secondo che n’era stato scritto; e ciò, al tempo loro, ogni anno; e che la memoria di que’ giorni sarebbe celebrata,

ESTER 9:27
ditentukanlah orang Yahudi dan ditanggungkannya atas dirinya dan atas benihnya dan atas segala orang yang akan masuk kepadanya dengan tiada boleh dilalui, bahwa kedua hari itu akan dipermuliakannya, seturut bunyi surat itu pada masa yang tentu dalam sebilang tahun.

에스더 9:27
뜻을 정하고 자기와 자손과 자기와 화합한 자들이 해마다 그 기록한 정기에 이 두 날을 연하여 지켜 폐하지 아니하기로 작정하고

Esther 9:27
quaeque sustinuerint et quae deinceps inmutata sint suscepere Iudaei super se et semen suum et super cunctos qui religioni eorum voluerint copulari ut nulli liceat duos hos dies absque sollemnitate transigere quam scriptura testatur et certa expetunt tempora annis sibi iugiter succedentibus

Esteros knyga 9:27
žydai nusprendė, kad kiekvienais metais tuo pačiu laiku tas dvi dienas turi prisiminti visi žydai, jų palikuonys ir visi, prisijungę prie jų.

Esther 9:27
I whakapumau ai nga Hurai i te tikanga, i whakaae ai hei mea ma ratou, ma o ratou uri, ma te hunga ano hoki e honoa ki a ratou, hei mea e kore e whakataka, kia whakaritea enei ra e rua, kia pera ano me te mea i tuhituhia, i te wa ano e tika ai i tenei tau, i tenei tau;

Esters 9:27
fastsatte jødene og vedtok som ubrytelig skikk for sig og sine efterkommere og for alle som gikk over til deres tro, at de år efter år skulde høitideligholde disse to dager efter forskriften om dem og på den for dem fastsatte tid,

Ester 9:27
los judíos establecieron e hicieron una costumbre para ellos, para sus descendientes y para todos los que se aliaban con ellos, de que no dejarían de celebrar estos dos días conforme a su ordenanza y conforme a su tiempo señalado cada año.

los Judíos establecieron e hicieron una costumbre para ellos, para sus descendientes y para todos los que se aliaban con ellos, que no dejarían de celebrar estos dos días conforme a su ordenanza y conforme a su tiempo señalado cada año.

Establecieron y tomaron los judíos sobre sí, y sobre su simiente, y sobre todos los allegados a ellos, y no será traspasado, el celebrar estos dos días según está escrito tocante a ellos, conforme a su tiempo cada año;

Establecieron y tomaron los Judíos sobre sí, y sobre su simiente, y sobre todos los allegados á ellos, y no será traspasado, el celebrar estos dos días según está escrito en orden á ellos, y conforme á su tiempo cada un año;

establecieron y tomaron los judíos sobre sí, y sobre su simiente, y sobre todos los allegados a ellos, y no será traspasado, el celebrar estos dos días según está escrito en orden a ellos, y conforme a su tiempo cada año;

Ester 9:27
os judeus decidiram estabelecer o costume de que eles e os seus descendentes e todos os que se tornassem judeus não deixariam de celebrar anualmente esses dois dias memoráveis, exatamente na forma estabelecida descrita na carta e em suas datas certas.

os judeus concordaram e se comprometeram por si, sua descendência, e por todos os que haviam de unir-se com eles, a não deixarem de guardar estes dois dias, conforme o que se escreveras a respeito deles, e segundo o seu tempo determinado, todos os anos;   

Estera 9:27
Iudeii au luat pentru ei, pentru sămînţa lor, şi pentru toţi ceice se vor lipi de ei, hotărîrea şi îndatorirea neschimbăcioasă ca să prăznuiască în fiecare an aceste două zile, în felul rînduit, şi la vremea hotărîtă.

Есфирь 9:27
постановили Иудеи и приняли на себя и на детей своих и на всех, присоединяющихся к ним, неотменно, чтобы праздновать эти два дня, по предписанному о них и в свое для них время, каждый год;

постановили Иудеи и приняли на себя и на детей своих и на всех, присоединяющихся к ним, неотменно, чтобы праздновать эти два дня, по предписанному о них и в свое для них время, каждый год;[]

Ester 9:27
stadgade judarna och antogo såsom orygglig sed för sig och sina efterkommande och för alla, som slöto sig till dem, att alltid, år efter år, fira dessa båda dagar, efter föreskriften om dem och på den för dem bestämda tiden,

Esther 9:27
Ang mga Judio ay nangagpasiya at nagsipangako sa kanilang sarili at sa kanilang binhi, at sa lahat ng yaon na nagpipisan sa kanila, na anopa't huwag magkulang, na kanilang ipangingilin ang dalawang araw na ito ayon sa sulat niyaon, at ayon sa takdang panahon niyaon taon-taon;

เอสเธอร์ 9:27
พวกยิวก็กำหนดและรับว่าตัวเขาเอง เชื้อสายของเขา และบรรดาผู้ที่เข้าจารีตยิวจะถือสองวันนี้ดังที่เขียนไว้ และตามเวลาที่กำหนดไว้ทุกปีมิได้ขาด

Ester 9:27

EÂ-xô-teâ 9:27
nên dân Giu-đa nhận và định thường lệ cho mình, cho dòng giống mình, và cho những người sẽ nhập bọn với mình, mỗi năm phải giữ hai ngày nầy tùy cái thơ nầy và theo thì nhứt định, chẳng ai nên bỏ bê;

Esther 9:26
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