Esther 4:11
Esther 4:11
"All the king's officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king."

"All the king's officials and even the people in the provinces know that anyone who appears before the king in his inner court without being invited is doomed to die unless the king holds out his gold scepter. And the king has not called for me to come to him for thirty days."

“All the king’s servants and the people of the king’s provinces know that if any man or woman goes to the king inside the inner court without being called, there is but one law—to be put to death, except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter so that he may live. But as for me, I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days.”

"All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that for any man or woman who comes to the king to the inner court who is not summoned, he has but one law, that he be put to death, unless the king holds out to him the golden scepter so that he may live. And I have not been summoned to come to the king for these thirty days."

All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, do know, that whosoever, whether man or woman, shall come unto the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.

All the royal officials and the people of the royal provinces know that one law applies to every man or woman who approaches the king in the inner courtyard and who has not been summoned--the death penalty. Only if the king extends the gold scepter will that person live. I have not been summoned to appear before the king for the last 30 days."

"Every servant of the king and every person in the king's provinces knows that for any man or woman who goes to the king in the inner court without being summoned there is only one law—that he be put to death—unless the king holds out the golden scepter to him. Only then he will live. For these last 30 days I've not been summoned to come to the king."

"All the servants of the king and the people of the king's provinces know that there is only one law applicable to any man or woman who comes uninvited to the king in the inner court--that person will be put to death, unless the king extends to him the gold scepter, permitting him to be spared. Now I have not been invited to come to the king for some thirty days!"

"All the king's advisers and the people in the king's provinces know that no one approaches the king in the throne room without being summoned. By law that person must be put to death. Only if the king holds out the golden scepter to him will he live. I, myself, have not been summoned to enter the king's presence for 30 days now."

All the king's slaves and the people of the king's provinces do know that anyone, whether man or woman, who shall come unto the king into the inner court without being called, by one law shall be put to death, unless the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that they may live; but I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.

All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, do know, that whosoever, whether man or woman, shall come unto the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.

All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, do know, that whoever, whether man or women, shall come to the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days.

All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, do know, that whosoever, whether man or woman, shall come unto the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law for him, that he be put to death, except those to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.

11All the king's servants, and all the provinces that are under his dominion, know, that whosoever, whether man or woman, cometh into the king's inner court, who is not called for, is immediately to be put to death without any delay: except the king shall hold out the golden sceptre to him, in token of clemency, that so he may live. How then can I go in to the king, who for these thirty days now have not been called unto him?

All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces do know that whoever, whether man or woman, shall come to the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law, to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live; and I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.

All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, do know, that whosoever, whether man or woman, shall come unto the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law for him, that he be put to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.

All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, do know, that whoever, whether man or woman, shall come to the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except him to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days.

"All the king's servants, and the people of the king's provinces, know, that whoever, whether man or woman, comes to the king into the inner court without being called, there is one law for him, that he be put to death, except those to whom the king might hold out the golden scepter, that he may live. I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days."

All servants of the king, and people of the provinces of the king, do know that any man and woman, who cometh in unto the king, unto the inner court, who is not called -- one law of his is to put them to death, apart from him to whom the king holdeth out the golden sceptre, then he hath lived; and I -- I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.'

Ester 4:11
Tërë shërbëtorët e mbretit dhe populli i krahinave të tij e dinë që cilido burrë ose grua që hyn në oborrin e brendshëm për të shkuar te mbreti, pa qenë i thirrur, duhet të dënohet me vdekje, në bazë të një ligji të veçantë, veç po të jetë se mbreti shtrin ndaj tij skeptrin e tij prej ari; vetëm kështu ai do të shpëtojë jetën e tij. Dhe kaluan tanimë tridhjetë ditë që nuk jam thirrur për të shkuar te mbreti.

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 4:11
ان كل عبيد الملك وشعوب بلاد الملك يعلمون ان كل رجل دخل او امرأة الى الملك الى الدار الداخلية ولم يدع فشريعته واحدة ان يقتل الا الذي يمدّ له الملك قضيب الذهب فانه يحيا. وانا لم أدع لادخل الى الملك هذه الثلاثين يوما.

D Öster 4:11
"Dös ist gar nit so ainfach! Allsand Höfling und Untertaanen wissnd gnaun, däß für ayn Ieds, Man older Weib, wo eyn n Künig seinn Pfraich eindringt, dös aine Gsötz giltt: Der ghoert yn n Tood! Grad wenn iem dyr Künig dös golderne Sepfer entgögnströckt, bleibt yr eyn n Löbn. I bin schoon dreissg Täg lang niemer zo n Künig grueffen wordn."

Естир 4:11
Всичките царски слуги и людете от царските области знаят, че всеки човек, мъж или жена, който би влязъл невикан при царя във вътрешния двор, един закон има за него,- да се умъртви, освен оня, към когото царят би прострял златния скиптър, за да остане жив; но има тридесет дни откак аз не съм викана да вляза при царя.

以 斯 帖 記 4:11
「 王 的 一 切 臣 僕 和 各 省 的 人 民 都 知 道 有 一 個 定 例 : 若 不 蒙 召 , 擅 入 內 院 見 王 的 , 無 論 男 女 必 被 治 死 ; 除 非 王 向 他 伸 出 金 杖 , 不 得 存 活 。 現 在 我 沒 有 蒙 召 進 去 見 王 已 經 三 十 日 了 。 」

「 王 的 一 切 臣 仆 和 各 省 的 人 民 都 知 道 有 一 个 定 例 : 若 不 蒙 召 , 擅 入 内 院 见 王 的 , 无 论 男 女 必 被 治 死 ; 除 非 王 向 他 伸 出 金 杖 , 不 得 存 活 。 现 在 我 没 有 蒙 召 进 去 见 王 已 经 三 十 日 了 。 」



Esther 4:11
Svi službenici kraljevi i narod kraljevih pokrajina znaju kako svakoga onoga, bio on muškarac ili žena, koji nepozvan uđe kralju u unutrašnje predvorje čeka jedan jedini zakon: smrtna kazna, osim ako kralj ne pruži takvome svoje zlatno žezlo i poštedi mu život. A ja već trideset dana nisam bila pozvana kralju.

Ester 4:11
Všickni služebníci královští i lid krajin královských vědí, že kterýž by koli muž neb žena všel před krále do síně vnitřní, nejsa povolán, jedno právo o něm jest, aby hrdlo propadl, kromě toho, k komuž by král vztáhl berlu zlatou, že živ zůstane. Já pak nebyla jsem povolána, abych vešla k králi již třidceti dnů.

Ester 4:11
»Alle Kongens Tjenere og Folkene i Kongens Lande ved, at der for enhver, Mand eller Kvinde, som ukaldet gaar ind til Kongen i den inderste Gaard, kun gælder een Lov, den, at han skal lide Døden, medmindre Kongen rækker sit gyldne Scepter ud imod ham; i saa Fald beholder han Livet. Men jeg har nu i tredive Dage ikke været kaldt til Kongen!«

Esther 4:11
Alle knechten des konings, en het volk, der landschappen des konings, weten wel dat al wie tot den koning ingaat, in het binnenste voorhof, die niet geroepen is, hij zij man of vrouw, zijn enig vonnis zij, dat men hem dode, tenzij dat de koning den gouden scepter hem toereike, opdat hij levend blijve; ik nu ben deze dertig dagen niet geroepen om tot den koning in te komen.

אסתר 4:11
כָּל־עַבְדֵ֣י הַמֶּ֡לֶךְ וְעַם־מְדִינֹ֨ות הַמֶּ֜לֶךְ יֹֽודְעִ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר כָּל־אִ֣ישׁ וְאִשָּׁ֡ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר יָבֹֽוא־אֶל־הַמֶּלֶךְ֩ אֶל־הֶחָצֵ֨ר הַפְּנִימִ֜ית אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹֽא־יִקָּרֵ֗א אַחַ֤ת דָּתֹו֙ לְהָמִ֔ית לְ֠בַד מֵאֲשֶׁ֨ר יֹֽושִׁיט־לֹ֥ו הַמֶּ֛לֶךְ אֶת־שַׁרְבִ֥יט הַזָּהָ֖ב וְחָיָ֑ה וַאֲנִ֗י לֹ֤א נִקְרֵ֙אתִי֙ לָבֹ֣וא אֶל־הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ זֶ֖ה שְׁלֹושִׁ֥ים יֹֽום׃

יא כל עבדי המלך ועם מדינות המלך ידעים אשר כל איש ואשה אשר יבוא אל המלך אל החצר הפנימית אשר לא יקרא אחת דתו להמית לבד מאשר יושיט לו המלך את שרביט הזהב וחיה ואני לא נקראתי לבוא אל המלך--זה שלושים יום

כל־עבדי המלך ועם־מדינות המלך יודעים אשר כל־איש ואשה אשר יבוא־אל־המלך אל־החצר הפנימית אשר לא־יקרא אחת דתו להמית לבד מאשר יושיט־לו המלך את־שרביט הזהב וחיה ואני לא נקראתי לבוא אל־המלך זה שלושים יום׃

Eszter 4:11
A király minden szolgája és a király tartományainak népe tudja, hogy minden férfinak és asszonynak, a ki bemegy a királyhoz a belsõ udvarba hivatlanul, egy a törvénye, hogy megölettessék, kivévén, a kire a király aranypálczáját kinyujtja, az él; én pedig nem hívattam, hogy a királyhoz bemenjek, már harmincz napja.

Ester 4:11
CXiuj servantoj de la regxo kaj la popolo en la landoj de la regxo scias, ke por cxiu viro aux virino, kiu eniris al la regxo en la internan korton ne vokite, ekzistas nur unu legxo, nome la morto, krom nur en la okazo, se la regxo etendas al li sian oran sceptron-tiam li restas vivanta; kaj mi ne estas vokita iri al la regxo jam de tridek tagoj.

ESTER 4:11
Kaikki kuninkaan palveliat ja kuninkaan maakuntain kansa tietävät, että kuka ikänä mies eli vaimo menee kuninkaan tykö sisimäiselle kartanolle, joka ei ole kutsuttu, hänen tuomionsa on, että hänen pitää kuoleman muutoin jos kuningas ojentaa kultaisen valtikan hänen puoleensa, että hän eläis; ja en minä ole kutsuttu kolmenakymmenenä päivänä kuninkaan tykö.

Esther 4:11
Tous les serviteurs du roi et le peuple des provinces du roi savent que pour quiconque, homme ou femme, entre auprès du roi, dans la cour intérieure, sans avoir été appelé, il existe une même loi prescrivant de le mettre à mort, à moins que le roi ne lui tende le sceptre d'or, pour qu'il vive; et moi, je n'ai pas été appelée à entrer vers le roi ces trente jours.

Tous les serviteurs du roi et le peuple des provinces du roi savent qu'il existe une loi portant peine de mort contre quiconque, homme ou femme, entre chez le roi, dans la cour intérieure, sans avoir été appelé; celui-là seul a la vie sauve, à qui le roi tend le sceptre d'or. Et moi, je n'ai point été appelée auprès du roi depuis trente jours.

Tous les serviteurs du Roi, et le peuple des provinces du Roi savent qu'il n'y a ni homme, ni femme qui entre chez le Roi au parvis de dedans, sans y être appelé, [et] que c'est une de ses lois, de le faire mourir; à moins que le Roi ne lui ait tendu le sceptre d'or, car en ce cas-là il a la vie sauve; or il y a déjà trente jours que je n'ai point été appelée pour entrer chez le Roi.

Ester 4:11
Es wissen alle Knechte des Königs und das Volk in den Landen des Königs, daß, wer zum Könige hineingehet inwendig in den Hof, er sei Mann oder Weib, der nicht gerufen ist, der soll stracks Gebots sterben, es sei denn, daß der König den güldenen Zepter gegen ihn reiche, damit er lebendig bleibe. Ich aber bin nun in dreißig Tagen nicht gerufen, zum Könige hineinzukommen.

Es wissen alle Knechte des Königs und das Volk in den Landen des Königs, daß, wer zum König hineingeht inwendig in den Hof, er sei Mann oder Weib, der nicht gerufen ist, der soll stracks nach dem Gebot sterben; es sei denn, daß der König das goldene Zepter gegen ihn recke, damit er lebendig bleibe. Ich aber bin nun in dreißig Tagen nicht gerufen, zum König hineinzukommen.

Alle Diener des Königs und die Leute in den Provinzen des Königs wissen, daß für jedermann, es sei Mann oder Weib, der sich zum König in den inneren Vorhof hineinbegiebt, ohne gerufen zu sein, ein und dasselbe Gesetz gilt, nämlich, daß man ihn tötet, mit einziger Ausnahme dessen, dem der König sein goldenes Scepter entgegenstreckt, damit er am Leben bleibe. Ich aber bin seit nunmehr dreißig Tagen nicht mehr berufen worden, zum Könige zu kommen.

Ester 4:11
Tutti i servi del re e il popolo delle sue province sanno che se qualcuno, uomo o donna che sia, entra dal re nel cortile interno, senza essere stato chiamato, per una legge ch’è la stessa per tutti, ei dev’esser messo a morte, a meno che il re non stenda verso di lui il suo scettro d’oro; nel qual caso, colui ha salva la vita. E io son già trenta giorni che non sono stata chiamata per andare dal re.

Tutti i servitori del re, e il popolo delle provincie di esso, sanno che chi che sia, uomo o donna, entra dal re, nel cortile di dentro, senza esser chiamato, non vi è che una legge per lui, ch’egli sia fatto morire; salvo colui, verso cui il re stende la verga d’oro: quello ha la vita salva; or io non sono stata chiamata, per entrar dal re, già son trenta giorni.

ESTER 4:11
Bahwa segala hamba raja dan segala rakyat di negeri-negeri baginda itu mengetahui baik-baik, bahwa barangsiapa, baik laki-laki atau perempuan, yang masuk menghadap baginda ke dalam penghadapan bersakat itu dengan tiada dipanggil, satu jua hukumnya, yaitu mati dibunuh, melainkan baginda mengunjuk tongkat kerajaan yang keemasan itu kepadanya, kalau begitu dihidupi akan dia; maka dalam tiga puluh hari ini aku tiada dipanggil masuk menghadap baginda.

에스더 4:11
'왕의 신복과 왕의 각 도 백성이 다 알거니와 무론 남녀하고 부름을 받지 아니하고 안뜰에 들어가서 왕에게 나아가면 오직 죽이는 법이요 왕이 그 자에게 금홀을 내어 밀어야 살 것이라 이제 내가 부름을 입어 왕에게 나아가지 못한지가 이미 삼십일이라' 하라

Esther 4:11
omnes servi regis et cunctae quae sub dicione eius sunt norunt provinciae quod sive vir sive mulier invocatus interius atrium regis intraverit absque ulla cunctatione statim interficiatur nisi forte rex auream virgam ad eum tetenderit pro signo clementiae atque ita possit vivere ego igitur quomodo ad regem intrare potero quae triginta iam diebus non sum vocata ad eum

Esteros knyga 4:11
“Visi karaliaus tarnai ir visi kraštai žino, kad jei vyras ar moteris įeitų į karaliaus vidinį kiemą nekviestas, tai yra tik vienas įstatymas­mirtis; paliekamas gyvas tik tas, į kurį karalius ištiesia savo auksinį skeptrą. Karalius nekvietė manęs jau trisdešimt dienų”.

Esther 4:11
E mohio ana nga tangata katoa a te kingi, me te iwi o nga kawanatanga a te kingi, ko nga tangata katoa, ahakoa tane, ahakoa wahine, e haere ana ki to roto marae, ki te kingi, i te mea kihai i karangatia, kotahi tonu tana ture kia whakamatea, ki te kahore ia e torona atu e te kingi te hepeta koura ki a ia kia ora ai. Engari ko ahau, ka toru tekau enei ra oku kihai i karangatia kia haere ki te kingi.

Esters 4:11
Alle kongens tjenere og folket i kongens landskaper vet at hvis nogen, mann eller kvinne, går inn til kongen i den indre gård uten å være kalt, gjelder for enhver sådan samme lov: at han skal late livet, uten så er at kongen rekker ut sin gullstav mot ham, da får han leve; men jeg er nu i tretti dager ikke blitt kalt til å gå inn til kongen.

Ester 4:11
Todos los siervos del rey y el pueblo de las provincias del rey saben que para cualquier hombre o mujer que vaya al rey en el atrio interior, sin ser llamado, él tiene una sola ley, que se le dé muerte, a menos que el rey le extienda el cetro de oro para que viva. Y yo no he sido llamada para ir al rey por estos treinta días.

"Todos los siervos del rey y el pueblo de las provincias del rey saben que para cualquier hombre o mujer que vaya al rey en el atrio interior, sin ser llamado, él tiene una sola ley, que se le dé muerte, a menos que el rey le extienda el cetro de oro para que viva. Y yo no he sido llamada para ir al rey por estos treinta días."

Todos los siervos del rey, y el pueblo de las provincias del rey saben, que cualquier hombre o mujer que entra al rey al patio de adentro sin ser llamado, hay una sola ley para él: Debe morir; salvo aquel a quien el rey extendiere el cetro de oro, el cual vivirá; y yo no he sido llamada para entrar al rey estos treinta días.

Todos los siervos del rey, y el pueblo de las provincias del rey saben, que cualquier hombre ó mujer que entra al rey al patio de adentro sin ser llamado, por una sola ley ha de morir: salvo aquel á quien el rey extendiere el cetro de oro, el cual vivirá:

Todos los siervos del rey, y el pueblo de las provincias del rey saben, que todo varón o mujer que entra al rey al patio de adentro sin ser llamado, por una sola ley ha de morir; salvo aquel a quien el rey extendiere la vara de oro, el cual vivirá; y yo no he sido llamada para entrar al rey estos treinta días.

Ester 4:11
“Todos os oficiais do rei e o povo das províncias do império sabem que existe somente uma lei para qualquer homem ou mulher que se aproxime do rei no pátio interno sem que seja convocado diretamente por ele: tal pessoa será morta, a não ser que o próprio rei estenda seu cetro de ouro para a pessoa e mediante esse sinal lhe salve a vida. E eu não sou chamada à presença do rei há mais de trinta dias!”

Todos os servos do rei, e o povo das províncias do rei, bem sabem que, para todo homem ou mulher que entrar à presença do rei no pátio interior sem ser chamado, não há senão uma sentença, a de morte, a menos que o rei estenda para ele o cetro de ouro, para que viva; mas eu já há trinta dias não sou chamada para entrar a ter com o rei.    

Estera 4:11
,,Toţi slujitorii împăratului şi poporul din ţinuturile împăratului ştiu că este o lege care pedepseşte cu moartea pe oricine, fie bărbat fie femeie, care intră la împărat, în curtea dinlăuntru, fără să fie chemat. Numai acele scapă cu viaţă, căruia îi întinde împăratul toiagul lui împărătesc de aur. Şi eu n'am fost chemată la împărat de treizeci de zile.``

Есфирь 4:11
все служащие при царе и народы в областях царских знают, что всякому, и мужчине и женщине, кто войдет к царю во внутренний двор, не быв позван, один суд – смерть; только тот, к кому прострет царь свой золотой скипетр, останется жив. А я не звана к царю вот уже тридцать дней.

все служащие при царе и народы в областях царских знают, что всякому, и мужчине и женщине, кто войдет к царю во внутренний двор, не быв позван, один суд--смерть; только тот, к кому прострет царь свой золотой скипетр, останется жив. А я не звана к царю вот уже тридцать дней.[]

Ester 4:11
»Alla konungens tjänare och folket i konungens hövdingdömen veta, att om någon, vare sig man eller kvinna, går in till konungen på den inre gården utan att vara kallad, så gäller för var och en samma lag: att han skall dödas, såframt icke konungen räcker ut mot honom den gyllene spiran, till tecken på att han får leva. Men jag har icke på trettio dagar varit kallad att komma till konungen.»

Esther 4:11
Lahat ng lingkod ng hari at ang bayan ng mga lalawigan ng hari ay nangakakaalam, na sinoman, maging lalake o babae, na paroroon sa hari sa pinakaloob na looban, na hindi tinatawag, may isang kautusan sa kaniya, na siya'y patayin, liban yaong paglawitan ng hari ng gintong cetro, upang siya'y mabuhay: nguni't hindi ako tinawag na paroon sa hari ng tatlong pung araw na ito.

เอสเธอร์ 4:11
ข้าราชการของกษัตริย์ทั้งสิ้นและประชาชนในบรรดามณฑลของกษัตริย์ทราบอยู่ว่า ถ้าชายหรือหญิงคนใดเข้าเฝ้ากษัตริย์ภายในพระลานชั้นในโดยมิได้ทรงเรียก ก็มีกฎหมายอยู่ข้อเดียวเหมือนกันหมด ให้ลงโทษถึงตาย เว้นเสียแต่ผู้ซึ่งกษัตริย์ยื่นธารพระกรทองคำออกรับคนนั้นจึงจะมีชีวิตอยู่ได้ ส่วนฉันกษัตริย์ก็มิได้ตรัสเรียกให้เข้าเฝ้ามาสามสิบวันแล้ว

Ester 4:11
‹‹Kralın bütün adamları ve illerinde yaşayan halk biliyor ki, çağrılmadan sarayın iç avlusuna girip kralın yanına yaklaşan her erkek ya da kadın için tek bir ceza vardır. Kral altın asasını uzatıp canlarını bağışlamadıkça bu kişiler ölüme çarptırılır. Ben de otuz gündür kralın huzuruna çağrılmış değilim.››[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 4:11
Các thần bộc và dân chúng các tỉnh của vua đều biết rằng hễ ai, bất luận nam hay nữ, vào cùng vua tại nội viện, mà không được lịnh vời, thì ai đó theo luật đã định tất phải bị xử tử đi, miễn là được vua giơ cây phủ việt vàng ra, thì mới sống; nhưng đã ba mươi ngày rày tôi không được vời vào cung vua.

Esther 4:10
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