Ecclesiastes 12:14
Ecclesiastes 12:14
For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.

For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.

For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.

For God will judge every deed, along with every secret, whether good or evil.

For God will evaluate every deed, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.

God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad.

For God shall bring every work to judgment with every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

And all things that are done, God will bring into judgment for every error, whether it be good or evil.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.

For God will bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good, or whether it is evil.

For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it is good, or whether it is evil.

For every work doth God bring into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether good or bad.'

Predikuesi 12:14
Sepse Perëndia do të vërë të gjykohet çdo vepër, edhe çdo gjë që është fshehur, qoftë e mirë apo e keqe.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 12:14
لان الله يحضر كل عمل الى الدينونة على كل خفي ان كان خيرا او شرا

Dyr Prödiger 12:14
Yn n Herrgot kimmt nix aus; und er vergiltt allss, dös Guete wie dös Boese.

Еклесиаст 12:14
Защото, относно всяко скрито нещо, Бог ще докара на съд всяко дело, Било то добро или зло.

傳 道 書 12:14
因 為 人 所 做 的 事 , 連 一 切 隱 藏 的 事 , 無 論 是 善 是 惡 ,   神 都 必 審 問 。

因 为 人 所 做 的 事 , 连 一 切 隐 藏 的 事 , 无 论 是 善 是 恶 ,   神 都 必 审 问 。



Ecclesiastes 12:14
Jer sva će skrivena djela, bila dobra ili zla, Bog izvesti na sud.

Kazatel 12:14
Poněvadž všeliký skutek Bůh přivede na soud, i každou věc tajnou, buďto dobrou, buďto zlou.

Prædikeren 12:14
Thi hver en Gerning bringer Gud for Retten, naar han dømmer alt, hvad der er skjult, være sig godt eller ondt.

Prediker 12:14
Want God zal ieder werk in het gericht brengen, met al wat verborgen is, hetzij goed, of hetzij kwaad.

קהלת 12:14
כִּ֤י אֶת־כָּל־מַֽעֲשֶׂ֔ה הָאֱלֹהִ֛ים יָבִ֥א בְמִשְׁפָּ֖ט עַ֣ל כָּל־נֶעְלָ֑ם אִם־טֹ֖וב וְאִם־רָֽע׃

יד כי את כל מעשה האלהים יבא במשפט על כל נעלם  אם טוב ואם רע  {ש}

כי את־כל־מעשה האלהים יבא במשפט על כל־נעלם אם־טוב ואם־רע׃

Prédikátor 12:14
Mindezekbõl, fiam, intessél meg: a sok könyvek írásának nincs vége, és a sok tanulás fáradságára van a testnek. [ (Ecclesiastes 12:15) A dolognak summája, mindezeket hallván, [ez:] az Istent féljed, és az õ parancsolatit megtartsad; mert ez az embernek fõdolga! ] [ (Ecclesiastes 12:16) Mert minden cselekedetet az Isten ítéletre elõhoz, minden titkos dologgal, akár jó, akár gonosz [legyen az.] ]

La predikanto 12:14
CXar cxiun faron Dio venigos al jugxo, ecx cxion kasxitan, cxu gxi estas bona aux malbona.

Sillä Jumala tuo kaikki teot tuomiolle, joka kohtaa kaikkea salassa olevaa, olkoon se hyvää tai pahaa.

Ecclésiaste 12:14
car Dieu amènera toute oeuvre en jugement, avec tout ce qui est caché, soit bien, soit mal.

Car Dieu amènera toute oeuvre en jugement, au sujet de tout ce qui est caché, soit bien, soit mal.

Parce que Dieu amènera toute œuvre en jugement, touchant tout ce qui est caché, soit bien, soit mal.

Prediger 12:14
Denn Gott wird alle Werke vor Gericht bringen, das verborgen ist, es sei gut oder böse.

Denn Gott wird alle Werke vor Gericht bringen, alles, was verborgen ist, es sei gut oder böse.

Denn alles Thun wird Gott ins Gericht bringen, das über alles Verborgene ergeht, es sei gut oder böse.

Ecclesiaste 12:14
(H12-16) Poiché Dio farà venire in giudizio ogni opera, tutto ciò ch’è occulto, sia bene, sia male.

(H12-16) Perciocchè Iddio farà venire ogni opera, buona e malvagia, al giudicio, ch’egli farà d’ogni cosa occulta.

Karena perbuatan tiap-tiap orang akan dihadapkan Allah kelak kepada hukum serta dengan segala perkara yang tersembunyi, dari pada baik dan jahat.

전도서 12:14
하나님은 모든 행위와 모든 은밀한 일을 선악간에 심판하시리라

Ecclesiastes 12:14
et cuncta quae fiunt adducet Deus in iudicium pro omni errato sive bonum sive malum sit

Koheleto knyga 12:14
Nes Dievas teis visus darbus ir visus paslėptus dalykus­gerus ir blogus.

Ecclesiastes 12:14
No te mea ka whakawakia nga mahi katoa e te Atua, te mea huna ano hoki, ahakoa pai, ahakoa kino.

Predikerens 12:14
For hver gjerning vil Gud føre frem for dommen over alt som er skjult, enten det er godt eller ondt.

Eclesiastés 12:14
Porque Dios traerá toda obra a juicio, junto con todo lo oculto, sea bueno o sea malo.

Porque Dios traerá toda obra a juicio, Junto con todo lo oculto, Sea bueno o sea malo.

Porque Dios traerá toda obra a juicio, juntamente con toda cosa encubierta, ya sea buena o sea mala.

Porque Dios traerá toda obra á juicio, el cual se hará sobre toda cosa oculta, buena ó mala.

Porque Dios traerá toda obra a juicio, el cual se hará sobre toda cosa oculta, buena o mala.

Eclesiastes 12:14
Porque Deus conduzirá a Juízo tudo quanto foi realizado e até mesmo o que ainda está escondido; quer seja bem, quer seja mal.

Porque Deus há de trazer a juízo toda obra, e até tudo o que está encoberto, quer seja bom, quer seja mau.   

Ecclesiast 12:14
Căci Dumnezeu va aduce orice faptă la judecată, şi judecata aceasta se va face cu privire la tot ce este ascuns, fie bine, fie rău

Екклесиаст 12:14
ибо всякое дело Бог приведет на суд, и все тайное, хорошо ли оно,или худо.

ибо всякое дело Бог приведет на суд, и все тайное, хорошо ли оно, или худо.[]

Predikaren 12:14
Ty Gud skall draga alla gärningar till doms, när han dömer allt vad förborgat är, evad det är gott eller ont.

Ecclesiastes 12:14
Sapagka't dadalhin ng Dios ang bawa't gawa sa kahatulan, pati ng bawa't kubling bagay, maging ito'y mabuti o maging ito'y masama.

ปัญญาจารย์ 12:14
ด้วยว่าพระเจ้าจะทรงเอาการงานทุกประการเข้าสู่การพิพากษา พร้อมด้วยสิ่งเร้นลับทุกอย่าง ไม่ว่าดีหรือชั่ว

Vaiz 12:14
Tanrı her işi, her gizli şeyi yargılayacaktır,
İster iyi ister kötü olsun.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 12:14
Vì Ðức Chúa Trời sẽ đem đoán xét các công việc, đến đỗi việc kín nhiệm hơn hết, hoặc thiện hoặc ác cũng vậy.

Ecclesiastes 12:13
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