Deuteronomy 33:8
Deuteronomy 33:8
About Levi he said: "Your Thummim and Urim belong to your faithful servant. You tested him at Massah; you contended with him at the waters of Meribah.

Moses said this about the tribe of Levi: "O LORD, you have given your Thummim and Urim--the sacred lots--to your faithful servants the Levites. You put them to the test at Massah and struggled with them at the waters of Meribah.

And of Levi he said, “Give to Levi your Thummim, and your Urim to your godly one, whom you tested at Massah, with whom you quarreled at the waters of Meribah;

Of Levi he said, "Let Your Thummim and Your Urim belong to Your godly man, Whom You proved at Massah, With whom You contended at the waters of Meribah;

And of Levi he said, Let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one, whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah;

He said about Levi: Your Thummim and Urim belong to Your faithful one; You tested him at Massah and contended with him at the waters of Meribah.

About Levi he said: "Let your Thummim and Urim be with the man to whom you showed gracious love, whom you tested at Massah and with whom you struggled at the waters of Meribah,

Of Levi he said: Your Thummim and Urim belong to your godly one, whose authority you challenged at Massah, and with whom you argued at the waters of Meribah.

About the tribe of [Levi]he said, "Your Thummim and Urim belong to your faithful people. You tested your people at Massah. You quarreled with them at the oasis of Meribah.

And to Levi he said, Let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one, whom thou didst prove at Massah and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah,

And of Levi he said, Let your Thummim and your Urim be with your holy one, whom you did test at Massah, and with whom you did strive at the waters of Meribah;

And of Levi he said, Let your Thummim and your Urim be with your holy one, whom you did prove at Massah, and with whom you did strive at the waters of Meribah;

And of Levi he said, Thy Thummim and thy Urim are with thy godly one, Whom thou didst prove at Massah, With whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah;

To Levi also he said: Thy perfection, and thy doctrine be to thy holy man, whom thou hast proved in the temptation, and judged at the waters of contradiction :

And of Levi he said, Thy Thummim and thy Urim are for thy godly one, Whom thou didst prove at Massah, With whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah;

And of Levi he said, Thy Thummim and thy Urim are with thy godly one, Whom thou didst prove at Massah, With whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah;

And of Levi he said, Let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one, whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah;

Of Levi he said, "Your Thummim and your Urim are with your godly one, whom you proved at Massah, with whom you strove at the waters of Meribah;

And of Levi he said: -- Thy Thummim and thy Urim are for thy pious one, Whom Thou hast tried in Massah, Thou dost strive with Him at the waters of Meribah;

Ligji i Përtërirë 33:8
Pastaj për Levin tha: "Thumimët dhe Urimët e tu i përkasin njeriut tënd besimtar, që ti provove në Masa dhe me të cilin je grindur në ujërat e Meribës.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 33:8
وللاوي قال تميمك وأوريمك لرجلك الصدّيق الذي جربته في مسّة وخاصمته عند ماء مريبة.

De Ander Ee 33:8
Von n Stamm Brend gsait yr: Und "Liecht und Recht" habnd kriegt de Brender: Dein Diener haat syr wol verdient dös. Z Weig-Weig, bei n Haderwasser spraach yr:

Второзаконие 33:8
И за Левия рече: Тумимът ти и Уримът ти Да бъдат с оня твой благочестив човек, Когото си опитал в Маса. И в когото си се препирал при водите на Мерива;

申 命 記 33:8
論 利 未 說 : 耶 和 華 阿 , 你 的 土 明 和 烏 陵 都 在 你 的 虔 誠 人 那 裡 。 你 在 瑪 撒 曾 試 驗 他 , 在 米 利 巴 水 與 他 爭 論 。

论 利 未 说 : 耶 和 华 阿 , 你 的 土 明 和 乌 陵 都 在 你 的 虔 诚 人 那 里 。 你 在 玛 撒 曾 试 验 他 , 在 米 利 巴 水 与 他 争 论 。



Deuteronomy 33:8
O Leviju reče: Daj Leviju tvoje Urime i tvoje Tumime čovjeku milosti svoje, koga si u Masi iskušao, s kojim si se preo kod voda meripskih.

Deuteronomium 33:8
O Léví také řekl: Thumim tvé a urim tvé bylo, Pane, při muži svatém tvém, kteréhož jsi zkusil v pokušení, a kterýž podlé tebe měl nesnáz při vodách Meribah,

5 Mosebog 33:8
Om Levi sagde han: Giv Levi dine Tummim, din Yndling dine Urim, ham, som du prøved ved Massa og bekæmped ved Meribas Vand,

Deuteronomium 33:8
En van Levi zeide hij: Uw Thummim en Uw Urim zijn aan den man, Uw gunstgenoot; dien Gij verzocht hebt in Massa, met welken Gij getwist hebt aan de wateren van Meriba.

דברים 33:8
וּלְלֵוִ֣י אָמַ֔ר תֻּמֶּ֥יךָ וְאוּרֶ֖יךָ לְאִ֣ישׁ חֲסִידֶ֑ךָ אֲשֶׁ֤ר נִסִּיתֹו֙ בְּמַסָּ֔ה תְּרִיבֵ֖הוּ עַל־מֵ֥י מְרִיבָֽה׃

ח וללוי אמר תמיך ואוריך לאיש חסידך אשר נסיתו במסה תריבהו על מי מריבה

וללוי אמר תמיך ואוריך לאיש חסידך אשר נסיתו במסה תריבהו על־מי מריבה׃

5 Mózes 33:8
Lévirõl pedig monda: A te Thummimod és Urimod a te kegyes férfiadé, a kit megkísértél Masszában, a kivel perbe szálltál Mériba vizeinél.

Moseo 5: Readmono 33:8
Kaj pri Levi li diris: Viaj signoj de lumo kaj de justo estu por Via sankta viro, Kiun Vi elprovis en Masa, Kun kiu Vi malpacis cxe la Akvo de Malpaco;

Ja hän sanoi Leville: sinun täydellisyytes ja sinun valkeutes olkoon sinun pyhän miehes tykönä, jota sinä kiusasit Massassa, ja saatit hänen riitelemään riitaveden tykönä.

Deutéronome 33:8
Et de Lévi il dit: Tes thummim et tes urim sont à l'homme de ta bonté, que tu as éprouvé à Massa, et avec lequel tu as contesté aux eaux de Meriba;

Sur Lévi il dit: Les thummim et les urim ont été confiés à l'homme saint, Que tu as tenté à Massa, Et avec qui tu as contesté aux eaux de Meriba.

Il dit aussi touchant LEVI : Tes Thummims et tes Urims sont à l'homme qui est ton bien-aimé, que tu as éprouvé en Massa, [et] contre lequel tu t'es querellé aux eaux de Mériba.

5 Mose 33:8
Und zu Levi sprach er: Dein Recht und dein Licht bleibe bei deinem heiligen Mann, den du versuchet hast zu Massa, da ihr hadertet am Haderwasser.

Und zu Levi sprach er: Deine Macht und dein Licht bleibe bei deinem heiligen Mann, den du versucht hast zu Massa, da ihr hadertet am Haderwasser. {~}

Über Levi sprach er: deine Tummim und Urim gehören den Leuten des dir Ergebenen, den du bei Massa versuchtest, mit dem du an den Wassern von Meriba gestritten,

Deuteronomio 33:8
Poi disse di Levi: "I tuoi Thummim e i tuoi Urim appartengono all’uomo pio che ti sei scelto, che tu provasti a Massa, e col quale contendesti alle acque di Meriba.

Poi disse di LEVI: I tuoi Tummim e Urim sieno al tuo uomo pietoso, Il qual tu provasti in Massa, E col quale tu contendesti alle acque di Meriba;

Maka akan hal Lewi katanya: Tumimmu dan Urimmu adalah pada orang khalilmu, yang telah kaucobai di Massa dan yang kauperbantahkan pada tempat air Meriba:

신명기 33:8
레위에 대하여는 일렀으되 주의 둠밈과 우림이 주의 경건한 자에게 있도다 주께서 그를 맛사에서 시험하시고 므리바 물 가에서 그와 다투셨도다

Deuteronomium 33:8
Levi quoque ait perfectio tua et doctrina tua viro sancto tuo quem probasti in Temptatione et iudicasti ad aquas Contradictionis

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 33:8
Apie Levį jis tarė: “Tavo Tumimas ir Urimas tebūna su šventuoju, kurį išbandei Masoje ir su kuriuo kovojai prie Meribos vandenų.

Deuteronomy 33:8
A mo Riwai i mea ia, Kei tou tangata tapu ou Tumime me ou Urimi, i whakamatautauria ra ia e koe ki Maha, i ngangautia ra e koe ki nga wai o Meripa;

5 Mosebok 33:8
Og om Levi sa han: Dine tummim og urim hører din fromme mann til, han som du fristet ved Massa, som du trettet med ved Meribas vann,

Deuteronomio 33:8
Y de Leví dijo: Tu Tumim y tu Urim sean para tu varón santo, a quien pusiste a prueba en Masah, con quien luchaste en las aguas de Meriba;

De Leví dijo: "Tu Tumim y Tu Urim sean para Tu hombre santo, A quien pusiste a prueba en Masah, Con quien luchaste en las aguas de Meriba;

Y a Leví dijo: Tu Tumim y tu Urim, sean con tu varón santo a quien probaste en Masah, con quien luchaste en las aguas de Meriba;

Y a Leví dijo: Tu Thummim y tu Urim, con tu buen varón Al cual tentaste en Massa, Y le hiciste reñir en las aguas de la rencilla;

Y a Leví dijo: Tu Tumim y tu Urim diste a tu buen varón, al cual probaste en Masah; y le hiciste reñir en las aguas de Meriba.

Deuteronômio 33:8
E esta bênção declarou a Levi:

De Levi disse: Sejam teu Tumim e teu Urim para o teu homem santo, que provaste em Massá, com quem contendeste junto às águas de Meribá;   

Deuteronom 33:8
Despre Levi a zis: ,Tumim şi urim au fost încredinţaţi bărbatului sfînt, Pe care l-ai ispitit la Masa, Şi cu care Te-ai certat la apele Meriba.`

Второзаконие 33:8
И о Левии сказал: туммим Твой и урим Твой на святом муже Твоем, которого Ты искусил в Массе, с которым Ты препирался при водах Меривы,

И о Левии сказал: туммим Твой и урим Твой на святом муже Твоем, которого Ты искусил в Массе, с которым Ты препирался при водах Меривы,[]

5 Mosebok 33:8
Och om Levi sade han: »Dina tummim och dina urim, de tillhöra din frommes skara, dem du frestade i Massa, dem du tvistade med vid Meribas vatten,

Deuteronomy 33:8
At tungkol sa Levi ay kaniyang sinabi, Ang iyong Thummim at ang iyong Urim ay sumaiyong banal, Na siyang iyong sinubok sa Massa, Na siya mong kinatunggali sa tubig ng Meriba;

พระราชบัญญัติ 33:8
ท่านกล่าวถึงเลวีว่า "ขอให้ทูมมีมและอูรีมของพระองค์อยู่กับผู้บริสุทธิ์ของพระองค์ ผู้ที่พระองค์ทรงทดลองแล้วที่ตำบลมัสสาห์ ผู้ที่พระองค์ได้ต่อสู้แล้วที่น้ำเมรีบาห์

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 33:8
Levi için de şöyle dedi:
‹‹Ya RAB, senin Tummimin ve Urimin
Sadık kulun içindir.
Onu Massada denedin,
Meriva sularında onunla tartıştın.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 33:8
Người cũng chúc cho Lê-vi rằng: Thu-mim và u-rim của ngươi vốn thuộc về người tin kính của ngươi, Mà ngươi thử thách tại Ma-sa, Tranh giành với tại nước Mê-ri-ba.

Deuteronomy 33:7
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