Deuteronomy 31:21
Deuteronomy 31:21
And when many disasters and calamities come on them, this song will testify against them, because it will not be forgotten by their descendants. I know what they are disposed to do, even before I bring them into the land I promised them on oath."

And when great disasters come down on them, this song will stand as evidence against them, for it will never be forgotten by their descendants. I know the intentions of these people, even now before they have entered the land I swore to give them."

And when many evils and troubles have come upon them, this song shall confront them as a witness (for it will live unforgotten in the mouths of their offspring). For I know what they are inclined to do even today, before I have brought them into the land that I swore to give.”

"Then it shall come about, when many evils and troubles have come upon them, that this song will testify before them as a witness (for it shall not be forgotten from the lips of their descendants); for I know their intent which they are developing today, before I have brought them into the land which I swore."

And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.

And when many troubles and afflictions come to them, this song will testify against them, because their descendants will not have forgotten it. For I know what they are prone to do, even before I bring them into the land I swore to give them."

Then, when many evils and troubles will have come upon them, this song will serve as a witness against them, since their descendants won't fail to sing it. I know the plan that they are devising even before I bring them into the land that I promised them by an oath."

Then when many disasters and distresses overcome them this song will testify against them, for their descendants will not forget it. I know the intentions they have in mind today, even before I bring them to the land I have promised."

When many terrible disasters happen to them, this song will testify against them, because it will never be forgotten by their descendants. I know what their hearts are set on doing, even now before I bring them into the land that I swore to give them."

And it shall come to pass when many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this song shall reply to them in their face as a witness, for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed; for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I swore.

And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their descendants: for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I swore.

And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I swore.

And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are come upon them, that this song shall testify before them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they frame this day, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.

And after many evils and afflictions shall have come upon them, this canticle shall answer them for a testimony, which no oblivion shall take away out of the mouth of their seed. For I know their thoughts, and what they are about to de this day, before that I bring them into the land which I have promised them.

And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles have befallen them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed; for I know their imagination which they are forming already this day, before I bring them into the land which I have sworn unto them.

And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are come upon them, that this song shall testify before them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.

And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles have befallen them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness: for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they form, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I swore.

It shall happen, when many evils and troubles are come on them, that this song shall testify before them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they frame this day, before I have brought them into the land which I swore."

'And it hath been, when many evils and distresses do meet it, that this song hath testified to its face for a witness; for it is not forgotten out of the mouth of its seed, for I have known its imagining which it is doing to-day, before I bring them in unto the land of which I have sworn.'

Ligji i Përtërirë 31:21
Atëherë do të ndodhë që kur shumë të këqia dhe fatkeqësi do t'u kenë zënë, ky himn fetar do të dëshmojë kundër tyre, sepse ai nuk do të harrohet dhe do të mbetet mbi buzët e pasardhësve të tyre; unë njoh në fakt qëllimet e tyre, edhe para se t'i kem futur në vendin që u kam premtuar me betim".

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 31:21
فمتى اصابته شرور كثيرة وشدائد يجاوب هذا النشيد امامه شاهدا لانه لا ينسى من افواه نسله. اني عرفت فكره الذي يفكر به اليوم قبل ان ادخله الى الارض كما اقسمت.

De Ander Ee 31:21
Wenn s naacherd richtig drinnhöngend, kan dös Lied gögn ien zeugn, weil dös aau ferre Kunner nit vergössnd, sundern auswendig künnend. I waiß s ja, wie s seind, ee däß i s überhaaupt non eyn dös Land einhinbrungen haan, wo i ien zuegschworn haan.

Второзаконие 31:21
И като ги постигнат много злини и скърби, тая песен ще говори против тях като свидетел защото няма да се забрави от устата на потомството им; понеже Аз зная мислите, които те размишляват още сега, преди да съм се клел.

申 命 記 31:21
那 時 , 有 許 多 禍 患 災 難 臨 到 他 們 , 這 歌 必 在 他 們 面 前 作 見 證 , 他 們 後 裔 的 口 中 必 念 誦 不 忘 。 我 未 領 他 們 到 我 所 起 誓 應 許 之 地 以 先 , 他 們 所 懷 的 意 念 我 都 知 道 了 。

那 时 , 有 许 多 祸 患 灾 难 临 到 他 们 , 这 歌 必 在 他 们 面 前 作 见 证 , 他 们 後 裔 的 口 中 必 念 诵 不 忘 。 我 未 领 他 们 到 我 所 起 誓 应 许 之 地 以 先 , 他 们 所 怀 的 意 念 我 都 知 道 了 。



Deuteronomy 31:21
A kad ih snađu mnoge nesreće i nevolje, ova pjesma, jer je njihovo potomstvo neće nikada zaboraviti, pružit će svjedočanstvo protiv njih. Jer znam ja njihove osnove i što već danas snuju, prije nego sam ih i doveo u zemlju koju im pod zakletvom obećah."

Deuteronomium 31:21
A když přijdou na něj mnohé zlé věci a úzkosti, tehdy bude jemu tato píseň na svědectví, (nebo nepřijde v zapomenutí, aniž odejde od úst semene jeho). Známť zajisté myšlení jeho, a co on ještě dnes činiti bude, prvé nežli jej uvedu do země, kterouž jsem s přísahou zaslíbil.

5 Mosebog 31:21
Naar da Ulykker og Trængsler i Mængde rammer det, skal denne Sang være det et Vidne; thi aldrig maa den dø paa dets Afkoms Læber. Jeg ved jo, hvad de pønser paa allerede nu, før jeg har ført dem ind i det Land, jeg tilsvor deres Fædre.«

Deuteronomium 31:21
En het zal geschieden, wanneer vele kwaden en benauwdheden hetzelve zullen treffen, dan zal dit lied voor zijn aangezicht antwoorden tot getuige; want het zal uit den mond zijns zaads niet vergeten worden; dewijl Ik weet zijn gedichtsel dat het heden maakt, aleer Ik het inbreng in het land, dat Ik gezworen heb.

דברים 31:21
וְ֠הָיָה כִּֽי־תִמְצֶ֨אןָ אֹתֹ֜ו רָעֹ֣ות רַבֹּות֮ וְצָרֹות֒ וְ֠עָנְתָה הַשִּׁירָ֨ה הַזֹּ֤את לְפָנָיו֙ לְעֵ֔ד כִּ֛י לֹ֥א תִשָּׁכַ֖ח מִפִּ֣י זַרְעֹ֑ו כִּ֧י יָדַ֣עְתִּי אֶת־יִצְרֹ֗ו אֲשֶׁ֨ר ה֤וּא עֹשֶׂה֙ הַיֹּ֔ום בְּטֶ֣רֶם אֲבִיאֶ֔נּוּ אֶל־הָאָ֖רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִשְׁבָּֽעְתִּי׃

כא והיה כי תמצאן אתו רעות רבות וצרות וענתה השירה הזאת לפניו לעד כי לא תשכח מפי זרעו  כי ידעתי את יצרו אשר הוא עשה היום בטרם אביאנו אל הארץ אשר נשבעתי

והיה כי־תמצאן אתו רעות רבות וצרות וענתה השירה הזאת לפניו לעד כי לא תשכח מפי זרעו כי ידעתי את־יצרו אשר הוא עשה היום בטרם אביאנו אל־הארץ אשר נשבעתי׃

5 Mózes 31:21
Mikor pedig utóléri õt a sok baj és nyomorúság: akkor szóljon ez az ének elõtte bizonyságképen (mert nem megy feledésbe az õ maradékának szájából), mert tudom az õ gondolatát, a mely szerint cselekszik már most is, minekelõtte bevinném õt arra a földre, a mely felõl megesküdtem vala.

Moseo 5: Readmono 31:21
Sed kiam trafos ilin multaj malfelicxoj kaj mizeroj, tiam cxi tiu kanto sonos antaux ili kiel atesto, cxar gxi ne estos forgesita el la busxo de ilia idaro. CXar Mi konas iliajn pensojn, kiujn ili havas hodiaux, antaux ol Mi venigis ilin en la landon, pri kiu Mi jxuris.

Ja kuin suuri pahuus ja ahdistus käsittää heidät, niin tämä virsi vastaa heitä todistukseksi, sillä ei sitä pidä unhotettaman heidän siemenensä suussa; sillä minä tiedän heidän ajatuksensa, joita he tänäpänä ajattelevat, ennen kuin minä johdatan heitä siihen maahan, josta minä vannonut olen.

Deutéronome 31:21
Et quand des maux nombreux et des détresses l'auront atteint, il arrivera que ce cantique élèvera la voix devant lui en témoignage; car il ne sera pas oublié dans la bouche de sa postérité; car je connais sa pensée qu'il a formée déjà aujourd'hui, avant que je l'introduise dans le pays que je lui ai promis par serment.

quand alors il sera atteint par une multitude de maux et d'afflictions, ce cantique, qui ne sera point oublié et que la postérité aura dans la bouche, déposera comme témoin contre ce peuple. Je connais, en effet, ses dispositions, qui déjà se manifestent aujourd'hui, avant même que je l'aie fait entrer dans le pays que j'ai juré de lui donner.

Et il arrivera que quand plusieurs maux et angoisses les auront trouvés, ce cantique déposera contre eux comme témoin; parce qu'il ne sera point oublié pour n'être plus en la bouche de leur postérité; car je connais leur imagination, [et] ce qu'ils font déjà aujourd'hui, avant que je les introduise au pays duquel j'ai juré.

5 Mose 31:21
Und wenn sie dann viel Unglück und Angst betreten wird, so soll dies Lied ihnen antworten zum Zeugnis; denn es soll nicht vergessen werden aus dem Munde ihres Samens. Denn ich weiß ihre Gedanken, damit sie schon jetzt umgehen, ehe ich sie ins Land bringe, das ich geschworen habe.

Und wenn sie dann viel Unglück und Angst betreten wird, so soll dieses Lied ihnen antworten zum Zeugnis; denn es soll nicht vergessen werden aus dem Mund ihrer Nachkommen. Denn ich weiß ihre Gedanken, mit denen sie schon jetzt umgehen, ehe ich sie in das Land bringe, das ich geschworen habe.

Wenn sie dann von vielen Übeln und Drangsalen betroffen werden, soll dieses Lied - denn es wird unvergessen im Mund ihrer Nachkommen bleiben - vor ihnen Zeugnis ablegen; denn ich kenne ihre Gedanken wohl, mit denen sie schon heute umgehen, noch ehe ich sie in das Land gebracht habe, das ich ihren Vätern eidlich verheißen habe!

Deuteronomio 31:21
e quando molti mali e molte angosce saran piombati loro addosso, allora questo cantico leverà la sua voce contro di loro, come un testimonio; poiché esso non sarà dimenticato, e rimarrà sulle labbra dei loro posteri; giacché io conosco quali siano i pensieri ch’essi concepiscono, anche ora, prima ch’io li abbia introdotti nel paese che giurai di dar loro".

Onde, quando gran mali ed angosce gli saranno avvenute, questo Cantico testimonierà contro a lui in faccia; perciocchè non sarà dimenticato per non esser più nella bocca della sua progenie; conciossiachè io conosca la sua natura, ciò ch’egli fa oggi, innanzi ch’io l’abbia introdotto nel paese, ch’io ho giurato.

Maka akan jadi apabila segala celaka yang besar-besar dan kesukaran itu berlaku atasnya, bahwa nyanyian ini juga akan naik saksi atas mereka itu, karena tiada ia itu terlupa dari pada mulut anak cucunya! Maka sesungguhnya Kuketahui akan niatnya, yang diadakannya pada hari ini juga, sebelum Kubawa akan mereka itu ke dalam negeri yang telah Kujanji pakai sumpah.

신명기 31:21
그들이 재앙과 환난을 당할 때에 그들의 자손이 부르기를 잊지 아니한 이 노래가 그들 앞에 증인처럼 되리라 나는 내가 맹세한 땅으로 그들을 인도하여 들이기 전 오늘날에 나는 그들의 상상하는 바를 아노라

Deuteronomium 31:21
postquam invenerint eum mala multa et adflictiones respondebit ei canticum istud pro testimonio quod nulla delebit oblivio ex ore seminis tui scio enim cogitationes eius quae facturus sit hodie antequam introducam eum in terram quam ei pollicitus sum

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 31:21
Kai juos prislėgs nelaimės ir vargai, šita giesmė liudys prieš juos, nes ji bus jų palikuonių lūpose. Jau šiandien žinau jų mintis, ką jie darys, dar neįvedęs jų į žemę, kurią jiems pažadėjau”.

Deuteronomy 31:21
A, tenei ake, hei te panga o nga kino maha, o nga mate maha ki a ratou, na ma tenei waiata e whakaatu ki to ratou aroaro; no te mea e kore e mahue i nga waha o o ratou uri: e mohio ana hoki ahau ki o ratou whakaaro e tito nei ratou inaianei nei ano, i te mea kiano ahau i kawe noa i a ratou ki te whenua i oati ai ahau.

5 Mosebok 31:21
Når da mange ulykker og trengsler kommer over dem, da skal denne sang lyde for dem som et vidne - den skal ikke glemmes hos dem som kommer efter, og ikke dø i deres munn. For jeg kjenner de tanker som de går med allerede nu, før jeg fører dem inn i det land jeg har tilsvoret dem.

Deuteronomio 31:21
Sucederá entonces que cuando muchos males y tribulaciones vengan sobre ellos, este cántico declarará contra ellos como testigo (pues no lo olvidarán los labios de sus descendientes); porque yo conozco el plan que ahora están urdiendo antes de que los traiga a la tierra que juré darles .

"Sucederá entonces que cuando muchos males y tribulaciones vengan sobre ellos, este cántico declarará contra ellos como testigo (pues no lo olvidarán los labios de sus descendientes). Porque Yo conozco el plan que ahora están tramando antes de que los traiga a la tierra que juré darles ."

Y sucederá que cuando les sobrevinieren muchos males y angustias, entonces este cántico responderá en su cara como testigo, pues no será olvidado de la boca de su linaje; porque yo conozco lo que se proponen, aun hoy, antes que los introduzca en la tierra que juré darles.

Y será que cuando le vinieren muchos males y angustias, entonces responderá en su cara este cántico como testigo, pues no caerá en olvido de la boca de su linaje: porque yo conozco su ingenio, y lo que hace hoy antes que le introduzca en la tierra que jur

Y será que cuando le vinieren muchos males y angustias, entonces este cántico responderá en su cara por testigo, que no será olvidada de la boca de su simiente; porque yo conozco su ingenio, y lo que hace hoy antes que le introduzca en la tierra que juré.

Deuteronômio 31:21
Portanto, quando muitos males e desgraças o tiverem atingido, esta canção deporá contra ele próprio, como testemunho, porquanto não será esquecido nos lábios da sua descendência. Eu conheço com toda a clareza o pensamento deste povo; mesmo antes de conduzi-los para a terra que jurei dar a eles, Eu sei muito bem o que estão planejando em seus corações fazer lá!

E será que, quando lhe sobrevierem muitos males e angústias, então este cântico responderá contra ele por testemunha, pois não será esquecido da boca de sua descendência; porquanto conheço a sua imaginação, o que ele maquina hoje, antes de eu o ter introduzido na terra que lhe prometi com juramento.   

Deuteronom 31:21
Cînd va fi lovit atunci cu o mulţime de rele şi necazuri, cîntarea aceasta, care nu va fi uitată şi pe care uitarea n'o va şterge din gura urmaşilor, va sta ca martoră împotriva acestui popor. Căci Eu îi cunosc pornirile, cari se arată şi azi, înainte chiar ca să -l fi dus în ţara pe care am jurat că i -o voi da``.

Второзаконие 31:21
и когда постигнут их многие бедствия и скорби, тогда песнь сия будет против них свидетельством, ибо она не выйдет из уст потомства их. Я знаю мысли их, которые они имеют ныне, прежде нежели Я ввел их в землю, о которой Я клялся.

и когда постигнут их многие бедствия и скорби, тогда песнь сия будет против них свидетельством, ибо она не выйдет из уст потомства их. Я знаю мысли их, которые они имеют ныне, прежде нежели Я ввел их в землю, о которой Я клялся.[]

5 Mosebok 31:21
Och när då mycken olycka och nöd träffar dem, skall denna sång avlägga sitt vittnesbörd inför dem; ty den skall icke förgätas och försvinna ur deras avkomlingars mun. Jag vet ju med vilka tankar de umgås redan nu, innan jag har låtit dem komma in i det land som jag med ed lovade dem.»

Deuteronomy 31:21
At mangyayari na pagka ang maraming kasamaan at kabagabagan ay dumating sa kanila, ay magpapatotoo ang awit na ito sa harap nila na pinakasaksi; sapagka't hindi malilimutan ng mga bibig ng kanilang binhi; sapagka't talastas ko ang kanilang iniisip na kanilang inaakala ngayon pa, bago ko sila ipasok sa lupain na isinumpa ko.

พระราชบัญญัติ 31:21
และต่อมาเมื่อสิ่งร้ายและความลำบากหลายอย่างมาถึงเขาแล้ว เพลงบทนี้จะเผชิญหน้าเป็นพยาน เพราะว่าเพลงนี้จะอยู่ที่ปากเชื้อสายของเขาไม่มีวันลืม เพราะแม้แต่เวลานี้เองเรารู้ถึงความมุ่งหมายที่เขากำลังจะก่อขึ้นมาแล้ว ก่อนที่เราจะนำเขาเข้าไปในแผ่นดินซึ่งเราปฏิญาณไว้นั้น"

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 31:21
Başlarına sayısız kötülükler, sıkıntılar geldiğinde, bu ezgi onlara karşı tanıklık edecek. Çünkü çocukları bu ezgiyi unutmayacak. Ant içerek söz verdiğim ülkeye onları getirmeden önce neler tasarladıklarını biliyorum.››[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 31:21
Khi tai vạ nhiều và sự gian truân đã xông hãm dân nầy, thì bấy giờ, bài ca nầy sẽ rền lên làm chứng nghịch cùng nó, vì miệng của dòng dõi nó sẽ không quên. Vả, ta biết những ý tưởng của nó đã kết nên ngày nay, trước khi đưa nó vào xứ mà ta đã thề ban cho.

Deuteronomy 31:20
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