Deuteronomy 28:9
Deuteronomy 28:9
The LORD will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the LORD your God and walk in obedience to him.

"If you obey the commands of the LORD your God and walk in his ways, the LORD will establish you as his holy people as he swore he would do.

The LORD will establish you as a people holy to himself, as he has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the LORD your God and walk in his ways.

"The LORD will establish you as a holy people to Himself, as He swore to you, if you keep the commandments of the LORD your God and walk in His ways.

The LORD shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways.

The LORD will establish you as His holy people, as He swore to you, if you obey the commands of the LORD your God and walk in His ways.

"The LORD will assign you to be a holy people for himself, just as he promised you, as long as you keep his commands and walk in his ways.

The LORD will designate you as his holy people just as he promised you, if you keep his commandments and obey him.

You will be the LORD's holy people, as he promised you with an oath. He will do this if you obey the commands of the LORD your God and follow his directions.

The LORD shall confirm thee as his holy people, as he has sworn unto thee, when thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God and walk in his ways.

The LORD shall establish you a holy people unto himself, as he has sworn unto you, if you shall keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and walk in his ways.

The LORD shall establish you an holy people to himself, as he has sworn to you, if you shall keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and walk in his ways.

Jehovah will establish thee for a holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee; if thou shalt keep the commandments of Jehovah thy God, and walk in his ways.

The Lord will raise thee up to be a holy people to himself, as he swore to thee: if thou keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways.

Jehovah will establish thee unto himself a holy people as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou keep the commandments of Jehovah thy God, and walk in his ways.

The LORD shall establish thee for an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee; if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways.

The LORD shall establish thee a holy people to himself, as he hath sworn to thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways.

Yahweh will establish you for a holy people to himself, as he has sworn to you; if you shall keep the commandments of Yahweh your God, and walk in his ways.

'Jehovah doth establish thee to Himself for a holy people, as He hath sworn to thee, when thou keepest the commands of Jehovah thy God, and hast walked in His ways;

Ligji i Përtërirë 28:9
Zoti do të të vendosë në mënyrë që të jesh për të një popull i shenjtë, ashtu si të është betuar, në qoftë se do të respektosh urdhërimet e Zotit, Perëndisë tënd, dhe do të ecësh në rrugët e tij;

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 28:9
يقيمك الرب لنفسه شعبا مقدسا كما حلف لك اذا حفظت وصايا الرب الهك وسلكت في طرقه.

De Ander Ee 28:9
Wennst yn n Trechtein, deinn Got, seine Geboter achtst und naach seinn Willn löbst, bleibst für iem sein heiligs Volk, wie yr s dyr gschworn haat.

Второзаконие 28:9
Господ ще те утвърди като свет народ за Себе Си, според както ти се е клел, ако пазиш заповедите на Господа твоя Бог и ходиш в Неговите пътища;

申 命 記 28:9
你 若 謹 守 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 的 誡 命 , 遵 行 他 的 道 , 他 必 照 著 向 你 所 起 的 誓 立 你 作 為 自 己 的 聖 民 。

你 若 谨 守 耶 和 华 ─ 你   神 的 诫 命 , 遵 行 他 的 道 , 他 必 照 着 向 你 所 起 的 誓 立 你 作 为 自 己 的 圣 民 。



Deuteronomy 28:9
Jahve će od tebe učiniti narod sebi posvećen, kako ti se zakleo, ako budeš držao zapovijedi Jahve, Boga svoga, i hodio njegovim putovima.

Deuteronomium 28:9
Vystaví tě sobě Hospodin za lid svatý, jakož zapřisáhl tobě, když ostříhati budeš přikázaní Hospodina Boha svého, a choditi po cestách jeho.

5 Mosebog 28:9
HERREN skal gøre dig til sit hellige Folk, som han tilsvor dig, naar du holder HERREN din Guds Bud og vandrer paa hans Veje.

Deuteronomium 28:9
De HEERE zal u Zichzelven tot een heilig volk bevestigen, gelijk als Hij u gezworen heeft, wanneer gij de geboden des HEEREN, uws Gods, zult houden, en in Zijn wegen wandelen.

דברים 28:9
יְקִֽימְךָ֙ יְהוָ֥ה לֹו֙ לְעַ֣ם קָדֹ֔ושׁ כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר נִֽשְׁבַּֽע־לָ֑ךְ כִּ֣י תִשְׁמֹ֗ר אֶת־מִצְוֹת֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ וְהָלַכְתָּ֖ בִּדְרָכָֽיו׃

ט יקימך יהוה לו לעם קדוש כאשר נשבע לך  כי תשמר את מצות יהוה אלהיך והלכת בדרכיו

יקימך יהוה לו לעם קדוש כאשר נשבע־לך כי תשמר את־מצות יהוה אלהיך והלכת בדרכיו׃

5 Mózes 28:9
Az Úr felkészít téged magának szent néppé, a miképen megesküdt néked, ha megtartod az Úrnak, a te Istenednek parancsolatait, és az õ útain jársz.

Moseo 5: Readmono 28:9
La Eternulo starigos vin al Si kiel popolon sanktan, kiel Li jxuris al vi, se vi observos la ordonojn de la Eternulo, via Dio, kaj iros laux Liaj vojoj.

Herra asettaa sinun itsellensä pyhäksi kansaksi, niinkuin hän vannoi sinulle, koskas pidät Herran sinun Jumalas käskyt ja hänen teissänsä vaellat,

Deutéronome 28:9
L'Éternel t'établira pour lui être un peuple saint, selon qu'il te l'a juré, si tu gardes les commandements de l'Éternel, ton Dieu, et que tu marches dans ses voies.

Tu seras pour l'Eternel un peuple saint, comme il te l'a juré, lorsque tu observeras les commandements de l'Eternel, ton Dieu, et que tu marcheras dans ses voies.

L'Eternel ton Dieu t'établira pour lui être un peuple saint, selon qu'il te l'a juré, quand tu garderas les commandements de l'Eternel ton Dieu, et que tu marcheras dans ses voies.

5 Mose 28:9
Der HERR wird dich ihm zum heiligen Volk aufrichten, wie er dir geschworen hat, darum daß du die Gebote des HERRN, deines Gottes, hältst und wandelst in seinen Wegen,

Der HERR wird dich ihm zum heiligen Volk aufrichten, wie er dir geschworen hat, darum daß du die Gebote des HERRN, deines Gottes, hältst und wandelst in seinen Wegen,

Möge dich Jahwe zu einem heiligen Volke für sich herrichten, wie er dir geschworen hat, falls du die Gebote Jahwes, deines Gottes, halten und in seinen Wegen wandeln wirst,

Deuteronomio 28:9
L’Eterno ti stabilirà perché tu gli sia un popolo santo, come t’ha giurato, se osserverai i comandamenti dell’Eterno, ch’è il tuo Dio, e se camminerai nelle sue vie;

Il Signore ti stabilirà per essergli un popol santo, come egli ti ha giurato; quando tu osserverai i comandamenti del Signore Iddio tuo, e camminerai nelle sue vie.

Maka Tuhanpun akan menentukan kamu akan suatu bangsa yang suci bagi diri-Nya, seperti yang telah dijanji-Nya kepadamu pakai sumpah, yaitu jikalau kamu memeliharakan firman Tuhan, Allahmu, dan kamu berjalan pada jalan-Nya.

신명기 28:9
네가 네 하나님 여호와의 명령을 지켜 그 길로 행하면 여호와께서 네게 맹세하신 대로 너를 세워 자기의 성민이 되게 하시리니

Deuteronomium 28:9
suscitabit te Dominus sibi in populum sanctum sicut iuravit tibi si custodieris mandata Domini Dei tui et ambulaveris in viis eius

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 28:9
Jei vykdysi Viešpaties, savo Dievo, įsakymus ir vaikščiosi Jo keliais, Jis patvirtins tave savo šventa tauta, kaip tau pažadėjo.

Deuteronomy 28:9
Ka whakatuturutia koe e Ihowa hei iwi tapu mana, ka peratia me tana i oati ai ki a koe; ki te mau koe ki nga whakahau a Ihowa, a tou Atua, ki te haere i ana huarahi.

5 Mosebok 28:9
Herren skal gjøre dig til et hellig folk for sig, som han har tilsvoret dig, såfremt du tar vare på Herrens, din Guds bud og vandrer på hans veier.

Deuteronomio 28:9
Te establecerá el SEÑOR como pueblo santo para sí, como te juró, si guardas los mandamientos del SEÑOR tu Dios y andas en sus caminos.

"Te establecerá el SEÑOR como pueblo santo para sí, como te juró, si guardas los mandamientos del SEÑOR tu Dios y andas en Sus caminos.

Jehová te confirmará como un pueblo santo para sí, como te ha jurado, cuando guardares los mandamientos de Jehová tu Dios, y anduvieres en sus caminos.

Confirmarte ha Jehová por pueblo suyo santo, como te ha jurado, cuando guardares los mandamientos de Jehová tu Dios, y anduvieres en sus caminos.

Te confirmará el SEÑOR por pueblo suyo santo, como te ha jurado, cuando guardares los mandamientos del SEÑOR tu Dios, y anduvieres en sus caminos.

Deuteronômio 28:9
Yahweh fará de ti seu povo santo, exatamente como te prometeu sob juramento, se obedeceres aos mandamentos do SENHOR, o teu Deus, e andares nos seus caminhos!

O Senhor te confirmará para si por povo santo, como te jurou, se guardares os mandamentos do Senhor teu Deus e andares nos seus caminhos.   

Deuteronom 28:9
Vei fi pentru Domnul un popor sfînt, cum ţi -a jurat El, dacă vei păzi poruncile Domnului, Dumnezeului tău, şi vei umbla pe căile Lui.

Второзаконие 28:9
Поставит тебя Господь народом святым Своим, как Он клялся тебе, если ты будешь соблюдать заповеди Господа Бога твоего и будешь ходить путями Его;

Поставит тебя Господь народом святым Своим, как Он клялся тебе, если ты будешь соблюдать заповеди Господа Бога твоего и будешь ходить путями Его;[]

5 Mosebok 28:9
HERREN skall upphöja dig till ett folk som är helgat åt honom, såsom han med ed har lovat dig, om du håller HERRENS, din Guds, bud och vandrar på hans vägar.

Deuteronomy 28:9
Itatatag ka ng Panginoon na isang banal na bayan sa kaniya, gaya ng kaniyang isinumpa sa iyo; kung iyong gaganapin ang mga utos ng Panginoon mong Dios, at lalakad ka sa kaniyang mga daan.

พระราชบัญญัติ 28:9
พระเยโฮวาห์จะทรงตั้งท่านให้เป็นชนชาติบริสุทธิ์แด่พระองค์ ดังที่พระองค์ทรงปฏิญาณแก่ท่านแล้ว ถ้าท่านรักษาพระบัญญัติของพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่าน และดำเนินในพระมรรคาของพระองค์

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 28:9
‹‹Tanrınız RABbin buyruklarına uyar, Onun yollarında yürürseniz, RAB size içtiği ant uyarınca sizi kendisi için kutsal bir halk olarak koruyacaktır.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 28:9
Nếu ngươi gìn giữ những điều răn của Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi, và đi theo đường lối Ngài, thì Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ lập ngươi làm một dân thánh cho Ngài, y như Ngài đã thề cùng ngươi;

Deuteronomy 28:8
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