Deuteronomy 28:49
Deuteronomy 28:49
The LORD will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand,

"The LORD will bring a distant nation against you from the end of the earth, and it will swoop down on you like a vulture. It is a nation whose language you do not understand,

The LORD will bring a nation against you from far away, from the end of the earth, swooping down like the eagle, a nation whose language you do not understand,

"The LORD will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down, a nation whose language you shall not understand,

The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

The LORD will bring a nation from far away, from the ends of the earth, to swoop down on you like an eagle, a nation whose language you don't understand,

"The LORD will raise a distant nation against you from the other side of the earth. Swooping down like a vulture,

The LORD will raise up a distant nation against you, one from the other side of the earth as the eagle flies, a nation whose language you will not understand,

The LORD will bring against you a nation from far away, from the ends of the earth. The nation will swoop down on you like an eagle. It will be a nation whose language you won't understand.

The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from afar, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies, a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand,

The LORD shall bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies; a nation whose tongue you shall not understand;

The LORD shall bring a nation against you from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies; a nation whose tongue you shall not understand;

Jehovah will bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

The Lord will bring upon thee a nation from afar, and from the uttermost ends of the earth, like an eagle that flyeth swiftly, whose tongue thou canst not understand,

Jehovah will bring a nation against thee from afar, from the end of the earth, like as the eagle flieth, a nation whose tongue thou understandest not;

The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth, a nation whose language thou shalt not understand:

Yahweh will bring a nation against you from far, from the end of the earth, as the eagle flies; a nation whose language you shall not understand;

'Jehovah doth lift up against thee a nation, from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle it flieth; a nation whose tongue thou hast not heard,

Ligji i Përtërirë 28:49
Zoti do të sjellë kundër teje nga larg, nga skajet e dheut, një komb të shpejtë, si shqiponja që fluturon, një komb gjuhën e të cilit ti nuk do ta kuptosh,

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 28:49
يجلب الرب عليك امّة من بعيد من اقصاء الارض كما يطير النسر امة لا تفهم لسانها

De Ander Ee 28:49
Dyr Trechtein laasst ayn Volk von weit wögg gögn di anrucken, von n End der Welt. Wie ayn Adler stoesst s abher; sein Spraach haast non nie ghoert.

Второзаконие 28:49
Господ ще навлече против тебе народ от далеч, от земния край, като с орлово летене; народ чийто език не разбираш;

申 命 記 28:49
耶 和 華 要 從 遠 方 、 地 極 帶 一 國 的 民 , 如 鷹 飛 來 攻 擊 你 。 這 民 的 言 語 , 你 不 懂 得 。

耶 和 华 要 从 远 方 、 地 极 带 一 国 的 民 , 如 鹰 飞 来 攻 击 你 。 这 民 的 言 语 , 你 不 懂 得 。



Deuteronomy 28:49
Jahve će iz daljine, s kraja zemlje, dovesti na te narod koji će sletjeti kao orao. Bit će to narod kojemu jezika nećeš razumjeti;

Deuteronomium 28:49
Přivede Hospodin na tebe národ z daleka, od nejdalších končin země, jako letí orlice, národ, jehož jazyku nerozumíš,

5 Mosebog 28:49
HERREN skal opbyde imod dig et Folk fra det fjerne, fra Jordens yderste Ende, et Folk med Ørnens Flugt, et Folk, hvis Sprog du ikke forstaar,

Deuteronomium 28:49
De HEERE zal tegen u een volk verheffen van verre, van het einde der aarde, gelijk als een arend vliegt; een volk, welks spraak gij niet zult verstaan;

דברים 28:49
יִשָּׂ֣א יְהוָה֩ עָלֶ֨יךָ גֹּ֤וי מֵרָחֹוק֙ מִקְצֵ֣ה הָאָ֔רֶץ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר יִדְאֶ֖ה הַנָּ֑שֶׁר גֹּ֕וי אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־תִשְׁמַ֖ע לְשֹׁנֹֽו׃

מט ישא יהוה עליך גוי מרחק מקצה הארץ כאשר ידאה הנשר  גוי אשר לא תשמע לשנו

ישא יהוה עליך גוי מרחוק מקצה הארץ כאשר ידאה הנשר גוי אשר לא־תשמע לשנו׃

5 Mózes 28:49
Hoz az Úr ellened népet meszszünnen, a földnek szélérõl, nem különben, a mint repül a sas; oly népet, a melynek nyelvét nem érted;

Moseo 5: Readmono 28:49
La Eternulo venigos sur vin popolon de malproksime, de la fino de la tero; gxi venos, kiel flugas aglo; tio estos popolo, kies lingvon vi ne komprenos,

Herra lähettää kansan sinun päälles taampaa maailman äärestä, niinkuin kotka lentäis, kansan, jonka puhetta et sinä ymmärrä,

Deutéronome 28:49
L'Éternel amènera contre toi, de loin, du bout de la terre, une nation semblable à l'aigle qui vole, une nation dont tu n'entends pas la langue,

L'Eternel fera partir de loin, des extrémités de la terre, une nation qui fondra sur toi d'un vol d'aigle, une nation dont tu n'entendras point la langue,

L'Eternel fera lever contre toi de loin, du bout de la terre, une nation qui volera comme vole l'aigle; une nation dont tu n'entendras pas la langue.

5 Mose 28:49
Der HERR wird ein Volk über dich schicken von ferne, von der Welt Ende, wie ein Adler fleugt, des Sprache du nicht verstehest,

Der HERR wird ein Volk über dich schicken von ferne, von der Welt Ende, wie ein Adler fliegt, des Sprache du nicht verstehst,

Jahwe wird gegen dich von ferne, vom Ende der Erde her, ein Volk aufbieten, das wie ein Adler daherschwebt, ein Volk, dessen Sprache du nicht verstehst,

Deuteronomio 28:49
L’Eterno farà muover contro di te, da lontano, dalle estremità della terra, una nazione, pari all’aquila che vola, una nazione della quale non intenderai la lingua,

Il Signore farà muovere una gente contro a te di lontano, dall’estremità della terra, a guisa che vola l’aquila; una gente, della quale tu non intenderai il linguaggio;

Maka Tuhanpun akan membawa atas kamu suatu bangsa dari jauh, ia itu akan datang dari ujung bumi seperti terbang burung nasar, suatu bangsa yang tiada kamu mengerti bahasanya,

신명기 28:49
곧 여호와께서 원방에서 땅 끝에서 한 민족을 독수리의 날음 같이 너를 치러 오게 하시리니 이는 네가 그 언어를 알지 못하는 민족이요

Deuteronomium 28:49
adducet Dominus super te gentem de longinquo et de extremis finibus terrae in similitudinem aquilae volantis cum impetu cuius linguam intellegere non possis

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 28:49
Jis atves tautą iš pačių žemės pakraščių, kuri puls tave kaip erelis; jos kalbos tu nesuprasi.

Deuteronomy 28:49
Ka hapainga mai e Ihowa ki a koe he iwi no tawhiti, no te pito o te whenua, ano he ekara e rere ana; he iwi e kore e mohiotia e koe tona reo;

5 Mosebok 28:49
Herren skal føre et folk over dig langt borte fra, fra jordens ende, et folk som kommer flyvende lik en ørn, et folk hvis tungemål du ikke forstår,

Deuteronomio 28:49
El SEÑOR levantará contra ti una nación de lejos, desde el extremo de la tierra, que descenderá rauda como águila, una nación cuya lengua no entenderás,

"El SEÑOR levantará contra ti una nación de lejos, desde el extremo de la tierra, que descenderá veloz como águila, una nación cuya lengua no entenderás,

Jehová traerá contra ti una nación de lejos, desde lo último de la tierra, que vuele como águila, nación cuya lengua no entenderás;

Jehová traerá sobre ti gente de lejos, del cabo de la tierra, que vuele como águila, gente cuya lengua no entiendas;

El SEÑOR traerá sobre ti gente de lejos, del cabo de la tierra, que vuele como águila, gente cuya lengua no entiendas;

Deuteronômio 28:49
O SENHOR trará de terras muito distantes, dos confins da terra, uma nação pagã que se levantará contra ti como a águia em mergulho; nação cujo idioma não conseguirás entender,

O Senhor levantará contra ti de longe, da extremidade da terra, uma nação que voa como a águia, nação cuja língua não entenderás;   

Deuteronom 28:49
Domnul va aduce de departe, dela marginile pămîntului, un neam care va cădea peste tine cu sbor de vultur, un neam a cărui limbă n'o vei înţelege,

Второзаконие 28:49
Пошлет на тебя Господь народ издалека, от края земли: как орелналетит народ, которого языка ты не разумеешь,

Пошлет на тебя Господь народ издалека, от края земли: как орел налетит народ, которого языка ты не разумеешь,[]

5 Mosebok 28:49
HERREN skall skicka över dig ett folk fjärran ifrån, ifrån jordens ända. likt örnen i sin flykt,

Deuteronomy 28:49
Magdadala ang Panginoon ng isang bansang laban sa iyo mula sa malayo, mula sa katapusan ng lupa, na gaya ng lumilipad ang aguila; isang bansang ang wika'y hindi mo nababatid;

พระราชบัญญัติ 28:49
พระเยโฮวาห์จะทรงนำประชาชาติหนึ่งมาต่อสู้กับท่านจากทางไกล จากที่สุดปลายแผ่นดินโลก เร็วเหมือนนกอินทรีบินมา เป็นประชาชาติที่ท่านไม่รู้จักภาษาของเขา

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 28:49
‹‹RAB uzaktan, dünyanın öbür ucundan bir ulusu -dilini bilmediğiniz bir ulusu, yaşlılara saygı, küçüklere sevgi beslemeyen acımasız bir ulusu- birden çullanan bir kartal gibi başınıza getirecek.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 28:49
Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ từ nơi xa, từ địa cực, khiến dấy lên nghịch cùng ngươi một dân tộc bay như chim ưng, tức là một dân tộc ngươi không nghe tiếng nói được,

Deuteronomy 28:48
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