Deuteronomy 27:4
Deuteronomy 27:4
And when you have crossed the Jordan, set up these stones on Mount Ebal, as I command you today, and coat them with plaster.

When you cross the Jordan, set up these stones at Mount Ebal and coat them with plaster, as I am commanding you today.

And when you have crossed over the Jordan, you shall set up these stones, concerning which I command you today, on Mount Ebal, and you shall plaster them with plaster.

"So it shall be when you cross the Jordan, you shall set up on Mount Ebal, these stones, as I am commanding you today, and you shall coat them with lime.

Therefore it shall be when ye be gone over Jordan, that ye shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaister them with plaister.

When you have crossed the Jordan, you are to set up these stones on Mount Ebal, as I am commanding you today, and you are to cover them with plaster.

"When you have crossed the Jordan River, set up these stones about which I'm commanding you today on Mount Ebal, and coat them with plaster.

So when you cross the Jordan you must erect on Mount Ebal these stones about which I am commanding you today, and you must cover them with plaster.

After you cross the Jordan River, set up these stones on Mount Ebal, and cover them with plaster, following the command I'm giving you today.

Therefore, it shall be when ye have passed the Jordan, that ye shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in Mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaster them with plaster.

Therefore it shall be when you are gone over Jordan, that you shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and you shall plaster them with plaster.

Therefore it shall be when you be gone over Jordan, that you shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and you shall plaster them with plaster.

And it shall be, when ye are passed over the Jordan, that ye shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaster them with plaster.

Therefore when you are passed over the Jordan, set up the stones which I command you this day, in mount Hebal, and thou shalt plaster them with plaster:

And it shall be when ye go over the Jordan, that ye shall set up these stones, as I command you this day, on mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaster them with plaster.

And it shall be when ye are passed over Jordan, that ye shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaister them with plaister.

Therefore it shall be when ye have gone over Jordan, that ye shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaster them with plaster.

It shall be, when you have passed over the Jordan, that you shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in Mount Ebal, and you shall plaster them with plaster.

'And it hath been, in your passing over the Jordan, ye raise up these stones which I am commanding you to-day, in mount Ebal, and thou hast plaistered them with plaister,

Ligji i Përtërirë 27:4
Kështu, pra, kur të kaloni Jordanin, do të ngrini në malin Ebal këta gurë, që sot ju urdhëroj, dhe do t'i lyeni me gëlqere.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 27:4
حين تعبرون الاردن تقيمون هذه الحجارة التي انا اوصيكم بها اليوم في جبل عيبال وتكلسها بالكلس.

De Ander Ee 27:4
Wenntß über n Jordn umhintrochen seitß, solltß die Stäin, wie i s gsait haan, auf n Berg Gärizim aufrichtn und mit Kalch weissn.

Второзаконие 27:4
За това, като преминете Иордан, поставете на хълма Гевал тия камъни, за които днес ви заповядвам, и измажи ги с вар.

申 命 記 27:4
你 們 過 了 約 但 河 , 就 要 在 以 巴 路 山 上 照 我 今 日 所 吩 咐 的 , 將 這 些 石 頭 立 起 來 , 墁 上 石 灰 。

你 们 过 了 约 但 河 , 就 要 在 以 巴 路 山 上 照 我 今 日 所 吩 咐 的 , 将 这 些 石 头 立 起 来 , 墁 上 石 灰 。



Deuteronomy 27:4
Kada, dakle, prijeđeš preko Jordana, onda to kamenje, kako ti danas zapovijedam, podigni na brdu Ebalu i okreči ga krečom.

Deuteronomium 27:4
Když tedy přejdeš Jordán a vyzdvihneš ty kameny, kteréž já přikazuji vám dnes, na hoře Hébal, a obvržeš je vápnem,

5 Mosebog 27:4
Og naar I er kommet over Jordan, skal I oprejse disse Sten, om hvilke jeg i Dag giver eder Paalæg, paa Ebals Bjerg og kalke dem over.

Deuteronomium 27:4
Het zal dan geschieden, als gij over de Jordaan gegaan zult zijn, dat gij dezelve stenen, van dewelke ik u heden gebiede, zult oprichten op den berg Ebal, en gij zult ze met kalk bestrijken;

דברים 27:4
וְהָיָה֮ בְּעָבְרְכֶ֣ם אֶת־הַיַּרְדֵּן֒ תָּקִ֜ימוּ אֶת־הָאֲבָנִ֣ים הָאֵ֗לֶּה אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָנֹכִ֜י מְצַוֶּ֥ה אֶתְכֶ֛ם הַיֹּ֖ום בְּהַ֣ר עֵיבָ֑ל וְשַׂדְתָּ֥ אֹותָ֖ם בַּשִּֽׂיד׃

ד והיה בעברכם את הירדן תקימו את האבנים האלה אשר אנכי מצוה אתכם היום בהר עיבל ושדת אותם בשיד

והיה בעברכם את־הירדן תקימו את־האבנים האלה אשר אנכי מצוה אתכם היום בהר עיבל ושדת אותם בשיד׃

5 Mózes 27:4
Mihelyt azért általmentek a Jordánon, állítsátok fel azokat a köveket, a melyeket én e mai napon parancsolok néktek, az Ebál hegyén; és meszeld be azokat mészszel.

Moseo 5: Readmono 27:4
Kaj kiam vi transiros Jordanon, tiam starigu cxi tiujn sxtonojn, pri kiuj mi ordonas al vi hodiaux, sur la monto Ebal, kaj cxirkauxsxmiru ilin per kalko.

Kuin te siis menette Jordanin yli, niin pystyttäkäät ne kivet, joista minä tänäpänä käsken, Ebalin vuorella, ja sivutkaat ne kalkilla,

Deutéronome 27:4
Et il arrivera, quand vous passerez le Jourdain, que vous dresserez ces pierres sur la montagne d'Ébal, selon ce que je vous commande aujourd'hui, et tu les enduiras de chaux.

Lorsque vous aurez passé le Jourdain, vous dresserez sur le mont Ebal ces pierres que je vous ordonne aujourd'hui de dresser, et tu les enduiras de chaux.

Quand donc vous aurez passé le Jourdain, vous dresserez ces pierres-là sur la montagne de Hébal, selon que je vous le commande aujourd'hui, et vous les enduirez de chaux.

5 Mose 27:4
Wenn ihr nun über den Jordan gehet, so sollt ihr solche Steine aufrichten (davon ich euch heute gebiete) auf dem Berge Ebal und mit Kalk tünchen.

Wenn ihr nun über den Jordan geht, so sollt ihr solche Steine aufrichten (davon ich euch heute gebiete) auf dem Berge Ebal und mit Kalk tünchen.

Sobald ihr den Jordan überschritten habt, sollt ihr diese Steine, gemäß dem, was ich euch heute gebiete, auf dem Berge Ebal aufrichten und mit Kalk übertünchen.

Deuteronomio 27:4
Quando dunque avrete passato il Giordano, rizzerete sul monte Ebal queste pietre, come oggi vi comando, e le intonacherete di calcina.

Quando adunque sarete passati il Giordano, rizzatevi queste pietre, le quali oggi vi comando, nel monte di Ebal; e smaltatele con calcina.

Maka apabila kamu sudah menyeberang Yarden, hendaklah kamu menegakkan batu, seperti pesanku kepadamu sekarang ini, yaitu di atas bukit Ebal dan laburkan dia dengan kapur.

신명기 27:4
너희가 요단을 건너거든 내가 오늘날 너희에게 명하는 이 돌들을 에발산에 세우고 그 위에 석회를 바를 것이며

Deuteronomium 27:4
quando ergo transieritis Iordanem erige lapides quos ego hodie praecipio vobis in monte Hebal et levigabis calce

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 27:4
Taigi perėję per Jordaną, sukraukite tuos akmenis ant Ebalo kalno, kaip jums šiandien įsakau, ir juos aptepkite kalkėmis.

Deuteronomy 27:4
Mo reira, e whiti koutou i Horano, me whakaara enei kohatu e whakahaua nei e ahau i tenei ra ki a koutou, ki runga ki Maunga Epara ka pani hoki ki te raima.

5 Mosebok 27:4
Så snart I er kommet over Jordan, skal I reise op disse stener som jeg idag gir eder befaling om, på Ebal-fjellet, og du skal stryke dem over med kalk.

Deuteronomio 27:4
Y sucederá que cuando pases el Jordán, levantarás estas piedras en el monte Ebal, como yo te ordeno hoy, y las blanquearás con cal.

"Así que cuando pases el Jordán, levantarás estas piedras en el Monte Ebal, como yo te ordeno hoy, y las blanquearás con cal.

Será pues, cuando hubieres pasado el Jordán, que levantaréis estas piedras que yo os mando hoy, en el monte de Ebal, y las revocarás con cal:

Será pues, cuando hubieres pasado el Jordán, que levantaréis estas piedras que yo os mando hoy, en el monte de Ebal, y las revocarás con cal:

Será, pues , cuando hubieres pasado el Jordán, que levantaréis estas piedras que yo os mando hoy, en el monte de Ebal, y las revocarás con cal;

Deuteronômio 27:4
Logo após ter atravessado o Jordão erigirás essas rochas, conforme hoje te ordeno, sobre o monte Ebal, e as caiarás.

Quando, pois, houverdes passado o Jordão, levantareis no monte Ebal estas pedras, como eu hoje vos ordeno, e as caiareis.   

Deuteronom 27:4
Dupăce veţi trece Iordanul, să ridicaţi pe muntele Ebal pietrele acestea, pe cari vă poruncesc azi să le ridicaţi, şi să le tencuiţi cu var.

Второзаконие 27:4
Когда перейдете Иордан, поставьте камни те, как я повелеваю вам сегодня, на горе Гевал, и обмажьте их известью;

Когда перейдете Иордан, поставьте камни те, как я повелеваю вам сегодня, на горе Гевал, и обмажьте их известью;[]

5 Mosebok 27:4
Och när I haven gått över Jordan, skolen I på berget Ebal resa dessa stenar om vilka jag i dag giver eder befallning; och du skall bestryka dem med kalk.

Deuteronomy 27:4
At mangyayari na pagtawid mo ng Jordan, na iyong ilalagay ang mga batong ito, na iniuutos ko sa iyo sa araw na ito, sa bundok ng Ebal, at iyong tatapalan ng argamasa.

พระราชบัญญัติ 27:4
ฉะนั้นเมื่อท่านข้ามแม่น้ำจอร์แดนไปแล้ว บนภูเขาเอบาลท่านจงตั้งศิลาเหล่านี้ตามเรื่องที่ข้าพเจ้าบัญชาท่านในวันนี้ แล้วจงโบกเสียด้วยปูน

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 27:4
Şeria Irmağından geçince, bugün size buyurduğum gibi, bu taşları Eval Dağına dikip kireçleyeceksiniz.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 27:4
Vậy, khi các ngươi đã qua sông Giô-đanh rồi, phải dựng những bia đá nầy trên núi Ê-banh, và thoa vôi, y theo lịnh ta truyền cho các ngươi ngày nay.

Deuteronomy 27:3
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