Deuteronomy 24:19
Deuteronomy 24:19
When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

"When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans, and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.

“When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

"When you reap your harvest in your field and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow, in order that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

When thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field, and hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands.

When you reap the harvest in your field, and you forget a sheaf in the field, do not go back to get it. It is to be left for the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

"When you are reaping in the field, and you overlook a sheaf, don't return to get it. Let it remain for the foreigner, the orphan, or the widow, in order that the LORD your God may bless everything you undertake.

Whenever you reap your harvest in your field and leave some unraked grain there, you must not return to get it; it should go to the resident foreigner, orphan, and widow so that the LORD your God may bless all the work you do.

This is what you must do when you're harvesting wheat in your field. If you forget to bring in one of the bundles of wheat, don't go back to get it. Leave it there for foreigners, orphans, and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in everything you do.

When thou doest reap thy harvest in thy field and hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to bring it; it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, or for the widow, that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands.

When you reap your harvest in your field, and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not go again to get it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

When you cut down your harvest in your field, and have forgot a sheaf in the field, you shall not go again to fetch it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

When thou reapest thy harvest in thy field, and hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it: it shall be for the sojourner, for the fatherless, and for the widow; that Jehovah thy God may bless thee in all the work of thy hands.

When thou hast reaped the corn in thy field, and hast forgot and left a sheaf, thou shalt not return to take it away: but thou shalt suffer the stranger, and the fatherless and the widow to tabs it away: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the works of thy hands.

When thou reapest thy harvest in thy field, and forgettest a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not return to fetch it; it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow; that Jehovah thy God may bless thee in all the work of thy hands.

When thou reapest thine harvest in thy field, and hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands.

When thou cuttest down thy harvest in thy field, and hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thy hands.

When you reap your harvest in your field, and have forgot a sheaf in the field, you shall not go again to get it: it shall be for the foreigner, for the fatherless, and for the widow; that Yahweh your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

'When thou reapest thy harvest in thy field, and hast forgotten a sheaf in a field, thou dost not turn back to take it; to the sojourner, to the fatherless, and to the widow, it is; so that Jehovah thy God doth bless thee in all the work of thy hands.

Ligji i Përtërirë 24:19
Kur korr në arën tënde dhe harron aty një demet, nuk do të kthehesh prapa për ta marrë; do të jetë për të huajin, për jetimin dhe gruan e ve, me qëllim që Zoti, Perëndia yt, të të bekojë në tërë veprën e duarve të tua.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 24:19
اذا حصدت حصيدك في حقلك ونسيت حزمة في الحقل فلا ترجع لتأخذها. للغريب واليتيم والارملة تكون لكي يباركك الرب الهك في كل عمل يديك.

De Ander Ee 24:19
Wennst ayn Feld abärnst und ayn Garb hintlaasst, sollst nit nonmaal drum umkeern, sundern laaß s decht yn de Fremdling, Witibn und Waisn! Dann sögnt di aau dyr Herr in alln, wasst anpackst.

Второзаконие 24:19
Когато жънеш жетвата на нивите си, ако забравиш някой сноп на нивата, да се не връщаш да го вземеш; нека бъде за чужденеца, за сирачето и за вдовицата; за да те благославя Господ твоят Бог във всичките дела на ръцете ти.

申 命 記 24:19
你 在 田 間 收 割 莊 稼 , 若 忘 下 一 捆 , 不 可 回 去 再 取 , 要 留 給 寄 居 的 與 孤 兒 寡 婦 。 這 樣 , 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 必 在 你 手 裡 所 辦 的 一 切 事 上 賜 福 與 你 。

你 在 田 间 收 割 庄 稼 , 若 忘 下 一 捆 , 不 可 回 去 再 取 , 要 留 给 寄 居 的 与 孤 儿 寡 妇 。 这 样 , 耶 和 华 ─ 你   神 必 在 你 手 里 所 办 的 一 切 事 上 赐 福 与 你 。



Deuteronomy 24:19
Kad žanješ žito na svojoj njivi pa zaboraviš koji snop na njivi, ne vraćaj se po nj; neka ostane došljaku, siroti i udovici da te Jahve, Bog tvoj, blagoslovi u svakom pothvatu ruku tvojih.

Deuteronomium 24:19
Když bys žal obilí své na poli svém, a zapomenul bys tam některého snopu, nenavrátíš se, abys jej vzal; příchozímu, sirotku a vdově to bude, aby požehnal tobě Hospodin Bůh tvůj při všelikém díle rukou tvých.

5 Mosebog 24:19
Naar du bjærger din Høst paa din Mark og glemmer et Neg paa Marken, maa du ikke vende tilbage for at hente det; det skal tilfalde den fremmede, den faderløse og Enken, for at HERREN din Gud kan velsigne dig i alt, hvad du tager dig for.

Deuteronomium 24:19
Wanneer gij uw oogst op uw akker afgeoogst, en een garf op den akker vergeten zult hebben, zo zult gij niet wederkeren, om die op te nemen; voor den vreemdeling, voor den wees en voor de weduwe zal zij zijn; opdat u de HEERE, uw God, zegene, in al het werk uwer handen.

דברים 24:19
כִּ֣י תִקְצֹר֩ קְצִֽירְךָ֨ בְשָׂדֶ֜ךָ וְשָֽׁכַחְתָּ֧ עֹ֣מֶר בַּשָּׂדֶ֗ה לֹ֤א תָשׁוּב֙ לְקַחְתֹּ֔ו לַגֵּ֛ר לַיָּתֹ֥ום וְלָאַלְמָנָ֖ה יִהְיֶ֑ה לְמַ֤עַן יְבָרֶכְךָ֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ בְּכֹ֖ל מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה יָדֶֽיךָ׃

יט כי תקצר קצירך בשדך ושכחת עמר בשדה לא תשוב לקחתו--לגר ליתום ולאלמנה יהיה  למען יברכך יהוה אלהיך בכל מעשה ידיך  {ס}

כי תקצר קצירך בשדך ושכחת עמר בשדה לא תשוב לקחתו לגר ליתום ולאלמנה יהיה למען יברכך יהוה אלהיך בכל מעשה ידיך׃

5 Mózes 24:19
Mikor learatod aratni valódat a te mezõdön, és kévét felejtesz a mezõn, ne térj vissza annak felvételére; a jövevényé, az árváé és az özvegyé legyen az, hogy megáldjon téged az Úr, a te Istened, kezeidnek minden munkájában.

Moseo 5: Readmono 24:19
Kiam vi rikoltos vian rikolton sur via kampo kaj vi forgesos garbon sur la kampo, ne iru returne por preni gxin:gxi restu por la fremdulo, por la orfo, kaj por la vidvino; por ke la Eternulo, via Dio, benu vin en cxiuj faroj de viaj manoj.

Kuin pellostas elon leikkaat, ja lyhde sinulta sinne unohtuu, älä palaja sitä ottamaan, vaan olkoon se muukalaisen, orvon ja lesken oma, että Herra sinun Jumalas siunaisi sinua kaikissa sinun kättes töissä.

Deutéronome 24:19
Quand tu feras ta moisson dans ton champ, et que tu auras oublié une gerbe dans ton champ, tu ne retourneras pas pour la prendre; elle sera pour l'étranger, pour l'orphelin, et pour la veuve, afin que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te bénisse dans toute l'oeuvre de tes mains.

Quand tu moissonneras ton champ, et que tu auras oublié une gerbe dans le champ, tu ne retourneras point la prendre: elle sera pour l'étranger, pour l'orphelin et pour la veuve, afin que l'Eternel, ton Dieu, te bénisse dans tout le travail de tes mains.

Quand tu feras ta moisson dans ton champ, et que tu auras oublié dans ton champ quelque poignée d'épis, tu n'y retourneras point pour la prendre; [mais cela] sera pour l'étranger, pour l'orphelin, et pour la veuve; afin que l'Eternel ton Dieu te bénisse en toutes les œuvres de tes mains.

5 Mose 24:19
Wenn du auf deinem Acker geerntet hast und einer Garbe vergessen hast auf dem Acker, so sollst du nicht umkehren, dieselbe zu holen, sondern sie soll des Fremdlings, des Waisen und der Witwe sein, auf daß dich der HERR, dein Gott, segne in allen Werken deiner Hände.

Wenn du auf deinem Acker geerntet und eine Garbe vergessen hast auf dem Acker, so sollst du nicht umkehren, dieselbe zu holen, sondern sie soll des Fremdlings, des Waisen und der Witwe sein, auf daß dich der HERR, dein Gott, segne in allen Werken deiner Hände.

Wenn du auf deinem Felde deine Ernte hältst und eine Garbe auf dem Felde vergissest, so sollst du nicht umkehren, um sie zu holen; den Fremdlingen, Waisen und Witwen soll sie zufallen, auf daß dich Jahwe, dein Gott, bei allem Thun deiner Hände segne.

Deuteronomio 24:19
Allorché, facendo la mietitura nel tuo campo, vi avrai dimenticato qualche manipolo, non tornerai indietro a prenderlo; sarà per lo straniero, per l’orfano e per la vedova, affinché l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, ti benedica in tutta l’opera delle tue mani.

Quando tu avrai mietuta la tua ricolta nel tuo campo, e avrai dimenticata alcuna menata nel campo, non tornare indietro per prenderla; sia per lo forestiere, per l’orfano, e per la vedova; acciocchè il Signore Iddio tuo ti benedica in tutta l’opera delle tue mani.

Maka apabila kamu sudah habis menuai segala hasil tanahmu, dan terlupalah kamu akan barang seikat yang lagi tinggal di bendangmu, jangan kamu balik pergi mengambil dia, karena ia itulah bahagian orang dagang dan anak piatu dan perempuan janda, supaya diberkati Tuhan, Allahmu, akan kamu dalam segala perbuatan tanganmu.

신명기 24:19
네가 밭에서 곡식을 벨 때에 그 한 뭇을 밭에 잊어버렸거든 다시 가서 취하지 말고 객과 고아와 과부를 위하여 버려두라 그리하면 네 하나님 여호와께서 네 손으로 하는 범사에 복을 내리시리라

Deuteronomium 24:19
quando messueris segetem in agro tuo et oblitus manipulum reliqueris non reverteris ut tollas eum sed advenam et pupillum et viduam auferre patieris ut benedicat tibi Dominus Deus tuus in omni opere manuum tuarum

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 24:19
Jei, veždamas javus, užmirši lauke pėdą, negrįžk jo pasiimti. Palik jį ateiviui, našlaičiui ir našlei, kad Viešpats, tavo Dievas, tave laimintų visuose tavo darbuose.

Deuteronomy 24:19
Ka kotia e koe au hua i tau mara, a ka wareware tetahi paihere i te mara, kei hoki koe ki te tiki: waiho ma te manene, ma te pani, ma te pouaru: kia manaakitia ai koe e Ihowa, e tou Atua, i nga meatanga katoa a ou ringa.

5 Mosebok 24:19
Når du høster inn kornet på din aker, og du glemmer et kornbånd på akeren, da skal du ikke vende tilbake for å hente det; den fremmede, den farløse og enken skal ha det; så skal Herren din Gud velsigne dig i alt det du tar dig fore.

Deuteronomio 24:19
Cuando siegues tu mies en tu campo y olvides alguna gavilla en el campo, no regresarás a recogerla; será para el forastero, para el huérfano y para la viuda, para que el SEÑOR tu Dios te bendiga en toda obra de tus manos.

"Cuando siegues tu cosecha en tu campo y olvides alguna gavilla en el campo, no regresarás a recogerla; será para el extranjero, para el huérfano y para la viuda, para que el SEÑOR tu Dios te bendiga en toda obra de tus manos.

Cuando segares tu mies en tu campo y olvidares alguna gavilla en el campo, no regresarás a tomarla; será para el extranjero, para el huérfano y para la viuda; para que te bendiga Jehová tu Dios en toda obra de tus manos.

Cuando segares tu mies en tu campo, y olvidares alguna gavilla en el campo, no volverás a tomarla: para el extranjero, para el huérfano, y para la viuda será; porque te bendiga Jehová tu Dios en toda obra de tus manos.

Cuando segares tu mies en tu tierra, y olvidares alguna gavilla en el campo, no volverás a tomarla; del extranjero, o del huérfano, o de la viuda será; para que te bendiga el SEÑOR tu Dios en toda obra de tus manos.

Deuteronômio 24:19
Quando estiveres ceifando a colheita em teu campo e esqueceres um feixe, não retornes para pegá-lo: permite que ele seja encontrado pelo estrangeiro, pelo órfão e pela viúva, a fim de que dessa maneira o SENHOR teu Deus os abençoe, bem como a ti em todo o trabalho das tuas mãos.

Quando no teu campo fizeres a tua sega e esqueceres um molho no campo, não voltarás para tomá-lo; para o estrangeiro para o orfão, e para a viúva será, para que o Senhor teu Deus te abençoe em todas as obras das tuas mãos.   

Deuteronom 24:19
Cînd îţi vei secera ogorul, şi vei uita un snop pe cîmp, să nu te întorci să -l iei: să fie al străinului, al orfanului şi al văduvei, pentruca Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, să te binecuvinteze în tot lucrul mînilor tale.

Второзаконие 24:19
Когда будешь жать на поле твоем, и забудешь сноп на поле, то не возвращайся взять его; пусть он остается пришельцу, сироте и вдове, чтобы Господь Бог твой благословил тебя во всех делах рук твоих.

Когда будешь жать на поле твоем, и забудешь сноп на поле, то не возвращайся взять его; пусть он остается пришельцу, сироте и вдове, чтобы Господь Бог твой благословил тебя во всех делах рук твоих.[]

5 Mosebok 24:19
Om du, när du inbärgar skörden på din åker, glömmer en kärve kvar på åkern, skall du icke gå tillbaka för att hämta den, ty den skall tillhöra främlingen, den faderlöse och änkan. Detta skall du iakttaga, för att HERREN, din Gud, må välsigna dig i alla dina händers verk.

Deuteronomy 24:19
Pagka iyong aanihin ang iyong ani sa bukid, at nakalimot ka ng isang bigkis sa bukid, ay huwag mong pagbabalikang kunin: magiging sa taga ibang lupa, sa ulila, at sa babaing bao: upang pagpalain ka ng Panginoon mong Dios sa lahat ng gawa ng iyong mga kamay.

พระราชบัญญัติ 24:19
เมื่อท่านเกี่ยวข้าวในนาของท่าน และลืมฟ่อนข้าวไว้ในนาฟ่อนหนึ่ง อย่ากลับไปเอามาเลย ให้เป็นของคนต่างด้าว ลูกกำพร้าพ่อและแม่ม่าย เพื่อพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่านจะอวยพระพรแก่กิจการทั้งหลายแห่งมือของท่าน

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 24:19
‹‹Tarlanızdaki ekini biçtiğinizde, gözden kaçan bir demet olursa, almak için geri dönmeyin. Onu yabancıya, öksüze, dul kadına bırakın. Öyle ki, Tanrınız RAB el attığınız her işte sizi kutsasın.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 24:19
Khi ngươi gặt trong đồng ruộng, quên một nắm gié lúa ở đó, thì chớ trở lại lấy. Nắm gié ấy sẽ về phần khách lạ, kẻ mồ côi, và người góa bụa, hầu cho Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi ban phước cho ngươi trong mọi công việc của tay ngươi làm.

Deuteronomy 24:18
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