Deuteronomy 24:13
Deuteronomy 24:13
Return their cloak by sunset so that your neighbor may sleep in it. Then they will thank you, and it will be regarded as a righteous act in the sight of the LORD your God.

Return the cloak to its owner by sunset so he can stay warm through the night and bless you, and the LORD your God will count you as righteous.

You shall restore to him the pledge as the sun sets, that he may sleep in his cloak and bless you. And it shall be righteousness for you before the LORD your God.

"When the sun goes down you shall surely return the pledge to him, that he may sleep in his cloak and bless you; and it will be righteousness for you before the LORD your God.

In any case thou shalt deliver him the pledge again when the sun goeth down, that he may sleep in his own raiment, and bless thee: and it shall be righteousness unto thee before the LORD thy God.

Be sure to return it to him at sunset. Then he will sleep in it and bless you, and this will be counted as righteousness to you before the LORD your God."

Be sure to return his garment to him at sunset so that he may sleep with it, and he will bless you. It will be a righteous deed in the presence of the LORD your God.

You must by all means return to him at sunset the item he gave you as security so that he may sleep in his outer garment and bless you for it; it will be considered a just deed by the LORD your God.

Make sure you bring it back to him at sunset. When he wears his coat to bed [that night], he'll bless you. You will have done the right thing in the presence of the LORD your God.

Without fail thou shalt deliver him the pledge again when the sun goes down that he may sleep in his own clothing and bless thee, and it shall be righteousness unto thee before the LORD thy God.

In any case you shall deliver him the pledge again when the sun goes down, that he may sleep in his own clothing, and bless you: and it shall be righteousness unto you before the LORD your God.

In any case you shall deliver him the pledge again when the sun goes down, that he may sleep in his own raiment, and bless you: and it shall be righteousness to you before the LORD your God.

thou shalt surely restore to him the pledge when the sun goeth down, that he may sleep in his garment, and bless thee: and it shall be righteousness unto thee before Jehovah thy God.

But thou shalt restore it to him presently before the going down of the sun: that he may sleep in his own raiment and bless thee, and thou mayst have justice before the Lord thy God.

in any case thou shalt return him the pledge at the going down of the sun, that he may sleep in his own upper garment and bless thee; and it shall be righteousness unto thee before Jehovah thy God.

thou shalt surely restore to him the pledge when the sun goeth down, that he may sleep in his garment, and bless thee: and it shall be righteousness unto thee before the LORD thy God.

In any case thou shalt deliver to him the pledge again when the sun goeth down, that he may sleep in his own raiment, and bless thee; and it shall be righteousness to thee before the LORD thy God.

you shall surely restore to him the pledge when the sun goes down, that he may sleep in his garment, and bless you: and it shall be righteousness to you before Yahweh your God.

thou dost certainly give back to him the pledge at the going in of the sun, and he hath lain down in his own raiment, and hath blessed thee; and to thee it is righteousness before Jehovah thy God.

Ligji i Përtërirë 24:13
Duhet t'ia kthesh pengun në perëndim të diellit, në mënyrë që ai të flerë në mantelin e tij dhe të të bekojë; dhe kjo do të vihet në llogarinë e drejtësisë para syve të Zotit, Perëndisë tënd.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 24:13
رد اليه الرهن عند غروب الشمس لكي ينام في ثوبه ويباركك فيكون لك بر لدى الرب الهك

De Ander Ee 24:13
Dös bringst iem zrugg, wenn d Sunn untergeet, däß yr in seinn Mantl schlaaffen kan. Dann sögnt yr di, und dyr Herr gaat s dyr anrechnen.

Второзаконие 24:13
Непременно да му върнеш залога при захождането на слънцето, за да спи той с дрехата си и да те благослови; и това ще ти се счете за правда пред Господа твоя Бог.

申 命 記 24:13
日 落 的 時 候 , 總 要 把 當 頭 還 他 , 使 他 用 那 件 衣 服 蓋 著 睡 覺 , 他 就 為 你 祝 福 ; 這 在 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 面 前 就 是 你 的 義 了 。

日 落 的 时 候 , 总 要 把 当 头 还 他 , 使 他 用 那 件 衣 服 盖 着 睡 觉 , 他 就 为 你 祝 福 ; 这 在 耶 和 华 ─ 你   神 面 前 就 是 你 的 义 了 。



Deuteronomy 24:13
o zalasku sunca moraš mu vratiti zalog da on mogne spavati u svome ogrtaču i tebe blagoslivljati. To će ti biti dobro djelo pred Jahvom, Bogom tvojim.

Deuteronomium 24:13
Bez prodlévání navrátíš jemu zastavenou věc jeho při západu slunce, aby leže v šatech svých, dobrořečil tobě, a bude to za spravedlnost tobě před Hospodinem Bohem tvým.

5 Mosebog 24:13
ved Solnedgang skal du give ham Pantet tilbage, for at han kan lægge sig til Hvile i sin Kappe. Da velsigner han dig derfor, og du staar retfærdiggjort for HERREN din Guds Aasyn.

Deuteronomium 24:13
Gij zult hem dat pand zekerlijk wedergeven, als de zon ondergaat, dat hij in zijn kleed nederligge, en u zegene; en het zal u gerechtigheid zijn voor het aangezicht des HEEREN, uws Gods.

דברים 24:13
הָשֵׁב֩ תָּשִׁ֨יב לֹ֤ו אֶֽת־הַעֲבֹוט֙ כְּבֹ֣א הַשֶּׁ֔מֶשׁ וְשָׁכַ֥ב בְּשַׂלְמָתֹ֖ו וּבֵֽרֲכֶ֑ךָּ וּלְךָ֙ תִּהְיֶ֣ה צְדָקָ֔ה לִפְנֵ֖י יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶֽיךָ׃ ס

יג השב תשיב לו את העבוט כבוא השמש ושכב בשלמתו וברכך ולך תהיה צדקה לפני יהוה אלהיך  {ס}

השב תשיב לו את־העבוט כבא השמש ושכב בשלמתו וברכך ולך תהיה צדקה לפני יהוה אלהיך׃ ס

5 Mózes 24:13
Bizony add vissza néki azt a zálogot napnyugtakor, hogy az õ ruhájában feküdjék le, és áldjon téged. És igazságul lesz ez néked az Úr elõtt, a te Istened elõtt.

Moseo 5: Readmono 24:13
redonu al li la garantiajxon cxe la subiro de la suno, por ke li kusxu en sia vesto kaj benu vin; kaj vi havos meriton antaux la Eternulo, via Dio.

Vaan anna hänen panttinsa kaiketikin jälleen ennen auringon laskemata, että hän makais vaatteissansa ja siunais sinua: ja se luetaan sinulle vanhurskaudeksi Herran sinun Jumalas edessä.

Deutéronome 24:13
tu ne manqueras pas de lui rendre le gage au coucher du soleil; et il couchera dans son vêtement, et te bénira; et cela te sera justice devant l'Éternel, ton Dieu.

tu le lui rendras au coucher du soleil, afin qu'il couche dans son vêtement et qu'il te bénisse; et cela te sera imputé à justice devant l'Eternel, ton Dieu.

Mais tu ne manqueras point de lui rendre le gage dès que le soleil sera couché, afin qu'il couche dans son vêtement, et qu'il te bénisse; et cela te sera imputé à justice devant l'Eternel ton Dieu.

5 Mose 24:13
sondern sollst ihm sein Pfand wiedergeben, wenn die Sonne untergehet, daß er in seinem Kleide schlafe und segne dich. Das wird dir vor dem HERRN, deinem Gott, eine Gerechtigkeit sein.

sondern sollst ihm sein Pfand wiedergeben, wenn die Sonne untergeht, daß er in seinem Kleide schlafe und segne dich. Das wird dir vor dem HERRN, deinem Gott, eine Gerechtigkeit sein.

Vielmehr sollst du ihm das Pfand bei Sonnenuntergang zurückgeben, damit er sich in seinem Mantel schlafen lege und dich segne; so wirst du vor Jahwe, deinem Gotte, rechtschaffen dastehen.

Deuteronomio 24:13
Non mancherai di restituirgli il pegno, al tramonto del sole, affinché egli possa dormire nel suo mantello, e benedirti; e questo ti sarà contato come un atto di giustizia agli occhi dell’Eterno, ch’è il tuo Dio.

Del tutto rendigli il pegno, al tramontar del sole; acciocchè egli possa giacer ne’ suoi panni, e ti benedica; e ciò ti sarà giustizia nel cospetto del Signore Iddio tuo.

melainkan tak akan jangan gadaiannya kaupulangkan kepadanya apabila masuklah matahari, supaya dibaringkannya dirinya dengan pakaiannya dan diberkatinya akan dikau, maka ia itu akan kebenaran bagimu di hadapan hadirat Tuhan, Allahmu.

신명기 24:13
해질 때에 전집물을 반드시 그에게 돌릴 것이라 그리하면 그가 그 옷을 입고 자며 너를 위하여 축복하리니 그 일이 네 하나님 여호와 앞에서 네 의로움이 되리라

Deuteronomium 24:13
sed statim reddes ei ante solis occasum ut dormiens in vestimento suo benedicat tibi et habeas iustitiam coram Domino Deo tuo

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 24:13
Dar saulei nenusileidus, atiduok jam užstatą, kad jis miegotų savo patale ir laimintų tave. Taip tu būsi teisus Viešpaties, tavo Dievo, akyse.

Deuteronomy 24:13
Me tino whakahoki atu e koe te taunaha ki a ia ina toene te ra, kia moe ai ia i roto i tona kakahu, a ka manaaki i a koe: a ka waiho hei tika mou ki te aroaro o Ihowa, o tou Atua.

5 Mosebok 24:13
du skal gi ham pantet tilbake når solen går ned, forat han kan legge sig i sin kappe og velsigne dig; og det skal tjene dig til rettferdighet for Herrens, din Guds åsyn.

Deuteronomio 24:13
sin falta le devolverás la prenda al ponerse el sol, para que se acueste con su ropa, y te bendiga; y te será justicia delante del SEÑOR tu Dios.

"Al ponerse el sol, sin falta le devolverás la prenda para que se acueste con su ropa, y te bendiga; y te será justicia delante del SEÑOR tu Dios.

Precisamente le devolverás la prenda cuando el sol se ponga, para que duerma en su ropa, y te bendiga: y te será justicia delante de Jehová tu Dios.

Precisamente le devolverás la prenda cuando el sol se ponga, para que duerma en su ropa, y te bendiga: y te será justicia delante de Jehová tu Dios.

Sin falta le devolverás la prenda cuando el sol se ponga, para que duerma en su ropa, y te bendiga; y te será justicia delante del SEÑOR tu Dios.

Deuteronômio 24:13
ao pôr do sol deverás devolver sem falta o penhor, para que ele possa conciliar seu sono sob suas cobertas e com gratidão te abençoe. E, quanto a ti, isso será considerado um ato de justiça por parte do SENHOR, o teu Deus.

ao pôr do sol, sem falta lhe restiruirás o penhor, para que durma na sua roupa, e te abençoe; e isso te será justiça diante do Senhor teu Deus.   

Deuteronom 24:13
să i -l dai înapoi la apusul soarelui, ca să se culce în haina lui, şi să te binecuvinteze; şi lucrul acesta ţi se va socoti ca un lucru bun înaintea Domnului, Dumnezeului tău.

Второзаконие 24:13
возврати ему залог при захождении солнца, чтоб он лег спать в одежде своей и благословил тебя, – и тебе поставится сие в праведность пред Господом Богом твоим.

возврати ему залог при захождении солнца, чтоб он лег спать в одежде своей и благословил тебя, --и тебе поставится [сие] в праведность пред Господом Богом твоим.[]

5 Mosebok 24:13
Du skall giva honom panten tillbaka, när solen går ned, så att han kan hava sin mantel på sig när han ligger och sover, och så välsigna dig; och detta skall lända dig till rättfärdighet inför HERREN, din Gud.

Deuteronomy 24:13
Iyo ngang isasauli sa kaniya ang sangla paglubog ng araw, upang siya'y matulog sa kaniyang damit, at pagpalain ka: at magiging katuwiran mo sa harap ng Panginoon mong Dios.

พระราชบัญญัติ 24:13
เมื่อดวงอาทิตย์ตกท่านจงเอาของประกันนั้นมาคืนให้เขา เพื่อเขาจะมีของคลุมตัวเมื่อเวลานอน และอวยพรแก่ท่าน นี่จะเป็นความชอบธรรมแก่ท่าน เฉพาะพระพักตร์พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่าน

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 24:13
Ondan aldığın giysiyi gün batımında ona kesinlikle geri vereceksin ki, onunla yatabilsin. O da seni kutsayacak. Bu yaptığın, Tanrın RABbin önünde sana doğruluk sayılacak.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 24:13
Khá trả cho người trước khi mặt trời lặn, hầu cho người ngủ có áo xống đáp, và chúc phước cho ngươi; ấy sẽ kể cho ngươi là công bình trước mặt Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi.

Deuteronomy 24:12
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