Deuteronomy 17:11
Deuteronomy 17:11
Act according to whatever they teach you and the decisions they give you. Do not turn aside from what they tell you, to the right or to the left.

After they have interpreted the law and declared their verdict, the sentence they impose must be fully executed; do not modify it in any way.

According to the instructions that they give you, and according to the decision which they pronounce to you, you shall do. You shall not turn aside from the verdict that they declare to you, either to the right hand or to the left.

"According to the terms of the law which they teach you, and according to the verdict which they tell you, you shall do; you shall not turn aside from the word which they declare to you, to the right or the left.

According to the sentence of the law which they shall teach thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do: thou shalt not decline from the sentence which they shall shew thee, to the right hand, nor to the left.

You must abide by the instruction they give you and the verdict they announce to you. Do not turn to the right or the left from the decision they declare to you.

in accordance with what the Law says, and in accordance with the verdict that will be handed to you. You must not deviate from the verdict that they declare to you either to the right or to the left.

You must do what you are instructed, and the verdict they pronounce to you, without fail. Do not deviate right or left from what they tell you.

and do what they tell you to do in their verdict. Do exactly what they tell you to do in their decision.

According to the word of the law which they shall show thee and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do; thou shalt not decline from the word which they shall show thee, to the right hand nor to the left.

According to the sentence of the law which they shall teach you, and according to the judgment which they shall tell you, you shall do: you shall not decline from the sentence which they shall show you, to the right hand, nor to the left.

According to the sentence of the law which they shall teach you, and according to the judgment which they shall tell you, you shall do: you shall not decline from the sentence which they shall show you, to the right hand, nor to the left.

according to the tenor of the law which they shall teach thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do; thou shalt not turn aside from the sentence which they shall show thee, to the right hand, nor to the left.

According to his law; and thou shalt follow their sentence: neither shalt thou decline to the right hand nor to the left hand.

according to the sentence of the law which they shall declare unto thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do: thou shalt not decline from the word which they shall declare unto thee, to the right hand, or the left.

according to the tenor of the law which they shall teach thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do: thou shalt not turn aside from the sentence which they shall shew thee, to the right hand, nor to the left.

According to the sentence of the law which they shall teach thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do: thou shalt not decline from the sentence which they shall show thee, to the right hand, nor to the left.

according to the tenor of the law which they shall teach you, and according to the judgment which they shall tell you, you shall do; you shall not turn aside from the sentence which they shall show you, to the right hand, nor to the left.

'According to the tenor of the law which they direct thee, and according to the judgment which they say to thee thou dost do; thou dost not turn aside from the word which they declare to thee, right or left.

Ligji i Përtërirë 17:11
Do t'i përmbahesh ligjit që të kanë mësuar dhe vendimit që të kanë deklaruar; nuk do të shmangesh nga vendimi që të kanë treguar as djathtas, as majtas.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 17:11
حسب الشريعة التي يعلّمونك والقضاء الذي يقولونه لك تعمل. لا تحد عن الأمر الذي يخبرونك به يمينا او شمالا.

De Ander Ee 17:11
Dös, wie die dönn Fall entscheidnd, ist für di binddet und muesst umsötzn. Daa derffst naacher nit rund umydum Hintertürln suechen!

Второзаконие 17:11
Да постъпиш според изяснението на закона, както те научат, и според присъдата, която ти рекат; да се не отклоняваш надясно или наляво от присъдата, която ти кажат.

申 命 記 17:11
要 按 他 們 所 指 教 你 的 律 法 , 照 他 們 所 斷 定 的 去 行 ; 他 們 所 指 示 你 的 判 語 , 你 不 可 偏 離 左 右 。

要 按 他 们 所 指 教 你 的 律 法 , 照 他 们 所 断 定 的 去 行 ; 他 们 所 指 示 你 的 判 语 , 你 不 可 偏 离 左 右 。



Deuteronomy 17:11
Uradi prema uputi koju ti dadnu i prema presudi koju donesu. Od presude koju ti kažu ne odstupaj ni desno ni lijevo.

Deuteronomium 17:11
Podlé vyrčení zákona, kterémuž by tě naučili, a podlé rozsudku, kterýžť by vypověděli, učiníš; neuchýlíš se od slova sobě oznámeného ani na pravo ani na levo.

5 Mosebog 17:11
Efter den Vejledning, de giver dig, og efter den Kendelse, de kundgør dig, skal du handle uden at vige til højre eller venstre fra, hvad de giver dig til Kende.

Deuteronomium 17:11
Naar de mond der wet, die zij u zullen leren, en naar het oordeel, dat zij u zullen zeggen, zult gij doen; gij zult niet afwijken van het woord, dat zij u zullen aanzeggen, ter rechterhand of ter linkerhand.

דברים 17:11
עַל־פִּ֨י הַתֹּורָ֜ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר יֹור֗וּךָ וְעַל־הַמִּשְׁפָּ֛ט אֲשֶׁר־יֹאמְר֥וּ לְךָ֖ תַּעֲשֶׂ֑ה לֹ֣א תָס֗וּר מִן־הַדָּבָ֛ר אֲשֶׁר־יַגִּ֥ידֽוּ לְךָ֖ יָמִ֥ין וּשְׂמֹֽאל׃

יא על פי התורה אשר יורוך ועל המשפט אשר יאמרו לך--תעשה  לא תסור מן הדבר אשר יגידו לך--ימין ושמאל

על־פי התורה אשר יורוך ועל־המשפט אשר־יאמרו לך תעשה לא תסור מן־הדבר אשר־יגידו לך ימין ושמאל׃

5 Mózes 17:11
A törvény szerint cselekedjél, a melyre tanítanak téged, és az ítélet szerint, a melyet mondanak néked; el ne hajolj attól a mondástól, a melyet tudtul adnak néked, se jobbra, se balra.

Moseo 5: Readmono 17:11
Laux la instruo, kiun ili donos al vi, kaj laux la decido, kiun ili diros al vi, agu; de tio, kion ili diros al vi, ne deklinigxu dekstren nek maldekstren.

Sen lain jälkeen jonka he opettavat sinulle, ja sen tuomion jälkeen jonka he sanovat sinun etees, pitää sinun tekemän, niin ettes siitä sanasta, kuin he sanovat sinulle, vilpistele et oikialle etkä vasemmalle.

Deutéronome 17:11
Tu agiras conformément à la loi qu'ils t'auront enseignée, et selon le droit qu'ils t'auront annoncé; tu ne t'écarteras, ni à droite ni à gauche, de la sentence qu'ils t'auront déclarée.

Tu te conformeras à la loi qu'ils t'enseigneront et à la sentence qu'ils auront prononcée; tu ne te détourneras de ce qu'ils te diront ni à droite ni à gauche.

Tu feras de point en point ce que dit la loi qu'ils t'auront enseignée, et selon le droit qu'ils t'auront déclaré, et tu ne te détourneras ni à droite ni à gauche, de ce qu'ils t'auront dit.

5 Mose 17:11
Nach dem Gesetz, das sie dich lehren, und nach dem Recht, das sie dir sagen, sollst du dich halten, daß du von demselben nicht abweichest weder zur Rechten noch zur Linken.

Nach dem Gesetz, das sie dich lehren, und nach dem Recht, das sie dir sagen, sollst du dich halten, daß du davon nicht abweichest, weder zur Rechten noch zur Linken.

Gemäß der Weisung, die sie dir erteilen, und dem Urteile, das sie dir zustellen, sollst du handeln, ohne von dem Spruche, den sie dir mitteilen, zur Rechten oder zur Linken abzuweichen.

Deuteronomio 17:11
Ti conformerai alla legge ch’essi t’avranno insegnata e al diritto come te l’avranno dichiarato; non devierai da quello che t’avranno insegnato, né a destra né a sinistra.

Fa’ secondo la Legge ch’essi ti avranno insegnata, e secondo la ragione che ti avranno detta; non istornarti di ciò che ti avranno detto, nè a destra nè a sinistra.

Atas bunyi hukum yang dinyatakannya kepadamu dan atas syarat yang dikatakannya kepadamu itu hendaklah kamu perbuat, janganlah kamu melalui keputusan yang diberi oleh mereka itu entah ke kiri atau ke kanan.

신명기 17:11
곧 그들이 네게 가르치는 법률의 뜻대로 그들이 네게 고하는 판결대로 행할 것이요 그들이 네게 보이는 판결을 어기어서 좌로나 우로나 치우치지 말 것이니라

Deuteronomium 17:11
iuxta legem eius sequeris sententiam eorum nec declinabis ad dextram vel ad sinistram

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 17:11
Elkis pagal jų įsakymus ir nurodymus, nenukrypk nuo jų.

Deuteronomy 17:11
Kia rite tau meatanga ki te tikanga o te ture e kiia e ratou ki a koe, ki te ritenga hoki e korerotia e ratou ki a koe: kaua e peka ke atu, ki matau ranei, ki maui ranei, i te kupu e whakapuakina e ratou ki a koe.

5 Mosebok 17:11
Efter den lov de lærer dig, og efter den dom de forkynner dig, skal du gjøre; du skal ikke vike fra det de sier dig, hverken til høire eller til venstre.

Deuteronomio 17:11
Según los términos de la ley que ellos te enseñen, y según la sentencia que te declaren, así harás; no te apartarás a la derecha ni a la izquierda de la palabra que ellos te declaren.

"Según los términos de la ley que ellos te enseñen, y según la sentencia que te declaren, así harás; no te apartarás a la derecha ni a la izquierda de la palabra que ellos te declaren.

Según la ley que ellos te enseñaren, y según el juicio que te dijeren, harás: no te apartarás ni a derecha ni a izquierda de la sentencia que te mostraren.

Según la ley que ellos te enseñaren, y según el juicio que te dijeren, harás: no te apartarás ni á diestra ni á siniestra de la sentencia que te mostraren.

Según la ley, que ellos te enseñaren, y según el juicio que te dijeren, harás: no te apartarás ni a diestra ni a siniestra de la palabra que te enseñaren.

Deuteronômio 17:11
Farás segundo a ordem que te derem, e de acordo com a sentença que te anunciarem, sem te desviares para a direita ou para a esquerda da palavra que eles te houverem comunicado.

Conforme o teor da lei que te ensinarem, e conforme o juízo que pronunciarem, farás da palavra que te disserem não te desviarás, nem para a direita nem para a esquerda.   

Deuteronom 17:11
Să faci după legea pe care te vor învăţa şi după hotărîrea pe care o vor rosti ei, să nu te abaţi dela ce-ţi vor spune ei, nici la dreapta nici la stînga.

Второзаконие 17:11
по закону, которому научат они тебя, и по определению, какое они скажут тебе, поступи, и не уклоняйся ни направо, ни налево от того, что они скажут тебе.

по закону, которому научат они тебя, и по определению, какое они скажут тебе, поступи, и не уклоняйся ни направо, ни налево от того, что они скажут тебе.[]

5 Mosebok 17:11
Efter den lag som de lära dig, och efter den dom som de avkunna för dig skall du göra. Från det som de förkunna för dig skall du icke vika av, vare sig till höger eller till vänster.

Deuteronomy 17:11
Ayon sa tinig ng kautusan na kanilang ituturo sa iyo, at ayon sa kahatulan na kanilang isasaysay sa iyo, ay gagawin mo: huwag kang liliko sa hatol na kanilang ipakikilala sa iyo, maging sa kanan o sa kaliwa man.

พระราชบัญญัติ 17:11
ท่านจงกระทำตามคำแนะนำจากพระราชบัญญัติซึ่งเขาให้แก่ท่าน และกระทำตามคำตัดสินซึ่งเขาได้สั่งท่าน ท่านทั้งหลายอย่าหันเหไปจากคำตัดสินซึ่งเขาชี้แจงแก่ท่าน อย่าหันไปทางขวามือหรือซ้ายมือ

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 17:11
Size öğretilen yasa ve verilen karar uyarınca davranın. Size bildirilenin dışına çıkmayın.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 17:11
Phải làm theo luật pháp họ dạy cho, và sự phán xét họ giảng ra, chớ xây về bên hữu hay bên tả mà bỏ các điều giảng của họ.

Deuteronomy 17:10
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