Deuteronomy 16:4
Deuteronomy 16:4
Let no yeast be found in your possession in all your land for seven days. Do not let any of the meat you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain until morning.

Let no yeast be found in any house throughout your land for those seven days. And when you sacrifice the Passover lamb on the evening of the first day, do not let any of the meat remain until the next morning.

No leaven shall be seen with you in all your territory for seven days, nor shall any of the flesh that you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain all night until morning.

"For seven days no leaven shall be seen with you in all your territory, and none of the flesh which you sacrifice on the evening of the first day shall remain overnight until morning.

And there shall be no leavened bread seen with thee in all thy coast seven days; neither shall there any thing of the flesh, which thou sacrificedst the first day at even, remain all night until the morning.

No yeast is to be found anywhere in your territory for seven days, and none of the meat you sacrifice in the evening of the first day is to remain until morning.

Yeast is not to be seen in any of your territories for seven days. The meat is not to remain from the evening of the first day until morning.

There must not be a scrap of yeast within your land for seven days, nor can any of the meat you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain until the next morning.

There should be no yeast anywhere in your land for seven days. Never leave until morning any of the meat you slaughter on the evening of the first day.

And there shall be no leavened bread seen in thee within all thy borders for seven days; neither shall any of the flesh which thou didst sacrifice the evening of the first day remain all night until the morning.

And there shall be no leavened bread seen with you in all your territory seven days; neither shall there any part of the flesh, which you sacrificed the first day at evening, remain all night until the morning.

And there shall be no leavened bread seen with you in all your coast seven days; neither shall there any thing of the flesh, which you sacrificed the first day at even, remain all night until the morning.

And there shall be no leaven seen with thee in all thy borders seven days; neither shall any of the flesh, which thou sacrificest the first day at even, remain all night until the morning.

No leaven shall be seen in all thy coasts for seven days, neither shall any of the flesh of that which was sacrificed the first day in the evening remain until morning.

And there shall be no leaven seen with thee in all thy borders seven days; neither shall any of the flesh, which thou sacrificedst at even on the first day, be left over night until the morning. --

And there shall be no leaven seen with thee in all thy borders seven days; neither shall any of the flesh, which thou sacrificest the first day at even, remain all night until the morning.

And there shall be no leavened bread seen with thee in all thy borders seven days; neither shall there any thing of the flesh, which thou didst sacrifice the first day at evening, remain all night until the morning.

No yeast shall be seen with you in all your borders seven days; neither shall any of the flesh, which you sacrifice the first day at evening, remain all night until the morning.

and there is not seen with thee leaven in all thy border seven days, and there doth not remain of the flesh which thou dost sacrifice at evening on the first day till morning.

Ligji i Përtërirë 16:4
Nuk do të shihet maja pranë teje, brenda tërë kufijve të tua, për shtatë ditë me radhë; dhe nuk do të mbetet asgjë nga mishi që flijove mbrëmjen e ditës së parë për gjithë natën deri në mëngjes.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 16:4
ولا يرى عندك خمير في جميع تخومك سبعة ايام ولا يبت شيء من اللحم الذي تذبح مساء في اليوم الاول الى الغد.

De Ander Ee 16:4
Kain Dämpfl haat in deinn gantzn Land die sibn Täg was zo n Suechen, und von dönn Fleish von n eerstn Aabnd derf nix hinst eyn d Frueh überbleibn.

Второзаконие 16:4
Седем дена да се не вижда квас никъде във всичките ти предели; и от месото, което ще жертвуваш на първия ден надвечер, да не остане нищо до сутринта.

申 命 記 16:4
在 你 四 境 之 內 , 七 日 不 可 見 麵 酵 , 頭 一 日 晚 上 所 獻 的 肉 , 一 點 不 可 留 到 早 晨 。

在 你 四 境 之 内 , 七 日 不 可 见 面 酵 , 头 一 日 晚 上 所 献 的 肉 , 一 点 不 可 留 到 早 晨 。



Deuteronomy 16:4
Neka se sedam dana u tebe ne vidi kvasac na svemu tvome području i ništa od mesa žrtve što je zakolješ navečer prvoga dana ne smije ostati preko noći do jutra.

Deuteronomium 16:4
Aniž spatřín bude u tebe kvas ve všech končinách tvých za sedm dní, a nezůstane nic přes noc masa toho, kteréž bys obětoval u večer toho dne prvního, až do jitra.

5 Mosebog 16:4
Hele syv Dage maa der ikke findes Surdejg nogetsteds inden for dine Landemærker. Af Kødet, som du slagter om Aftenen den første Dag maa intet ligge Natten over til næste Morgen.

Deuteronomium 16:4
Er zal bij u in zeven dagen geen zuurdeeg gezien worden in enige uwer landpalen; ook zal van het vlees, dat gij aan den avond van den eersten dag geslacht zult hebben, niets tot den morgen overnachten.

דברים 16:4
וְלֹֽא־יֵרָאֶ֨ה לְךָ֥ שְׂאֹ֛ר בְּכָל־גְּבֻלְךָ֖ שִׁבְעַ֣ת יָמִ֑ים וְלֹא־יָלִ֣ין מִן־הַבָּשָׂ֗ר אֲשֶׁ֨ר תִּזְבַּ֥ח בָּעֶ֛רֶב בַּיֹּ֥ום הָרִאשֹׁ֖ון לַבֹּֽקֶר׃

ד ולא יראה לך שאר בכל גבלך שבעת ימים ולא ילין מן הבשר אשר תזבח בערב ביום הראשון--לבקר

ולא־יראה לך שאר בכל־גבלך שבעת ימים ולא־ילין מן־הבשר אשר תזבח בערב ביום הראשון לבקר׃

5 Mózes 16:4
És ne lásson senki kovászt hét napon át sehol a te határodban; és a húsból, a melyet az elsõ napon estve megáldozol, semmi ne maradjon reggelig.

Moseo 5: Readmono 16:4
Oni ne vidu cxe vi fermentintajxon en via tuta limitajxo dum sep tagoj; kaj el la viando, kiun vi oferbucxos vespere en la unua tago, neniom restu gxis la mateno.

Seitsemänä päivänä ei pidä sinulla hapantunutta nähtämän kaikissa sinun maas äärissä, ja lihasta joka ensimäisenä päivänä ehtoona teurastetaan, ei pidä mitäkään jäämän yli yön huomeneksi.

Deutéronome 16:4
Et il ne se verra pas de levain chez toi, dans toutes tes limites, pendant sept jours; et de la chair que tu sacrifieras le soir du premier jour, rien ne passera la nuit jusqu'au matin.

On ne verra point chez toi de levain, dans toute l'étendue de ton pays, pendant sept jours; et aucune partie des victimes que tu sacrifieras le soir du premier jour ne sera gardée pendant la nuit jusqu'au matin.

Il ne se verra point de levain chez toi dans toute l'étendue de ton pays pendant sept jours, et on ne gardera rien de la chair du sacrifice que tu auras fait le soir du premier jour, jusqu'au matin.

5 Mose 16:4
Es soll in sieben Tagen kein Gesäuertes gesehen werden in allen deinen Grenzen; und soll auch nichts vom Fleisch, das des Abends am ersten Tage geschlachtet ist über Nacht bleiben bis an den Morgen.

Es soll in sieben Tagen kein Sauerteig gesehen werden in allen deinen Grenzen und soll auch nichts vom Fleisch, das des Abends am ersten Tage geschlachtet ist, über Nacht bleiben bis an den Morgen.

Sieben Tage lang darf sich in deinem ganzen Bereiche kein Sauerteig bei dir vorfinden, und von dem Fleische, das du am ersten Tag am Abend opferst, darf nichts über Nacht bis zum Morgen bleiben.

Deuteronomio 16:4
Non si vegga lievito presso di te, entro tutti i tuoi confini, per sette giorni; e della carne che avrai immolata la sera del primo giorno, nulla se ne serbi durante la notte fino al mattino.

E per sette giorni non veggasi alcun lievito appo te, in tutti i tuoi confini; e della carne che tu avrai ammazzata la sera, nel primo giorno, non restine nulla la notte fino alla mattina.

Maka jangan kelihatan padamu barang khamir di dalam segala perhinggaan negerimu tujuh hari lamanya; maka dari pada daging binatang, yang kamu sembelihkan waktu petang pada hari yang pertama itu, satupun jangan bermalam sampai pagi hari.

신명기 16:4
그 칠일 동안에는 네 사경내에 누룩이 보이지 않게 할 것이요 또 네가 첫날 해 질 때에 제사드린 고기를 밤을 지내어 아침까지 두지 말 것이며

Deuteronomium 16:4
non apparebit fermentum in omnibus terminis tuis septem diebus et non manebit de carnibus eius quod immolatum est vesperi in die primo mane

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 16:4
Septynias dienas neturi būti raugo visame tavo krašte; nepalik rytojui mėsos, aukotos pirmos dienos vakare.

Deuteronomy 16:4
A kia whitu nga ra e kore ai e kitea he rewena ki a koe i ou rohe katoa; kaua hoki e whakatoea mo te ata tetahi wahi o te kikokiko e patua e koe i te ahiahi o te ra tuatahi.

5 Mosebok 16:4
I syv dager skal det ikke finnes surdeig hos dig i hele ditt land, og av det kjøtt du slakter om aftenen den første dag, skal intet ligge natten over til om morgenen.

Deuteronomio 16:4
Durante siete días no se verá contigo levadura en todo tu territorio; y de la carne que sacrifiques en la tarde del primer día, no quedará nada para la mañana siguiente .

"Durante siete días no se verá contigo levadura en todo tu territorio. De la carne que sacrifiques en la tarde del primer día, no quedará nada para la mañana siguiente .

Y no se dejará ver levadura contigo en todo tu término por siete días; y de la carne que matares a la tarde del primer día, no quedará hasta la mañana.

Y no se dejará ver levadura contigo en todo tu término por siete días; y de la carne que matares á la tarde del primer día, no quedará hasta la mañana.

Y no parecerá levadura en ti, en todo tu término por siete días; y de la carne que matares a la tarde del primer día, no quedará hasta la mañana.

Deuteronômio 16:4
Durante sete dias não permitirás que seja encontrado fermento em todo o teu território, e da carne que tiveres sacrificado na tarde do primeiro dia nada deverá sobrar para a manhã seguinte.

O fermento não aparecerá contigo por sete dias em todos os teus termos; também da carne que sacrificares à tarde, no primeiro dia, nada ficará até pela manhã.   

Deuteronom 16:4
Să nu se vadă aluat la tine, pe toată întinderea ţării tale, timp de şapte zile; şi nicio parte din vitele pe cari le vei jertfi în seara celei dintîi zile să nu fie păstrată peste noapte pînă dimineaţa.

Второзаконие 16:4
не должно находиться у тебя ничто квасное во всем уделе твоем в продолжениесеми дней, и из мяса, которое ты принес в жертву вечером в первый день, ничто не должно оставаться до утра.

не должно находиться у тебя ничто квасное во всем уделе твоем в продолжение семи дней, и из мяса, которое ты принес в жертву вечером в первый день, ничто не должно оставаться до утра.[]

5 Mosebok 16:4
I sju dagar må man icke se någon surdeg hos dig, i hela ditt land; och av det som du slaktar om aftonen på den första dagen skall intet kött lämnas kvar över natten till morgonen.

Deuteronomy 16:4
At pitong araw na walang makikitang lebadura sa iyo, sa lahat ng iyong mga hangganan; ni sa anomang karne na iyong ihahain sa unang araw sa paglubog ng araw ay walang maiiwan sa buong gabi, hanggang sa umaga;

พระราชบัญญัติ 16:4
ตลอดเจ็ดวันนั้นอย่าให้เห็นเชื้อขนมภายในอาณาเขตประเทศของท่าน หรือเนื้อสัตว์ซึ่งท่านได้บูชาในเวลาเย็นวันแรกเหลืออยู่ตลอดคืนจนเช้าวันรุ่งขึ้น

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 16:4
Yedi gün ülkenizin hiçbir yerinde maya bulunmasın. Akşam kurban edeceğiniz hayvanların etinden ilk günün sabahına bir şey bırakmayacaksınız.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 16:4
Trong bảy ngày, không nên thấy men nơi nhà ngươi, hay trong khắp địa phận ngươi, thịt con sinh mà ngươi đã giết lúc chiều của ngày thứ nhất, thì chớ để đến sáng mai.

Deuteronomy 16:3
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