Deuteronomy 13:17
Deuteronomy 13:17
and none of the condemned things are to be found in your hands. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger, will show you mercy, and will have compassion on you. He will increase your numbers, as he promised on oath to your ancestors--

Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a large nation, just as he swore to your ancestors.

None of the devoted things shall stick to your hand, that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger and show you mercy and have compassion on you and multiply you, as he swore to your fathers,

"Nothing from that which is put under the ban shall cling to your hand, in order that the LORD may turn from His burning anger and show mercy to you, and have compassion on you and make you increase, just as He has sworn to your fathers,

And there shall cleave nought of the cursed thing to thine hand: that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and shew thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers;

Nothing set apart for destruction is to remain in your hand, so that the LORD will turn from His burning anger and grant you mercy, show you compassion, and multiply you as He swore to your fathers.

Moreover, you must never take any item from those condemned things, so the LORD may yet relent from his burning anger and extend compassion, have mercy, and cause you to increase in number—as he promised by an oath to your ancestors—

You must not take for yourself anything that has been placed under judgment. Then the LORD will relent from his intense anger, show you compassion, have mercy on you, and multiply you as he promised your ancestors.

Don't ever take any of the things claimed for destruction. Then the LORD will stop being angry and will show you mercy. In his mercy he will make your population increase, as he swore to your ancestors.

And none of the anathema shall cleave to thine hand that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger and show thee mercy and have compassion upon thee and multiply thee, as he has sworn unto thy fathers,

And there shall cleave none of the accursed thing to your hand: that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and show you mercy, and have compassion upon you, and multiply you, as he has sworn unto your fathers;

And there shall stick nothing of the cursed thing to your hand: that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and show you mercy, and have compassion on you, and multiply you, as he has sworn to your fathers;

And there shall cleave nought of the devoted thing to thy hand; that Jehovah may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and show thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers;

And there shall nothing of that anathema stick to thy hand: that the Lord may turn from the wrath of his fury, and may have mercy on thee, and multiply thee as he swore to thy fathers,

And thou shalt not let anything cleave to thy hand of the devoted thing; that Jehovah may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and shew thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers;

And there shall cleave nought of the devoted thing to thine hand: that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and shew thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers;

And there shall cleave naught of the cursed thing to thy hand: that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and show thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath sworn to thy fathers;

Nothing of the devoted thing shall cling to your hand; that Yahweh may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and show you mercy, and have compassion on you, and multiply you, as he has sworn to your fathers;

and there doth not cleave to thy hand any of the devoted thing, so that Jehovah doth turn back from the fierceness of His anger, and hath given to thee mercies, and loved thee, and multiplied thee, as He hath sworn to thy fathers,

Ligji i Përtërirë 13:17
Prandaj asgjë nga ato që janë caktuar të shkatërrohen të mos ju ngjitet në dorë, me qëllim që Zoti të heqë dorë nga zjarri i zemërimit të tij dhe të tregohet i dhimshur t'i vijë keq për ty dhe të të shumëzojë, ashtu siç u është betuar etërve tuaj,

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 13:17
ولا يلتصق بيدك شيء من المحرّم. لكي يرجع الرب من حمو غضبه ويعطيك رحمة. يرحمك ويكثرك كما حلف لآبائك

De Ander Ee 13:17
Von dönn Opfer derffst dyr nix selbn ghaltn, nit däß dyr Trechtein non örger erzürnt und dyrmit yr dyr gnaedig ist. Naacherd nimmt yr si um enk an und macht enk so zalreich, wie yr s yn deine Vätter gschworn haat,

Второзаконие 13:17
Нищо от обреченото [на изтребление] да се не залепи за ръката ти; за да се върне Господ от яростния Си гняв и да ти покаже милост, да те пожали, и да те умножи, както се е клел на бащите ти,

申 命 記 13:17
那 當 毀 滅 的 物 連 一 點 都 不 可 粘 你 的 手 。 你 要 聽 從 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 的 話 , 遵 守 我 今 日 所 吩 咐 你 的 一 切 誡 命 , 行 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 眼 中 看 為 正 的 事 , 耶 和 華 就 必 轉 意 , 不 發 烈 怒 , 恩 待 你 , 憐 恤 你 , 照 他 向 你 列 祖 所 起 的 誓 使 你 人 數 增 多 。

那 当 毁 灭 的 物 连 一 点 都 不 可 粘 你 的 手 。 你 要 听 从 耶 和 华 ─ 你   神 的 话 , 遵 守 我 今 日 所 吩 咐 你 的 一 切 诫 命 , 行 耶 和 华 ─ 你   神 眼 中 看 为 正 的 事 , 耶 和 华 就 必 转 意 , 不 发 烈 怒 , 恩 待 你 , 怜 恤 你 , 照 他 向 你 列 祖 所 起 的 誓 使 你 人 数 增 多 。

Deuteronomy 13:17
Od onoga što je bilo prokletstvom udareno neka ništa ne prione za tvoju ruku, da Jahve odustane od žestine svoga gnjeva; da ti iskaže milosrđe, smiluje ti se i razmnoži te, kako se zakleo tvojim ocima

Deuteronomium 13:17
A nevezmeš ničehož z věcí proklatých, aby Hospodin odvrátil se od hněvu prchlivosti své, a učinil tobě milosrdenství svá, a smiloval se nad tebou, i rozmnožil tě, jakož s přísahou zaslíbil otcům tvým.

5 Mosebog 13:17
Og intet af det bandlyste maa blive hængende ved din Haand, for at HERREN maa standse sin flammende Vrede og vise dig Barmhjertighed og i sin Barmhjertighed gøre dig mangfoldig, som han tilsvor dine Fædre,

Deuteronomium 13:17
Ook zal er niets van het verbannene aan uw hand kleven, opdat de HEERE Zich wende van de hitte Zijns toorns, en u geve barmhartigheid, en Zich uwer erbarme, en u vermenigvuldige, gelijk als Hij uw vaderen gezworen heeft;

דברים 13:17
וְלֹֽא־יִדְבַּ֧ק בְּיָדְךָ֛ מְא֖וּמָה מִן־הַחֵ֑רֶם לְמַעַן֩ יָשׁ֨וּב יְהוָ֜ה מֵחֲרֹ֣ון אַפֹּ֗ו וְנָֽתַן־לְךָ֤ רַחֲמִים֙ וְרִֽחַמְךָ֣ וְהִרְבֶּ֔ךָ כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר נִשְׁבַּ֖ע לַאֲבֹתֶֽיךָ׃

יח ולא ידבק בידך מאומה מן החרם--למען ישוב יהוה מחרון אפו ונתן לך רחמים ורחמך והרבך כאשר נשבע לאבתיך

ולא־ידבק בידך מאומה מן־החרם למען ישוב יהוה מחרון אפו ונתן־לך רחמים ורחמך והרבך כאשר נשבע לאבתיך׃

5 Mózes 13:17
Ne ragadjon semmi a te kezedhez abból az átokra valóból, hogy szûnjék meg az Úr haragjának búsulása, és könyörületes legyen hozzád, és könyörüljön rajtad, és megszaporítson téged, a miképen megesküdt a te atyáidnak,

Moseo 5: Readmono 13:17
Kaj nenio el la anatemajxo algluigxu al via mano, por ke la Eternulo forlasu Sian flaman koleron kaj donu al vi favorkorecon kaj indulgu vin kaj multigu vin, kiel Li jxuris al viaj patroj,

Ja älä mitään sinun käsiis jätä siitä kirotusta, että Herra kääntyis vihansa julmuudesta, ja antais sinulle laupiuden, ja armahtais sinun päälles, ja enentäis sinun, niinkuin hän vannoi sinun isilles,

Deutéronome 13:17
Et il ne s'attachera rien de cet anathème à ta main, afin que l'Éternel revienne de l'ardeur de sa colère, et qu'il te fasse miséricorde, et ait compassion de toi, et qu'il te multiplie, comme il a juré à tes pères,

Rien de ce qui sera dévoué par interdit ne s'attachera à ta main, afin que l'Eternel revienne de l'ardeur de sa colère, qu'il te fasse miséricorde et grâce, et qu'il te multiplie, comme il l'a juré à tes pères,

Et rien de l'interdit ne demeurera en ta main, afin que l'Eternel se départe de l'ardeur de sa colère, et qu'il te fasse miséricorde, et ait pitié de toi, et qu'il te multiplie, comme il a juré à tes pères.

5 Mose 13:17
Und laß nichts von dem Bann an deiner Hand hangen, auf daß der HERR von dem Grimm seines Zorns abgewendet werde und gebe dir Barmherzigkeit und erbarme sich deiner und mehre dich, wie er deinen Vätern geschworen hat,

Und laß nichts von dem Bann an deiner Hand hangen, auf daß der HERR von dem Grimm seines Zorns abgewendet werde und gebe dir Barmherzigkeit und erbarme sich deiner und mehre dich, wie er den Vätern geschworen hat;

Nichts von dem mit dem Banne Belegten darf an deiner Hand kleben bleiben, damit Jahwe von seinem heftigen Zorn ablasse und dir Erbarmen beweise, und damit er in seinem Erbarmen dich mehre, wie er deinen Vätern geschworen hat,

Deuteronomio 13:17
E nulla di ciò che sarà così votato allo sterminio s’attaccherà alle tue mani, affinché l’Eterno si distolga dall’ardore della sua ira, ti faccia misericordia, abbia pietà di te e ti moltiplichi, come giurò di fare ai tuoi padri,

E nulla dell’interdetto ti si attacchi alle mani; acciocchè il Signore si stolga dall’ardor della sua ira, e ti faccia misericordia, e abbia pietà di te, e ti accresca, come egli giurò a’ tuoi padri;

Maka suatupun jangan lekat pada tanganmu dari pada segala yang ditumpas itu, supaya undurlah Tuhan dari pada kehangatan murka-Nya dan ditunjuk-Nya kemurahan-Nya kepadamu dan dikasihani-Nya kamu dan diperbanyakkan-Nya kamu, seperti yang telah Ia berjanji kepada nenek moyangmu pakai sumpah.

신명기 13:17
너는 이 진멸할 물건을 조금도 네 손에 대지 말라 그리하면 여호와께서 그 진노를 그치시고 너를 긍휼히 여기시고 자비를 더하사 너의 열조에게 맹세하심 같이 네 수효를 번성케 하실 것이라

Deuteronomium 13:17
et non adherebit de illo anathemate quicquam in manu tua ut avertatur Dominus ab ira furoris sui et misereatur tui multiplicetque te sicut iuravit patribus tuis

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 13:17
Iš tų prakeiktų daiktų nieko nepasisavink, kad Viešpats atsisakytų savo rūstybės, pasigailėtų tavęs ir padaugintų tave, kaip prisiekė tavo tėvams.

Deuteronomy 13:17
Kei piri hoki ki tou ringa tetahi wahi o te mea kua oti nei te kanga: kia tahuri mai ai a Ihowa i te muranga o tona riri, ka whakaputa mai he atawhai ki a koe, kia atawhai ai hoki ia i a koe, kia whakanui ai i a koe, kia rite ai ki tana i oati a i ki ou matua;

5 Mosebok 13:17
Ikke det minste av det bannlyste skal bli hengende ved din hånd, forat Herren må la sin brennende vrede fare og være dig nådig og miskunne sig over dig og gjøre dig tallrik, som han har svoret dine fedre,

Deuteronomio 13:17
Y nada de lo dedicado al anatema quedará en tu mano, para que el SEÑOR se aparte del ardor de su ira y sea misericordioso contigo, tenga compasión de ti y te multiplique, tal como El juró a tus padres,

"Nada de lo dedicado al anatema (a la destrucción) quedará en tu mano, para que el SEÑOR se aparte del ardor de Su ira y sea misericordioso contigo, tenga compasión de ti y te multiplique, tal como El juró a tus padres,

Y no se pegará algo a tu mano del anatema; para que Jehová se aparte del furor de su ira y te muestre misericordia, y tenga compasión de ti, y te multiplique, como lo juró a tus padres,

Y no se pegará algo á tu mano del anatema; porque Jehová se aparte del furor de su ira, y te dé mercedes, y tenga misericordia de ti, y te multiplique, como lo juró á tus padres,

Y no se pegará algo a tu mano del anatema; para que el SEÑOR se aparte del furor de su ira, y te dé mercedes, y tenga misericordia de ti, y te multiplique, como lo juró a tus padres,

Deuteronômio 13:17
Nada do que for sacrificado como anátema, oferta, ficará em tua mão, a fim de que o SENHOR afaste o fogo da sua indignação e ira. Ele, em seguida, te concederá a bênção da sua misericórdia e perdão, e te multiplicará, conforme prometeu sob juramento a teus antepassados,

Não se te pegará às mãos nada do anátema; para que o Senhor se aparte do ardor da sua ira, e te faça misericórdia, e tenha piedade de ti, e te multiplique; como jurou a teus pais,   

Deuteronom 13:17
Nimic din ce va fi blestemat ca să fie nimicit cu desăvîrşire, să nu se lipească de mîna te, pentru ca Domnul să Se întoarcă din iuţimea mîniei Lui, să Se îndure de tine, să te ierte, şi să te înmulţească, după cum a jurat lucrul acesta părinţilor tăi,

Второзаконие 13:17
ничто из заклятого да не прилипнет к руке твоей, дабы укротил Господь ярость гнева Своего, и дал тебе милость и помиловал тебя, и размножилтебя, как клялся отцам твоим,

ничто из заклятого да не прилипнет к руке твоей, дабы укротил Господь ярость гнева Своего, и дал тебе милость и помиловал тебя, и размножил тебя, как клялся отцам твоим,[]

5 Mosebok 13:17
Låt intet av det tillspillogivna låda vi din hand, på det att HERREN må vända sig ifrån sin vredes glöd och låta barmhärtighet vederfaras dig och förbarma sig över dig och föröka dig, såsom han med ed har lovat dina fäder att göra,

Deuteronomy 13:17
At huwag kang magsasagi ng bagay na itinalaga sa iyong kamay: upang talikdan ng Panginoon ang kabagsikan ng kaniyang galit, at pagpakitaan ka niya ng kaawaan, at mahabag sa iyo at paramihin ka, na gaya ng isinumpa niya sa iyong mga magulang;

พระราชบัญญัติ 13:17
อย่าให้ของต้องห้ามนั้นมาติดพันมือของท่าน เพื่อว่าพระเยโฮวาห์จะทรงหันจากพระพิโรธยิ่งของพระองค์ และทรงสำแดงพระกรุณาคุณต่อท่าน และทรงเมตตาท่าน ให้ท่านทวีมากขึ้น ดังที่พระองค์ปฏิญาณไว้กับบรรพบุรุษของท่านนั้น

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 13:17
Yok edilecek mallardan hiçbir şey almayın. Böylece RABbin kızgın öfkesi yatışacak ve RAB atalarınıza içtiği ant uyarınca size acıyacak, sevecenlik gösterecek, sizi çoğaltacaktır.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 13:17
Phàm vật đáng tận diệt, chẳng nên còn gì dính lại mảy may nơi tay ngươi, để khi ngươi vâng theo tiếng của Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi, gìn giữ các điều răn Ngài, mà ta truyền cho ngươi ngày nay, và làm điều ngay thẳng trước mặt Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi,

Deuteronomy 13:16
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