Deuteronomy 12:31
Deuteronomy 12:31
You must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.

You must not worship the LORD your God the way the other nations worship their gods, for they perform for their gods every detestable act that the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters as sacrifices to their gods.

You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way, for every abominable thing that the LORD hates they have done for their gods, for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods.

"You shall not behave thus toward the LORD your God, for every abominable act which the LORD hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.

Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

You must not do the same to the LORD your God, because they practice every detestable thing, which the LORD hates, for their gods. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.

You must not do the same to the LORD your God, because they practiced in the presence of their gods every sort of abomination that the LORD hates. Moreover, they sacrificed their sons and daughters to their gods.

You must not worship the LORD your God the way they do! For everything that is abhorrent to him, everything he hates, they have done when worshiping their gods. They even burn up their sons and daughters before their gods!

Never worship the LORD your God in the way they worship their gods, because everything they do for their gods is disgusting to the LORD. He hates it! They even burn their sons and daughters as sacrifices to their gods.

Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God; for every abomination unto the LORD, which he hates, they have done unto their gods; for they have even burnt their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods.

You shall not do so unto the LORD your God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hates, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burned in the fire to their gods.

You shall not do so to the LORD your God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hates, have they done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

Thou shalt not do so unto Jehovah thy God: for every abomination to Jehovah, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their gods.

Thou shalt not do in like manner to the Lord thy God. For they have done to their gods all the abominations which the Lord abhorreth, offering their sons and daughters, and burning them with fire.

Thou shalt not do so to Jehovah thy God; for every thing that is abomination to Jehovah, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters have they burned in the fire to their gods.

Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their gods.

Thou shalt not do so to the LORD thy God; for every abomination to the LORD which he hateth have they done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

You shall not do so to Yahweh your God: for every abomination to Yahweh, which he hates, have they done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their gods.

'Thou dost not do so to Jehovah thy God; for every abomination of Jehovah which He is hating they have done to their gods, for even their sons and their daughters they burn with fire to their gods.

Ligji i Përtërirë 12:31
Ti nuk do të veprosh kështu me Zotin, me Perëndinë tënd, sepse ata me perënditë e tyre kanë bërë tërë ato gjëra të neveritshme për Zotin dhe që ai i urren; kanë djegur madje në zjarr bijtë dhe bijat e tyre për nder të perëndive të tyre.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 12:31
لا تعمل هكذا للرب الهك لانهم قد عملوا لآلهتهم كل رجس لدى الرب مما يكرهه اذ احرقوا حتى بنيهم وبناتهم بالنار لآلهتهم.

De Ander Ee 12:31
Wennst yn n Herrn, deinn Got, dienst, sollst ys nit machen wie die; denn von dene Grauln, wo s bei ienern Götzndienst begangen habnd, will dyr Trechtein nix wissn. Sogar ienerne aignen Kinder brennend s yn ienerne Götzn dar.

Второзаконие 12:31
Да не постъпваш така спрямо Господа твоя Бог; защото те са извършили за боговете си всяка мерзост, която Господ мрази; понеже за боговете си са изгаряли с огън и синовете си и дъщерите си.

申 命 記 12:31
你 不 可 向 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 這 樣 行 , 因 為 他 們 向 他 們 的   神 行 了 耶 和 華 所 憎 嫌 所 恨 惡 的 一 切 事 , 甚 至 將 自 己 的 兒 女 用 火 焚 燒 , 獻 與 他 們 的   神 。

你 不 可 向 耶 和 华 ─ 你 的   神 这 样 行 , 因 为 他 们 向 他 们 的   神 行 了 耶 和 华 所 憎 嫌 所 恨 恶 的 一 切 事 , 甚 至 将 自 己 的 儿 女 用 火 焚 烧 , 献 与 他 们 的   神 。



Deuteronomy 12:31
Nemoj onako postupati prema Jahvi, Bogu svome. TÓa Jahvi je zazorno i mrsko sve što su oni činili svojim bogovima. Čak su svoje sinove i kćeri spaljivali u čast svojim bogovima.

Deuteronomium 12:31
Neučiníš tak Hospodinu Bohu svému, nebo všecko, což v ohavnosti má Hospodin, a čehož nenávidí, činili bohům svým; také i syny své a dcery své ohněm pálili ke cti bohům svým.

5 Mosebog 12:31
Saaledes maa du ikke bære dig ad over for HERREN din Gud; thi alt, hvad der er HERREN en Vederstyggelighed, alt, hvad han hader, har de gjort over for deres Guder; ja, de brændte endog deres Sønner og Døtre til Ære for deres Guder!

Deuteronomium 12:31
Gij zult alzo niet doen den HEERE, uw God; want al wat den HEERE een gruwel is, dat Hij haat, hebben zij hun goden gedaan; want zij hebben ook hun zonen en hun dochteren met vuur verbrand voor hun goden.

דברים 12:31
לֹא־תַעֲשֶׂ֣ה כֵ֔ן לַיהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ כִּי֩ כָּל־תֹּועֲבַ֨ת יְהוָ֜ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר שָׂנֵ֗א עָשׂוּ֙ לֵאלֹ֣הֵיהֶ֔ם כִּ֣י גַ֤ם אֶת־בְּנֵיהֶם֙ וְאֶת־בְּנֹ֣תֵיהֶ֔ם יִשְׂרְפ֥וּ בָאֵ֖שׁ לֵֽאלֹהֵיהֶֽם׃

לא לא תעשה כן ליהוה אלהיך  כי כל תועבת יהוה אשר שנא עשו לאלהיהם--כי גם את בניהם ואת בנתיהם ישרפו באש לאלהיהם

לא־תעשה כן ליהוה אלהיך כי כל־תועבת יהוה אשר שנא עשו לאלהיהם כי גם את־בניהם ואת־בנתיהם ישרפו באש לאלהיהם׃

5 Mózes 12:31
Ne cselekedjél így az Úrral, a te Isteneddel, mert mind azt az útálatosságot, a mit gyûlöl az Úr, megcselekedték az õ isteneikkel; mert még fiaikat és leányaikat is megégetik vala tûzzel az õ isteneiknek.

Moseo 5: Readmono 12:31
Ne agu tiel koncerne la Eternulon, vian Dion; cxar cxion, kion abomenas la Eternulo, kion Li malamas, ili faras por siaj dioj, kaj ecx siajn filojn kaj filinojn ili forbruligas per fajro al siaj dioj.

Ei sinun pidä niin tekemän Herralle sinun Jumalalles; sillä he ovat tehneet jumalillensa kaikkia niitä, mitä Herralle kauhistus on, jota hän vihaa; sillä he ovat poikansakin ja tyttärensä tulella polttaneet jumalillensa.

Deutéronome 12:31
Tu ne feras pas ainsi à l'Éternel, ton Dieu; car tout ce qui est en abomination à l'Éternel, ce qu'il hait, ils l'ont fait à leurs dieux; car même ils ont brûlé au feu leurs fils et leurs filles à leurs dieux.

Tu n'agiras pas ainsi à l'égard de l'Eternel, ton Dieu; car elles servaient leurs dieux en faisant toutes les abominations qui sont odieuses à l'Eternel, et même elles brûlaient au feu leurs fils et leurs filles en l'honneur de leurs dieux.

Tu ne feras point ainsi à l'Eternel ton Dieu; car ces nations ont fait à leurs dieux tout ce qui est en abomination à l'Eternel, [et] qu'il hait; car même ils ont brûlé au feu leurs fils et leurs filles à leurs dieux.

5 Mose 12:31
Du sollst nicht also an dem HERRN, deinem Gott, tun; denn sie haben ihren Göttern getan alles, was dem HERRN ein Greuel ist, und das er hasset; denn sie haben auch ihre Söhne und Töchter mit Feuer verbrannt ihren Göttern.

Du sollst nicht also dem HERRN, deinem Gott, tun; denn sie haben ihren Göttern getan alles, was dem HERRN ein Greuel ist und was er haßt, denn sie haben auch ihre Söhne und Töchter mit Feuer verbrannt ihren Göttern.

Du darfst in betreff der Verehrung Jahwes, deines Gottes, nicht so verfahren. Denn alles, was Jahwe ein Greuel ist, was er haßt, haben sie gegenüber ihren Göttern gethan; verbrennen sie doch ihren Göttern sogar ihre Söhne und Töchter.

Deuteronomio 12:31
Non così farai riguardo all’Eterno, all’Iddio tuo; poiché esse praticavano verso i loro dèi tutto ciò ch’è abominevole per l’Eterno e ch’egli detesta; davan perfino alle fiamme i loro figliuoli e le loro figliuole, in onore dei loro dèi.

Non far così inverso il Signore Iddio tuo; perciocchè quelle nazioni hanno fatto inverso i lor dii tutto ciò ch’è abbominevole al Signore, e ciò ch’egli odia; conciossiachè abbiano eziandio bruciati col fuoco i lor figliuoli e le lor figliuole agl’iddii loro.

Jangan kamu berbuat begitu akan Tuhan, Allahmu; karena segala perkara yang telah diperbuat oleh mereka itu akan dewa-dewanya, ia itu kebencian belaka kepada Tuhan, sehingga dibakar juga oleh mereka itu habis akan anaknya laki-laki dan perempuan dengan api bagi dewa-dewanya.

신명기 12:31
네 하나님 여호와께는 네가 그와 같이 행하지 못할 것이라 그들은 여호와의 꺼리시며 가증히 여기시는 일을 그 신들에게 행하여 심지어 그 자녀를 불살라 그 신들에게 드렸느니라

Deuteronomium 12:31
non facies similiter Domino Deo tuo omnes enim abominationes quas aversatur Dominus fecerunt diis suis offerentes filios et filias et conburentes igne

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 12:31
Nedaryk taip Viešpačiui, savo Dievui. Nes jos darė savo dievams tai, kas bjauru Viešpaties akyse ir tai, ko Jis nekenčia; net savo sūnus ir dukteris jos degindavo savo dievams.

Deuteronomy 12:31
Kei pera tau mahi ki a Ihowa, ki tou Atua: ko nga mea katoa hoki e whakarihariha ai a Ihowa, e kino ai, ko ia ta ratou i mahi ai ki o ratou atua; na, ko a ratou tama nei ano, me a ratou tamahine e tahuna ana e ratou ki te ahi ma o ratou atua.

5 Mosebok 12:31
Du skal ikke gjøre som de når du dyrker Herren din Gud; for alt det som er en vederstyggelighet for Herren, og som han hater, det gjør de for sine guder; endog sine sønner og sine døtre brenner de i ilden til ære for sine guder.

Deuteronomio 12:31
No procederás así para con el SEÑOR tu Dios, porque toda acción abominable que el SEÑOR odia ellos la han hecho en honor de sus dioses; porque aun a sus hijos y a sus hijas queman en el fuego en honor a sus dioses.

"No procederás así para con el SEÑOR tu Dios, porque toda acción abominable que el SEÑOR odia, ellos la han hecho en honor de sus dioses; porque aun a sus hijos y a sus hijas queman en el fuego en honor a sus dioses.

No harás así a Jehová tu Dios; porque todo lo que Jehová aborrece, hicieron ellos a sus dioses; pues aun a sus hijos e hijas quemaban en el fuego a sus dioses.

No harás así á Jehová tu Dios; porque todo lo que Jehová aborrece, hicieron ellos á sus dioses; pues aun á sus hijos é hijas quemaban en el fuego á sus dioses.

No harás así al SEÑOR tu Dios; porque todo lo que el SEÑOR aborrece, hicieron ellos a sus dioses; pues aun a sus hijos e hijas quemaban en el fuego a sus dioses.

Deuteronômio 12:31
Não procederás desse modo para com o SENHOR, o teu Deus! Pois esses povos pagãos ofereciam a seus deuses tudo o que é abominação aos olhos de Yahweh: tudo o que Ele odeia e rejeita, como queimar seus próprios filhos e filhas em sacrifícios a seus ídolos.

Não farás assim para com o Senhor teu Deus; porque tudo o que é abominável ao Senhor, e que ele detesta, fizeram elas para com os seus deuses; pois até seus filhos e suas filhas queimam no fogo aos seus deuses.   

Deuteronom 12:31
Tu să nu faci aşa faţă de Domnul, Dumnezeul tău; căci ele slujeau dumnezeilor lor, făcînd toate urîciunile pe cari le urăşte Domnul, şi ele chiar îşi ardeau în foc fiii şi fiicele lor în cinstea dumnezeilor lor.

Второзаконие 12:31
не делай так Господу, Богу твоему, ибо все, чего гнушается Господь, что ненавидит Он, они делают богам своим: они и сыновей своих и дочерей своих сожигают на огне богам своим.

не делай так Господу, Богу твоему, ибо все, чего гнушается Господь, что ненавидит Он, они делают богам своим: они и сыновей своих и дочерей своих сожигают на огне богам своим.[]

5 Mosebok 12:31
Nej, på det sättet skall icke du göra, när du tillbeder HERREN, din Gud, ty allt som är en styggelse för HERREN, och som han hatar, det hava de gjort till sina gudars ära; ja, de gå så långt att de bränna upp sina söner och döttrar i eld åt sina gudar.

Deuteronomy 12:31
Huwag mong gagawing gayon sa Panginoon mong Dios: sapagka't bawa't karumaldumal sa Panginoon, na kaniyang kinapopootan, ay kanilang ginagawa sa kanilang mga dios; sapagka't pati ng kanilang mga anak na lalake at babae ay kanilang sinusunog sa apoy sa kanilang mga dios.

พระราชบัญญัติ 12:31
ท่านอย่ากระทำอย่างนั้นแด่พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่านทั้งหลาย เพราะว่าสิ่งที่น่าสะอิดสะเอียนทุกอย่างซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงเกลียดชัง พวกเขากระทำสิ่งนั้นต่อพระทั้งหลายของเขา แม้แต่บุตรชายและบุตรสาวของเขา เขาก็เผาด้วยไฟบูชาแด่พระของเขา

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 12:31
Tanrınız RABbe bu biçimde tapınmayacaksınız. Onlar ilahlarına RABbin tiksindiği iğrenç şeyler sunuyorlar. Oğullarını, kızlarını bile yakarak ilahlarına kurban ediyorlar.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 12:31
Ngươi chớ phục sự Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi như vậy, vì mọi điều Ðức Giê-hô-va lấy làm gớm ghiếc và ghét, thì chúng nó đã làm cho các thần mình: đến nỗi chúng nó thiêu con trai và con gái mình trong lửa, để cúng thờ các thần mình.

Deuteronomy 12:30
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