Deuteronomy 11:24
Deuteronomy 11:24
Every place where you set your foot will be yours: Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Wherever you set foot, that land will be yours. Your frontiers will stretch from the wilderness in the south to Lebanon in the north, and from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.

Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours. Your territory shall be from the wilderness to the Lebanon and from the River, the river Euphrates, to the western sea.

"Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours; your border will be from the wilderness to Lebanon, and from the river, the river Euphrates, as far as the western sea.

Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be.

Every place the sole of your foot treads will be yours. Your territory will extend from the wilderness to Lebanon and from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Every place upon which the soles of your feet tread will be yours as boundaries—from the desert to Lebanon and from the River (that is, from the Euphrates) to the Mediterranean Sea.

Every place you set your foot will be yours; your border will extend from the desert to Lebanon and from the River (that is, the Euphrates) as far as the Mediterranean Sea.

I will give you every place on which you set foot. Your borders will be from the desert to Lebanon, from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Every place upon which the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness and Lebanon; from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the western sea shall be your border.

Every place on which the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the western sea shall your territory be.

Every place where on the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even to the uttermost sea shall your coast be.

Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border.

Every place, that your foot shall tread upon, shall be yours. From the desert, and from Libanus, from the great river Euphrates unto the western sea shall be your borders.

Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours; from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall your border be.

Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border.

Every place on which the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even to the uttermost sea shall your limit be.

Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even to the hinder sea shall be your border.

every place on which the sole of your foot treadeth is yours; from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Phrat, even unto the farther sea is your border;

Ligji i Përtërirë 11:24
Çdo vend që do të shkelë këmba juaj, do të jetë juaji; kufijtë tuaj do të shtrihen nga shkretëtira deri në Liban, dhe nga lumi, lumi Eufrat, deri në detin perëndimor.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 11:24
كل مكان تدوسه بطون اقدامكم يكون لكم. من البرية ولبنان. من النهر نهر الفرات الى البحر الغربي يكون تخمكم.

De Ander Ee 11:24
Ayn iede Stöll, wo enker Fueß ankimmt, sollt enker sein, von dyr Wüestn in n Sundn hinst eyn n Weissnberg in n Nordn, von n Euffret in n Oostn hinst eyn s Mittermör in n Wöstn.

Второзаконие 11:24
Всяко място, гдето стъпи стъпалото на нозете ви, ще бъде ваше; от пустинята и Ливан, от реката, [сиреч], реката Евфрат, дори до Западното море ще бъде пределът ви.

申 命 記 11:24
凡 你 們 腳 掌 所 踏 之 地 都 必 歸 你 們 ; 從 曠 野 和 利 巴 嫩 , 並 伯 拉 大 河 , 直 到 西 海 , 都 要 作 你 們 的 境 界 。

凡 你 们 脚 掌 所 踏 之 地 都 必 归 你 们 ; 从 旷 野 和 利 巴 嫩 , 并 伯 拉 大 河 , 直 到 西 海 , 都 要 作 你 们 的 境 界 。



Deuteronomy 11:24
Svako mjesto na koje stupi vaša noga bit će vaše; od pustinje i Libanona, od Rijeke, rijeke Eufrata, do Zapadnog mora sterat će se vaše područje.

Deuteronomium 11:24
Všeliké místo, na kteréž by vstoupila noha vaše, vaše bude; od pouště a od Libánu, a od řeky Eufraten až k moři nejdalšímu bude pomezí vaše.

5 Mosebog 11:24
Hver Plet, eders Fodsaal betræder, skal tilhøre eder; fra Ørkenen til Libanon og fra den store Flod, Eufratfloden, til Havet i Vest skal eders Landemærker strække sig.

Deuteronomium 11:24
Alle plaats, waar uw voetzool op treedt, zal de uwe zijn; van de woestijn en den Libanon, van de rivier, de rivier Frath, tot aan de achterste zee, zal uw landpale zijn.

דברים 11:24
כָּל־הַמָּקֹ֗ום אֲשֶׁ֨ר תִּדְרֹ֧ךְ כַּֽף־רַגְלְכֶ֛ם בֹּ֖ו לָכֶ֣ם יִהְיֶ֑ה מִן־הַמִּדְבָּ֨ר וְהַלְּבָנֹ֜ון מִן־הַנָּהָ֣ר נְהַר־פְּרָ֗ת וְעַד֙ הַיָּ֣ם הָֽאַחֲרֹ֔ון יִהְיֶ֖ה גְּבֻלְכֶֽם׃

כד כל המקום אשר תדרך כף רגלכם בו--לכם יהיה  מן המדבר והלבנון מן הנהר נהר פרת ועד הים האחרון--יהיה גבלכם

כל־המקום אשר תדרך כף־רגלכם בו לכם יהיה מן־המדבר והלבנון מן־הנהר נהר־פרת ועד הים האחרון יהיה גבלכם׃

5 Mózes 11:24
Minden hely, a melyet lábatok talpa megnyom, tiétek lesz, a pusztától a Libanonig, és a folyóvíztõl, az Eufrátes folyóvizétõl a nyugoti tengerig lesz a ti határotok.

Moseo 5: Readmono 11:24
CXiu loko, sur kiu ekpasxos via piedo, farigxos via; de la dezerto kaj Lebanon, de la rivero, la rivero Euxfrato, gxis la ekstrema maro estos viaj limoj.

Kaikki paikat, mihin teidän jalkanne astuu, pitää teidän oleman: korvesta ja Libanonista ja Phrathin virrasta, ärimäiseen mereen asti, pitää teidän rajanne oleman.

Deutéronome 11:24
Tout lieu que foulera la plante de votre pied sera à vous: votre limite sera depuis le désert et le Liban, depuis le fleuve, le fleuve Euphrate, jusqu'à la mer d'occident.

Tout lieu que foulera la plante de votre pied sera à vous: votre frontière s'étendra du désert au Liban, et du fleuve de l'Euphrate jusqu'à la mer occidentale.

Tout lieu où vous aurez mis la plante de votre pied sera à vous; vos frontières seront du désert au Liban; [et] depuis le fleuve, qui est le fleuve d'Euphrate, jusqu'à la mer d'Occident.

5 Mose 11:24
Alle Örter, darauf eure Fußsohle tritt, sollen euer sein; von der Wüste an und von dem Berge Libanon und von dem Wasser Phrath bis ans äußerste Meersoll eure Grenze sein.

Alle Orte, darauf eure Fußsohle tritt, sollen euer sein; von der Wüste an und von dem Berge Libanon und von dem Wasser Euphrat bis ans Meer gegen Abend soll eure Grenze sein.

Jede Stätte, die eure Fußsohle betritt, soll euch zufallen, von der Steppe bis zum Libanon, vom Strome, dem Euphratstrom, an bis an das westliche Meer soll sich euer Gebiet erstrecken.

Deuteronomio 11:24
Ogni luogo che la pianta del vostro piede calcherà, sarà vostro; i vostri confini si estenderanno dal deserto al Libano, dal fiume, il fiume Eufrate, al mare occidentale.

Ogni luogo che la pianta del vostro piè calcherà sarà vostro; i vostri confini saranno dal deserto fino al Libano; e dal Fiume, dal fiume Eufrate, fino al mare occidentale.

Segala tempat yang akan dijejak oleh tapak kakimu, ia itu menjadi kamu punya, dari pada padang Tiah sampai kepada Libanon, dan dari pada sungai, yaitu sungai Ferat, sampai ke laut yang di sebelah barat akan menjadi perhinggaan tanahmu.

신명기 11:24
너희의 발바닥으로 밟는 곳은 다 너희 소유가 되리니 너희의 경계는 곧 광야에서부터 레바논까지와 유브라데 하수라 하는 하수에서 서해까지라

Deuteronomium 11:24
omnis locus quem calcaverit pes vester vester erit a deserto et Libano a flumine magno Eufraten usque ad mare occidentale erunt termini vestri

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 11:24
Kiekviena vieta, kur jūsų koja atsistos, bus jūsų. Nuo dykumų ir Libano, nuo didžiosios Eufrato upės iki Vakarų jūros tęsis jūsų sienos.

Deuteronomy 11:24
Mo koutou nga wahi katoa e takahia e te kapu o o koutou waewae: kei te koraha, ke Repanona hoki, kei te awa, kei Uparati, a tae noa ki te moana ki te hauauru, nga rohe ki a koutou.

5 Mosebok 11:24
Hvert sted I treder på med eders fot, skal høre eder til; fra ørkenen og Libanon, fra den store elv, elven Frat, og til havet i vest skal eders landemerker nå.

Deuteronomio 11:24
Todo lugar donde pise la planta de vuestro pie será vuestro; vuestras fronteras serán desde el desierto hasta el Líbano, y desde el río, el río Eufrates, hasta el mar occidental.

"Todo lugar donde pise la planta de su pie será de ustedes; sus fronteras serán desde el desierto hasta el Líbano, y desde el río, el Río Eufrates, hasta el Mar Occidental (el Mediterráneo).

Todo lugar que pisare la planta de vuestro pie, será vuestro; desde el desierto y el Líbano, desde el río, el río Éufrates, hasta el mar postrero será vuestro término.

Todo lugar que pisare la planta de vuestro pie, será vuestro: desde el desierto y el Líbano, desde el río, el río Eufrates, hasta la mar postrera será vuestro término.

Todo lugar que pisare la planta de vuestro pie, será vuestro; desde el desierto y el Líbano; desde el río, el río Eufrates, hasta el mar postrero será vuestro término.

Deuteronômio 11:24
Todo lugar em que a sola de vossos pés pisar será vosso território: vossas terras se estenderão do deserto do Líbano e do rio Eufrates até ao mar Ocidental, o Mediterrâneo.

Todo lugar que pisar a planta do vosso pé será vosso; o vosso termo se estenderá do deserto ao Líbano, e do rio, o rio Eufrates, até o mar ocidental.   

Deuteronom 11:24
Orice loc pe care -l va călca talpa piciorului vostru, va fi al vostru: hotarul vostru se va întinde din pustie pînă la Liban, şi de la rîul Eufrat pînă la marea de apus.

Второзаконие 11:24
всякое место, на которое ступит нога ваша, будет ваше; от пустыни и Ливана, от реки, реки Евфрата, даже до моря западного будут пределы ваши;

всякое место, на которое ступит нога ваша, будет ваше; от пустыни и Ливана, от реки, реки Евфрата, даже до моря западного будут пределы ваши;[]

5 Mosebok 11:24
Var ort eder fot beträder skall bliva eder. Från öknen till Libanon, ifrån floden -- floden Frat -- ända till Västra havet skall edert område sträcka sig.

Deuteronomy 11:24
Bawa't dakong tutuntungan ng talampakan ng inyong paa ay magiging inyo: mula sa ilang, at sa Libano, mula sa ilog, sa ilog Eufrates, hanggang sa dagat kalunuran ay magiging inyong hangganan.

พระราชบัญญัติ 11:24
ฝ่าเท้าของท่านทั้งหลายจะเหยียบลงที่ใด ที่นั่นจะเป็นของท่าน อาณาเขตของท่านจะเริ่มจากถิ่นทุรกันดารไปจนถึงเลบานอน และจากแม่น้ำคือแม่น้ำยูเฟรติสไปจนถึงทะเลตะวันตก

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 11:24
Ayak basacağınız her yer sizin olacak. Sınırlarınız çölden Lübnana, Fırat Irmağından Akdenize kadar uzanacak.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 11:24
Phàm nơi nào bàn chân các ngươi sẽ đạp đến, đều thuộc về các ngươi. Giới hạn các ngươi sẽ chạy từ đồng vắng tới Li-ban, từ sông Ơ-phơ-rát đến biển tây.

Deuteronomy 11:23
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