Daniel 9:23
Daniel 9:23
As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the word and understand the vision:

The moment you began praying, a command was given. And now I am here to tell you what it was, for you are very precious to God. Listen carefully so that you can understand the meaning of your vision.

At the beginning of your pleas for mercy a word went out, and I have come to tell it to you, for you are greatly loved. Therefore consider the word and understand the vision.

"At the beginning of your supplications the command was issued, and I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed; so give heed to the message and gain understanding of the vision.

At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.

At the beginning of your petitions an answer went out, and I have come to give it, for you are treasured by God. So consider the message and understand the vision:

Because you're highly regarded, the answer was issued when you began your prayer, and I've come to tell you. Pay attention to my message and you'll understand the vision.

At the beginning of your requests a message went out, and I have come to convey it to you, for you are of great value in God's sight. Therefore consider the message and understand the vision:

As soon as you began to make your request, a reply was sent. I have come to give you the reply because you are highly respected. So study the message, and understand the vision.

At the beginning of thy supplications, the word went forth, and I have come to teach it unto thee; for thou art a man greatly beloved: therefore understand the word, and understand the vision.

At the beginning of your supplications the commandment came forth, and I have come to show you; for you are greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.

At the beginning of your supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to show you; for you are greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.

At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment went forth, and I am come to tell thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision.

From the beginning of thy prayers the word came forth: and I am come to shew it to thee, because thou art a man of desires: therefore do thou mark the word, and understand the vision.

At the beginning of thy supplications the word went forth, and I am come to declare it; for thou art one greatly beloved. Therefore consider the word, and have understanding in the vision:

At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment went forth, and I am come to tell thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision.

At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to show thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.

At the beginning of your petitions the commandment went forth, and I have come to tell you; for you are greatly beloved: therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision.

at the commencement of thy supplications hath the word come forth, and I have come to declare it, for thou art greatly desired, and understand thou concerning the matter, and consider concerning the appearance.

Danieli 9:23
Në fillim të lutjeve të tua doli një fjalë dhe unë erdha të ta bëj të njohur, sepse ty të duan shumë. Trego kujdes, pra, për fjalën dhe kupto vegimin:

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 9:23
في ابتداء تضرعاتك خرج الامر وانا جئت لاخبرك لانك انت محبوب. فتأمل الكلام وافهم الرؤيا.

Dyr Däniheel 9:23
Wiest mit n Bettn anfiengst, gaab dyr Herrgot an; und i bin kemmen, däß i dyr s ausricht, weil di dyr Herrgot liebhaat. Also, mörk auf, däßst dös Gesicht aau +versteest!

Данаил 9:23
Когато ти почна да се молиш заповедта излезе; и аз дойдох да ти кажа [това], защото си възлюблен; затова размисли за работата и разбери видението.

但 以 理 書 9:23
你 初 懇 求 的 時 候 , 就 發 出 命 令 , 我 來 告 訴 你 , 因 你 大 蒙 眷 愛 ; 所 以 你 要 思 想 明 白 這 以 下 的 事 和 異 象 。

你 初 恳 求 的 时 候 , 就 发 出 命 令 , 我 来 告 诉 你 , 因 你 大 蒙 眷 爱 ; 所 以 你 要 思 想 明 白 这 以 下 的 事 和 异 象 。



Daniel 9:23
Od početka tvoje molitve izišla je riječ, i ja dođoh da ti je navijestim. Ti si miljenik. Pazi dobro na riječ, razumij viđenje.

Daniele 9:23
Při počátku pokorných proseb tvých vyšlo slovo, a já jsem přišel, aťbych je oznámil, nebo jsi velmi milý; pročež pozoruj slova toho, a rozuměj vidění tomu.

Daniel 9:23
Straks du begyndte at bede, udgik et Ord, og jeg er kommet for at kundgøre dig det; thi du er højt elsket; saa mærk dig Ordet og agt paa Aabenbaringen!

Daniël 9:23
In het begin uwer smekingen is het woord uitgegaan, en ik ben gekomen, om u dat te kennen te geven; want gij zijt een zeer gewenst man; versta dan dit woord, en merk op dit gezicht.

דניאל 9:23
בִּתְחִלַּ֨ת תַּחֲנוּנֶ֜יךָ יָצָ֣א דָבָ֗ר וַאֲנִי֙ בָּ֣אתִי לְהַגִּ֔יד כִּ֥י חֲמוּדֹ֖ות אָ֑תָּה וּבִין֙ בַּדָּבָ֔ר וְהָבֵ֖ן בַּמַּרְאֶֽה׃

כג בתחלת תחנוניך יצא דבר ואני באתי להגיד--כי חמודות אתה ובין בדבר והבן במראה

בתחלת תחנוניך יצא דבר ואני באתי להגיד כי חמודות אתה ובין בדבר והבן במראה׃

Dániel 9:23
A te esedezésed kezdetén egy szózat támadt, és én eljöttem, hogy megjelentsem; mert te kedves vagy: vedd eszedbe azért a szózatot, és értsd meg a látomást!

Daniel 9:23
CXe la komenco de via pregxado eliris ordono, kaj mi venas, por sciigi gxin, cxxar vi estas homo agrabla al Dio; atentu la vorton, kaj komprenu la vizion.

Sinun rukoustes alussa kävi ulos käsky, ja minä tulin sinulle ilmoittamaan, sillä sinä olet otollinen. Niin ota nyt vaari sanasta, ettäs näyn ymmärtäisit.

Daniel 9:23
Au commencement de tes supplications la parole est sortie, et je suis venu pour te la déclarer, car tu es un bien-aimé. Comprends donc la parole, et sois intelligent dans la vision:

Lorsque tu as commencé à prier, la parole est sortie, et je viens pour te l'annoncer; car tu es un bien-aimé. Sois attentif à la parole, et comprends la vision!

La parole est sortie dès le commencement de tes supplications, et je suis venu pour te le déclarer, parce que tu es agréable. Entends donc la parole, et entends la vision.

Daniel 9:23
Denn da du anfingest zu beten, ging dieser Befehl aus, und ich komme darum, daß ich dir's anzeige; denn du bist lieb und wert. So merke nun darauf, daß du das Gesicht verstehest!

Den da du anfingst zu beten, ging dieser Befehl aus, und ich komme darum, daß ich dir's anzeige; denn du bist lieb und wert. So merke nun darauf, daß du das Gesicht verstehest.

Als du zu flehen begannst, ging ein Offenbarungswort aus, und ich bin gekommen, es dir mitzuteilen, da du ein Liebling des Himmels bist. So merke nun auf das Wort, so wirst du das Gesicht verstehen!

Daniele 9:23
Al principio delle tue supplicazioni, una parola è uscita; e io son venuto a comunicartela, poiché tu sei grandemente amato. Fa’ dunque attenzione alla parola, e intendi la visione!

Fin dal cominciamento delle tue supplicazioni, la parola è uscita; ed io son venuto per annunziartela; perciocchè tu sei uomo gradito; ora dunque pon mente alla parola, e intendi la visione.

Pada permulaan doamu itu diberilah firman, lalu datanglah aku hendak memberi akan dikau pengajaran, karena engkaulah seorang yang amat kekasih; sebab itu hendaklah engkau mencamkan perkataan ini dan perhatikanlah baik-baik khayal ini!

다니엘 9:23
곧 네가 기도를 시작할 즈음에 명령이 내렸으므로 이제 네게 고하러 왔느니라 너는 크게 은총을 입은 자라 그런즉 너는 이 일을생각하고 그 이상을 깨달을지니라

Daniel 9:23
ab exordio precum tuarum egressus est sermo ego autem veni ut indicarem tibi quia vir desideriorum es tu ergo animadverte sermonem et intellege visionem

Danieliaus knyga 9:23
Tavo maldos pradžioje buvo duotas paliepimas ir aš atėjau tau pranešti, nes tu labai mylimas. Įsidėmėk žodį ir suprask regėjimą.

Daniel 9:23
I te timatanga o au inoi i puta te kupu, a kua tae mai ahau ki te whakaatu; e arohaina nuitia ana hoki koe, na kia mohio koe ki te mea, whakaaroa ano te kite.

Daniel 9:23
Med det samme du begynte å frembære dine ydmyke bønner, kom det et ord, og nu er jeg kommet for å kunngjøre dig det; for du er høit elsket; så merk dig nu ordet og gi akt på synet!

Daniel 9:23
Al principio de tus súplicas se dio la orden, y he venido para explicár tela , porque eres muy estimado; pon atención a la orden y entiende la visión.

"Al principio de tus súplicas se dio la orden, y he venido para explicártela , porque eres muy estimado. Pon atención a la orden y entiende la visión.

Al principio de tus súplicas fue dada la orden, y yo he venido para enseñártela, porque tú eres muy amado. Entiende, pues, el asunto, y considera la visión.

Al principio de tus ruegos salió la palabra, y yo he venido para enseñártela, porque tú eres varón de deseos. Entiende pues la palabra, y entiende la visión.

Al principio de tus ruegos salió la palabra, y yo he venido para enseñártela, porque tú eres varón de deseos. Entiende, pues, la palabra, y entiende la visión.

Daniel 9:23
Assim que iniciaste as tuas orações e o teu clamor, houve uma resposta e a ordem para que eu a viesse entregá-la a ti pessoalmente, pois tu és muito amado. Portanto, agora, presta atenção na Palavra que te declaro a fim de que possas compreender a visão que tiveste:

No princípio das tuas súplicas, saiu a ordem, e eu vim, para to declarar, pois és muito amado; considera, pois, a palavra e entende a visão.   

Daniel 9:23
Cînd ai început tu să te rogi, a ieşit cuvîntul, şi eu vin să ţi -l vestesc; căci tu eşti prea iubit şi scump. Ia aminte dar la cuvîntul acesta, şi înţelege vedenia!

Даниил 9:23
В начале моления твоего вышло слово, и я пришел возвестить его тебе , ибо ты муж желаний; итак вникни в слово и уразумей видение.

В начале моления твоего вышло слово, и я пришел возвестить [его] [тебе], ибо ты муж желаний; итак вникни в слово и уразумей видение.[]

Daniel 9:23
Redan när du begynte din bön, utgick befallning, och jag har kommit för att giva dig besked, ty du är högt benådad. Så giv nu akt på ordet, och akta på synen.

Daniel 9:23
Sa pasimula ng iyong mga samo ay lumabas ang utos, at ako'y naparito upang saysayin sa iyo; sapagka't ikaw ay totoong minahal: kaya't gunitain mo ang bagay, at unawain mo ang pangitain.

ดาเนียล 9:23
ในตอนต้นแห่งคำวิงวอนของท่านก็มีพระบัญชาออกไป ข้าพเจ้าจึงมาบอกให้ท่านทราบเพราะท่านเป็นผู้ที่ทรงรักมาก เพราะฉะนั้นจงเข้าใจพระบัญชานั้นและพิจารณานิมิตนั้น

Daniel 9:23
‹‹Sen Tanrıya yalvarmaya başlar başlamaz, duan yanıtlandı; bunu bildirmeye geldim. Çünkü sen çok sevilen birisin. Bu nedenle sözün anlamını kavra ve görümü anla:[]

Ña-ni-eân 9:23
Lời phán dặn đã ra từ khi ngươi bắt đầu nài xin; và ta đến để tỏ lời đó cho ngươi, vì ngươi đã được yêu quí lắm. Vậy hãy suy nghĩ sự đó và hãy hiểu biết sự hiện thấy.

Daniel 9:22
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