Daniel 9:11
Daniel 9:11
All Israel has transgressed your law and turned away, refusing to obey you. "Therefore the curses and sworn judgments written in the Law of Moses, the servant of God, have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against you.

All Israel has disobeyed your instruction and turned away, refusing to listen to your voice. "So now the solemn curses and judgments written in the Law of Moses, the servant of God, have been poured down on us because of our sin.

All Israel has transgressed your law and turned aside, refusing to obey your voice. And the curse and oath that are written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out upon us, because we have sinned against him.

"Indeed all Israel has transgressed Your law and turned aside, not obeying Your voice; so the curse has been poured out on us, along with the oath which is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, for we have sinned against Him.

Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.

All Israel has broken Your law and turned away, refusing to obey You. The promised curse written in the law of Moses, the servant of God, has been poured out on us because we have sinned against Him.

And all Israel flouted your Law, turning aside from it and not obeying your voice. Because we've sinned against him, the curse has been poured upon us, along with the oath written in the Law of Moses the servant of God.

"All Israel has broken your law and turned away by not obeying you. Therefore you have poured out on us the judgment solemnly threatened in the law of Moses the servant of God, for we have sinned against you.

All Israel has ignored your teachings and refused to listen to you. So you brought on us the curses you swore in an oath, the curses written in the Teachings of your servant Moses. We sinned against you.

And all Israel transposed thy law, departing by not hearing thy voice; by which the curse has fallen upon us and the oath that is written in the law of Moses, the slave of God, because we have sinned against him.

Yea, all Israel have transgressed your law, even by departing, that they might not obey your voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.

Yes, all Israel have transgressed your law, even by departing, that they might not obey your voice; therefore the curse is poured on us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.

Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even turning aside, that they should not obey thy voice: therefore hath the curse been poured out upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God; for we have sinned against him.

And all Israel have transgressed thy law, and have turned away from hearing thy voice, and the malediction, and the curse, which is written in the book of Moses the servant of God, is fallen upon us, because we have sinned against him.

And all Israel have transgressed thy law, even turning aside so as not to listen unto thy voice. And the curse hath been poured out upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God: for we have sinned against him.

Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even turning aside, that they should not obey thy voice: therefore hath the curse been poured out upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God; for we have sinned against him.

And all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.

Yes, all Israel have transgressed your law, turning aside, that they should not obey your voice: therefore the curse and the oath written in the law of Moses the servant of God has been poured out on us; for we have sinned against him.

and all Israel have transgressed Thy law, to turn aside so as not to hearken to Thy voice; and poured on us is the execration, and the oath, that is written in the law of Moses, servant of God, because we have sinned against Him.

Danieli 9:11
Po, tërë Izraeli ka shkelur ligjin tënd, ka marrë rrugë të keqe për të mos iu bindur zërit tënd; prandaj ra mbi ne mallkimi dhe nëma e shkruar në ligjin e Moisiut, shërbëtorit të Perëndisë, sepse kemi mëkatuar kundër tij.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 9:11
وكل اسرائيل قد تعدى على شريعتك وحادوا لئلا يسمعوا صوتك فسكبت علينا اللعنة والحلف المكتوب في شريعة موسى عبد الله لأننا اخطأنا اليه.

Dyr Däniheel 9:11
Dös gantze Isryheel haat dein Gsötz übertrötn, ist dyrvon abgwichen und haat si um di nix gschert. Drum haast dönn Fluech über üns kemmen laassn, der wo schoon in n Gsötz von n Gotsknecht Mosen niderglögt ist, weil myr üns halt gögn önn Herrgot versündigt hietnd.

Данаил 9:11
Да! Целият Израил престъпи закона Ти, като се отклони та не послуша гласа Ти; за която причина се изля върху нас проклетията и клетвата написана в закона на Божия слуга Моисей; защото Му съгрешихме.

但 以 理 書 9:11
以 色 列 眾 人 都 犯 了 你 的 律 法 , 偏 行 , 不 聽 從 你 的 話 ; 因 此 , 在 你 僕 人 摩 西 律 法 上 所 寫 的 咒 詛 和 誓 言 都 傾 在 我 們 身 上 , 因 我 們 得 罪 了   神 。

以 色 列 众 人 都 犯 了 你 的 律 法 , 偏 行 , 不 听 从 你 的 话 ; 因 此 , 在 你 仆 人 摩 西 律 法 上 所 写 的 咒 诅 和 誓 言 都 倾 在 我 们 身 上 , 因 我 们 得 罪 了   神 。



Daniel 9:11
Sav je Izrael prestupio Zakon tvoj, odmetnuo se ne slušajući tvoj glas. Zato se na nas izlila kletva i prokletstvo, kako je zapisano u Zakonu Mojsija, sluge Božjega - jer sagriješismo protiv Njega.

Daniele 9:11
Nýbrž všickni Izraelští přestoupili zákon tvůj a odvrátili se, aby neposlouchali hlasu tvého; protož vylito jest na nás to prokletí a klatba, kteráž jest zapsána v zákoně Mojžíše služebníka Božího, nebo jsme zhřešili proti němu.

Daniel 9:11
Nej, hele Israel overtraadte din Lov og faldt fra, ulydige mod din Røst; saa udøste den svorne Forbandelse, som staar skrevet i Guds Tjener Moses's Lov, sig over os, thi vi syndede imod ham;

Daniël 9:11
Maar geheel Israel heeft Uw wet overtreden, met af te wijken, dat zij Uwer stem niet gehoorzaamden; daarom is over ons uitgestort die vloek, en die eed, die geschreven is in de wet van Mozes, den knecht Gods, dewijl wij tegen Hem gezondigd hebben.

דניאל 9:11
וְכָל־יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל עָֽבְרוּ֙ אֶת־תֹּ֣ורָתֶ֔ךָ וְסֹ֕ור לְבִלְתִּ֖י שְׁמֹ֣ועַ בְּקֹלֶ֑ךָ וַתִּתַּ֨ךְ עָלֵ֜ינוּ הָאָלָ֣ה וְהַשְּׁבֻעָ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר כְּתוּבָה֙ בְּתֹורַת֙ מֹשֶׁ֣ה עֶֽבֶד־הָֽאֱלֹהִ֔ים כִּ֥י חָטָ֖אנוּ לֹֽו׃

יא וכל ישראל עברו את תורתך וסור לבלתי שמוע בקלך ותתך עלינו האלה והשבעה אשר כתובה בתורת משה עבד האלהים--כי חטאנו לו

וכל־ישראל עברו את־תורתך וסור לבלתי שמוע בקלך ותתך עלינו האלה והשבעה אשר כתובה בתורת משה עבד־האלהים כי חטאנו לו׃

Dániel 9:11
És az egész Izráel áthágta a te törvényedet, és elhajlottak, hogy ne hallgassanak a te szódra. Ezért reánk szakad az átok és eskü, a mely meg van írva Mózesnek, az Isten szolgájának törvényében; mert vétkeztünk ellene!

Daniel 9:11
La tuta Izrael malobeis Vian instruon, kaj deturnis sin, por ne auxskulti Vian vocxon; pro tio trafis nin la malbeno kaj la jxuro, pri kiuj estas skribite en la instruo de Moseo, servanto de Dio; cxar ni pekis kontraux Li.

Vaan koko Israel rikkoi sinun lakis ja suuttui kuulemasta sinun ääntäs. Sentähden on myös se kirous ja vala sattunut meihin, joka kirjoitettu on Moseksen Jumalan palvelian laissa, että me olemme syntiä tehneet häntä vastaan.

Daniel 9:11
Et tout Israël a transgressé ta loi et s'est détourné en n'écoutant pas ta voix. Alors ont été versés sur nous l'exécration et le serment qui sont écrits dans la loi de Moïse, serviteur de Dieu, parce que nous avons péché contre lui;

Tout Israël a transgressé ta loi, et s'est détourné pour ne pas écouter ta voix. Alors se sont répandues sur nous les malédictions et les imprécations qui sont écrites dans la loi de Moïse, serviteur de Dieu, parce que nous avons péché contre Dieu.

Et tous ceux d'Israël ont transgressé ta Loi, et se sont détournés pour n'écouter point ta voix; c'est pourquoi l'exécration et le serment écrit dans la Loi de Moïse, serviteur de Dieu, ont fondu sur nous; car nous avons péché contre [Dieu].

Daniel 9:11
sondern das ganze Israel übertrat dein Gesetz und wichen ab, daß sie deiner Stimme nicht gehorchten. Daher trifft uns auch der Fluch und Schwur, der geschrieben stehet im Gesetz Mose, des Knechtes Gottes, daß wir an ihm gesündiget haben.

sondern das ganze Israel übertrat dein Gesetz, und sie wichen ab, daß sie deiner Stimme nicht gehorchten. Darum trifft uns auch der Fluch und Schwur, der geschrieben steht im Gesetz Moses, des Knechtes Gottes, weil wir an ihm gesündigt haben.

Ganz Israel hat dein Gesetz übertreten und ist in Ungehorsam von dir abgewichen. da ergoß sich über uns der Fluch und Schwur, der im Gesetze Moses, des Knechtes Gottes, geschrieben steht, weil wir gegen ihn gesündigt hatten.

Daniele 9:11
Sì, tutto Israele ha trasgredito la tua legge, s’è sviato per non ubbidire alla tua voce; e così su noi si sono riversate le maledizioni e imprecazioni che sono scritte nella legge di Mosè, servo di Dio, perché noi abbiam peccato contro di lui.

E tutto Israele ha trasgredita la tua Legge, e si è tratto indietro, per non ascoltar la tua voce; laonde è stata versata sopra noi l’esecrazione, e il giuramento, scritto nella Legge di Mosè, servitor di Dio; perciocchè noi abbiam peccato contro a lui.

Bahkan, segenap bangsa Israel sudah melanggar hukum-Mu dan sudah undur dari padanya, dan tiada didengarnya akan bunyi suara-Mu, maka sebab itu sudah Engkau curahkan atas kami laknat dan sumpah yang tersebut dalam taurat Musa, hamba Allah itu, yang akan disampaikan jikalau kami berdosa kepada-Nya.

다니엘 9:11
온 이스라엘이 주의 율법을 범하고 치우쳐 가서 주의 목소리를 청종치 아니하였으므로 이 저주가 우리에게 내렸으되 곧 하나님의 종 모세의 율법 가운데 기록된 맹세대로 되었사오니 이는 우리가 주께 범죄하였음이니이다

Daniel 9:11
et omnis Israhel praevaricati sunt legem tuam et declinaverunt ne audirent vocem tuam et stillavit super nos maledictio et detestatio quae scripta est in libro Mosi servi Dei quia peccavimus ei

Danieliaus knyga 9:11
Visas Izraelis sulaužė Tavo įstatymą ir nusisuko, kad neklausytų Tavo balso. Tada išsiliejo ant mūsų Tavo prakeikimas, kaip parašyta Dievo tarno Mozės įstatyme, nes mes Jam nusikaltome.

Daniel 9:11
Ae ra, kua takahia e Iharaira katoa tau ture, kua whakarerea e ratou, kia kore ai ratou e rongo ki tou reo; koia i ringihia ai te kanga ki runga ki a matou, me te oati i tuhituhia ki te ture a Mohi pononga a te Atua; kua hara hoki matou ki a ia.

Daniel 9:11
men hele Israel overtrådte din lov og vek av fra dig og hørte ikke på din røst; derfor blev den utøst over oss den forbannelse som han hadde svoret å sende, og som står skrevet i Mose, Guds tjeners lov; for vi hadde syndet mot ham,

Daniel 9:11
Ciertamente todo Israel ha transgredido tu ley y se ha apartado, sin querer obedecer tu voz; por eso ha sido derramada sobre nosotros la maldición y el juramento que está escrito en la ley de Moisés, siervo de Dios, porque hemos pecado contra El.

"Ciertamente todo Israel ha transgredido Tu ley y se ha apartado, sin querer obedecer Tu voz. Por eso ha sido derramada sobre nosotros la maldición y el juramento que está escrito en la ley de Moisés, siervo de Dios, porque hemos pecado contra El.

Y todo Israel traspasó tu ley apartándose para no oír tu voz: por lo cual ha caído sobre nosotros la maldición, y el juramento que está escrito en la ley de Moisés, siervo de Dios; porque contra Él pecamos.

Y todo Israel traspasó tu ley apartándose para no oir tu voz: por lo cual ha fluído sobre nosotros la maldición, y el juramento que está escrito en la ley de Moisés, siervo de Dios; porque contra él pecamos.

Y todo Israel traspasó tu ley apartándose por no oír tu voz; por lo cual ha caído sobre nosotros la maldición, y el juramento que está escrito en la ley de Moisés, siervo de Dios; porque contra él pecamos.

Daniel 9:11
Portanto, todo o Israel transgrediu a tua Torá, Lei, desviando-se para não obedecer à tua voz. Por isso a maldição, o juramento que está escrito na Torá, Lei, de Moisés, servo de Elohim, nosso Deus, se derramou sobre nós; porque erramos e pecamos contra ele.

Sim, todo o Israel tem transgredido a tua lei, desviando-se, para não obedecer à tua voz; por isso a maldição, o juramento que está escrito na lei de Moisés, servo de Deus, se derramou sobre nós; porque pecamos contra ele.   

Daniel 9:11
ci tot Israelul a călcat Legea Ta, şi s'a abătut astfel ca să n'asculte de glasul Tău. De aceea, ne-au şi lovit blestemurile şi jurămintele scrise în Legea lui Moise, robul lui Dumnezeu, pentrucă am păcătuit împotriva lui Dumnezeu.

Даниил 9:11
И весь Израиль преступил закон Твой и отвратился, чтобы не слушать гласа Твоего; и за то излились на нас проклятие и клятва, которые написаны в законе Моисея, раба Божия: ибо мы согрешили пред Ним.

И весь Израиль преступил закон Твой и отвратился, чтобы не слушать гласа Твоего; и за то излились на нас проклятие и клятва, которые написаны в законе Моисея, раба Божия: ибо мы согрешили пред Ним.[]

Daniel 9:11
Nej, hela Israel överträdde din lag och vek av, utan att höra din röst. Därför utgöt sig ock över oss den förbannelse som han hade svurit att sända, och som står skriven i Moses, Guds tjänares, lag; ty vi hade ju syndat mot honom.

Daniel 9:11
Oo, buong Israel ay sumalangsang ng iyong kautusan, sa pagtalikod, upang huwag nilang talimahin ang iyong tinig: kaya't ang sumpa ay nabuhos sa amin, at ang sumpa na nakasulat sa kautusan ni Moises na lingkod ng Dios; sapagka't kami ay nangagkasala laban sa kaniya.

ดาเนียล 9:11
เออ อิสราเอลทั้งผองได้ละเมิดต่อพระราชบัญญัติของพระองค์ และได้หันไปเสียไม่เชื่อฟังพระสุรเสียงของพระองค์ และการสาปแช่งและการปฏิญาณ ซึ่งจารึกไว้ในพระราชบัญญัติของโมเสสผู้รับใช้ของพระเจ้า จึงถูกเทลงเหนือข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลาย เพราะว่าข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายได้กระทำบาปต่อพระองค์

Daniel 9:11
Bütün İsrail halkı yasanı çiğnedi, sırtını sana dönüp seni dinlemek istemedi. ‹‹Bu yüzden Tanrı kulu Musanın Yasasında yazılan lanet başımıza yağdı, içilen ant yerine geldi. Çünkü sana karşı günah işledik.[]

Ña-ni-eân 9:11
Hết thảy người Y-sơ-ra-ên đã phạm luật pháp Ngài và xây đi để không vâng theo tiếng Ngài. Vậy nên sự rủa sả, và thề nguyền chép trong luật pháp Môi-se là tôi tớ của Ðức Chúa Trời, đã đổ ra trên chúng tôi, vì chúng tôi đã phạm tội nghịch cùng Ngài.

Daniel 9:10
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