Daniel 8:25
Daniel 8:25
He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. He will even take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power.

By his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall become great. Without warning he shall destroy many. And he shall even rise up against the Prince of princes, and he shall be broken—but by no human hand.

"And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his influence; And he will magnify himself in his heart, And he will destroy many while they are at ease. He will even oppose the Prince of princes, But he will be broken without human agency.

And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

He will cause deceit to prosper through his cunning and by his influence, and in his own mind he will make himself great. He will destroy many in a time of peace; he will even stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be shattered--not by human hands.

Through his skill he'll cause deceit to prosper under his leadership. He'll promote himself and will destroy many while they are secure. He'll take a stand against the Prince of Princes, yet he'll be crushed without human help.

By his treachery he will succeed through deceit. He will have an arrogant attitude, and he will destroy many who are unaware of his schemes. He will rise up against the Prince of princes, yet he will be broken apart--but not by human agency.

He will cleverly use his power to deceive others successfully. He will consider himself to be great and destroy many people when they don't expect it. He will oppose the Commander of Commanders, but he will be defeated, though not by any human power.

And with his understanding he shall cause the deceit in his hand to prosper, and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace he shall destroy many; he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, and without hand he shall be broken.

And through his cunning also he shall cause deceit to prosper under his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and without warning shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken, by no human hand.

And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

And through his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and in their'security shall he destroy many: he shall also stand up against the prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

According to his will, and craft shall be successful in his hand: and his heart shall be puffed up, and in the abundance of all things he shall kill many: and he shall rise up against the prince of princes, and shall be broken without hand.

And through his cunning shall he cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he will magnify himself in his heart, and by prosperity will corrupt many; and he will stand up against the Prince of princes: but he shall be broken without hand.

And through his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and in their security shall he destroy many: he shall also stand up against the prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Through his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and in [their] security shall he destroy many: he shall also stand up against the prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

'And by his understanding he hath also caused deceit to prosper in his hand, and in his heart he exerteth himself, and by ease he destroyeth many; and against the prince of princes he standeth -- and without hand he is broken.

Danieli 8:25
Për shkak të dinakërisë së tij do shtohet mashtrimi në duart e tij; do të krenohet në zemër te vet dhe do të shkatërrojë shumë njerëz që janë në siguri; do të ngrihet kundër princit të princave, por do të thyhet jo nga dorë njeriu.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 8:25
وبحذاقته ينجح ايضا المكر في يده ويتعظم بقلبه وفي الاطمئنان يهلك كثيرين ويقوم على رئيس الرؤساء وبلا يد ينكسر.

Dyr Däniheel 8:25
Weil yr sö veröggt ist, waiß yr si mit seinn Trug durchzsötzn. Daa werd yr hoohgsn und bringt aynn Hauffen Leut mir nix dir nix um. Gar gögn dönn oberstn Fürstn mändlt yr si auf; daa werd yr aber zschmädert, und dös nit durch Menschnhand.

Данаил 8:25
Чрез коварството си ще направи да успява измамата в ръката му, ще се надигне в сърцето си, и ще погуби мнозина в спокойствието им; ще въстане и против Началника на началниците; но ще бъде смазан, не с ръка.

但 以 理 書 8:25
他 用 權 術 成 就 手 中 的 詭 計 , 心 裡 自 高 自 大 , 在 人 坦 然 無 備 的 時 候 , 毀 滅 多 人 ; 又 要 站 起 來 攻 擊 萬 君 之 君 , 至 終 卻 非 因 人 手 而 滅 亡 。

他 用 权 术 成 就 手 中 的 诡 计 , 心 里 自 高 自 大 , 在 人 坦 然 无 备 的 时 候 , 毁 灭 多 人 ; 又 要 站 起 来 攻 击 万 君 之 君 , 至 终 却 非 因 人 手 而 灭 亡 。



Daniel 8:25
Zbog njegove lukavosti prijevara će uspijevati u njegovoj ruci. On će se uznijeti u svome srcu, iz čista mira upropastit će mnoge. Suprotstavit će se Knezu nad knezovima, ali će - ne rukom - biti skršen.

Daniele 8:25
A obmyslností svou šťastně svede lest v předsevzetí svém, a v srdci svém zvelebí sebe, a v čas pokoje zhubí mnohé; nadto i proti knížeti knížat se postaví, a však bez rukou potřín bude.

Daniel 8:25
Mod de hellige skal hans Tanke rettes; hans svigefulde Raad skal lykkes ham, og han skal sætte sig store Ting for og styrte mange i Ulykke i deres Tryghed. Mod Fyrsternes Fyrste skal han rejse sig, men saa skal han knuses, dog ikke ved Menneskehaand.

Daniël 8:25
En door zijn kloekheid zo zal hij de bedriegerij doen gedijen in zijn hand; en hij zal zich in zijn hart verheffen; en in stille rust zal hij er velen verderven, en zal staan tegen den Vorst der vorsten, doch hij zal zonder hand verbroken worden.

דניאל 8:25
וְעַל־שִׂכְלֹ֗ו וְהִצְלִ֤יחַ מִרְמָה֙ בְּיָדֹ֔ו וּבִלְבָבֹ֣ו יַגְדִּ֔יל וּבְשַׁלְוָ֖ה יַשְׁחִ֣ית רַבִּ֑ים וְעַ֤ל־שַׂר־שָׂרִים֙ יַעֲמֹ֔ד וּבְאֶ֥פֶס יָ֖ד יִשָּׁבֵֽר׃

כה ועל שכלו והצליח מרמה בידו ובלבבו יגדיל ובשלוה ישחית רבים ועל שר שרים יעמד ובאפס יד ישבר

ועל־שכלו והצליח מרמה בידו ובלבבו יגדיל ובשלוה ישחית רבים ועל־שר־שרים יעמד ובאפס יד ישבר׃

Dániel 8:25
És a maga eszén [jár,] és szerencsés lesz az álnokság az õ kezében, és szívében felfuvalkodik és hirtelen elveszt sokakat; sõt a fejedelmek fejedelme ellen is feltámad, de kéz nélkül rontatik meg.

Daniel 8:25
Kaj pro lia sagxeco liaj ruzajxoj sukcesos en lia mano, kaj li fierigxos, kaj meze de paco li multajn pereigos, kaj li levigxos kontraux la Princon de la princoj; sed li estos frakasita, kvankam ne per mano.

Ja hänen kavaluutensa kautta menestyy hänen petoksensa. Ja paisuu sydämessänsä ja myötäkäymisen kautta hän monta hävittää. Ja hän korottaa itsensä kaikkein ruhtinasten Ruhtinasta vastaan, vaan ilman käsiä hän pitää rikottaman.

Daniel 8:25
et, par son intelligence, il fera prospérer la fraude dans sa main; et il s'élèvera dans son coeur; et, par la prospérité il corrompra beaucoup de gens; et il se lèvera contre le prince des princes, mais il sera brisé sans main.

A cause de sa prospérité et du succès de ses ruses, il aura de l'arrogance dans le coeur, il fera périr beaucoup d'hommes qui vivaient paisiblement, et il s'élèvera contre le chef des chefs; mais il sera brisé, sans l'effort d'aucune main.

Et par [la subtilité] de son esprit il fera prospérer la fraude en sa main, et il s'élèvera en son cœur, et en perdra plusieurs par la prospérité ; il résistera contre le Seigneur des Seigneurs, mais il sera brisé sans main.

Daniel 8:25
Und durch seine Klugheit wird ihm der Betrug geraten. Und wird sich in seinem Herzen erheben und durch Wohlfahrt wird er viele verderben und wird sich auflehnen wider den Fürsten aller Fürsten. Aber er wird ohne Hand zerbrochen werden.

Und durch seine Klugheit wird ihm der Betrug geraten, und er wird sich in seinem Herzen erheben, und mitten im Frieden wird er viele verderben und wird sich auflehnen wider den Fürsten allen Fürsten; aber er wird ohne Hand zerbrochen werden.

sein Sinnen richten. Mit seinen trügerischen Machenschaften wird er Glück haben, sich große Dinge vornehmen, viele unversehens ins Verderben stürzen und sich wieder den höchsten Herrn erheben, aber ohne Zuthun einer Menschenhand zerschmettert werden.

Daniele 8:25
A motivo della sua astuzia farà prosperare la frode nelle sue mani; s’inorgoglirà in cuor suo, e in piena pace distruggerà molta gente; insorgerà contro il principe de’ principi, ma sarà infranto, senz’opera di mano.

E per lo suo senno, la frode prospererà in man sua; ed egli si magnificherà nel cuor suo, e in pace ne distruggerà molti; e si eleverà contro al Principe de’ principi; ma sarà rotto senza opera di mani.

Dan oleh cerdiknya akan beruntung juga segala tipu yang dikenakannya, lalu ia akan mengatas-ataskan dirinya dalam hatinya dan dibinasakannya beberapa berapa orang yang dalam hal selamat sentosa, dan iapun akan mendurhaka kepada Raja segala raja, tetapi iapun akan dipecahkan tiada dengan tanga.

다니엘 8:25
그가 꾀를 베풀어 제 손으로 궤휼을 이루고 마음에 스스로 큰 체하며 또 평화한 때에 많은 무리를 멸하며 또 스스로 서서 만왕의 왕을 대적할 것이나 그가 사람의 손을 말미암지 않고 깨어지리라

Daniel 8:25
secundum voluntatem suam et dirigetur dolus in manu eius et cor suum magnificabit et in copia rerum omnium occidet plurimos et contra principem principum consurget et sine manu conteretur

Danieliaus knyga 8:25
Jo planai bus klastingi ir jam seksis. Jis didžiuosis savo širdyje ir taikos metu daugelį sunaikins. Jis pakils prieš kunigaikščių Kunigaikštį, bet bus sunaikintas be žmogaus rankos.

Daniel 8:25
Ma tana ngarahu mohio ano ka meinga ai e ia te tinihanga o tona ringa kia kake; ka whakanui ano ia i a ia i roto i tona ngakau, he tokomaha hoki e ngaro i a ia i runga i to ratou noho warea; ka whakatika ano ia ki te rangatira o nga rangatira; o tiia ka wawahia ia, ehara ano i te mea na te ringa.

Daniel 8:25
Og fordi han er klok, skal hans svikefulle ferd lykkes for ham; han skal ophøie sig i sitt hjerte, og han skal ødelegge mange i deres trygghet; ja, mot fyrstenes fyrste skal han sette sig op; men uten menneskehånd skal han knuses.

Daniel 8:25
Y por su astucia hará que el engaño prospere por su influencia; él se engrandecerá en su corazón, y destruirá a muchos que están confiados. Aun se levantará contra el Príncipe de los príncipes, pero será destruido sin intervención humana.

Y por su astucia Hará que el engaño prospere por su influencia. El se engrandecerá en su corazón, Y destruirá a muchos que están confiados. Aun se levantará contra el Príncipe de los príncipes, Pero será destruido sin intervención humana.

Y con su sagacidad hará prosperar el engaño en su mano; y en su corazón se engrandecerá, y con paz destruirá a muchos; y contra el Príncipe de los príncipes se levantará; mas sin mano será quebrantado.

Y con su sagacidad hará prosperar el engaño en su mano; y en su corazón se engrandecerá, y con paz destruirá á muchos: y contra el príncipe de los príncipes se levantará; mas sin mano será quebrantado.

Y con su entendimiento hará prosperar el engaño en su mano; y en su corazón se engrandecerá, y con paz destruirá a muchos; y contra el Príncipe de los príncipes se levantará; y sin mano será quebrantado.

Daniel 8:25
Obstinado pelo sucesso, ele enganará a muitos, e de todas as formas; com extrema arrogância se sentirá o maior de todos os homens. Destruirá uma multidão de pessoas que nele confiaram para viver em paz, e ousará se insurgir contra o Príncipe dos príncipes. Contudo ele será derrotado, mas sem a intervenção de mão humana.

Pela sua sutileza fará prosperar o engano na sua mão; no seu coração se engrandecerá, e destruirá a muitos que vivem em segurança; e se levantará contra o príncipe dos príncipes; mas será quebrado sem intervir mão de homem.   

Daniel 8:25
Din pricina propăşirii lui şi izbîndirii vicleniilor lui, inima i se va îngîmfa, va pierde pe mulţi oameni cari trăiau liniştiţi, şi se va ridica împotriva Domnului domnilor, dar va fi zdrobit, fără ajutorul vreunei mîni omeneşti.

Даниил 8:25
и при уме его и коварство будет иметь успех в руке его, и сердцем своим он превознесется, и среди мира погубит многих, и против Владыки владык восстанет, но будет сокрушен – не рукою.

и при уме его и коварство будет иметь успех в руке его, и сердцем своим он превознесется, и среди мира погубит многих, и против Владыки владык восстанет, но будет сокрушен--не рукою.[]

Daniel 8:25
Därigenom att han är så klok, skall han lyckas så väl med sitt svek, han skall föresätta sig stora ting, oförtänkt skall han fördärva många. Ja, mot furstarnas furste skall han sätta sig upp; men utan människohand skall han då varda krossad.

Daniel 8:25
At sa kaniyang paraan ay kaniyang palulusugin ang pagdaraya sa kaniyang kamay; at siya'y magmamalaki ng kaniyang loob, at sa kanilang ikatitiwasay ay papatay ng marami: siya'y tatayo rin laban sa prinsipe ng mga prinsipe; nguni't siya'y mabubuwal hindi ng kamay.

ดาเนียล 8:25
ด้วยความฉลาดของท่าน ท่านจะกระทำให้การล่อลวงแพร่หลายขึ้นด้วยน้ำมือของท่าน ท่านจะพองตัวของท่านในใจของท่านเอง ท่านจะทำลายคนมากหลายโดยความสงบ แล้วจะลุกขึ้นต่อสู้กับจอมเจ้านาย แต่ท่านจะต้องถูกหักทำลาย ไม่ใช่ด้วยมือเลย

Daniel 8:25
Yapacağı işleri aldatarak başaracak, kendisini yükseltecek. Güvenlikte olan birçoklarını yok edecek, Önderler Önderine karşı duracak. Ama kendisi insan eli değmeden yok edilecek.[]

Ña-ni-eân 8:25
Người dùng quyền thuật làm nên chước gian dối mình được thắng lợi. Trong lòng người tự làm mình nên lớn, và trong lúc dân ở yên ổn, người sẽ hủy diệt nhiều kẻ; người nổi lên chống với vua của các vua, nhưng người sẽ bị bẻ gãy chẳng bởi tay người ta.

Daniel 8:24
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