Daniel 8:23
Daniel 8:23
"In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will arise.

"At the end of their rule, when their sin is at its height, a fierce king, a master of intrigue, will rise to power.

And at the latter end of their kingdom, when the transgressors have reached their limit, a king of bold face, one who understands riddles, shall arise.

"In the latter period of their rule, When the transgressors have run their course, A king will arise, Insolent and skilled in intrigue.

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

Near the end of their kingdoms, when the rebels have reached the full measure of their sin, an insolent king, skilled in intrigue, will come to the throne.

"Toward the end of their rule, as the desecrations proceed, an insolent king will arise, proficient at deception.

Toward the end of their rule, when rebellious acts are complete, a rash and deceitful king will arise.

"In the last days of those kingdoms, when rebellions are finished, a stern-looking king who understands mysterious things will rise to power.

And at the end of their empire, when the prevaricators are come to the full, a king of arrogant countenance and expert in enigmas shall raise himself up.

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have come to their fullness, a king of bold countenance, and understanding riddles, shall stand up.

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

And after their reign, when iniquities shall be grown up, there shall arise a king of a shameless face, and understanding dark sentences.

And at the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors shall have come to the full, a king of bold countenance, and understanding riddles, shall stand up.

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

In the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce face, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

'And in the latter end of their kingdom, about the perfecting of the transgressors, stand up doth a king, fierce of face, and understanding hidden things;

Danieli 8:23
Në fund të mbretërisë së tyre, kur rebelët do ta kenë mbushur kupën, do të dalë një mbret me pamje të egër dhe i rrahur në dredhitë luftarake.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 8:23
وفي آخر مملكتهم عند تمام المعاصي يقوم ملك جافي الوجه وفاهم الحيل.

Dyr Däniheel 8:23
Gögn s End von ienerner Herrschaft, wenn s mit ienerner Sündd eyn n Örgern werd, kimmt ayn ganz ayn biencketer Sauhund als Künig.

Данаил 8:23
И в послешните времена на царуването им, когато беззаконниците стигнат до върха [на беззаконието си], ще се издигне цар с жестоко лице и вещ в лукавщини.

但 以 理 書 8:23
這 四 國 末 時 , 犯 法 的 人 罪 惡 滿 盈 , 必 有 一 王 興 起 , 面 貌 凶 惡 , 能 用 雙 關 的 詐 語 。

这 四 国 末 时 , 犯 法 的 人 罪 恶 满 盈 , 必 有 一 王 兴 起 , 面 貌 凶 恶 , 能 用 双 关 的 诈 语 。



Daniel 8:23
I potkraj njihova kraljevanja, kad bezakonici navrše mjeru, ustat će kralj, drzak i lukav.

Daniele 8:23
Při dokonání pak království jejich, když na vrch vzejdou nešlechetníci, povstane král nestydatý a chytrý.

Daniel 8:23
Men i deres Herredømmes sidste Tid, naar Overtrædelserne har gjort Maalet fuldt, skal en fræk og rænkefuld Konge fremstaa.

Daniël 8:23
Doch op het laatste huns koninkrijks, als het de afvalligen op het hoogste gebracht zullen hebben, zo zal er een koning staan, stijf van aangezicht, en raadselen verstaande;

דניאל 8:23
וּֽבְאַחֲרִית֙ מַלְכוּתָ֔ם כְּהָתֵ֖ם הַפֹּשְׁעִ֑ים יַעֲמֹ֛ד מֶ֥לֶךְ עַז־פָּנִ֖ים וּמֵבִ֥ין חִידֹֽות׃

כג ובאחרית מלכותם כהתם הפשעים--יעמד מלך עז פנים ומבין חידות

ובאחרית מלכותם כהתם הפשעים יעמד מלך עז־פנים ומבין חידות׃

Dániel 8:23
És ezek országai után, mikor elfogynak a gonoszok, támad egy kemény orczájú, ravaszságokhoz értõ király.

Daniel 8:23
En la fina tempo de tiuj regnoj, kiam la perfiduloj havos sukceson, aperos regxo malmodesta, lerta ruzulo.

Näiden valtakuntain jälkeen, kuin pahointekiät vallan saaneet ovat, nousee häpeemätön kuningas ja kavala tapauksissa.

Daniel 8:23
Et au dernier temps de leur royaume, quand les transgresseurs auront comblé la mesure, il s'élèvera un roi au visage audacieux, et entendant les énigmes;

A la fin de leur domination, lorsque les pécheurs seront consumés, il s'élèvera un roi impudent et artificieux.

Et vers la fin de leur règne, quand [le nombre] des perfides sera accompli, il se lèvera un Roi, fourbe et d'un esprit pénétrant.

Daniel 8:23
Nach diesen Königreichen, wenn die Übertreter überhandnehmen, wird aufkommen ein frecher und tückischer König.

In der letzten Zeit ihres Königreiches, wenn die Übertreter überhandnehmen, wird aufkommen ein frecher und tückischer König.

Wenn aber ihre Herrschaft zu Ende geht, indem die Frevler das Maß vollgemacht haben, wird ein frecher und ränkekundiger König auftreten.

Daniele 8:23
E alla fine del loro regno, quando i ribelli avranno colmato la misura delle loro ribellioni, sorgerà un re dall’aspetto feroce, ed esperto in strattagemmi.

Ed alla fine del lor regno, quando gli scellerati saranno venuti al colmo, sorgerà un re audace, e sfacciato, ed intendente in sottigliezze.

pada kesudahan kerajaan-kerajaan itu, apabila segala khianat itu meliputi, maka akan bangkit berdiri seorang raja yang keras mukanya dan seperti penerka perbuatannya.

다니엘 8:23
이 네 나라 마지막 때에 패역자들이 가득할 즈음에 한 왕이 일어나리니 그 얼굴은 엄장하며 궤휼에 능하며

Daniel 8:23
et post regnum eorum cum creverint iniquitates consurget rex inpudens facie et intellegens propositiones

Danieliaus knyga 8:23
Jų karaliavimui baigiantis, kai piktadariai bus pripildę savo saiką, iškils akiplėša ir klastingas karalius.

Daniel 8:23
Na, i te mutunga o to ratou kingitanga, i te mea ka tae ta nga poka ke ki te tutukitanga, ka ara ake he kingi he kanohi hinana tona, e matau ana ki nga kupu ngaro.

Daniel 8:23
Og i den siste tid av deres herredømme, når overtrederne har gjort sine synders mål fullt, skal det opstå en konge med frekt åsyn og kyndig i onde råd*.

Daniel 8:23
Y al final de su reinado, cuando los transgresores se acaben, se levantará un rey, insolente y hábil en intrigas.

Y al final de su reinado (soberanía), Cuando los transgresores se acaben, Se levantará un rey, Insolente y hábil en intrigas.

Y al fin del reinado de éstos, cuando los transgresores hayan llegado a su colmo, se levantará un rey altivo de rostro, y entendido en enigmas.

Y al cabo del imperio de éstos, cuando se cumplirán los prevaricadores, levantaráse un rey altivo de rostro, y entendido en dudas.

Y al cabo del imperio de éstos, cuando los prevaricadores estan en su colmo, se levantará un rey altivo de rostro, y entendido en dudas.

Daniel 8:23
Então, no final do império deles, quando a rebelião dos ímpios tiver chegado ao seu extremo, um rei de semblante violento e cruel, mestre em astúcias, e capaz de discernir enigmas e mistérios se levantará.

Mas, no fim do reinado deles, quando os transgressores tiverem chegado ao cúmulo, levantar-se-á um rei, feroz de semblante e que entende enigmas.   

Daniel 8:23
La sfîrşitul stăpînirii lor, cînd păcătoşii vor fi umplut măsura nelegiuirilor, se va ridica un împărat fără ruşine şi viclean.

Даниил 8:23
Под конец же царства их, когда отступники исполнят меру беззаконий своих, восстанет царь наглый и искусный в коварстве;

Под конец же царства их, когда отступники исполнят меру беззаконий своих, восстанет царь наглый и искусный в коварстве;[]

Daniel 8:23
Och vid slutet av deras välde, när överträdarna hava fyllt sitt mått, skall en fräck och arglistig konung uppstå;

Daniel 8:23
At sa huling panahon ng kanilang kaharian, pagka ang mananalangsang ay nagsidating sa kapuspusan, isang hari ay babangon na may mabagsik na pagmumukha, at nakaunawa ng malabong salita.

ดาเนียล 8:23
และในตอนปลายแห่งรัชสมัยของพวกเขา เมื่อผู้ละเมิดทั้งหลายได้กระทำเต็มขนาดแล้ว จะมีกษัตริย์องค์หนึ่งพระพักตร์ดุร้าย และมีความเข้าใจในเรื่องปริศนาเกิดขึ้น

Daniel 8:23
‹‹Bu dört krallığın sonu yaklaşıp yapılan kötülükler doruğa varınca, sert yüzlü ve aldatmada usta bir kral ortaya çıkacak.[]

Ña-ni-eân 8:23
Ðến kỳ sau rốt của nước chúng nó, khi số những kẻ bội nghịch đã đầy, thì sẽ dấy lên một vua, là người có bộ mặt hung dữ và thấu rõ những lời mầu nhiệm.

Daniel 8:22
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