Daniel 7:4
Daniel 7:4
"The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a human being, and the mind of a human was given to it.

The first beast was like a lion with eagles' wings. As I watched, its wings were pulled off, and it was left standing with its two hind feet on the ground, like a human being. And it was given a human mind.

The first was like a lion and had eagles’ wings. Then as I looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it.

"The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The first was like a lion but had eagle's wings. I continued watching until its wings were torn off. It was lifted up from the ground, set on its feet like a man, and given a human mind."

The first resembled a lion, but it had eagles' wings. I continued to watch until its wings were plucked off, it was lifted up off the ground, and it was forced to stand on two feet like a man. A human soul was imparted to it.

"The first one was like a lion with eagles' wings. As I watched, its wings were pulled off and it was lifted up from the ground. It was made to stand on two feet like a human being, and a human mind was given to it.

The first animal was like a lion, but it had wings like an eagle. I watched until its wings were plucked off and it was lifted off the ground. It was made to stand on two feet like a human and was given a human mind.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings; I beheld until the its wings were plucked off, and it was removed from the earth, and it stood up on its feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand on the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon two feet as a man; and a man's heart was given to it.

The first was like a lioness, and had the wings of an eagle: I beheld till her wings were plucked off, and she was lifted up from the earth, and stood upon her feet as a man, and the heart of a man was given to her.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till its wings were plucked; and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon two feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon two feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The first was like a lion, and had eagles' wings: I beheld till its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I saw until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand on two feet as a man; and a man's heart was given to it.

The first is like a lion, and it hath an eagle's wings. I was seeing till that its wings have been plucked, and it hath been lifted up from the earth, and on feet as a man it hath been caused to stand, and a heart of man is given to it.

Danieli 7:4
E para i ngjante një luani dhe kishte krahë shqiponje. Unë shikoja deri sa ia shkulën krahët, pastaj e ngritën nga toka e vunë të qëndrojë drejt mbi dy këmbët e veta si një njeri dhe iu dha një zemër njeriu.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 7:4
الاول كالاسد وله جناحا نسر. وكنت انظر حتى انتتف جناحاه وانتصب على الارض وأوقف على رجلين كانسان وأعطي قلب انسان.

Dyr Däniheel 7:4
Ains haet myn für aynn Leebn haltn künnen, aber es hiet Adlerflügln. Wie i s yso gabtracht, wurdnd iem d Flügln ausgrissn; aft wurd s eyn d Hoeh ghöbt und aufrecht hingstöllt wie ayn Mensch, und aau aynn menschlichnen Verstand gakriegt s non.

Данаил 7:4
Първият бе като лъв, и имаше орлови крила; а, като го гледаха, крилата му се изскубаха, и той се дигна от земята и биде заставен да се изправи на две нозе като човек, и даде му се човешко сърце.

但 以 理 書 7:4
頭 一 個 像 獅 子 , 有 鷹 的 翅 膀 ; 我 正 觀 看 的 時 候 , 獸 的 翅 膀 被 拔 去 , 獸 從 地 上 得 立 起 來 , 用 兩 腳 站 立 , 像 人 一 樣 , 又 得 了 人 心 。

头 一 个 像 狮 子 , 有 鹰 的 翅 膀 ; 我 正 观 看 的 时 候 , 兽 的 翅 膀 被 拔 去 , 兽 从 地 上 得 立 起 来 , 用 两 脚 站 立 , 像 人 一 样 , 又 得 了 人 心 。



Daniel 7:4
Dok je promatrah, krila joj se iščupaše, diže se ona sa zemlje i uspravi na noge kao čovjek, i bijaše joj dano srce čovječje.

Daniele 7:4
První podobná lvu, a křídla orličí měla. Hleděl jsem, až vytrhána byla křídla její, jimiž se vznášela od země, tak že na nohách jako člověk státi musila, a srdce lidské dáno jest jí.

Daniel 7:4
Det første saa ud som en Løve og havde Ørnevinger; og jeg skuede, indtil Vingerne reves af, og det rejstes op fra Jorden og stilledes paa to Ben som et Menneske og fik et Menneskehjerte.

Daniël 7:4
Het eerste was als een leeuw, en het had arendsvleugelen; ik zag toe, totdat zijn vleugelen uitgeplukt waren, en het werd van de aarde opgeheven, en op de voeten gesteld, als een mens, en aan hetzelve werd eens mensen hart gegeven.

דניאל 7:4
קַדְמָיְתָ֣א כְאַרְיֵ֔ה וְגַפִּ֥ין דִּֽי־נְשַׁ֖ר לַ֑הּ חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֡ית עַד֩ דִּי־מְּרִ֨יטוּ גַפַּ֜יהּ וּנְטִ֣ילַת מִן־אַרְעָ֗א וְעַל־רַגְלַ֙יִן֙ כֶּאֱנָ֣שׁ הֳקִימַ֔ת וּלְבַ֥ב אֱנָ֖שׁ יְהִ֥יב לַֽהּ׃

ד קדמיתא כאריה וגפין די נשר לה חזה הוית עד די מריטו גפיה (גפה) ונטילת מן ארעא ועל רגלין כאנש הקימת ולבב אנש יהיב לה

קדמיתא כאריה וגפין די־נשר לה חזה הוית עד די־מריטו גפיה ונטילת מן־ארעא ועל־רגלין כאנש הקימת ולבב אנש יהיב לה׃

Dániel 7:4
Az elsõ olyan, mint az oroszlán, és sas szárnyai valának. Nézém, míg szárnyai kitépettek, és felemelteték a földrõl, és mint valami ember, lábra állíttaték és emberi szív adaték néki.

Daniel 7:4
La unua estis kiel leono, sed gxi havis flugilojn de aglo; mi vidis, kiel fine oni desxiris de gxi la flugilojn, oni levis gxin de la tero, kaj starigis sur piedoj, kiel homon, kaj homa koro estis donita al gxi.

Ensimäinen niinkuin jalopeura, jolla olivat kotkan siivet. Ja minä katsoin siihen asti, että siivet temmattiin pois häneltä ja hän otettiin ylös maasta, ja seisoi jaloillansa niinkuin ihminen, ja hänelle annettiin ihmisen sydän.

Daniel 7:4
La première était comme un lion, et elle avait des ailes d'aigle. Je vis jusqu'à ce que ses ailes furent arrachées, et qu'elle fut soulevée de terre, et mise debout sur ses pieds, comme un homme; et un coeur d'homme lui fut donné.

Le premier était semblable à un lion, et avait des ailes d'aigles; je regardai, jusqu'au moment où ses ailes furent arrachées; il fut enlevé de terre et mis debout sur ses pieds comme un homme, et un coeur d'homme lui fut donné.

La première était comme un lion, et elle avait des ailes d'aigle, et je la regardai jusqu'à ce que les plumes de ses ailes furent arrachées, et qu'elle se fut levée de terre, et dressée sur ses pieds comme un homme, et il lui fut donné un cœur d'homme.

Daniel 7:4
Das erste wie ein Löwe und hatte Flügel wie ein Adler. Ich sah zu, bis daß ihm die Flügel ausgerauft wurden; und es ward von der Erde genommen und es stund auf seinen Füßen wie ein Mensch, und ihm ward ein menschlich Herz gegeben.

Das erste wie ein Löwe und hatte Flügel wie ein Adler. Ich sah zu, bis daß ihm die Flügel ausgerauft wurden; und es ward von der Erde aufgehoben, und es stand auf zwei Füßen wie ein Mensch, und ihm ward ein menschlich Herz gegeben.

Das erste glich einem Löwen und hatte Adlerflügel. Ich schaute in einem fort hin: da wurden ihm die Flügel ausgerissen; dann wurde es vom Boden aufgerichtet und gleich einem Menschen aufrecht auf zwei Füße gestellt, und ihm Menschenverstand gegeben.

Daniele 7:4
La prima era come un leone, ed avea delle ali d’aquila. Io guardai, finché non le furono strappate le ali; e fu sollevata da terra, fu fatta stare in piedi come un uomo, e le fu dato un cuor d’uomo.

La prima era simile ad un leone, ed avea delle ale d’aquila; io stava riguardando, finchè le furono divelte le ale, e fu fatta levar da terra, e che si rizzò in piè, a guisa d’uomo; e le fu dato cuor d’uomo.

Yang pertama itu seperti singa dan ia bersayap seperti burung nasar; maka kulihat sampai tercabutlah segala bulu sayapnya, lalu diangkat dari atas bumi dan didirikan dengan kakinya seperti manusia dan diberikan kepadanya hati manusia.

다니엘 7:4
첫째는 사자와 같은데 독수리의 날개가 있더니 내가 볼 사이에 그 날개가 뽑혔고 또 땅에서 들려서 사람처럼 두 발로 서게 함을 입었으며 또 사람의 마음을 받았으며

Daniel 7:4
prima quasi leaena et alas habebat aquilae aspiciebam donec evulsae sunt alae eius et sublata est de terra et super pedes quasi homo stetit et cor eius datum est ei

Danieliaus knyga 7:4
Pirmasis buvo lyg liūtas su erelio sparnais. Mačiau, kaip jo sparnus išplėšė, jį pakėlė nuo žemės ir pastatė ant kojų lyg žmogų ir jam buvo duota žmogaus širdis.

Daniel 7:4
Ko te tuatahi i rite ki te raiona, he parirau ekara ona: titiro tonu atu ahau a hutia noatia atu ona parirau, a ka whakarewaina atu ia i te whenua, ka meinga kia tu i runga i nga waewae e rua, ano he tangata, a i homai hoki he manawa tangata ki a ia.

Daniel 7:4
Det første var som en løve og hadde ørnevinger; og mens jeg så på det, blev dets vinger revet av, og det blev løftet fra jorden og reist på to føtter som et menneske, og det fikk et menneskehjerte.

Daniel 7:4
La primera era como un león y tenía alas de águila. Mientras yo miraba, sus alas le fueron arrancadas, fue levantada del suelo y puesta sobre dos pies, como un hombre, y le fue dado corazón de hombre.

"La primera era como un león y tenía alas de águila. Mientras yo miraba, sus alas le fueron arrancadas, fue levantada del suelo y puesta sobre dos pies, como un hombre, y le fue dado corazón de hombre.

La primera era como león, y tenía alas de águila. Yo estaba mirando hasta que sus alas fueron arrancadas, y fue quitada de la tierra; y se puso enhiesta sobre los pies a manera de hombre, y le fue dado corazón de hombre.

La primera era como león, y tenía alas de águila. Yo estaba mirando hasta tanto que sus alas fueron arrancadas, y fué quitada de la tierra; y púsose enhiesta sobre los pies á manera de hombre, y fuéle dado corazón de hombre.

La primera era como león, y tenía alas de águila. Yo estaba mirando hasta tanto que sus alas fueron arrancadas, y fue quitada de la tierra; y se puso enhiesta sobre los pies a manera de hombre, y le fue dado corazón de hombre.

Daniel 7:4
O primeiro assemelhava-se a um enorme leão, e tinha asas de águia. Eu o contemplei e, em certo momento, as suas asas foram arrancadas, e ele foi erguido do chão, firmou-se sobre dois pés somente, como um ser humano, e recebeu um coração de homem.

O primeiro era como leão, e tinha asas de águia; enquanto eu olhava, foram-lhe arrancadas as asas, e foi levantado da terra, e posto em dois pés como um homem; e foi-lhe dado um coração de homem.   

Daniel 7:4
Cea dintîi semăna cu un leu, şi avea aripi de vultur. M'am uitat la ea, pînă în clipa cînd i s'au smuls aripile; şi, sculîndu-se de pe pămînt, a stat drept în picioare ca un om, şi i s'a dat o inimă de om.

Даниил 7:4
Первый – как лев, но у него крылья орлиные; я смотрел, доколе не вырваны были у него крылья, и он поднятбыл от земли, и стал на ноги, как человек, и сердце человеческое дано ему.

Первый--как лев, но у него крылья орлиные; я смотрел, доколе не вырваны были у него крылья, и он поднят был от земли, и стал на ноги, как человек, и сердце человеческое дано ему.[]

Daniel 7:4
Det första liknade ett lejon, men det hade vingar såsom en örn. Medan jag ännu såg härpå, rycktes vingarna av djuret, och det restes upp från jorden, så att det blev ställt på två fötter såsom en människa, och ett mänskligt hjärta blev givet åt det.

Daniel 7:4
Ang una'y gaya ng leon, at may mga pakpak ng aguila: aking minasdan hanggang sa ang mga pakpak niyao'y nahugot, at ito'y nataas mula sa lupa, at pinatayo sa dalawang paa na gaya ng isang tao; at puso ng tao ang nabigay sa kaniya.

ดาเนียล 7:4
ตัวแรกเหมือนสิงโต มีปีกนกอินทรี เมื่อข้าพเจ้ามองดูนั้น ขนปีกก็ถูกถอนออกไป และมันถูกยกขึ้นจากแผ่นดิน และให้ยืนสองเท้าเหมือนคน และมอบใจของมนุษย์ให้แก่มัน

Daniel 7:4
‹‹Birinci yaratık aslana benziyordu, kartal kanatları vardı. Ben bakarken kanatları koparıldı, yaratık yerden kaldırıldı, insan gibi ayakları üzerine durduruldu. Ona bir insan yüreği verildi.[]

Ña-ni-eân 7:4
Con thứ nhứt giống như sư tử, và có cánh chim ưng. Ta nhìn xem cho đến khi những cánh nó bị nhổ, nó bị cất lên khỏi đất, đứng hai chơn như người ta, và nó được ban cho lòng loài người.

Daniel 7:3
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