Daniel 7:23
Daniel 7:23
"He gave me this explanation: 'The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it.

Then he said to me, "This fourth beast is the fourth world power that will rule the earth. It will be different from all the others. It will devour the whole world, trampling and crushing everything in its path.

“Thus he said: ‘As for the fourth beast, there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces.

"Thus he said: 'The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

This is what he said: 'The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, different from all the other kingdoms. It will devour the whole earth, trample it down, and crush it.

So he said: 'The fourth animal will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, different from all the kingdoms. It will devour the entire earth, trampling it down and crushing it.

"This is what he told me: 'The fourth beast means that there will be a fourth kingdom on earth that will differ from all the other kingdoms. It will devour all the earth and will trample and crush it.

He said, "The fourth animal will be the fourth of these kingdoms on earth. It will be different from all other kingdoms. It will devour, trample, and crush the whole world.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be a fourth king in earth, which shall be greater than all the other kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

And thus he said: The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be greater than all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

He said thus: The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon the earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

Thus he said, The fourth animal shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

'Thus he said: The fourth beast is the fourth kingdom in the earth, that is diverse from all kingdoms, and it consumeth all the earth, and treadeth it down, and breaketh it small.

Danieli 7:23
Dhe ai më foli kështu: "Kafsha e katërt do të jetë një mbretëri e katërt mbi tokë, që do të jetë ndryshe nga të gjitha mbretëritë e tjera, dhe do të hajë tërë tokën, do ta shkelë dhe do ta thërrmojë.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 7:23
فقال هكذا. اما الحيوان الرابع فتكون مملكة رابعة على الارض مخالفة لسائر الممالك فتاكل الارض كلها وتدوسها وتسحقها.

Dyr Däniheel 7:23
Daa gsait yr myr: "Dös vierte Tier bedeutt, däß auf dyr Erdn ayn vierts Reich eyn d Hoeh kimmt; und dös ist ganz andert wie de andern. Es gaat de gantze Erdn schlünddn, zammtooschn und dyrmulfern.

Данаил 7:23
Той каза така: Четвъртият звяр ще бъде четвъртото царство на света, което ще се различава от всичките царства, и ще погълне целия свят, и ще го стъпче и разтроши.

但 以 理 書 7:23
那 侍 立 者 這 樣 說 : 第 四 獸 就 是 世 上 必 有 的 第 四 國 , 與 一 切 國 大 不 相 同 , 必 吞 吃 全 地 , 並 且 踐 踏 嚼 碎 。

那 侍 立 者 这 样 说 : 第 四 兽 就 是 世 上 必 有 的 第 四 国 , 与 一 切 国 大 不 相 同 , 必 吞 吃 全 地 , 并 且 践 踏 嚼 碎 。



Daniel 7:23
On reče: Četvrta neman bit će četvrto kraljevstvo na zemlji, različito od svih kraljevstava. Progutat će svu zemlju, zgazit' je i smrviti.

Daniele 7:23
Řekl takto: Šelma čtvrtá znamená království čtvrté na zemi, kteréž rozdílné bude ode všech království, a zžíře všecku zemi, a zmlátí ji a potře ji.

Daniel 7:23
Hans Svar lød: »Det fjerde Dyr betyder, at et fjerde Rige skal fremstaa paa Jorden, som skal være forskelligt fra alle de andre Riger; det skal opsluge hele Jorden og søndertræde og knuse den.

Daniël 7:23
Hij zeide aldus: Het vierde dier zal het vierde rijk op aarde zijn, dat verscheiden zal zijn van al die rijken, en het zal de ganse aarde opeten, en het zal dezelve vertreden, en het zal ze verbrijzelen.

דניאל 7:23
כֵּן֮ אֲמַר֒ חֵֽיוְתָא֙ רְבִיעָ֣יְתָ֔א מַלְכ֤וּ [רְבִיעָיָא כ] (רְבִיעָאָה֙ ק) תֶּהֱוֵ֣א בְאַרְעָ֔א דִּ֥י תִשְׁנֵ֖א מִן־כָּל־מַלְכְוָתָ֑א וְתֵאכֻל֙ כָּל־אַרְעָ֔א וּתְדוּשִׁנַּ֖הּ וְתַדְּקִנַּֽהּ׃

כג כן אמר חיותא רביעיתא מלכו רביעיה (רביעאה) תהוא בארעא די תשנא מן כל מלכותא ותאכל כל ארעא ותדושנה ותדקנה

כן אמר חיותא רביעיתא מלכו [רביעיא כ] (רביעאה ק) תהוא בארעא די תשנא מן־כל־מלכותא ותאכל כל־ארעא ותדושנה ותדקנה׃

Dániel 7:23
Így szóla: A negyedik állat negyedik ország lesz e földön, a mely különb lesz minden országnál, és megeszi az egész földet, és eltapodja és szétzúzza azt.

Daniel 7:23
Kaj li diris:La kvara besto estas la kvara regno, kiu estos sur la tero, malsimila al cxiuj regnoj, kaj gxi mangxegos la tutan teron, piedpremos kaj frakasos gxin.

Hän sanoi näin: Neljäs peto on neljäs valtakunta maailmassa, joka on erinäinen kaikista valtakunnista. Se syö kaiken maan, tallaa ja turmelee sen.

Daniel 7:23
Il dit ainsi: La quatrième bête sera un quatrième royaume sur la terre, qui sera différent de tous les royaumes, et dévorera toute la terre, et la foulera aux pieds et l'écrasera.

Il me parla ainsi: Le quatrième animal, c'est un quatrième royaume qui existera sur la terre, différent de tous les royaumes, et qui dévorera toute la terre, la foulera et la brisera.

Il [me] parla [donc] ainsi : La quatrième bête sera un quatrième Royaume sur la terre, lequel sera différent de tous les Royaumes, et dévorera toute la terre, et la foulera, et la brisera.

Daniel 7:23
Er sprach also: Das vierte Tier wird das vierte Reich auf Erden sein, welches wird mächtiger sein denn alle Reiche; es wird alle Lande fressen, zertreten und zermalmen.

Er sprach also: Das vierte Tier wird das vierte Reich auf Erden sein, welches wird gar anders sein denn alle Reiche; es wird alle Lande fressen, zertreten und zermalmen.

Seine Antwort lautete: Das vierte Tier bedeutet: ein viertes Reich, das von allen andern Reichen verschieden ist, wird auf Erden entstehen und die ganze Erde fressen, zerstampfen und zermalmen.

Daniele 7:23
Ed egli mi parlò così: "La quarta bestia è un quarto regno sulla terra, che differirà da tutti i regni, divorerà tutta la terra, la calpesterà e la frantumerà.

E colui mi disse così: La quarta bestia significa un quarto regno che sarà in terra, il qual sarà differente da tutti quegli altri regni, e divorerà tutta le terra, e la calpesterà, e la triterà.

Lalu katanya demikian: Bahwa binatang yang keempat itulah kerajaan yang keempat, yang akan ada di atas bumi dan yang akan berlainan dengan segala kerajaan, maka ia itu akan makan habis akan segenap isi bumi dan memijak-mijak dia, dan menghancurkan dia.

다니엘 7:23
모신 자가 이처럼 이르되 네째 짐승은 곧 땅의 네째 나라인데 이는 모든 나라보다 달라서 천하를 삼키고 밟아 부숴뜨릴 것이며

Daniel 7:23
et sic ait bestia quarta regnum quartum erit in terra quod maius erit omnibus regnis et devorabit universam terram et conculcabit et comminuet eam

Danieliaus knyga 7:23
Jis taip kalbėjo: ‘Ketvirtasis žvėris­tai ketvirta karalystė žemėje, kuri skirsis nuo visų karalysčių. Ji ris visą žemę, ją sumindžios ir sutriuškins.

Daniel 7:23
Ko tana kupu tenei, Ko te tuawha o nga kararehe, he tuawha tera no nga kingitanga i runga i te whenua, ka rere ke i nga kingitanga katoa, ka pau i a ia te whenua katoa, ka takatakahia e ia, ka wawahia a mongamonga noa.

Daniel 7:23
Så lød hans ord: Det fjerde dyr betyr at det på jorden skal komme et fjerde rike, som skal være anderledes enn alle de andre riker, og det skal sluke hele jorden og søndertrede og knuse den.

Daniel 7:23
Dijo así: ``La cuarta bestia será un cuarto reino en la tierra, que será diferente de todos los otros reinos; devorará toda la tierra, la hollará y la desmenuzará.

"Después me dijo: 'La cuarta bestia será un cuarto reino en la tierra, que será diferente de todos los otros reinos. Devorará toda la tierra, la pisoteará y la desmenuzará.

Dijo así: La cuarta bestia será un cuarto reino en la tierra, el cual será diferente de todos los otros reinos, y a toda la tierra devorará, y la hollará, y la despedazará.

Dijo así: La cuarta bestia será un cuarto reino en la tierra, el cual será más grande que todos los otros reinos, y á toda la tierra devorará, y la hollará, y la despedazará.

Dijo así: La cuarta bestia será un cuarto rey en la tierra, el cual será más grande que todos los otros reinos, y a toda la tierra devorará, y la trillará, y la desmenuzará.

Daniel 7:23
Então ele me deu o seguinte esclarecimento: ‘O quarto animal é um quarto reino que surgirá na terra. Será diferente de todos os outros reinos passados, e devorará com avidez a terra inteira, despedaçando e pisoteando povos e nações.

Assim me disse ele: O quarto animal será um quarto reino na terra, o qual será diferente de todos os reinos; devorará toda a terra, e a pisará aos pés, e a fará em pedaços.   

Daniel 7:23
El mi -a vorbit aşa: ,,Fiara a patra, este o a patra împărăţie, care va fi pe pămînt. Ea se va deosebi de toate celelalte, va sfîşia tot pămîntul, îl va călca în picioare şi -l va zdrobi.

Даниил 7:23
Об этом он сказал: зверь четвертый – четвертое царство будет на земле, отличное от всех царств, которое будет пожирать всю землю, попирать и сокрушать ее.

Об этом он сказал: зверь четвертый--четвертое царство будет на земле, отличное от всех царств, которое будет пожирать всю землю, попирать и сокрушать ее.[]

Daniel 7:23
Då svarade han så: »Det fjärde djuret betyder att ett fjärde rike skall uppstå på jorden, ett som är olikt alla de andra rikena. Det skall uppsluka hela jorden och förtrampa och krossa den.

Daniel 7:23
Ganito ang sabi niya, Ang ikaapat na hayop ay magiging ikaapat na kaharian sa ibabaw ng lupa, na magiging kaiba sa lahat ng kaharian, at sasakmalin ang buong lupa, at yuyurakan, at pagluluraylurayin.

ดาเนียล 7:23
ท่านผู้นั้นกล่าวดังนี้ว่า `เรื่องสัตว์ตัวที่สี่จะมีราชอาณาจักรที่สี่บนพิภพซึ่งจะผิดกับราชอาณาจักรทั้งสิ้น และจะกินทั้งพิภพนี้เสียและเหยียบพิภพลง และหักพิภพนั้นให้แตกออกเป็นชิ้นๆ

Daniel 7:23
‹‹Bana şu açıklamayı yaptı: ‹Dördüncü yaratık yeryüzünde ortaya çıkacak dördüncü krallıktır. Bütün öbür krallıklardan farklı olacak, bütün dünyayı yiyip bitirecek, çiğneyip parçalayacak.[]

Ña-ni-eân 7:23
Vậy người nói cùng ta như vầy: Con thú thứ tư sẽ làm nước thứ tư trên đất, khác với hết thảy các nước, và nó sẽ nuốt cả đất, giày đạp và nghiền nát ra.

Daniel 7:22
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