Daniel 6:7
Daniel 6:7
The royal administrators, prefects, satraps, advisers and governors have all agreed that the king should issue an edict and enforce the decree that anyone who prays to any god or human being during the next thirty days, except to you, Your Majesty, shall be thrown into the lions' den.

We are all in agreement--we administrators, officials, high officers, advisers, and governors--that the king should make a law that will be strictly enforced. Give orders that for the next thirty days any person who prays to anyone, divine or human--except to you, Your Majesty--will be thrown into the den of lions.

All the high officials of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the counselors and the governors are agreed that the king should establish an ordinance and enforce an injunction, that whoever makes petition to any god or man for thirty days, except to you, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions.

"All the commissioners of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the high officials and the governors have consulted together that the king should establish a statute and enforce an injunction that anyone who makes a petition to any god or man besides you, O king, for thirty days, shall be cast into the lions' den.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counsellers, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the administrators of the kingdom, the prefects, satraps, advisers, and governors have agreed that the king should establish an ordinance and enforce an edict that for 30 days, anyone who petitions any god or man except you, the king, will be thrown into the lions' den.

All of the royal administrators, prefects, regional authorities, scribes, and governors have concluded that the king should establish and enforce an edict that anyone who prays to any god or man for the next 30 days (except to you, your majesty) is to be thrown into the lions' pit.

To all the supervisors of the kingdom, the prefects, satraps, counselors, and governors it seemed like a good idea for a royal edict to be issued and an interdict to be enforced. For the next thirty days anyone who prays to any god or human other than you, O king, should be thrown into a den of lions.

All the officials, governors, satraps, advisers, and mayors agree that the king should make a statute and enforce a decree. The decree should state that for the next 30 days whoever asks for anything from any god or person except you, Your Majesty, will be thrown into a lions' den.

All the presidents of the kingdom, magistrates, governors, great ones, and captains have agreed in common accord to promote a royal decree and to confirm it that whoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, except of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the satraps, the counselors, and the advisors, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, except from you, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counsellors, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of you, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the deputies and the satraps, the counsellors and the governors, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a strong interdict, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any god or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the princes of the kingdom, the magistrates, and governors, the senators, and judges have consulted together, that an imperial decree, and an edict be published: That whosoever shall ask any petition of any god, or man, for thirty days, but of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the prefects, and the satraps, the counsellors, and the governors have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any god or man for thirty days, except of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the deputies and the satraps, the counsellors and the governors, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a strong interdict, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any god or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counselors, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

All the presidents of the kingdom, the deputies and the satraps, the counselors and the governors, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a strong decree, that whoever shall ask a petition of any god or man for thirty days, except of you, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

Taken counsel have all the presidents of the kingdom, the prefects, and the satraps, the counsellors, and the governors, to establish a royal statute, and to strengthen an interdict, that any who seeketh a petition from any god and man until thirty days, save of thee, O king, is cast into a den of lions.

Danieli 6:7
Tërë prefektët e mbretërisë, qeveritarët dhe satrapët, këshilltarët dhe komandantët u konsultuan bashkë për të nxjerrë një vendim mbretëror dhe për të bërë një dekret të prerë, në bazë të të cilëve kushdo që gjatë tridhjetë ditëve do t'i drejtojë një kërkesë cilësdo perëndie a njeriu përveç teje, o mbret, të hidhet në gropën e luanëve.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 6:7
ان جميع وزراء المملكة والشحن والمرازبة والمشيرين والولاة قد تشاوروا على ان يضعوا أمرا ملكيا ويشددوا نهيا بان كل من يطلب طلبة حتى ثلاثين يوما من اله او انسان الا منك ايها الملك يطرح في جب الأسود.

Dyr Däniheel 6:7
Also, mir, de Beisössn, Pflöger und Landvögt, Raatmösser und gwonen Amptner, mainend halt, däß ayn Erlaaß herghoeret, daa wo drinnsteet: Ayn Ieder, wo innert dreissg Täg iewign aynn Got older Menschn anbett ausser dir, o Künig, der werd eyn d Leebngruebn einhingschmissn.

Данаил 6:7
Всичките князе на царството, наместниците и сатрапите, съветниците и управителите като се съветваха [решиха да поискат от] царя да издаде указ и да обяви строга забрана, че който, до тридесет дни, би отправил някаква просба до кой да било бог или човек, освен до тебе, царю, той да се хвърли в рова на лъвовете.

但 以 理 書 6:7
國 中 的 總 長 、 欽 差 、 總 督 、 謀 士 , 和 巡 撫 彼 此 商 議 , 要 立 一 條 堅 定 的 禁 令 ( 或 譯 : 求 王 下 旨 要 立 一 條 … … ) , 三 十 日 內 , 不 拘 何 人 , 若 在 王 以 外 , 或 向 神 或 向 人 求 甚 麼 , 就 必 扔 在 獅 子 坑 中 。

国 中 的 总 长 、 钦 差 、 总 督 、 谋 士 , 和 巡 抚 彼 此 商 议 , 要 立 一 条 坚 定 的 禁 令 ( 或 译 : 求 王 下 旨 要 立 一 条 … … ) , 三 十 日 内 , 不 拘 何 人 , 若 在 王 以 外 , 或 向 神 或 向 人 求 甚 麽 , 就 必 扔 在 狮 子 坑 中 。



Daniel 6:7
Svi pročelnici kraljevstva, predstojnici i satrapi, savjetnici i namjesnici složiše se u tome da bi trebalo da kralj izda naredbu i zabranu: svaki onaj koji bi u roku od trideset dana upravio molbu bilo na kojega boga ili čovjeka, osim na tebe, o kralju, bit će bačen u lavsku jamu.

Daniele 6:7
Uradili se všickni hejtmané království, vývodové, úředníci, správcové a vůdcové, abys ustanovil nařízení královské, a utvrdil zápověd: Kdož by koli vložil žádost na kteréhokoli boha neb člověka do třidcíti dnů, kromě na tebe, králi, aby uvržen byl do jámy lvové.

Daniel 6:7
Alle Rigsraaderne, Landshøvdingerne, Satraperne, Raadsherrerne og Statholderne er enedes om, at et Kongebud bør udstedes og et Forbud udgaa om, at enhver, som i tredive Dage beder en Bøn til nogen anden end dig, o Konge, det være sig til en Gud eller et Menneske, skal kastes i Løvekulen.

Daniël 6:7
Zo kwamen deze vorsten en de stadhouders met hopen tot den koning, en zeiden aldus tot hem: O koning Darius, leef in eeuwigheid!

דניאל 6:7
אִתְיָעַ֜טוּ כֹּ֣ל ׀ סָרְכֵ֣י מַלְכוּתָ֗א סִגְנַיָּ֤א וַֽאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּא֙ הַדָּֽבְרַיָּ֣א וּפַחֲוָתָ֔א לְקַיָּמָ֤ה קְיָם֙ מַלְכָּ֔א וּלְתַקָּפָ֖ה אֱסָ֑ר דִּ֣י כָל־דִּֽי־יִבְעֵ֣ה בָ֠עוּ מִן־כָּל־אֱלָ֨הּ וֶֽאֱנָ֜שׁ עַד־יֹומִ֣ין תְּלָתִ֗ין לָהֵן֙ מִנָּ֣ךְ מַלְכָּ֔א יִתְרְמֵ֕א לְגֹ֖ב אַרְיָוָתָֽא׃

ח אתיעטו כל סרכי מלכותא סגניא ואחשדרפניא הדבריא ופחותא לקימה קים מלכא ולתקפה אסר  די כל די יבעא בעו מן כל אלה ואנש עד יומין תלתין להן מנך מלכא--יתרמא לגב אריותא

אתיעטו כל ׀ סרכי מלכותא סגניא ואחשדרפניא הדבריא ופחותא לקימה קים מלכא ולתקפה אסר די כל־די־יבעה בעו מן־כל־אלה ואנש עד־יומין תלתין להן מנך מלכא יתרמא לגב אריותא׃

Dániel 6:7
Tanácsot tartottak az ország összes igazgatói: a helytartók, fejedelmek, tanácsosok és a kormányzók, hogy királyi végzés hozassék, és erõs tilalom adassék, hogy ha valaki harmincz napig kér valamit valamely istentõl vagy embertõl, tekívüled, oh király, vettessék az oroszlánok vermébe.

Daniel 6:7
CXiuj cxefaj estroj de la regno, regionestroj, satrapoj, konsilistoj, kaj militestroj interkonsentis, ke oni devas elirigi regxan dekreton kaj severe ordoni, ke cxiun, kiu en la dauxro de tridek tagoj petos ion de ia dio aux homo anstataux de vi, ho regxo, oni jxetu en kavon de leonoj.

Valtakunnan päämiehet, herrat, maanvanhimmat, neuvonantajat ja valtamiehet ovat ajatelleet, että kuninkaallinen käsky annettaisiin ja ankara kielto, että jos joku kolmenakymmenenä päivänä joltakulta jumalalta eli ihmiseltä, paitsi sinulta, kuningas, ainoasti jotakin anoo, pitää jalopeurain luolaan heitettämän.

Daniel 6:7
Tous les présidents du royaume, les préfets et les satrapes, les conseillers et les gouverneurs, ont tenu conseil ensemble pour établir un statut royal et mettre en vigueur une défense, portant que quiconque fera une demande à quelque dieu ou à quelque homme que ce soit, durant trente jours, excepté à toi, ô roi, sera jeté dans la fosse aux lions.

Tous les chefs du royaume, les intendants, les satrapes, les conseillers, et les gouverneurs sont d'avis qu'il soit publié un édit royal, avec une défense sévère, portant que quiconque, dans l'espace de trente jours, adressera des prières à quelque dieu ou à quelque homme, excepté à toi, ô roi, sera jeté dans la fosse aux lions.

Tous les Gouverneurs de ton Royaume, les Lieutenants, les Satrapes, les Conseillers, et les Capitaines sont d'avis d'établir une ordonnance royale, et de faire un décret ferme, que quiconque fera aucune requête à quelque Dieu, ou à quelque homme que ce soit, d'ici à trente jours, sinon à toi, ô Roi! qu'il soit jeté dans la fosse des lions.

Daniel 6:7
Es haben die Fürsten des Königreichs, die HERREN, die Landvögte, die Räte und Hauptleute alle gedacht, daß man einen königlichen Befehl solle ausgehen lassen und ein streng Gebot stellen, daß, wer in dreißig Tagen etwas bitten wird von irgendeinem Gott oder Menschen ohne von dir, König, alleine, solle zu den Löwen in den Graben geworfen werden.

Es haben die Fürsten des Königreichs, die Herren, die Landvögte, die Räte und Hauptleute alle Gedacht, daß man einen königlichen Befehl soll ausgehen lassen und ein strenges Gebot stellen, daß, wer in dreißig Tagen etwas bitten wird von irgend einem Gott oder Menschen außer dir, König, allein, solle zu den Löwen in den Graben geworfen werden.

Sämtliche Oberbeamte des Reichs, die Vorsteher, Satrapen, Minister und Statthalter sind übereingekommen, daß der König eine Verordnung erlassen und ein Verbot aufstellen möge, wonach jeder, der binnen dreißig Tagen an irgend einen Gott oder Menschen eine Bitte zu richten wagt, außer an dich, o König, in die Löwengrube geworfen wird.

Daniele 6:7
Tutti i capi del regno, i prefetti e i satrapi, i consiglieri e i governatori si sono concertati perché il re promulghi un decreto e pubblichi un severo divieto, per i quali chiunque, entro lo spazio di trenta giorni, rivolgerà qualche richiesta a qualsivoglia dio o uomo tranne che a te, o re, sia gettato nella fossa de’ leoni.

Tutti i presidenti del regno, i magistrati, e i satrapi, i consiglieri, e i duchi, han preso consiglio di formare uno statuto reale, e fare uno stretto divieto che chiunque farà richiesta alcuna a qualunque dio, od uomo, fra qui e trenta giorni, salvo che a te, o re, sia gettato nella fossa dei leoni.

Segala perdana menteri kerajaan ini dan segala penghulu dan menteri dan orang bicara dan pemerintah negeri itu sudah bermusyawarat hendak mengadakan suatu titah kerajaan dan menentukan suatu firman, supaya barangsiapa yang dalam tiga puluh hari ini meminta barang sesuatu kepada seorang dewa atau manusia, melainkan kepada tuanku juga, ya tuanku! tak akan jangan orang itu dicampak ke dalam keleburan singa.

다니엘 6:7
나라의 모든 총리와 수령과 방백과 모사와 관원이 의논하고 왕에게 한 율법을 세우며 한 금령을 정하실 것을 구하려 하였는데 왕이여 그것은 곧 이제부터 삼십일 동안에 누구든지 왕 외에 어느신에게나 사람에게 무엇을 구하면 사자굴에 던져 넣기로 한 것이니이다

Daniel 6:7
consilium inierunt cuncti principes regni magistratus et satrapae senatores et iudices ut decretum imperatorium exeat et edictum ut omnis qui petierit aliquam petitionem a quocumque deo et homine usque ad dies triginta nisi a te rex mittatur in lacum leonum

Danieliaus knyga 6:7
Visi karalystės vietininkai, valdovai, kunigaikščiai, patarėjai ir valdytojai susitarė prašyti karaliaus išleisti nutarimą ir jį patvirtinti, kad kiekvienas, kuris per trisdešimt dienų prašys ko nors iš bet kokio dievo ar žmogaus, o ne iš tavęs, karaliau, būtų įmestas į liūtų duobę!

Daniel 6:7
Kua korerorero nga rangatira nunui katoa o te kingitanga, nga kawana, nga ariki, nga kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro, nga rangatira, kia whakatakotoria he tikanga kingi, kia whakapumautia he ture kaha, ara ki te inoia he mea e tetahi ki tetahi atua, tang ata ranei, a kia toru tekau ra ano nga ra, he mea ehara i te inoi ki a koe, e te kingi, me maka ia ki te ana o nga raiona.

Daniel 6:7
Alle riksrådene, stattholderne og satrapene, rådsherrene og landshøvdingene har rådslått om at det burde utstedes en kongelig forordning og gis et strengt forbud, at hver den som i løpet av tretti dager beder til nogen gud eller noget menneske uten til dig, konge, skal kastes i løvehulen.

Daniel 6:7
Todos los funcionarios del reino, prefectos, sátrapas, altos oficiales y gobernadores, han acordado que el rey promulgue un edicto y ponga en vigor el mandato de que cualquiera que en el término de treinta días haga petición a cualquier dios u hombre fuera de ti, oh rey, sea echado en el foso de los leones.

"Todos los funcionarios del reino, prefectos, sátrapas, altos oficiales y gobernadores, han acordado que el rey promulgue un edicto y ponga en vigor el mandato de que cualquiera que en el término de treinta días haga petición a cualquier dios u hombre fuera de usted, oh rey, sea echado en el foso de los leones.

Todos los presidentes del reino, magistrados, gobernadores, grandes y capitanes, han acordado por consejo promulgar un real edicto, y confirmarlo, que cualquiera que demandare petición de cualquier dios u hombre en el espacio de treinta días, excepto de ti, oh rey, sea echado en el foso de los leones.

Todos los presidentes del reino, magistrados, gobernadores, grandes y capitanes, han acordado por consejo promulgar un real edicto, y confirmarlo, que cualquiera que demandare petición de cualquier dios ú hombre en el espacio de treinta días, sino de ti,

Todos los presidentes del reino, magistrados, gobernadores, grandes y capitanes, han acordado por consejo, promulgar un edicto real, y confirmarlo: Que cualquiera que demandare petición de cualquier dios u hombre por espacio de treinta días, sino de ti, oh rey, sea echado en el foso de los leones.

Daniel 6:7
Eis que todos nós: supervisores reais, prefeitos, sátrapas, conselheiros e governadores estamos concordes em rogar que o rei deva baixar um edito ordenando que todo aquele que orar ou fizer petição a qualquer deus ou a qualquer ser humano nos próximos trinta dias, excetuando à tua pessoa, ó majestade, seja atirado sumariamente à cova dos leões.

Todos os presidentes do reino, os prefeitos e os sátrapas, os conselheiros e os governadores, concordaram em que o rei devia baixar um decreto e publicar o respectivo interdito, que qualquer que, por espaço de trinta dias, fizer uma petição a qualquer deus, ou a qualquer homem, exceto a ti, ó rei, seja lançado na cova dos leões.   

Daniel 6:7
Toate căpeteniile împărăţiei, îngrijitorii, dregătorii, sfetnicii, şi cîrmuitorii sînt de părere să se dea o poruncă împărătească, însoţită de o aspră oprire, care să spună că oricine va înălţa, în timp de trei zeci de zile, rugăciuni către vreun dumnezeu sau către vreun om, afară de tine, împărate, va fi aruncat în groapa cu lei.

Даниил 6:7
Все князья царства, наместники, сатрапы, советники и военачальники согласились между собою, чтобы сделано было царское постановление и издано повеление, чтобы, кто в течение тридцати дней будет просить какого-либо бога или человека, кроме тебя, царь, того бросить в львиный ров.

Все князья царства, наместники, сатрапы, советники и военачальники согласились между собою, чтобы сделано было царское постановление и издано повеление, чтобы, кто в течение тридцати дней будет просить какого-либо бога или человека, кроме тебя, царь, того бросить в львиный ров.[]

Daniel 6:7
Alla rikets furstar, landshövdingarna och satraperna, rådsherrarna och ståthållarna hava rådslagit om att en kunglig förordning borde utfärdas och ett förbud stadgas, av det innehåll att vilken som helst som under trettio dagar vänder sig med bön till någon annan, vare sig gud eller människa, än till dig, o konung, han skall kastas i lejongropen.

Daniel 6:7
Ang lahat ng pangulo ng kaharian, ang mga kinatawan at mga satrapa, ang mga kasangguni at ang mga gobernador, ay nangagsanggunian upang magtatag ng isang palatuntunang hari sa kaharian, at upang maglagda ng isang pasiyang mahigpit, na sinomang humingi ng isang kahilingan sa kanino mang dios o tao sa loob ng tatlong pung araw, liban sa iyo, Oh hari, ihahagis sa yungib ng mga leon.

ดาเนียล 6:7
บรรดาอภิรัฐมนตรีแห่งราชอาณาจักร ทั้งข้าหลวงภาค และอุปราช มนตรีและผู้ว่าราชการเมืองทั้งหลายทั้งสิ้นได้ตกลงกันว่า กษัตริย์สมควรจะได้ทรงตรากฎหมายและออกพระราชกฤษฎีกาว่า ในสามสิบวันนี้ถ้าผู้หนึ่งผู้ใดทูลขอต่อพระเจ้าหรือมนุษย์นอกเหนือพระองค์ ข้าแต่กษัตริย์ ก็ให้โยนผู้นั้นลงในถ้ำสิงโตเสีย

Daniel 6:7
‹‹Ülkenin bütün bakanları, kaymakamları, satrapları, danışmanları, valileri olarak kralın zorlu bir yasa çıkarması üzerinde anlaştık. Ey kral, kim otuz gün içinde senden başka bir insana ya da ilaha dua ederse, aslan çukuruna atılsın.[]

Ña-ni-eân 6:7
Hết thảy các quan thượng thơ trong nước, các quan lãnh binh, các quan trấn thủ, các nghị viên và các đại thần đều đồng tình xin vua ra chỉ dụ, lập một cấm lịnh nghiêm nhặt trong ba mươi ngày, hễ ai cầu xin thần nào hay một người nào ngoài vua, thì, hỡi vua, kẻ ấy sẽ phải quăng vào hang sư tử.

Daniel 6:6
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