Daniel 5:17
Daniel 5:17
Then Daniel answered the king, "You may keep your gifts for yourself and give your rewards to someone else. Nevertheless, I will read the writing for the king and tell him what it means.

Daniel answered the king, "Keep your gifts or give them to someone else, but I will tell you what the writing means.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, “Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another. Nevertheless, I will read the writing to the king and make known to him the interpretation.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, "Keep your gifts for yourself or give your rewards to someone else; however, I will read the inscription to the king and make the interpretation known to him.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

Then Daniel answered the king, "You may keep your gifts, and give your rewards to someone else; however, I will read the inscription for the king and make the interpretation known to him.

At this, Daniel answered, speaking directly to the king, "Let your gifts and rewards be given to someone else. However, I'll read the writing for the king and tell him its meaning.

But Daniel replied to the king, "Keep your gifts, and give your rewards to someone else! However, I will read the writing for the king and make known its interpretation.

Daniel told the king, "Keep your gifts. Give your gifts and awards to someone else. I'll still read the writing for you and tell you its meaning.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be for thyself and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king and show him the interpretation.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let your gifts be to yourself, and give your rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let your gifts be to yourself, and give your rewards to another; yet I will read the writing to the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; nevertheless I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

To which Daniel made answer, and said before the king: Thy rewards be to thyself, and the gifts of thy house give to another: but the writing I will read to thee, O king, and shew thee the interpretation thereof.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet will I read the writing to the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; nevertheless I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing to the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

Then Daniel answered before the king, Let your gifts be to yourself, and give your rewards to another; nevertheless I will read the writing to the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

Then hath Daniel answered and said before the king, 'Thy gifts be to thyself, and thy fee to another give; nevertheless, the writing I do read to the king, and the interpretation I cause him to know;

Danieli 5:17
Atëherë Danieli u përgjigj dhe tha para mbretit: "Mbaji, pra, dhuratat e tua dhe jepi një tjetri shpërblimet e tua; megjithatë unë do t'ia lexoj shkrimin mbretit dhe do t'i bëj të njohur interpretimin.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 5:17
فاجاب دانيال وقال قدام الملك. لتكن عطاياك لنفسك وهب هباتك لغيري. لكني اقرأ الكتابة للملك واعرّفه بالتفسير.

Dyr Däniheel 5:17
Dyr Däniheel gaab yn n Künig an: "Dankschoen, aber dös kan i nit annemen; kanst ys ja yn aynn Andern göbn! Aber d Schrift lis i dyr gern vür und lög dyr s aau aus.

Данаил 5:17
Тогава в отговор Даниил рече пред царя: Подаръците ти нека останат за тебе, и дай на другиго наградите си; все пак аз ще прочета на царя написаното, и ще му явя значението му.

但 以 理 書 5:17
但 以 理 在 王 面 前 回 答 說 : 你 的 贈 品 可 以 歸 你 自 己 , 你 的 賞 賜 可 以 歸 給 別 人 ; 我 卻 要 為 王 讀 這 文 字 , 把 講 解 告 訴 王 。

但 以 理 在 王 面 前 回 答 说 : 你 的 赠 品 可 以 归 你 自 己 , 你 的 赏 赐 可 以 归 给 别 人 ; 我 却 要 为 王 读 这 文 字 , 把 讲 解 告 诉 王 。



Daniel 5:17
Daniel prihvati riječ i odgovori kralju: Tvoji darovi neka ti ostanu, i svoje poklone daj drugima! A ja ću pročitati ovo pismo kralju i kazat ću mu njegovo značenje.

Daniele 5:17
Tedy odpověděl Daniel a řekl před králem: Darové tvoji nechť zůstávají tobě, a odplatu svou dej jinému, a však písmo přečtu králi, a výklad oznámím jemu.

Daniel 5:17
Saa svarede Daniel Kongen: »Spar dine Gaver og giv en anden dine Foræringer! Men Skriften vil jeg læse og tyde for Kongen.

Daniël 5:17
Toen antwoordde Daniel, en zeide voor den koning: Heb uw gaven voor uzelven, en geef uw vereringen aan een ander; ik zal nochtans het schrift voor den koning lezen, en de uitlegging zal ik hem bekend maken.

דניאל 5:17
בֵּאדַ֜יִן עָנֵ֣ה דָנִיֵּ֗אל וְאָמַר֙ קֳדָ֣ם מַלְכָּ֔א מַתְּנָתָךְ֙ לָ֣ךְ לֶֽהֶוְיָ֔ן וּנְבָ֥זְבְּיָתָ֖ךְ לְאָחֳרָ֣ן הַ֑ב בְּרַ֗ם כְּתָבָא֙ אֶקְרֵ֣א לְמַלְכָּ֔א וּפִשְׁרָ֖א אֲהֹודְעִנֵּֽהּ׃

יז באדין ענה דניאל ואמר קדם מלכא מתנתך לך להוין ונבזביתך לאחרן הב ברם כתבא אקרא למלכא ופשרא אהודענה

באדין ענה דניאל ואמר קדם מלכא מתנתך לך להוין ונבזביתך לאחרן הב ברם כתבא אקרא למלכא ופשרא אהודענה׃

Dániel 5:17
Erre Dániel felele, és monda a királynak: Ajándékaid tiéid legyenek, és adományaidat másnak adjad, mindazáltal az írást elolvasom a királynak, és jelentését megmondom néki.

Daniel 5:17
Tiam Daniel respondis kaj diris al la regxo:Viaj donacoj restu cxe vi, viajn rekompencojn donu al iu alia; mi tamen tralegos al la regxo la surskribon, kaj mi klarigos al li la signifon.

Niin vastasi Daniel ja sanoi kuninkaalle: Pidä itse lahjas ja anna antimes muille. Minä luen kuitenkin kuninkaalle kirjoituksen, ja ilmoitan sen selityksen hänelle.

Daniel 5:17
Alors Daniel répondit et dit devant le roi: Que tes présents te demeurent, et donne tes récompenses à un autre. Toutefois je lirai l'écriture au roi, et je lui en ferai connaître l'interprétation.

Daniel répondit en présence du roi: Garde tes dons, et accorde à un autre tes présents; je lirai néanmoins l'écriture au roi, et je lui en donnerai l'explication.

Alors Daniel répondit et dit devant le Roi : Que tes dons te demeurent, et donne tes présents à un autre; toutefois je lirai l'écriture au Roi, et je lui en donnerai l'interprétation.

Daniel 5:17
Da fing Daniel an und redete vor dem Könige: Behalte deine Gaben selbst und gib dein Geschenk einem andern; ich will dennoch die Schrift dem Könige lesen und anzeigen, was sie bedeute.

Da fing Daniel an und redete vor dem König: Behalte deine Gaben selbst und gib dein Geschenk einem andern; ich will dennoch die Schrift dem König lesen und anzeigen, was sie bedeutet.

Hierauf entgegnete Daniel dem König: Deine Geschenke magst du behalten und deine Gaben einem andern schenken; doch die Schrift will ich dem Könige lesen und ihm sagen, was sie bedeutet.

Daniele 5:17
Allora Daniele prese a dire in presenza del re: "Tieniti i tuoi doni e da’ a un altro le tue ricompense; nondimeno io leggerò lo scritto al re e gliene farò conoscere l’interpretazione.

Allora Daniele rispose, e disse in presenza del re: Tienti i tuoi doni, e da’ ad un altro i tuoi presenti; pur nondimeno io leggerò la scrittura al re, e gliene dichiarerò l’interpretazione.

Maka sahut Daniel, sembahnya kepada baginda: Bahwa segala anugerah itu tinggal pada tuanku dan hendaklah tuanku mengaruniakan anugerah tuanku kepada orang lain, maka patik juga membacakan suratan ini kepada tuanku serta memaklumkan artinya kepada tuanku.

다니엘 5:17
다니엘이 왕에게 대답하여 가로되 왕의 예물은 왕이 스스로 취하시며 왕의 상급은 다른 사람에게 주옵소서 그럴지라도 내가 왕을 위하여 이 글을 읽으며 그 해석을 아시게 하리이다

Daniel 5:17
ad quae respondens Danihel ait coram rege munera tua sint tibi et dona domus tuae alteri da scripturam autem legam tibi rex et interpretationem eius ostendam tibi

Danieliaus knyga 5:17
Danielius atsakė karaliui: “Dovanos telieka pas tave arba duok jas kitam! Tačiau aš perskaitysiu raštą karaliui ir jį išaiškinsiu.

Daniel 5:17
Katahi ka whakahoki a Raniera, ka mea ki te aroaro o te kingi, Mau au hakari, hoatu au utu ki tetahi atu; me korero ia e ahau te tuhituhi ki te kingi, me whakaatu te tikanga ki a ia.

Daniel 5:17
Da svarte Daniel og sa der han stod foran kongen: Dine gaver kan du selv ha, og dine foræringer kan du gi til en annen! Men skriften skal jeg lese for kongen og kunngjøre ham dens uttydning.

Daniel 5:17
Entonces Daniel respondió, y dijo delante del rey: Sean para ti tus regalos y da tus recompensas a otro. Yo leeré, sin embargo, la inscripción al rey y le daré a conocer su interpretación.

Entonces Daniel respondió delante del rey: "Sean para ti tus regalos y da tus recompensas a otro. Yo leeré, sin embargo, la inscripción al rey y le daré a conocer su interpretación.

Entonces Daniel respondió, y dijo delante del rey: Tus dones sean para ti, y tus presentes dalos a otro. La escritura yo la leeré al rey, y le declararé la interpretación.

Entonces Daniel respondió, y dijo delante del rey: Tus dones sean para ti, y tus presentes dalos á otro. La escritura yo la leeré al rey, y le mostraré la declaración.

Entonces Daniel respondió, y dijo delante del rey: Tus dones sean para ti, y tus presentes dalos a otro. La escritura yo la leeré al rey, y le mostraré la declaración.

Daniel 5:17
Então Daniel, Deus é meu Juiz, replicou ao rei Belssazar, Bel proteja o rei: “Podes guardar os teus presentes para ti mesmo e dar as tuas recompensas a algum de teus comensais. Todavia, lerei sim, as palavras que foram inscritas na parede, para o rei e lhe desvendarei todo o seu significado.

Então respondeu Daniel, e disse na presença do rei: Os teus presentes fiquem contigo, e dá os teus prêmios a outro; todavia vou ler ao rei o escrito, e lhe farei saber a interpretação.   

Daniel 5:17
Daniel a răspuns îndată înaintea împăratului: ,,Ţine-ţi darurile, şi dă altuia răsplătirile tale! Totuş voi citi împăratului scrierea, şi i -o voi tîlcui.

Даниил 5:17
Тогда отвечал Даниил, и сказал царю: дары твои пусть останутся у тебя, и почести отдай другому; а написанное я прочитаюцарю и значение объясню ему.

Тогда отвечал Даниил, и сказал царю: дары твои пусть останутся у тебя, и почести отдай другому; а написанное я прочитаю царю и значение объясню ему.[]

Daniel 5:17
Då svarade Daniel och sade till konungen: »Dina gåvor må du själv behålla, och dina skänker må du giva åt en annan; dem förutan skall jag läsa skriften för konungen och säga honom uttydningen:

Daniel 5:17
Nang magkagayo'y sumagot, at nagsabi si Daniel sa harap ng hari, Iyo na ang iyong mga kaloob, at ibigay mo ang iyong mga ganting pala sa iba; gayon ma'y aking babasahin sa hari ang sulat, at ipaaninaw ko sa kaniya ang kahulugan.

ดาเนียล 5:17
แล้วดาเนียลกราบทูลต่อพระพักตร์กษัตริย์ว่า "ขอทรงเก็บของพระราชทานไว้กับพระองค์เถิด และขอทรงพระราชทานรางวัลแก่ผู้อื่น ฝ่ายข้าพระองค์จะขออ่านข้อเขียนถวายกษัตริย์ และถวายคำแปลความหมายให้พระองค์ทรงทราบ

Daniel 5:17
Daniel, ‹‹Armağanların senin olsun, ödüllerini de bir başkasına ver›› diye karşılık verdi, ‹‹Ama ben yine de yazıyı okuyup ne anlama geldiğini sana açıklayacağım.[]

Ña-ni-eân 5:17
Bấy giờ Ða-ni-ên cất tiếng và nói trước mặt vua rằng: Vua hãy giữ lại của ban thưởng, và lễ vật vua hãy ban cho kẻ khác! Dầu vậy, tôi sẽ đọc chữ viết đó và giải nghĩa cho vua.

Daniel 5:16
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