Daniel 5:13
Daniel 5:13
So Daniel was brought before the king, and the king said to him, "Are you Daniel, one of the exiles my father the king brought from Judah?

So Daniel was brought in before the king. The king asked him, "Are you Daniel, one of the exiles brought from Judah by my predecessor, King Nebuchadnezzar?

Then Daniel was brought in before the king. The king answered and said to Daniel, “You are that Daniel, one of the exiles of Judah, whom the king my father brought from Judah.

Then Daniel was brought in before the king. The king spoke and said to Daniel, "Are you that Daniel who is one of the exiles from Judah, whom my father the king brought from Judah?

Then was Daniel brought in before the king. And the king spake and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Jewry?

Then Daniel was brought before the king. The king said to him, "Are you Daniel, one of the Judean exiles that my predecessor the king brought from Judah?

Then Daniel was brought before the king. The king spoke up and told Daniel, "So you are Daniel, one of the Judean exiles whom my grandfather the king brought from Judah!

So Daniel was brought in before the king. The king said to Daniel, "Are you that Daniel who is one of the captives of Judah, whom my father the king brought from Judah?

So Daniel was taken to the king. The king asked him, "Are you Daniel, one of the captives that my grandfather brought from Judah?

Then Daniel was brought in before the king. And the king spoke and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, who art of the sons of the captivity of Judah, whom my father brought out of Judea?

Then was Daniel brought in before the king. And the king spoke and said unto Daniel, Are you that Daniel, who is of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah?

Then was Daniel brought in before the king. And the king spoke and said to Daniel, Are you that Daniel, which are of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Jewry?

Then was Daniel brought in before the king. The king spake and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, who art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah?

Then Daniel was brought in before the king. And the king spoke, and said to him: Art thou Daniel of the children of the captivity of Juda, whom my father the king brought out of Judea?

Then was Daniel brought in before the king. The king spoke and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah?

Then was Daniel brought in before the king. The king spake and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah?

Then was Daniel brought in before the king. And the king spoke and said to Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, who art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judea?

Then was Daniel brought in before the king. The king spoke and said to Daniel, Are you that Daniel, who are of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah?

Then Daniel hath been caused to come up before the king; answered hath the king, and said to Daniel, 'Thou art that Daniel who art of the sons of the Removed of Judah, whom the king my father brought in out of Judah?

Danieli 5:13
Atëherë Danielin e sollën në prani të mbretit; mbreti i foli Danielit dhe i tha: "A je ti Danieli, një nga të mërguarit e Judës, që mbreti, ati im, solli nga Juda?

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 5:13
حينئذ ادخل دانيال الى قدام الملك. فاجاب الملك وقال لدانيال أأنت هو دانيال من بني سبي يهوذا الذي جلبه ابي الملك من يهوذا.

Dyr Däniheel 5:13
Daa wurd dyr Däniheel gan n Künig gholt, und dyr Künig gsait zo iem: "Du bist also dyr Däniheel, ainer von de Judauer, wo mein Vater, dyr Künig, daa herverschlöppt haat!

Данаил 5:13
Тогава Даниил биде въведен пред царя. Царят проговаряйки рече на Даниила: Ти ли си оня Даниил, който си от пленените юдейци, които дядо ми царят доведе от Юдея?

但 以 理 書 5:13
但 以 理 就 被 領 到 王 前 。 王 問 但 以 理 說 : 你 是 被 擄 之 猶 大 人 中 的 但 以 理 麼 ? 就 是 我 父 王 從 猶 大 擄 來 的 麼 ?

但 以 理 就 被 领 到 王 前 。 王 问 但 以 理 说 : 你 是 被 掳 之 犹 大 人 中 的 但 以 理 麽 ? 就 是 我 父 王 从 犹 大 掳 来 的 麽 ?



Daniel 5:13
Dovedoše Daniela pred kralja, a kralj ga upita: Jesi li ti Daniel, jedan od izgnanika judejskih koje dovede iz Judeje kralj moj otac?

Daniele 5:13
Tedy přiveden jest Daniel před krále. I mluvil král a řekl Danielovi: Ty-li jsi ten Daniel, jeden z synů zajatých Judských, kteréhož přivedl král otec můj z Judstva?

Daniel 5:13
Saa førtes Daniel ind for Kongen. Og Kongen tog til Orde og sagde til ham: »Er du Daniel, en af de fangne Judæere, som min Fader Kongen bortførte fra Juda?

Daniël 5:13
Toen werd Daniel voor den koning ingebracht. De koning antwoordde en zeide tot Daniel: Zijt gij die Daniel, een uit de gevankelijk weggevoerden van Juda, die de koning, mijn vader, uit Juda gebracht heeft?

דניאל 5:13
בֵּאדַ֙יִן֙ דָּֽנִיֵּ֔אל הֻעַ֖ל קֳדָ֣ם מַלְכָּ֑א עָנֵ֨ה מַלְכָּ֜א וְאָמַ֣ר לְדָנִיֵּ֗אל [אַנְתָּה כ] (אַנְתְּ־ה֤וּא ק) דָנִיֵּאל֙ דִּֽי־מִן־בְּנֵ֤י גָלוּתָא֙ דִּ֣י יְה֔וּד דִּ֥י הַיְתִ֛י מַלְכָּ֥א אַ֖בִי מִן־יְהֽוּד׃

יג באדין דניאל העל קדם מלכא ענה מלכא ואמר לדניאל אנתה (אנת) הוא דניאל די מן בני גלותא די יהוד די היתי מלכא אבי מן יהוד

באדין דניאל העל קדם מלכא ענה מלכא ואמר לדניאל [אנתה כ] (אנת־הוא ק) דניאל די־מן־בני גלותא די יהוד די היתי מלכא אבי מן־יהוד׃

Dániel 5:13
Erre Dániel a király elé viteték. Szóla a király, és monda Dánielnek: Te vagy-é ama Dániel, a ki a júdabeli foglyok fiai közül való, a kit ide hozott a király, az én atyám, Júdából?

Daniel 5:13
Tiam oni alkondukis Danielon antaux la regxon; kaj la regxo ekparolis, kaj diris al Daniel:CXu vi estas Daniel, unu el la forkaptitaj filoj de Judujo, kiujn mia patro, la regxo, venigis el Judujo?

Silloin vietiin Daniel kuninkaan eteen. Ja kuningas puhui ja sanoi Danielille: Oletko sinä Daniel, yksi Juudalaisista vangeista, jotka kuningas, minun isäni, Juudeasta tänne tuonut on?

Daniel 5:13
Alors Daniel fut introduit devant le roi. Le roi prit la parole et dit à Daniel: Es-tu ce Daniel, l'un des fils de la captivité de Juda, que le roi, mon père, a amenés de Juda?

Alors Daniel fut introduit devant le roi. Le roi prit la parole et dit à Daniel: Es-tu ce Daniel, l'un des captifs de Juda, que le roi, mon père, a amenés de Juda?

Alors Daniel fut amené devant le Roi, et le Roi prenant la parole dit à Daniel : Es-tu ce Daniel qui es d'entre ceux qui ont été emmenés captifs de Juda, que le Roi mon père a fait emmener de Juda?

Daniel 5:13
Da ward Daniel hinauf vor den König gebracht. Und der König sprach zu Daniel: Bist du der Daniel, der Gefangenen einer aus Juda, die der König, mein Vater, aus Juda hergebracht hat?

Da ward Daniel hinein vor den König gebracht. Und der König sprach zu Daniel: Bist du der Daniel, der Gefangenen einer aus Juda, die der König, mein Vater aus Juda hergebracht hat?

Als nun Daniel zum König hereingeführt worden war, hob der König an und sprach zu Daniel: Bist du Daniel, der zu der Schar der jüdischen Gefangenen gehört, die mein königlicher Vater aus Juda weggeführt hat?

Daniele 5:13
Allora Daniele fu introdotto alla presenza del re; e il re parlò a Daniele, e gli disse: "Sei tu Daniele, uno dei Giudei che il mio re padre menò in cattività da Giuda?

Allora Daniele fu menato davanti al re. E il re fece motto a Daniele, e gli disse: Sei tu quel Daniele, che è de’ Giudei che sono in cattività, i quali il re, mio padre, condusse di Giudea?

Maka dibawa oranglah akan Daniel menghadap baginda, lalu titah baginda kepada Daniel demikian: Engkaukah Daniel itu, seorang dari pada mereka yang sudah dipindahkan dengan tertawan dari negeri Yehuda, yang sudah dibawa ke mari dari antara orang Yahudi oleh paduka marhum?

다니엘 5:13
이에 다니엘이 부름을 입어 왕의 앞에 나오매 왕이 다니엘에게 말하여 가로되 네가 우리 부왕이 유다에서 사로잡아 온 유다 자손 중의 그 다니엘이냐

Daniel 5:13
igitur introductus est Danihel coram rege ad quem praefatus rex ait tu es Danihel de filiis captivitatis Iudae quam adduxit rex pater meus de Iudaea

Danieliaus knyga 5:13
Kai Danielių atvedė pas karalių, karalius tarė: “Ar tu tas Danielius iš Judo tremtinių, kuriuos karalius, mano tėvas, atvedė iš Judėjos?

Daniel 5:13
Katahi ka kawea mai a Raniera ki te aroaro o te kingi. A ka korero te kingi, ka mea ki a Raniera, Ko taua Raniera ranei koe, no nga tamariki whakarau o Hura, i kawea mai nei e te kingi, e toku papa, i Hura?

Daniel 5:13
Så blev Daniel ført inn for kongen. Og kongen tok til orde og sa til Daniel: Er du Daniel, en av de jødiske fanger som kongen, min far, førte hit fra Juda?

Daniel 5:13
Entonces Daniel fue traído ante el rey. El rey habló y dijo a Daniel: ¿Eres tú aquel Daniel de los deportados de Judá, que el rey mi padre trajo de Judá?

Entonces Daniel fue traído ante el rey. El rey preguntó a Daniel: "¿Eres tú aquél Daniel de los deportados de Judá, que el rey mi padre trajo de Judá?

Entonces Daniel fue traído delante del rey. Y habló el rey, y dijo a Daniel: ¿Eres tú aquel Daniel de los hijos de la cautividad de Judá, que mi padre trajo de Judea?

Entonces Daniel fué traído delante del rey. Y habló el rey, y dijo á Daniel: ¿Eres tú aquel Daniel de los hijos de la cautividad de Judá, que mi padre trajo de Judea?

Entonces Daniel fue traído delante del rey. Y habló el rey, y dijo a Daniel: ¿Eres tú aquel Daniel de los hijos de la cautividad de Judá, que mi padre trajo de Judea?

Daniel 5:13
Então, sem demora, Daniel foi levado à presença do rei. O rei indagou a Daniel: “És tu aquele Daniel, um dos cativos de Judá, que o rei, meu pai, mandou trazer das terras de Judá?

Então Daniel foi introduzido à presença do rei. Falou o rei, e disse à Daniel: És tu aquele Daniel, um dos cativos de Judá, que o rei, meu pai, trouxe de Judá?   

Daniel 5:13
Atunci Daniel a fost adus înaintea împăratului. Împăratul a luat cuvîntul, şi a zis lui Daniel: ,,Tu eşti Daniel acela, unul din prinşii de război ai lui Iuda, pe cari i -a adus aici din Iuda, tatăl meu împăratul?

Даниил 5:13
Тогда введен был Даниил пред царя, и царь начал речь и сказал Даниилу: ты ли Даниил, один из пленных сынов Иудейских, которых отец мой, царь, привел из Иудеи?

Тогда введен был Даниил пред царя, и царь начал речь и сказал Даниилу: ты ли Даниил, один из пленных сынов Иудейских, которых отец мой, царь, привел из Иудеи?[]

Daniel 5:13
När så Daniel hade blivit hämtad till konungen, talade denne till Daniel och sade: »Du är ju Daniel, en av de judiska fångar som min fader konungen förde hit från Juda?

Daniel 5:13
Nang magkagayo'y dinala si Daniel sa harap ng hari. Ang hari ay nagsalita, at nagsabi kay Daniel, Ikaw baga'y si Daniel na sa mga anak ng pagkabihag sa Juda, na kinuha sa Juda ng haring aking ama?

ดาเนียล 5:13
เขาจึงนำดาเนียลเข้ามาเฝ้ากษัตริย์ กษัตริย์ตรัสถามดาเนียลว่า "ท่านคือดาเนียลคนนั้นในพวกที่ถูกกวาดเป็นเชลยมาจากประเทศยูดาห์ ที่กษัตริย์เสด็จพ่อของเรานำมาจากยูดาห์หรือ

Daniel 5:13
Böylece Danieli kralın önüne getirdiler. Kral, ‹‹Kral atamın Yahudadan getirdiği, Yahuda sürgünlerinden Daniel sen misin?›› diye sordu,[]

Ña-ni-eân 5:13
Bấy giờ Ða-ni-ên được đem đến trước mặt vua. Ðoạn, vua cất tiếng nói cùng Ða-ni-ên rằng: Ngươi có phải là Ða-ni-ên, một trong các con cái phu tù Giu-đa, mà vua cha ta đã điệu từ Giu-đa về chăng?

Daniel 5:12
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