Daniel 5:10
Daniel 5:10
The queen, hearing the voices of the king and his nobles, came into the banquet hall. "May the king live forever!" she said. "Don't be alarmed! Don't look so pale!

But when the queen mother heard what was happening, she hurried to the banquet hall. She said to Belshazzar, "Long live the king! Don't be so pale and frightened.

The queen, because of the words of the king and his lords, came into the banqueting hall, and the queen declared, “O king, live forever! Let not your thoughts alarm you or your color change.

The queen entered the banquet hall because of the words of the king and his nobles; the queen spoke and said, "O king, live forever! Do not let your thoughts alarm you or your face be pale.

Now the queen, by reason of the words of the king and his lords, came into the banquet house: and the queen spake and said, O king, live for ever: let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed:

Because of the outcry of the king and his nobles, the queen came to the banquet hall. "May the king live forever," she said. "Don't let your thoughts terrify you or your face be pale.

Hearing the voices of the king and his officials, the queen entered the banquet hall. "Your majesty, live forever," the queen said. "Don't be frightened by your thoughts or allow your facial expression to show it.

Due to the noise caused by the king and his nobles, the queen mother then entered the banquet room. She said, "O king, live forever! Don't be alarmed! Don't be shaken!

The discussion between the king and his nobles brought the queen herself into the banquet hall. The queen said, "Your Majesty, may you live forever! Don't let your thoughts frighten you, and don't turn pale.

Now the queen, by reason of the words of the king and of his princes, came into the banquet room. The queen spoke and said, O king, live for ever: let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be pale.

Now the queen because of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house: and the queen spoke and said, O king, live forever: let not your thoughts trouble you, nor let your countenance be changed:

Now the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house: and the queen spoke and said, O king, live for ever: let not your thoughts trouble you, nor let your countenance be changed:

Now the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house: the queen spake and said, O king, live forever; let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed.

Then the queen, on occasion of what had happened to the king, and his nobles, came into the banquet house: and she spoke and said: O king, live for ever: let not thy thoughts trouble thee, neither let thy countenance be changed.

the queen, by reason of the words of the king And his nobles, came into the banquet-house. the queen spoke And said, O king, live for ever!let not thy thoughts trouble thee, neither let thy countenance be changed.

Now the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house: the queen spake and said, O king, live for ever; let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed:

Now the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house: and the queen spoke and said, O king, live for ever: let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed:

[Now] the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house: the queen spoke and said, O king, live forever; don't let your thoughts trouble you, nor let your face be changed.

The queen, on account of the words of the king and his great men, to the banquet-house hath come up. Answered hath the queen, and said, 'O king, to the ages live; let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor thy countenance be changed:

Danieli 5:10
Mbretëresha, për shkak të fjalëve të mbretit dhe të të mëdhenjve të tij, hyri në sallën e banketit. Mbretëresha filloi të thotë: "O mbret, jetofsh përjetë! Mendimet e tua të mos të shqetësojnë dhe pamja jotë të mos ndryshojë.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 5:10
اما الملكة فلسبب كلام الملك وعظمائه دخلت بيت الوليمة فاجابت الملكة وقالت ايها الملك عش الى الابد. لا تفزعك افكارك ولا تتغيّر هيئتك.

Dyr Däniheel 5:10
Dös Geplerr wurd allweil lauter, yso däß halt iewet aau de Küniginn eyn n Sal einhingschaugt und gagrüesst: "Lang löb dyr Künig! Ietz krieg di non wider; so arg ist s diend +aau wider nit!

Данаил 5:10
От думите на царя и на големците му [овдовялата] царица влезе в къщата на пируването; и царицата проговаряйки рече: Царю, да си жив до века! Да те не смущават мислите ти, нито да се изменява лицето ти.

但 以 理 書 5:10
太 后 ( 或 譯 : 皇 后 ; 下 同 ) 因 王 和 他 大 臣 所 說 的 話 , 就 進 入 宴 宮 , 說 : 願 王 萬 歲 ! 你 心 意 不 要 驚 惶 , 臉 面 不 要 變 色 。

太 后 ( 或 译 : 皇 后 ; 下 同 ) 因 王 和 他 大 臣 所 说 的 话 , 就 进 入 宴 宫 , 说 : 愿 王 万 岁 ! 你 心 意 不 要 惊 惶 , 脸 面 不 要 变 色 。



Daniel 5:10
Kraljica, čuvši riječi kralja i velikaša, uđe u gozbenu dvoranu i reče: Kralju, živ bio dovijeka! Neka se tvoje misli ne uznemiruju i tvoje lice neka ne blijedi!

Daniele 5:10
Královna pak, příčinou té věci královské a knížat jeho, do domu těch hodů vešla, a promluvivši královna, řekla: Králi, na věky živ buď. Nechť tě neděsí myšlení tvá, a jasnost tvá nechť se nemění.

Daniel 5:10
Ved Kongens og hans Stormænds Raab kom Dronningen ind i Gildesalen, og hun tog til Orde og sagde: »Kongen leve evindelig! Lad ikke dine Tanker forfærde dig og skift ikke Farve!

Daniël 5:10
Om deze woorden des konings en zijner geweldigen, ging de koningin in het huis des maaltijds. De koningin sprak en zeide: O koning, leef in eeuwigheid! laat u uw gedachten niet verschrikken, en uw glans niet veranderd worden.

דניאל 5:10
מַלְכְּתָ֕א לָקֳבֵ֨ל מִלֵּ֤י מַלְכָּא֙ וְרַבְרְבָנֹ֔והִי לְבֵ֥ית מִשְׁתְּיָ֖א [עַלֲלַת כ] (עַלַּ֑ת ק) עֲנָ֨ת מַלְכְּתָ֜א וַאֲמֶ֗רֶת מַלְכָּא֙ לְעָלְמִ֣ין חֱיִ֔י אַֽל־יְבַהֲלוּךְ֙ רַעְיֹונָ֔ךְ וְזִיוָ֖יךְ אַל־יִשְׁתַּנֹּֽו׃

י מלכתא--לקבל מלי מלכא ורברבנוהי לבית משתיא עללת (עלת) ענת מלכתא ואמרת מלכא לעלמין חיי--אל יבהלוך רעיונך וזיויך (וזיוך) אל ישתנו

מלכתא לקבל מלי מלכא ורברבנוהי לבית משתיא [עללת כ] (עלת ק) ענת מלכתא ואמרת מלכא לעלמין חיי אל־יבהלוך רעיונך וזיויך אל־ישתנו׃

Dániel 5:10
A királyasszony a király és az õ fõembereinek beszédei miatt beméne a lakoma házába, [és] szóla a királyasszony, és monda: Király, örökké élj! Ne rettentsenek téged a te gondolataid, és a te ábrázatod ne változzék el!

Daniel 5:10
CXe tiu okazintajxo, kiu farigxis al la regxo kaj al liaj altranguloj, en la salonon de la festeno eniris la regxino. La regxino ekparolis, kaj diris:Ho regxo, vivu eterne! Ne konsternu vin viaj pensoj, kaj ne sxangxigxu via vizagxaspekto.

Sentähden meni kuningatar kuninkaan ja hänen voimallistensa asian tähden pitohuoneesen, ja sanoi: Kuningas eläköön kauvan! Älä niin peljästy sinun ajatuksistas ja älä niin muotoas muuta.

Daniel 5:10
La reine, à cause des paroles du roi et de ses grands, entra dans la maison du festin. La reine prit la parole et dit: O roi, vis à jamais! Que tes pensées ne te troublent pas, et ne change pas de couleur:

La reine, à cause des paroles du roi et de ses grands, entra dans la salle du festin, et prit ainsi la parole: O roi, vis éternellement! Que tes pensées ne te troublent pas, et que ton visage ne change pas de couleur!

[Or] la Reine entra dans la maison du festin, à cause de ce qui était arrivé au Roi et à ses gentilshommes; et la Reine parla, et dit : Roi, vis éternellement! que tes pensées ne te troublent point, et que ton visage ne se change point.

Daniel 5:10
Da ging die Königin um solcher Sache willen des Königs und seiner Gewaltigen hinauf in den Saal und sprach: HERR König, Gott verleihe dir langes Leben! Laß dich deine Gedanken nicht so erschrecken und entfärbe dich nicht also!

Da ging die Königin um solcher Sache des Königs und seiner Gewaltigen willen hinein in den Saal und sprach: Der König lebe ewiglich! Laß dich deine Gedanken nicht so erschrecken und entfärbe dich nicht also!

Als nun die Königin-Mutter von den Reden des Königs und seiner Großen hörte, trat sie in den Speisesaal ein. Die Königin hob an uns sprach zu dem König: O König! Mögest du immerdar leben! Laß dich durch deine Gedanken nicht bestürzt machen, und dein Antlitz erbleiche nicht!

Daniele 5:10
La regina, com’ebbe udito le parole del re e dei suoi grandi, entrò nella sala del convito. La regina prese a dire: "O re, possa tu vivere in perpetuo! I tuoi pensieri non ti spaventino, e non mutar di colore!

La regina, alle parole del re, e de’ suoi grandi, entrò nel luogo del convito, e fece motto al re, e gli disse: O re, possi tu vivere in perpetuo; i tuoi pensieri non ti spaventino, e il colore della tua faccia non si muti.

Serta kedengaranlah kepada permaisuri segala perkara yang telah jadi pada baginda dan segala menteri baginda, lalu langsung permaisuri ke tempat perjamuan itu, serta sembahnya: Daulat tuanku! jangan apalah kepikiran tuanku mendebarkan kalbu tuanku dan jangan seri wajah tuanku berubah begitu.

다니엘 5:10
태후가 왕과 그 귀인들의 말로 인하여 잔치하는 궁에 들어 왔더니 이에 말하여 가로되 왕이여 만세수를 하옵소서 왕의 생각을 번민케 말며 낯빛을 변할 것이 아니니이다

Daniel 5:10
regina autem pro re quae acciderat regi et optimatibus eius domum convivii ingressa est et proloquens ait rex in aeternum vive non te conturbent cogitationes tuae neque facies tua inmutetur

Danieliaus knyga 5:10
Išgirdusi karaliaus ir didžiūnų žodžius, karalienė įėjo į puotos salę, ir tarė: “Karaliau, gyvuok per amžius! Teneapima tavęs neramios mintys ir tavo veidas tenepasikeičia!

Daniel 5:10
Na ka haere te kuini ki te whare hakari, na nga kupu hoki a te kingi ratou ko ana ariki: na ka korero te kuini, ka mea, E te kingi, kia ora tonu koe: kei raruraru koe i ou whakaaro, kei puta ke tou mata.

Daniel 5:10
Ved kongens og hans stormenns ord kom dronningen* inn i gjestebudssalen. Hun tok til orde og sa: Kongen leve evindelig! La ikke dine tanker forferde dig, og skift ikke farve!

Daniel 5:10
La reina, al enterarse de las palabras del rey y de sus nobles, entró en la sala del banquete y tomando la palabra, dijo: ¡Oh rey, vive para siempre! No te turben tus pensamientos ni se mude tu semblante.

La reina, al enterarse de las palabras del rey y de sus nobles, entró en la sala del banquete y tomando la palabra, dijo: "¡Oh rey, viva para siempre! No le turben sus pensamientos ni se mude su semblante.

La reina, por las palabras del rey y de sus príncipes, entró a la sala del banquete. Y habló la reina, y dijo: Rey, para siempre vive, no te asombren tus pensamientos, ni demude tu semblante.

La reina, por las palabras del rey y de sus príncipes, entró á la sala del banquete. Y habló la reina, y dijo: Rey, para siempre vive, no te asombren tus pensamientos, ni tus colores se demuden:

La reina, por las palabras del rey y de sus príncipes, entró a la sala del banquete. Habló la reina, y dijo: Rey, para siempre vive, no te asombren tus pensamientos, ni tus colores se demuden;

Daniel 5:10
Tendo a rainha-mãe ouvido os gritos do rei e dos seus nobres, entrou na grande sala do banquete e acudiu, dizendo: “Ó rei, vive para sempre! Não te perturbem os teus maus pensamentos, nem se desfaleça a tua fisionomia!

Ora a rainha, por causa das palavras do rei e dos seus grandes, entrou na casa do banquete; e a rainha disse: ç rei, vive para sempre; não te perturbem os teus pensamentos, nem se mude o teu semblante.   

Daniel 5:10
Împărăteasa, la auzul cuvintelor împăratului şi mai marilor lui, a intrat în odaia ospăţului, a luat cuvîntul şi a vorbit astfel: ,,Să trăieşti vecinic, împărate! Să nu te turbure gîndurile tale, şi să nu ţi se îngălbenească faţa!

Даниил 5:10
Царица же, по поводу слов царя и вельмож его, вошла в палатупиршества; начала говорить царица и сказала: царь, вовеки живи! да не смущают тебя мысли твои, и да не изменяется вид лица твоего!

Царица же, по поводу слов царя и вельмож его, вошла в палату пиршества; начала говорить царица и сказала: царь, вовеки живи! да не смущают тебя мысли твои, и да не изменяется вид лица твоего![]

Daniel 5:10
Men när konungens och hans stormäns tal kom för konungamodern, begav hon sig till gästabudssalen; där tog hon till orda och sade: »Må du leva evinnerligen, o konung! Låt icke oroliga tankar uppfylla dig, och må färgen icke vika bort ifrån ditt ansikte.

Daniel 5:10
Ang reina, dahil sa mga salita ng hari at ng kaniyang mga mahal na tao ay pumasok sa bahay na pinagpigingan: ang reina ay nagsalita, at nagsabi, Oh hari, mabuhay ka magpakailan man; huwag kang bagabagin ng iyong mga pagiisip, o mabago man ang iyong pagmumukha.

ดาเนียล 5:10
ด้วยเหตุพระวาทะของกษัตริย์และเจ้านายทั้งหลาย พระราชินีก็เสด็จเข้ามาในท้องพระโรงการเลี้ยง และพระราชินีทรงมีพระเสาวนีย์ว่า "ข้าแต่กษัตริย์ ขอทรงพระเจริญเป็นนิตย์ ขอพระองค์อย่าได้ตกพระทัย หรือให้สีพระพักตร์ของพระองค์เปลี่ยนไป

Daniel 5:10
Kralla soyluların seslerini duyan kraliçe şölen salonuna geldi. ‹‹Çok yaşa, ey kral!›› dedi, ‹‹Aklından geçenler seni ürkütmesin, benzin solmasın![]

Ña-ni-eân 5:10
Bà thái hậu, vì cớ lời của vua và các quan đại thần đã nói, bèn vào trong phòng tiệc, cất tiếng nói rằng: Hỡi vua, chúc vua sống đời đời! Xin vua chớ để tư tưởng bối rối, chớ đổi sắc mặt đi!

Daniel 5:9
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