Daniel 4:27
Daniel 4:27
Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue."

"'King Nebuchadnezzar, please accept my advice. Stop sinning and do what is right. Break from your wicked past and be merciful to the poor. Perhaps then you will continue to prosper.'

Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to you: break off your sins by practicing righteousness, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the oppressed, that there may perhaps be a lengthening of your prosperity.”

Therefore, O king, may my advice be pleasing to you: break away now from your sins by doing righteousness and from your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor, in case there may be a prolonging of your prosperity.'

Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity.

Therefore, may my advice seem good to you my king. Separate yourself from your sins by doing what is right, and from your injustices by showing mercy to the needy. Perhaps there will be an extension of your prosperity."

Therefore, your majesty, may my advice be acceptable to you: Stop your sinning, do what's right, and put a stop to your wickedness by showing kindness to the oppressed. Perhaps your tranquility will continue."

Therefore, O king, may my advice be pleasing to you. Break away from your sins by doing what is right, and from your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor. Perhaps your prosperity will be prolonged."

"That is why, Your Majesty, my best advice is that you stop sinning, and do what is right. Stop committing the same errors, and have pity on the poor. Maybe you can prolong your prosperity."

Therefore, O king, approve my counsel and redeem thy sins with righteousness and thine iniquities with mercies unto the poor: behold the medicine for thy sin.

Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto you, and break off your sins by practicing righteousness, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of your tranquility.

Why, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to you, and break off your sins by righteousness, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of your tranquility.

Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if there may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity.

Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to thee, and redeem thou thy sins with alms, and thy iniquities with works of mercy to the poor: perhaps he will forgive thy offences.

Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity.

Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if there may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity.

Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thy iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity.

Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to you, and break off your sins by righteousness, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if there may be a lengthening of your tranquility.

'Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and thy sins by righteousness break off, and thy perversity by pitying the poor, lo, it is a lengthening of thine ease.

Danieli 4:27
Prandaj, o mbret, prano këshillën time: jepu fund mëkateve të tua duke praktikuar drejtësinë dhe paudhësive të tua duke treguar mëshirë ndaj të varfëve; ndofta begatia jote do të zgjasë".

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 4:27
لذلك ايها الملك فلتكن مشورتي مقبولة لديك وفارق خطاياك بالبر وآثامك بالرحمة للمساكين لعله يطال اطمئنانك

Dyr Däniheel 4:27
Drum, Grooßmächtigkeit, laaß dyr sagn: Hoer auf mit deine Sünddn und Übltaatn und tue, was recht ist, und bi gan de Nootignen barmhertzig. Wer waiß s, dann kimmst öbby non aus!"

Данаил 4:27
Затова, царю, нека ти бъде угоден моя съвет да напуснеш греховете си чрез [вършене] правда и беззаконията си чрез [правене] благодеяния на бедните, негли се продължи благоденствието ти.

但 以 理 書 4:27
王 啊 , 求 你 悅 納 我 的 諫 言 , 以 施 行 公 義 斷 絕 罪 過 , 以 憐 憫 窮 人 除 掉 罪 孽 , 或 者 你 的 平 安 可 以 延 長 。

王 啊 , 求 你 悦 纳 我 的 谏 言 , 以 施 行 公 义 断 绝 罪 过 , 以 怜 悯 穷 人 除 掉 罪 孽 , 或 者 你 的 平 安 可 以 延 长 。



Daniel 4:27
Zato, kralju, neka ti bude mio moj savjet: iskupi svoje grijehe pravednim djelima i svoja bezakonja milosrđem prema siromasima, da bi ti potrajala sreća.

Daniele 4:27
Protož ó králi, přijmi radu mou, a hříchy své spravedlností přetrhuj, a nepravosti své milostivostí k ssouženým, zdaby prodloužen byl pokoj tvůj.

Daniel 4:27
Derfor, o Konge, lad mit Raad være dig til Behag. Gør Ende paa dine Synder med Retfærd og paa dine Misgerninger med Barmhjertighed mod de fattige, om din Lykke maaske kunde vare!«

Daniël 4:27
Daarom, o koning! laat mijn raad u behagen, en breek uw zonden af door gerechtigheid, en uw ongerechtigheid door genade te bewijzen aan de ellendigen, of er verlenging van uw vrede mocht wezen.

דניאל 4:27
לָהֵ֣ן מַלְכָּ֗א מִלְכִּי֙ יִשְׁפַּ֣ר [עֲלַיִךְ כ] (עֲלָ֔ךְ ק) [וַחֲטָיָךְ כ] (וַחֲטָאָךְ֙ ק) בְּצִדְקָ֣ה פְרֻ֔ק וַעֲוָיָתָ֖ךְ בְּמִחַ֣ן עֲנָ֑יִן הֵ֛ן תֶּהֱוֵ֥א אַרְכָ֖ה לִשְׁלֵוְתָֽךְ׃

כד להן מלכא מלכי ישפר עליך (עלך) וחטיך (וחטאך) בצדקה פרק ועויתך במחן ענין הן תהוה ארכה לשלותך

להן מלכא מלכי ישפר [עליך כ] (עלך ק) [וחטיך כ] (וחטאך ק) בצדקה פרק ועויתך במחן ענין הן תהוא ארכה לשלותך׃

Dániel 4:27
Szóla a király és mondá: Nem ez-é ama nagy Babilon, a melyet én építettem királyság házának, az én hatalmasságom ereje által és dicsõségem tisztességére?

Daniel 4:27
Tial, ho regxo, volu favore akcepti mian konsilon:liberigu vin de viaj pekoj per justeco kaj de viaj malbonagoj per favorkoreco al malricxuloj; per tio via bonstato farigxos longedauxra.

(H4:24) Sentähden, herra kuningas, kelvatkoon sinulle minun neuvoni, ja päästä itses synnistäs vanhurskaudella, ja vapaaksi sinun pahoista töistäs laupiudella vaivaisia kohtaan, niin hän sinun rauhas pitentää.

Daniel 4:27
C'est pourquoi, ô roi, que mon conseil te soit agréable; et romps avec tes péchés par la justice, et avec ton iniquité, par la compassion envers les affligés, si ce peut être un prolongement de ta paix.

C'est pourquoi, ô roi, puisse mon conseil te plaire! mets un terme à tes péchés en pratiquant la justice, et à tes iniquités en usant de compassion envers les malheureux, et ton bonheur pourra se prolonger.

C'est pourquoi; ô Roi! que mon conseil te soit agréable, et rachète tes péchés par la justice, et tes iniquités en faisant miséricorde aux pauvres; voici, ce sera une prolongation à ta prospérité.

Daniel 4:27
Darum, HERR König, laß dir meinen Rat gefallen und mache dich los von deinen Sünden durch Gerechtigkeit und ledig von deiner Missetat durch Wohltat an den Armen, so wird er Geduld haben mit deinen Sünden.

Darum, Herr König, laß dir meinen Rat gefallen und mache dich los von deinen Sünden durch Gerechtigkeit und ledig von deiner Missetat durch Wohltat an den Armen, so wird dein Glück lange währen.

Darum, o König, laß dir meinen Rat gefallen und mache deine Sünden gut durch Frömmigkeit und deine Missethaten durch Barmherzigkeit gegen Elende, ob vielleicht deine Ruhe von Dauer sein wird.

Daniele 4:27
Perciò, o re, ti sia gradito il mio consiglio! Poni fine ai tuoi peccati con la giustizia, e alle tue iniquità con la compassione verso gli afflitti; e, forse, la tua prosperità potrà esser prolungata".

Perciò, o re, gradisci il mio consiglio, e poni un termine ai tuoi peccati con la giustizia, ed alle tue iniquità con la misericordia inverso gli afflitti; ecco, forse la tua prosperità sarà prolungata.

Maka sebab itu, ya tuanku! hendaklah kiranya bicara patik berkenan kepada tuanku, putuskan apalah segala dosa tuanku oleh kebenaran dan segala kesalahan tuanku oleh belas kasihan akan orang miskin, supaya dilanjutkan kiranya selamat sejahtera tuanku!

다니엘 4:27
그런즉 왕이여 나의 간하는 것을 받으시고 공의를 행함으로 죄를 속하고 가난한 자를 긍휼히 여김으로 죄악을 속하소서 그리하시면 왕의 평안함이 혹시 장구하리이다 하였느니라

Daniel 4:27
(4-24) quam ob rem rex consilium meum placeat tibi et peccata tua elemosynis redime et iniquitates tuas misericordiis pauperum forsitan ignoscat delictis tuis

Danieliaus knyga 4:27
Tad, karaliau, priimk mano patarimą, pakeisk savo nuodėmes teisumu ir savo nusikaltimus pasigailėjimu beturčiams. Taip elgdamasis, gal savo gyvenimą pratęsi’.

Daniel 4:27
Mo reira kia manakohia mai toku whakaaro e koe, e te kingi, kia whatiia atu ano ou hara e te tika, kia whatiia ano ou kino e te mahi tohu ki nga rawakore; a tera pea e roa tou ata noho.

Daniel 4:27
Derfor, konge, la mitt råd tekkes dig, og løs dig fra dine synder ved rettferdighet og fra dine misgjerninger ved barmhjertighet mot ulykkelige, om din lykke skal bli varig.

Daniel 4:27
``Por tanto, oh rey, que mi consejo te sea grato: pon fin a tus pecados haciendo justicia, y a tus iniquidades mostrando misericordia a los pobres; quizás sea prolongada tu prosperidad.

'Por tanto, oh rey, que mi consejo le sea grato: ponga fin a sus pecados haciendo justicia, y a sus iniquidades mostrando misericordia a los pobres. Quizás sea prolongada su prosperidad.'

Por tanto, oh rey, acepta mi consejo, y rompe con tus pecados mediante justicia, y con tus iniquidades mediante misericordias para con los pobres; que tal vez será eso una prolongación de tu tranquilidad.

Por tanto, oh rey, aprueba mi consejo, y redime tus pecados con justicia, y tus iniquidades con misericordias para con los pobres; que tal vez será eso una prolongación de tu tranquilidad.

Por tanto, oh rey, aprueba mi consejo, y redime tus pecados con justicia, y tus iniquidades con misericordias de los pobres: he aquí la medicina de tu pecado.

Daniel 4:27
Portanto, ó querido rei, aceita o meu conselho: Reconhece os teus pecados, abandona a maldade e passa a praticar a justiça e a exercer compaixão pelos carentes e necessitados. Talvez, assim, de fato, continues a viver em paz e tranqüilidade!”

Portanto, ó rei, aceita o meu conselho, e põe fim aos teus pecados, praticando a justiça, e às tuas iniqüidades, usando de misericórdia com os pobres, se, porventura, se prolongar a tua tranqüilidade.   

Daniel 4:27
Deaceea, împărate, placă-ţi sfatul meu! Pune capăt păcatelor tale, şi trăieşte în neprihănire, rupe -o cu nelegiuirile tale, şi ai milă de cei nenorociţi, şi poate că ţi se va prelungi fericirea!

Даниил 4:27
(4:24) Посему, царь, да будет благоугоден тебе совет мой: искупи грехи твои правдою и беззакония твои милосердием к бедным; вот чем может продлиться мир твой.

(4-24) Посему, царь, да будет благоугоден тебе совет мой: искупи грехи твои правдою и беззакония твои милосердием к бедным; вот чем может продлиться мир твой.[]

Daniel 4:27
Därför, o konung, må du låta mitt råd täckas dig: gör dig fri ifrån dina synder genom att göra gott, och ifrån dina missgärningar genom att öva barmhärtighet mot de fattiga, om till äventyrs din lycka så kunde bliva beståndande.»

Daniel 4:27
Kaya't, Oh hari, tanggapin mo ang aking payo, at lansagin mo ng katuwiran ang iyong mga kasalanan, at ng pagpapakita ng kaawaan sa dukha ang iyong katampalasanan; baka sakaling ikatibay ng iyong katiwasayan.

ดาเนียล 4:27
ข้าแต่กษัตริย์ เพราะฉะนั้นขอทรงรับคำกราบทูลของข้าพระองค์ ขอพระองค์ทรงเลิกทำบาปเสียด้วยการกระทำความชอบธรรม และเลิกทำความชั่วช้าด้วยสำแดงความกรุณาต่อคนจน เผื่อว่าความผาสุกของพระองค์อาจจะยืดยาวไปอีกได้"

Daniel 4:27
Bu yüzden, ey kral, öğüdümü benimse: Doğru olanı yaparak günahından, düşkünlere iyilik ederek suçlarından vazgeç. Olur ya, gönencin uzun sürer.››[]

Ña-ni-eân 4:27
Vậy nên, hỡi vua, xin hãy nghe lời tôi khuyên vua: hãy lấy sự công bình mà chuộc tội lỗi, hãy thương xót những kẻ nghèo khó để chuộc những điều gian ác mình. Như vậy sự bình an vua còn có thể lâu dài hơn nữa.

Daniel 4:26
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