Daniel 4:25
Daniel 4:25
You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.

You will be driven from human society, and you will live in the fields with the wild animals. You will eat grass like a cow, and you will be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven periods of time will pass while you live this way, until you learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses.

that you shall be driven from among men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. You shall be made to eat grass like an ox, and you shall be wet with the dew of heaven, and seven periods of time shall pass over you, till you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will.

that you be driven away from mankind and your dwelling place be with the beasts of the field, and you be given grass to eat like cattle and be drenched with the dew of heaven; and seven periods of time will pass over you, until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.

That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

You will be driven away from people to live with the wild animals. You will feed on grass like cattle and be drenched with dew from the sky for seven periods of time, until you acknowledge that the Most High is ruler over the kingdom of men, and He gives it to anyone He wants.

You'll be driven from people, and you'll live among wild animals of the field. You'll eat grass like cattle and be soaked with the dew of the sky while seven years pass you by —until you realize that the Most High is sovereign over human kingdoms and grants them to whomever he desires.

You will be driven from human society, and you will live with the wild animals. You will be fed grass like oxen, and you will become damp with the dew of the sky. Seven periods of time will pass by for you, before you understand that the Most High is ruler over human kingdoms and gives them to whomever he wishes.

You will be forced away from people and live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like cattle. The dew from the sky will make you wet. And seven time periods will pass until you realize that the Most High has power over human kingdoms and that he gives them to whomever he wishes.

that they shall drive thee from among men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall feed thee with grass of the field as the oxen, and with the dew of heaven shalt thou be bathed, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou shalt understand that the most High takes rule over the kingdom of men and that he shall give it to whoever he will.

That they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make you eat grass like oxen, and they shall wet you with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over you, till you know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will.

That they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make you to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet you with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over you, till you know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever he will.

that thou shalt be driven from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and thou shalt be made to eat grass as oxen, and shalt be wet with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee; till thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

They shall cast thee out from among men, and thy dwelling shall be with cattle and with wild beasts, and thou shalt eat grass as an ox, and shalt be wet with the dew of heaven: and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth over the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

They shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and thou shalt be bathed with the dew of heaven; and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the Most High ruleth over the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

that thou shalt be driven from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and thou shalt be made to eat grass as oxen, and shalt be wet with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee; till thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou shalt know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

that you shall be driven from men, and your dwelling shall be with the animals of the field, and you shall be made to eat grass as oxen, and shall be wet with the dew of the sky, and seven times shall pass over you; until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will.

and they are driving thee away from men, and with the beast of the field is thy dwelling, and the herb as oxen they do cause thee to eat, and by the dew of the heavens they are wetting thee, and seven times do pass over thee, till that thou knowest that the Most High is ruler in the kingdom of men, and to whom He willeth He giveth it.

Danieli 4:25
ti do të dëbohesh nga njerëzia dhe banesa jote do të jetë bashkë me kafshët e fushave; do të të japin të hash bar si qetë dhe do të lagesh nga vesa e qiellit; do të kalojnë mbi ty shtatë kohë, deri sa të pranosh që Shumë i Larti sundon mbi mbretërinë e njerëzve dhe ia jep atij që ai dëshiron.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 4:25
يطردونك من بين الناس وتكون سكناك مع حيوان البر ويطعمونك العشب كالثيران ويبلونك بندى السماء فتمضي عليك سبعة ازمنة حتى تعلم ان العلي متسلط في مملكة الناس ويعطيها من يشاء.

Dyr Däniheel 4:25
Du werst bei de Menschn verstoessn und muesst bei de wildn Vicher löbn. Daa dyrnörst di von n Gras wie d Rindvicher und werst bei dyr Nacht von n Tau gnötzt. Yso geend sibn Sötzn umhin, hinst däßst gneusst, däß dyr Hoehste aau d Macht über alle Reicher auf dyr Welt haat und d Macht drüber gibt, wem yr will.

Данаил 4:25
да бъдеш изгонен измежду човеците, жилището ти да бъде с полските животни, да ядеш трева като говедата, и да те мокри небесната роса, и да минат над тебе седем времена, догдето познаеш, че Всевишният владее в царството на човеците и го дава комуто ще.

但 以 理 書 4:25
你 必 被 趕 出 離 開 世 人 , 與 野 地 的 獸 同 居 , 吃 草 如 牛 , 被 天 露 滴 濕 , 且 要 經 過 七 期 。 等 你 知 道 至 高 者 在 人 的 國 中 掌 權 , 要 將 國 賜 與 誰 就 賜 與 誰 。

你 必 被 赶 出 离 开 世 人 , 与 野 地 的 兽 同 居 , 吃 草 如 牛 , 被 天 露 滴 湿 , 且 要 经 过 七 期 。 等 你 知 道 至 高 者 在 人 的 国 中 掌 权 , 要 将 国 赐 与 谁 就 赐 与 谁 。



Daniel 4:25
Izagnat će te iz društva ljudi i sa životinjama ćeš poljskim boraviti; hranit ćeš se travom kao goveda, tebe će prati rosa nebeska; sedam će vremena proći nad tobom dok ne upoznaš da Svevišnji ima vlast nad kraljevstvom ljudskim i da ga daje kome on hoće.

Daniele 4:25
Nebo zaženou tě lidé od sebe, a s zvěří polní bude bydlení tvé, a bylinu jako volům tobě jísti dávati budou, a rosou nebeskou smáčín budeš, až se vyplní sedm let při tobě, dokudž bys nepoznal, že panuje Nejvyšší nad královstvím lidským, a že komuž chce, dává je.

Daniel 4:25
Du skal udstødes af Menneskenes Samfund og bo blandt Markens Dyr; Urter skal du have til Føde som Kvæget, og af Himmelens Dug skal du vædes; og syv Tider skal gaa hen over dig, til du skønner, at den Højeste er Herre over Menneskenes Rige og kan give det, til hvem han vil.

Daniël 4:25
Te weten, men zal u van de mensen verstoten, en met het gedierte des velds zal uw woning zijn, en men zal u het kruid, als den ossen, te smaken geven; en gij zult van den dauw des hemels nat gemaakt worden, en er zullen zeven tijden over u voorbijgaan, totdat gij bekent, dat de Allerhoogste heerschappij heeft over de koninkrijken der mensen, en geeft ze, wien Hij wil.

דניאל 4:25
וְלָ֣ךְ טָֽרְדִ֣ין מִן־אֲנָשָׁ֡א וְעִם־חֵיוַ֣ת בָּרָא֩ לֶהֱוֵ֨ה מְדֹרָ֜ךְ וְעִשְׂבָּ֥א כְתֹורִ֣ין ׀ לָ֣ךְ יְטַֽעֲמ֗וּן וּמִטַּ֤ל שְׁמַיָּא֙ לָ֣ךְ מְצַבְּעִ֔ין וְשִׁבְעָ֥ה עִדָּנִ֖ין יַחְלְפ֣וּן [עֲלַיִךְ כ] (עֲלָ֑ךְ ק) עַ֣ד דִּֽי־תִנְדַּ֗ע דִּֽי־שַׁלִּ֤יט [עִלָּיָא כ] (עִלָּאָה֙ ק) בְּמַלְכ֣וּת אֲנָשָׁ֔א וּלְמַן־דִּ֥י יִצְבֵּ֖א יִתְּנִנַּֽהּ׃

כב ולך טרדין מן אנשא ועם חיות ברא להוה מדרך ועשבא כתורין לך יטעמון ומטל שמיא לך מצבעין ושבעה עדנין יחלפון עליך (עלך)  עד די תנדע די שליט עליא (עלאה) במלכות אנשא ולמן די יצבא יתננה

ולך טרדין מן־אנשא ועם־חיות ברא להוה מדרך ועשבא כתורין ׀ לך יטעמון ומטל שמיא לך מצבעין ושבעה עדנין יחלפון [עליך כ] (עלך ק) עד די־תנדע די־שליט [עליא כ] (עלאה ק) במלכות אנשא ולמן־די יצבא יתננה׃

Dániel 4:25
Mindez betelék Nabukodonozor királyon.

Daniel 4:25
Vi estos elpusxita el meze de la homoj, kaj vi vivos kun la bestoj de la kampo; per herbo oni vin nutros, kiel bovojn; roson de la cxielo oni trinkigos al vi; kaj sep jaroj pasos super vi, gxis vi ekscios, ke super la regno de homoj regas la Plejaltulo, kaj donas gxin al tiu, al kiu Li volas.

(H4:22) Sinä ajetaan pois ihmisten seasta, ja täytyy eläinten seassa kedolla olla, ja annetaan ruohoja syödäkses niinkuin härkäin, ja olet makaava taivaan kasteen alla, ja kastuva, siihenasti kuin seitsemän aikaa sinulta kuluneet ovat, ettäs tuntisit Korkeimmalla vallan olevan ihmisten valtakuntain päälle, ja hänen antavan ne kellenkä hän tahtoo.

Daniel 4:25
On te chassera du milieu des hommes, et ta demeure sera avec les bêtes des champs, et on te fera manger l'herbe comme les boeufs, et tu seras baigné de la rosée des cieux, et sept temps passeront sur toi, jusqu'à ce que tu connaisses que le Très-haut domine sur le royaume des hommes, et qu'il le donne à qui il veut.

On te chassera du milieu des hommes, tu auras ta demeure avec les bêtes des champs, et l'on te donnera comme aux boeufs de l'herbe à manger; tu seras trempé de la rosée du ciel, et sept temps passeront sur toi, jusqu'à ce que tu saches que le Très-Haut domine sur le règne des hommes et qu'il le donne à qui il lui plaît.

C'est qu'on te chassera d'entre les hommes, ton habitation sera avec les bêtes des champs, et on te paîtra d'herbe comme les bœufs, et tu seras arrosé de la rosée des cieux; et sept temps passeront sur toi, jusques à ce que tu connaisses que le Souverain domine sur le Royaume des hommes, et qu'il le donne à qui il lui plaît.

Daniel 4:25
Man wird dich von den Leuten verstoßen, und mußt bei den Tieren auf dem Felde bleiben; und man wird dich Gras essen lassen wie die Ochsen; und wirst unter dem Tau des Himmels liegen und naß werden, bis über dir sieben Zeiten um sind, auf daß du erkennest, daß der Höchste Gewalt hat über der Menschen Königreiche und gibt sie, wem er will.

Man wird dich von den Leuten stoßen, und du mußt bei den Tieren auf dem Felde bleiben, und man wird dich Gras essen lassen wie die Ochsen, und wirst unter dem Tau des Himmels liegen und naß werden, bis über dir sieben Zeiten um sind, auf daß du erkennst, daß der Höchste Gewalt hat über der Menschen Königreiche und gibt sie, wem er will.

du wirst aus der menschlichen Gesellschaft ausgestoßen werden und bei den Tieren des Feldes hausen; Grünfutter wie den Rindern wird dir zur Nahrung gegeben werden, und vom Tau des Himmels wirst du benetzt werden, und sieben Zeiten werden über dich dahingehen, bis du erkennst, daß der Höchste über das Königtum der Menschen Macht hat und es geben kann, wem er will.

Daniele 4:25
tu sarai cacciato di fra gli uomini e la tua dimora sarà con le bestie dei campi; ti sarà data a mangiare dell’erba come ai buoi; sarai bagnato dalla rugiada del cielo, e passeranno su di te sette tempi, finché tu non riconosca che l’Altissimo domina sul regno degli uomini, e lo dà a chi vuole.

Tu sarai scacciato d’infra gli uomini, e la tua dimora sarà con le bestie della campagna, e pascerai l’erba come i buoi, e sarai bagnato della rugiada del cielo, e sette stagioni passeranno sopra te, infino a tanto che tu riconosca che l’Altissimo signoreggia sopra il regno degli uomini, e ch’egli lo dà a cui gli piace.

Bahwa tuanku akan ditolak dari antara manusia dan kedudukan tuanku akan serta dengan segala binatang di padang dan diberikan tuanku makan rumput seperti lembu dan tuanku akan dibasahkan dengan air embun dari langit, demikian akan berlaku atas tuanku tujuh masa, sampai diaku oleh tuanku bahwa Allah taala juga dipertuhan atas segala kerajaan manusia dan dikaruniakan-Nya kepada barangsiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya.

다니엘 4:25
왕이 사람에게서 쫓겨나서 들짐승과 함께 거하며 소처럼 풀을 먹으며 하늘 이슬에 젖을 것이요 이와 같이 일곱 때를 지낼 것이라 그 때에 지극히 높으신 자가 인간 나라를 다스리시며 자기의 뜻대로 그것을 누구에게든지 주시는 줄을 아시리이다

Daniel 4:25
(4-22) eicient te ab hominibus et cum bestiis feris erit habitatio tua et faenum ut bos comedes et rore caeli infunderis septem quoque tempora mutabuntur super te donec scias quod dominetur Excelsus super regnum hominum et cuicumque voluerit det illud

Danieliaus knyga 4:25
Tave pašalins iš žmonių, su lauko žvėrimis tu gyvensi, tave maitins žole kaip jautį ir dangaus rasa vilgys tave. Taip septyni laikai praeis, kol pažinsi, kad Aukščiausiasis viešpatauja žmonių karalystėje ir duoda ją, kam Jis nori.

Daniel 4:25
Ara kia aia atu koe i roto i nga tangata, ki nga kararehe o te parae he nohoanga mou, kia meinga ano koe kia kai tarutaru, kia pera me nga kau, kia maku ano i te tomairangi o te rangi, a e whitu nga wa ou ka taka; kia mohio ra ano koe kei te kaw ana te Runga Rawa ki te kingitanga o nga tangata, a e hoatu ana e ia ki tana e pai ai.

Daniel 4:25
Du skal bli utstøtt fra menneskene, og din bolig skal være hos markens dyr, og urter skal du ete likesom oksene, og med himmelens dugg skal du vætes, og syv tider skal skride frem over dig, inntil du sanner at den Høieste har makt over kongedømmet blandt menneskene og gir det til den han vil.

Daniel 4:25
Serás echado de entre los hombres, y tu morada estará con las bestias del campo, y te darán hierba para comer como al ganado, y serás empapado con el rocío del cielo; y siete tiempos pasarán sobre ti, hasta que reconozcas que el Altísimo domina sobre el reino de los hombres y que lo da a quien le place.

Será usted echado de entre los hombres, y su morada estará con las bestias del campo, y le darán hierba para comer como al ganado, y será empapado con el rocío del cielo. Y siete años (tiempos) pasarán sobre usted, hasta que reconozca que el Altísimo domina sobre el reino de los hombres y que lo da a quien Le place.

Que te echarán de entre los hombres, y con las bestias del campo será tu morada, y te harán comer hierba del campo, como a los bueyes, y con rocío del cielo serás bañado; y siete tiempos pasarán sobre ti, hasta que entiendas que el Altísimo señorea en el reino de los hombres, y que a quien Él quiere lo da.

Que te echarán de entre los hombres, y con las bestias del campo será tu morada, y con hierba del campo te apacentarán como á los bueyes, y con rocío del cielo serás bañado; y siete tiempos pasarán sobre ti, hasta que entiendas que el Altísimo se enseñore

que te echarán de entre los hombres, y con las bestias del campo será tu morada, y con hierba del campo te apacentarán como a los bueyes, y con rocío del cielo serás bañado; y siete tiempos pasarán sobre ti, hasta que entiendas que el Altísimo se enseñorea del reino de los hombres, y que a quien él quisiere lo dará.

Daniel 4:25
Tu serás expulso do convívio com os seres humanos e viverás com os animais silvestres; comerás capim como os bois e serás molhado pelo orvalho do céu. Passarão sete períodos de tempo até que admitas que o Altíssimo domina sobre os reinos de todos os homens e os dá a quem quer, e quando deseja.

serás expulso do meio dos homens, e a tua morada será com os animais do campo, e te farão comer erva como os bois, e serás molhado do orvalho do céu, e passar-se-ão sete tempos por cima de ti; até que conheças que o Altíssimo tem domínio sobre o reino dos homens, e o dá a quem quer.   

Daniel 4:25
Te vor izgoni din mijlocul oamenilor, vei locui la un loc cu fiarele cîmpului, şi îţi vor da să mănînci iarbă ca la boi; vei fi udat de roua cerului şi şapte vremi vor trece peste tine, pînă vei cunoaşte că Cel Prea Înalt stăpîneşte peste împărăţia oamenilor şi o dă cui vrea.

Даниил 4:25
(4:22) тебя отлучат от людей, и обитание твое будет с полевыми зверями; травою будут кормить тебя, как вола, росою небесною ты будешь орошаем, и семь времен пройдут над тобою, доколе познаешь, что Всевышний владычествует над царством человеческим и дает его, кому хочет.

(4-22) тебя отлучат от людей, и обитание твое будет с полевыми зверями; травою будут кормить тебя, как вола, росою небесною ты будешь орошаем, и семь времен пройдут над тобою, доколе познаешь, что Всевышний владычествует над царством человеческим и дает его, кому хочет.[]

Daniel 4:25
Du skall bliva utstött från människorna och nödgas bo ibland markens djur och äta gräs såsom en oxe och vätas av himmelens dagg; och sju tider skola så gå fram över dig, till dess du besinnar att den Högste råder över människors riken och giver dem åt vem han vill.

Daniel 4:25
Na ikaw ay mahihiwalay sa mga tao, at ang iyong tahanan ay mapapasama sa mga hayop sa parang, at ikaw ay pakakanin ng damo na gaya ng mga baka, at mababasa ka ng hamog ng langit, at makapitong mangyayari sa iyo; hanggang sa iyong maalaman na ang kataastaasan ay nagpupuno sa kaharian ng mga tao, at nagbibigay niyaon sa kanino mang ibigin niya.

ดาเนียล 4:25
ว่าพระองค์จะทรงถูกขับไล่ไปเสียจากท่ามกลางมนุษย์ และพระองค์จะอยู่กับสัตว์ในทุ่งนา พระองค์จะต้องเสวยหญ้าอย่างกับวัว และจะให้พระองค์เปียกน้ำค้างจากฟ้าสวรรค์ จะเป็นอยู่อย่างนั้นจนครบเจ็ดวาระ จนกว่าพระองค์จะทราบว่า ผู้สูงสุดนั้นทรงปกครองราชอาณาจักรของมนุษย์ และพระองค์จะประทานราชอาณาจักรนั้นแก่ผู้ที่พระองค์ทรงปรารถนา

Daniel 4:25
İnsanlar arasından kovulacak, yabanıl hayvanlarla yaşayacaksın; öküz gibi otla beslenecek, göğün çiyiyle ıslanacaksın. Yüce Olanın insan krallıkları üzerinde egemenlik sürdüğünü ve krallığı dilediği kişiye verdiğini anlayıncaya dek yedi vakit geçecek.[]

Ña-ni-eân 4:25
Người ta sẽ đuổi vua ra khỏi giữa loài người, và chỗ ở vua sẽ ở giữa những thú vật trong đồng. Vua sẽ bị buộc phải ăn cỏ như bò, và sẽ được thấm nhuần sương móc trên trời; bảy kỳ sẽ trải qua trên vua, cho đến khi vua nhận biết rằng Ðấng Rất Cao cai trị trong nước loài người, và Ngài muốn ban cho ai tùy ý.

Daniel 4:24
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