Daniel 4:23
Daniel 4:23
"Your Majesty saw a holy one, a messenger, coming down from heaven and saying, 'Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven; let him live with the wild animals, until seven times pass by for him.'

"'Then you saw a messenger, a holy one, coming down from heaven and saying, "Cut down the tree and destroy it. But leave the stump and the roots in the ground, bound with a band of iron and bronze and surrounded by tender grass. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven. Let him live with the animals of the field for seven periods of time."

And because the king saw a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven and saying, ‘Chop down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump of its roots in the earth, bound with a band of iron and bronze, in the tender grass of the field, and let him be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven periods of time pass over him,’

In that the king saw an angelic watcher, a holy one, descending from heaven and saying, "Chop down the tree and destroy it; yet leave the stump with its roots in the ground, but with a band of iron and bronze around it in the new grass of the field, and let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him share with the beasts of the field until seven periods of time pass over him,"

And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;

The king saw an observer, a holy one, coming down from heaven and saying, 'Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump with its roots in the ground and with a band of iron and bronze around it, in the tender grass of the field. Let him be drenched with dew from the sky, and share food with the wild animals for seven periods of time.'

"Your majesty saw a holy observer descending from heaven and saying, 'Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump in the ground, along with its roots, bound with iron and bronze in the field grass. Let him be soaked with the dew of the sky and live with the wild animals of the field until seven seasons pass over him.'

As for the king seeing a holy sentinel coming down from heaven and saying, 'Chop down the tree and destroy it, but leave its taproot in the ground, with a band of iron and bronze around it, surrounded by the grass of the field. Let it become damp with the dew of the sky, and let it live with the wild animals, until seven periods of time go by for him'--

You saw a guardian, a holy being, come down from heaven. He said, 'Cut down the oak tree! Destroy it! But leave the stump and its roots in the ground. Secure it with an iron and bronze chain in the grass in the field. Let it get wet with the dew from the sky. Let it get its share of the plants on the ground with the wild animals for seven time periods.'

And regarding that which the king saw, one who was a watchman and holy who came down from heaven and said, Hew the tree down and destroy it; yet leave the stump of its roots in the earth, and with a band of iron and of brass let it remain bound in the green grass of the field, and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field until seven times pass over him:

And since the king saw a watcher and a holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of its roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and bronze, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;

And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;

And whereas the king saw a watcher and a holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew down the tree, and destroy it; nevertheless leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and let it be wet with the dew of heaven: and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;

And whereas the king saw a watcher, and a holy one come down from heaven, and say: Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, and let it be bound with iron and brass among the grass without, and let it be sprinkled with the dew of heaven, and let his feeding be with the wild beasts, till seven times pass over him.

And whereas the king saw a watcher and a holy one coming down from the heavens, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; nevertheless leave the stump of its roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be bathed with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him:

And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew down the tree, and destroy it; nevertheless leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;

And whereas the king saw a watcher and a holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of its roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let its portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times shall pass over him;

Whereas the king saw a watcher and a holy one coming down from the sky, and saying, Cut down the tree, and destroy it; nevertheless leave the stump of its roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and let it be wet with the dew of the sky: and let his portion be with the animals of the field, until seven times pass over him;

and that which the king hath seen -- a sifter, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens, and he hath said, Cut down the tree, and destroy it; but the stump of its roots leave in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and with the dew of the heavens it is wet, and with the beast of the field is his portion, till that seven times pass over him.

Danieli 4:23
Sa për rojen, një i shenjtë, që mbreti e ka parë të zbresë nga qielli dhe të thotë: "Priteni drurin dhe shkatërrojeni, por lini në tokë cungun me rrënjë, të lidhur me zinxhirë hekuri dhe bronzi midis barit të fushave. Le ta lagë vesa e qiellit dhe le të ketë pjesën e tij bashkë me kafshët e fushave deri sa të kalojnë mbi të shtatë kohë".

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 4:23
وحيث رأى الملك ساهرا وقدوسا نزل من السماء وقال اقطعوا الشجرة واهلكوها ولكن اتركوا ساق اصلها في الارض وبقيد من حديد ونحاس في عشب الحقل وليبتلّ بندى السماء وليكن نصيبه مع حيوان البر حتى تمضي عليه سبعة ازمنة.

Dyr Däniheel 4:23
Dann haast also gseghn, wie ayn Wächter, also ayn Engl, von n Himml abherstig und angschafft, dönn Baaum umzmachen und z vernichtn. Dyr Stok aber solleb drinnbleibn und in n Gras mit Krampen aus Eisn und Brontz angmacht werdn. Antaut solleb yr werdn; und wie de wildn Vicher solleb yr ayn Gras frössn, hinst däß sibn Sötzn umhin seind.

Данаил 4:23
А гдето царят е видял един свет страж да слиза от небето и да казва: Отсечете дървото и го съборете, но оставете в земята, в полската трева, пъна с корените му, и то с железен и меден обръч [наоколо], и нека се мокри от небесната роса, и нека бъде участта му с полските животни, до като [така] минат над него седем времена,-

但 以 理 書 4:23
王 既 看 見 一 位 守 望 的 聖 者 從 天 而 降 , 說 : 將 這 樹 砍 伐 毀 壞 , 樹 墩 卻 要 留 在 地 內 , 用 鐵 圈 和 銅 圈 箍 住 ; 在 田 野 的 青 草 中 , 讓 天 露 滴 濕 , 使 他 與 地 上 的 獸 一 同 吃 草 , 直 到 經 過 七 期 。

王 既 看 见 一 位 守 望 的 圣 者 从 天 而 降 , 说 : 将 这 树 砍 伐 毁 坏 , 树 墩 却 要 留 在 地 内 , 用 铁 圈 和 铜 圈 箍 住 ; 在 田 野 的 青 草 中 , 让 天 露 滴 湿 , 使 他 与 地 上 的 兽 一 同 吃 草 , 直 到 经 过 七 期 。



Daniel 4:23
A što je vidio kralj kako Stražar, Svetac, silazi s neba te govori: 'Posijecite stablo, raskomadajte ga, no njegov panj i korijenje ostavite u zemlji, u gvozdenim i mjedenim okovima, u travi poljskoj, neka ga pere rosa nebeska i dio neka mu bude sa zvijerjem poljskim dok ne prođe sedam vremena nad njim' -

Daniele 4:23
Že pak viděl král hlásného a svatého sstupujícího s nebe, kterýž řekl: Podetněte strom ten a zkazte jej, a však kmene kořenů jeho v zemi zanechejte, a v okovách železných a ocelivých ať jest na trávě polní, aby rosou nebeskou smáčín byl, a s zvěří polní díl jeho, ažby sedm let vyplnilo se při něm:

Daniel 4:23
Og naar Kongen saa, at en Vægter, en Hellig, steg ned fra Himmelen og bød: Fæld Træet og ødelæg det! Dog skal I lade Stubben med Rødderne blive i Jorden, men bundet med en Kæde af Jern og Kobber i Markens Græs; af Himmelens Dug skal han vædes, og med Markens Dyr skal han dele Lod, indtil syv Tider er gaaet hen over ham —

Daniël 4:23
Dat nu de koning, een wachter, namelijk een heilige gezien heeft, van den hemel afkomende, die zeide: Houwt dezen boom af, en verderft hem; doch laat den stam met zijn wortelen in de aarde, en met een ijzeren en koperen band in het tedere gras des velds, en in de dauw des hemels nat gemaakt worden, en dat zijn deel zij met het gedierte des velds, totdat er zeven tijden over hem voorbijgaan;

דניאל 4:23
וְדִ֣י חֲזָ֣ה מַלְכָּ֡א עִ֣יר וְקַדִּ֣ישׁ נָחִ֣ת ׀ מִן־שְׁמַיָּ֡א וְאָמַר֩ גֹּ֨דּוּ אִֽילָנָ֜א וְחַבְּל֗וּהִי בְּרַ֨ם עִקַּ֤ר שָׁרְשֹׁ֙והִי֙ בְּאַרְעָ֣א שְׁבֻ֔קוּ וּבֶאֱסוּר֙ דִּֽי־פַרְזֶ֣ל וּנְחָ֔שׁ בְּדִתְאָ֖א דִּ֣י בָרָ֑א וּבְטַ֧ל שְׁמַיָּ֣א יִצְטַבַּ֗ע וְעִם־חֵיוַ֤ת בָּרָא֙ חֲלָקֵ֔הּ עַ֛ד דִּֽי־שִׁבְעָ֥ה עִדָּנִ֖ין יַחְלְפ֥וּן עֲלֹֽוהִי׃

כ ודי חזה מלכא עיר וקדיש נחת מן שמיא ואמר גדו אילנא וחבלוהי ברם עקר שרשוהי בארעא שבקו ובאסור די פרזל ונחש בדתאא די ברא ובטל שמיא יצטבע ועם חיות ברא חלקה עד די שבעה עדנין יחלפון עלוהי

ודי חזה מלכא עיר וקדיש נחת ׀ מן־שמיא ואמר גדו אילנא וחבלוהי ברם עקר שרשוהי בארעא שבקו ובאסור די־פרזל ונחש בדתאא די ברא ובטל שמיא יצטבע ועם־חיות ברא חלקה עד די־שבעה עדנין יחלפון עלוהי׃

Dániel 4:23
Hogy pedig mondák, hogy a fa gyökereinek törzsökét hagyják meg: országod megmarad néked, mihelyest megismered, hogy az Ég uralkodik.

Daniel 4:23
Kaj ke la regxo vidis sanktan prizorganton, kiu malsupreniris de la cxielo, kaj diris:Dehaku la arbon kaj ekstermu gxin, sed nur gxian cxefan radikon restigu en la tero, en cxenoj feraj kaj kupraj, meze de la herbo de la kampo, gxin trinkigu la roso de la cxielo, kaj gxi havu la sorton de la bestoj de la kampo, gxis pasos super gxi sep jaroj-

(H4:20) Mutta että kuningas pyhän vartian nähnyt on taivaasta tulevan alas ja sanovan: Hakatkaat se puu poikki ja turmelkaat se. Kuitenkin kanto juurinensa jättäkäät maahan, mutta hänen pitää rautaisissa ja vaskisissa kahleissa kedolIa ruohossa käymän ja pitää makaaman taivaan kasteen alla ja kastuman ja itsensä eläinten kanssa kedolla ruokkiman; siihen asti että seitsemän aikaa häneltä kuluneet ovat.

Daniel 4:23
Et quant à ce que le roi a vu un veillant, un saint, descendre des cieux et dire: Abattez l'arbre et détruisez-le; toutefois laissez dans la terre le tronc de ses racines, avec un lien de fer et d'airain autour de lui, dans l'herbe des champs, et qu'il soit baigné de la rosée des cieux, et qu'il ait sa part avec les bêtes des champs jusqu'à ce que sept temps passent sur lui,

Le roi a vu l'un de ceux qui veillent et qui sont saints descendre des cieux et dire: Abattez l'arbre, et détruisez-le; mais laissez en terre le tronc où se trouvent les racines, et liez-le avec des chaînes de fer et d'airain, parmi l'herbe des champs; qu'il soit trempé de la rosée du ciel, et que son partage soit avec les bêtes des champs, jusqu'à ce que sept temps soient passés sur lui.

Mais, quant à ce que le Roi a vu le Veillant et le Saint qui descendait des cieux, et qui disait : Coupez l'arbre, et l'ébranchez, toutefois laissez le tronc de ses racines dans la terre, et [qu'il soit lié] avec des liens de fer et d'airain parmi l'herbe des champs, qu'il soit arrosé de la rosée des cieux, et qu'il ait sa portion avec les bêtes des champs, jusqu'à ce que sept temps soient passés sur lui;

Daniel 4:23
Daß aber der König einen heiligen Wächter gesehen hat vom Himmel herabfahren und sagen: Hauet den Baum um und verderbet ihn, doch den Stock mit seinen Wurzeln laßt in der Erde bleiben; er aber soll in eisernen und ehernen Ketten auf dem Felde im Grase gehen und unter dem Tau des Himmels liegen und naß werden und sich mit den Tieren auf dem Felde weiden, bis über ihm sieben Zeiten um sind:

Daß aber der König einen heiligen Wächter gesehen hat vom Himmel herabfahren und sagen: Haut den Baum um und verderbt ihn; doch den Stock mit seinen Wurzeln laßt in der Erde bleiben; er aber soll in eisernen und ehernen Ketten auf dem Felde im Grase gehen und unter dem Tau des Himmels liegen und naß werden und sich mit den Tieren auf dem Felde weiden, bis über ihn sieben Zeiten um sind,

Daß aber der König sah, wie ein heiliger Wächter vom Himmel herabstieg und befahl: Haut den Baum um und zerstückt ihn; seinen Wurzelstock jedoch laßt in der Erde, in einer Fessel von Eisen und Erz, daß er vom Tau des Himmels benetzt werde und mit den Tieren des Feldes die Nahrung teile, bis sieben Zeiten über ihn dahingegangen sind,

Daniele 4:23
E quanto al santo Vegliante che hai visto scendere dal cielo e che ha detto: Abbattete l’albero e distruggetelo, ma lasciate in terra il ceppo delle radici, in catene di ferro e di rame, fra l’erba de’ campi, e sia bagnato dalla rugiada del cielo, e abbia la sua parte con gli animali della campagna finché sian passati sopra di lui sette tempi

E quant’è a quello che il re ha veduto un vegghiante, e santo, che scendeva dal cielo, e diceva: Tagliate l’albero, e guastatelo; ma pure, lasciate il ceppo delle sue radici in terra, legato con legami di ferro, e di rame, fra l’erba della campagna; e sia bagnato della rugiada del cielo, e sia la sua parte con le bestie della campagna, finchè sette stagioni sieno passate sopra lui;

Maka adapun tuanku sudah melihat seorang utusan, seorang yang suci itu, turun dari langit sambil katanya: Buanglah mercu pohon kayu ini, binasakanlah dia, tetapi biarkanlah batangnya dengan akarnya dalam tanah dan dengan pengikat besi dan tembaga dalam rumput di padang, biarlah ia dibasahkan oleh air embun dari langit dan bahagiannyapun serta dengan segala binatang di bumi, sampai sudah berlaku atasnya tujuh masa;

다니엘 4:23
왕이 보신즉 한 순찰자, 한 거룩한 자가 하늘에서 내려와서 이르기를 그 나무를 베고 멸하라 그러나 그 뿌리의 그루터기는 땅에 남겨두고 철과 놋줄로 동이고 그것을 들 청초 가운데 있게 하라 그것이 하늘 이슬에 젖고 또 들짐승으로 더불어 그 분량을 같이 하며 일곱 때를 지내리라 하더라 하시오니

Daniel 4:23
(4-20) quod autem vidit rex vigilem et sanctum descendere de caelo et dicere succidite arborem et dissipate illam attamen germen radicum eius in terra dimittite et vinciatur ferro et aere in herbis foris et rore caeli conspergatur et cum feris sit pabulum eius donec septem tempora commutentur super eum

Danieliaus knyga 4:23
Kadangi, karaliau, matei šventą sargą, nusileidžiantį iš dangaus ir sakantį: ‘Nukirskite medį ir sunaikinkite jį, bet kelmą, surakintą geležimi ir variu, palikite žemėje, tarp lauko žolės. Jis tebūna dangaus rasa vilgomas ir su lauko žvėrimis tebūna jo dalis, kol praeis septyni laikai’,

Daniel 4:23
Na, i kite na te kingi i te tutei, i te mea tapu hoki e heke iho ana i te rangi, e mea ana, Tuaina te rakau, whakangaromia; me waiho ano ia te take o ona pakiaka ki te whenua, here rawa ki te rino, ki te parahi, i te taru hou o te parae; kia mak u ano i te tomairangi o te rangi; a ko te wahi mona, hei to nga kararehe o te parae, kia taka ra ano ona wa e whitu;

Daniel 4:23
Men at kongen så en hellig vekter som steg ned fra himmelen og sa: Fell treet og ødelegg det, men la dets rotstubb stå igjen i jorden, men i lenker av jern og kobber, midt i gresset på marken, og med himmelens dugg skal han vætes, og med markens dyr skal han dele lodd så lenge til syv tider har skredet frem over ham,

Daniel 4:23
``Y en cuanto al vigilante, al santo que el rey vio, que descendía del cielo y decía: `Derribad el árbol y destruidlo, pero dejad el tocón con sus raíces en la tierra, con ataduras de hierro y bronce en la hierba del campo, y que se empape con el rocío del cielo, y que comparta con las bestias del campo, hasta que pasen sobre él siete tiempos,'

'En cuanto al vigilante, al santo que el rey vio, que descendía del cielo y decía: "Derriben el árbol y destrúyanlo, pero dejen el tocón con sus raíces en la tierra, con ataduras de hierro y bronce en la hierba del campo, y que se empape con el rocío del cielo, y que comparta con las bestias del campo, hasta que pasen sobre él siete años (tiempos),"

Y en cuanto a lo que vio el rey, un vigilante y santo que descendía del cielo, y decía: Cortad el árbol y destruidlo; mas la cepa de sus raíces dejaréis en la tierra, y con atadura de hierro y de bronce en la hierba del campo; y sea mojado con el rocío del cielo, y su parte sea con las bestias del campo, hasta que pasen sobre él siete tiempos;

Y cuanto á lo que vió el rey, un vigilante y santo que descendía del cielo, y decía: Cortad el árbol y destruidlo: mas la cepa de sus raíces dejaréis en la tierra, y con atadura de hierro y de metal en la hierba del campo; y sea mojado con el rocío del ci

Y en cuanto a lo que vio el rey, un centinela y santo que descendía del cielo, y decía: Cortad el árbol y destruidlo; mas el tronco de sus raíces dejaréis en la tierra, y con atadura de hierro y de bronce quede atado en la hierba del campo; y sea mojado con el rocío del cielo, y su parte sea con las bestias del campo, hasta que pasen sobre él siete tiempos:

Daniel 4:23
E tu, ó majestade, viste também uma sentinela, o ser angelical que descia do céu e ordenava: ‘Derrubai a árvore e destruí-a; porém deixai na terra o resto do tronco com as raízes, presos mediante uma cinta de ferro e de bronze; deixai o tronco no chão, em meio à relva do campo. Ele será molhado com o orvalho que vem do céu, e viverá com os animais selvagens, até que se transcorram sete anos ou períodos de tempo!’

E quanto ao que viu o rei, um vigia, um santo, que descia do céu, e que dizia: Cortai a árvore, e destruí-a; contudo deixai na terra o tronco com as suas raízes, numa cinta de ferro e de bronze, no meio da tenra relva do campo; e seja molhado do orvalho do céu, e seja a sua porção com os animais do campo, até que passem sobre ele sete tempos;   

Daniel 4:23
Împăratul a văzut pe un străjer sfînt pogorîndu-se şi zicînd: ,,Tăiaţi copacul, şi nimiciţi -l; dar trunchiul cu rădăcinile lui lăsaţi -l în pămînt, şi legaţi -l cu lanţuri de fer şi de aramă, în iarba de pe cîmp, ca să fie udat de roua cerului, şi să stea la un loc cu fiarele cîmpului, pînă vor trece şapte vremuri peste el``.

Даниил 4:23
(4:20) А что царь видел Бодрствующего и Святаго, сходящего с небес, Который сказал: „срубите дерево и истребите его, только главный корень его оставьте в земле, и пусть он в узах железных и медных, среди полевой травы, орошается росою небесною, и с полевыми зверями пусть будет часть его, доколе не пройдут над ним семь времен", –

(4-20) А что царь видел Бодрствующего и Святаго, сходящего с небес, Который сказал: `срубите дерево и истребите его, только главный корень его оставьте в земле, и пусть он в узах железных и медных, среди полевой травы, орошается росою небесною, и с полевыми зверями пусть будет часть его, доколе не пройдут над ним семь времен`, --[]

Daniel 4:23
Men att konungen såg en helig ängel stiga ned från himmelen, vilken sade: 'Huggen ned trädet och förstören det; dock må stubben med rötterna lämnas kvar i jorden, bunden med kedjor av järn och koppar, bland markens gräs; av himmelens dagg skall han vätas och hava sin lott med markens djur, till dess att sju tider hava gått fram över honom',

Daniel 4:23
At yamang nakita ng hari ang isang bantay at isang banal na bumababa mula sa langit, at nagsasabi, Ibuwal ninyo ang punong kahoy, at inyong lipulin; gayon ma'y itira ninyo ang tuod ng mga ugat niyaon sa lupa na magkatali ng bakal at tanso, sa murang damo sa parang, at bayaang mabasa siya ng hamog ng langit, at makasalo siya ng mga hayop sa parang, hanggang sa mangyari sa kaniya na makapito;

ดาเนียล 4:23
และที่กษัตริย์ทอดพระเนตรผู้พิทักษ์คือองค์บริสุทธิ์ลงมาจากฟ้าสวรรค์ และพูดว่า `จงฟันต้นไม้และทำลายเสีย แต่จงปล่อยให้ตอรากติดอยู่ในดิน มีแผ่นเหล็กและทองสัมฤทธิ์มัดไว้ ให้อยู่ท่ามกลางหญ้าอ่อน ในทุ่งนาให้เปียกน้ำค้างจากฟ้าสวรรค์ ให้เขามีส่วนอยู่กับสัตว์ป่า และปล่อยให้อยู่อย่างนั้นจนครบเจ็ดวาระ'

Daniel 4:23
‹‹Sen, ey kral, bir gözcünün, kutsal bir varlığın gökten indiğini gördün. ‹Ağacı kesip yok edin, ama köklerin bulunduğu kütüğü demirle, tunçla çevreleyip yerde, otların içinde bırakın. Göğün çiyiyle ıslansın; üzerinden yedi vakit geçinceye dek yabanıl hayvanlarla birlikte pay alsın› diyordu.[]

Ña-ni-eân 4:23
Song đến điều vua thấy một đấng thánh canh giữ từ trời mà xuống, và nói rằng: Hãy đốn cây và hủy phá đi; song, hãy để lại gốc của rễ nó trong đất, rồi hãy buộc nó bằng một dây xích sắt và đồng ở giữa đám cỏ xanh trong đồng ruộng, cho nó bị nhuần thấm bởi sương móc trên trời; và cho người có phần với các thú đồng, cho đến khi đã trải qua trên người bảy kỳ.

Daniel 4:22
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