Daniel 4:17
Daniel 4:17
"'The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.'

For this has been decreed by the messengers; it is commanded by the holy ones, so that everyone may know that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world. He gives them to anyone he chooses--even to the lowliest of people."

The sentence is by the decree of the watchers, the decision by the word of the holy ones, to the end that the living may know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will and sets over it the lowliest of men.’

"This sentence is by the decree of the angelic watchers And the decision is a command of the holy ones, In order that the living may know That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, And bestows it on whom He wishes And sets over it the lowliest of men."

This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

This word is by decree of the observers; the matter is a command from the holy ones. This is so the living will know that the Most High is ruler over the kingdom of men. He gives it to anyone He wants and sets the lowliest of men over it.

This order is announced by the observers, and the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over human kingdoms and grants them to whomever he desires, and he places the least important of men over them.'

This announcement is by the decree of the sentinels; this decision is by the pronouncement of the holy ones, so that those who are alive may understand that the Most High has authority over human kingdoms, and he bestows them on whomever he wishes. He establishes over them even the lowliest of human beings.'

The guardians have announced this decision. The holy ones have announced this so that every living creature will know that the Most High has power over human kingdoms. He gives them to whomever he wishes. He can place the lowest of people in charge of them.'"

By sentence of the watchmen is the matter resolved, and the case by the word of the holy ones to the intent that the living may know that the most High takes rule over the kingdom of men and gives it to whoever he will and sets up over it the man who is the lowest.

This sentence is by the decree of the watchers, and the decision by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will, and sets up over it the lowliest of men.

This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever he will, and sets up over it the basest of men.

The sentence is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones; to the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the lowest of men.

This is the decree by the sentence of the watchers, and the word And demand of the holy ones; till the living know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men; and he will give it to whomsoever it shall please him, and he will appoint the basest man over it.

This sentence is by the decree of the watchers, and the decision by the word of the holy ones: that the living may know that the Most High ruleth over the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

The sentence is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the lowest of men.

This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

The sentence is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones; to the intent that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he will, and sets up over it the lowest of men.

by the decree of the sifters is the sentence, and by the saying of the holy ones the requirement, to the intent that the living may know that the Most High is ruler in the kingdom of men, and to whom He willeth He giveth it, and the lowest of men He doth raise up over it.

Danieli 4:17
Kjo është dekretuar nga rojet dhe vendimi vjen nga fjala e të shenjtëve në mënyrë që të gjallët të dijnë që Shumë i Larti sundon mbi mbretërinë e njerëzve; ai ia jep atij që dëshiron dhe larton mbi të të keqin e të këqijve".

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 4:17
هذا الأمر بقضاء الساهرين والحكم بكلمة القدوسين لكي تعلم الاحياء ان العلي متسلط في مملكة الناس فيعطيها من يشاء وينصب عليها ادنى الناس.

Dyr Däniheel 4:17
Der Befelh geet von de Wächter aus, de Engln, und sö tuend s daa dyrmit kund. Dann wissnd allsand Menschn, däß dyr Allerhoehste Macht haat über alle Reicher von dyr Welt, und däß yr s gibt, wem yr will. Sogar non önn Minstn kan yr drüber herrschn sachen.'

Данаил 4:17
Тая присъда е по заповед от стражите, и делото на думата на светите, за да знаят живите, че Всевишният владее над царството на човеците, дава го комуто ще, и поставя над него най-нищожния измежду човеците.

但 以 理 書 4:17
這 是 守 望 者 所 發 的 命 , 聖 者 所 出 的 令 , 好 叫 世 人 知 道 至 高 者 在 人 的 國 中 掌 權 , 要 將 國 賜 與 誰 就 賜 與 誰 , 或 立 極 卑 微 的 人 執 掌 國 權 。

这 是 守 望 者 所 发 的 命 , 圣 者 所 出 的 令 , 好 叫 世 人 知 道 至 高 者 在 人 的 国 中 掌 权 , 要 将 国 赐 与 谁 就 赐 与 谁 , 或 立 极 卑 微 的 人 执 掌 国 权 。



Daniel 4:17
Tako su presudili Stražari, tako su odlučili Sveci, da sve živo upozna kako Svevišnji ima vlast nad kraljevstvom ljudskim: on ga daje kome hoće i postavlja nad njim najnižega od ljudi!'

Daniele 4:17
Usouzení hlásných a řeč žádosti svatých stane se, ažby k tomu přišlo, aby poznali lidé, že Nejvyšší panuje nad královstvím lidským, a že komuž chce, dává je, a toho, kterýž jest ponížený mezi lidmi, ustanovuje nad ním.

Daniel 4:17
Saaledes er det fastsat ved Vægternes Raad, og ved de Helliges Bud er Sagen afgjort, for at de levende maa sande, at den Højeste er Herre over Menneskenes Rige og kan give det, til hvem han vil, og ophøje den ringeste blandt Menneskene til Hersker over det!«

Daniël 4:17
Deze zaak is in het besluit der wachters, en deze begeerte is in het woord der heiligen; opdat de levenden bekennen, dat de Allerhoogste heerschappij heeft over de koninkrijken der mensen, en geeft ze aan wien Hij wil, ja, zet daarover den laagste onder de mensen.

דניאל 4:17
בִּגְזֵרַ֤ת עִירִין֙ פִּתְגָמָ֔א וּמֵאמַ֥ר קַדִּישִׁ֖ין שְׁאֵֽלְתָ֑א עַד־דִּבְרַ֡ת דִּ֣י יִנְדְּע֣וּן חַ֠יַּיָּא דִּֽי־שַׁלִּ֨יט [עִלָּיָא כ] (עִלָּאָ֜ה ק) בְּמַלְכ֣וּת [אֱנֹושָׁא כ] (אֲנָשָׁ֗א ק) וּלְמַן־דִּ֤י יִצְבֵּא֙ יִתְּנִנַּ֔הּ וּשְׁפַ֥ל אֲנָשִׁ֖ים יְקִ֥ים [עֲלַיַּהּ כ] (עֲלַֽהּ׃ ק)

יד בגזרת עירין פתגמא ומאמר קדישין שאלתא עד דברת די ינדעון חייא די שליט עליא (עלאה) במלכות אנושא (אנשא) ולמן די יצבא יתננה ושפל אנשים יקים עליה (עלה)

בגזרת עירין פתגמא ומאמר קדישין שאלתא עד־דברת די ינדעון חייא די־שליט [עליא כ] (עלאה ק) במלכות [אנושא כ] (אנשא ק) ולמן־די יצבא יתננה ושפל אנשים יקים [עליה כ] (עלה׃ ק)

Dániel 4:17
A fa, a melyet láttál, a mely nagy és erõs volt, és a melynek magassága az eget érte és ellátszék az egész földre;

Daniel 4:17
Per la ordono de la prizorgantoj tio estas decidita, kaj per la dekreto de la sanktuloj tio estas destinita, por ke la vivantoj sciu, ke la Plejaltulo regas en la regno de la homoj, kaj donas gxin al tiu, al kiu Li volas, kaj starigas super gxi la plej humilan el la homoj.

(H4:14) Se on vartiain neuvossa päätetty, ja pyhäin kanssa puheessa vahvistettu, että elävät tuntisivat Ylimmäisellä vallan olevan ihmisten valtakuntain päälle, ja antavan ne kellenkä hän tahtoo, ja että hän asettaa kaikkein nöyrimmän ihmisen niiden päälle.

Daniel 4:17
Cette sentence est par le décret des veillants, et la chose, par la parole des saints, afin que les vivants sachent que le Très-haut domine sur le royaume des hommes, et qu'il le donne à qui il veut, et y élève le plus vil des hommes.

Cette sentence est un décret de ceux qui veillent, cette résolution est un ordre des saints, afin que les vivants sachent que le Très-Haut domine sur le règne des hommes, qu'il le donne à qui il lui plaît, et qu'il y élève le plus vil des hommes.

La chose est par le décret des Veillants, et la demande avec parole des Saints; afin que les vivants connaissent que le Souverain domine sur le Royaume des hommes, et qu'il le donne à qui il lui plaît, et y établit le plus abject des hommes.

Daniel 4:17
Solches ist im Rat der Wächter beschlossen und im Gespräch der Heiligen beratschlaget, auf daß die Lebendigen erkennen, daß der Höchste Gewalt hat über der Menschen Königreiche und gibt sie, wem er will, und erhöhet die Niedrigen zu denselbigen.

Solches ist im Rat der Wächter beschlossen und im Gespräch der Heiligen beratschlagt, auf daß die Lebendigen erkennen, daß der Höchste Gewalt hat über der Menschen Königreiche und gibt sie, wem er will, und erhöht die Niedrigen zu denselben.

Dieser Spruch beruht auf dem Beschlusse der Wächter, und so lautet der Befehl der Heiligen in dieser Sache, damit die Lebenden erkennen, daß der Höchste über das Königtum der Menschen Macht hat und es geben kann, wem er will, und daß er auch den niedrigsten der Menschen zum Herrscher über dasselbe bestellen kann.

Daniele 4:17
La cosa è decretata dai Veglianti, e la sentenza emana dai santi, affinché i viventi conoscano che l’Altissimo domina sul regno degli uomini, ch’egli lo dà a chi vuole, e vi innalza l’infimo degli uomini.

La cosa è determinata per la sentenza de’ vegghianti, e la deliberazione è stata conchiusa per la parola de’ santi; acciocchè i viventi conoscano che l’Altissimo signoreggia sopra il regno degli uomini, e ch’egli lo dà a cui gli piace, e costituisce sopra esso l’infimo d’infra gli uomini.

Maka perkara ini sudah ditentukan oleh segala utusan dan segala hal ihwal ini dengan firman mereka yang suci, supaya diaku oleh segala orang yang hidup, bahwa Allah taala dipertuhan atas segala kerajaan manusia dan dikaruniakan-Nya kepada barangsiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya, bahkan, boleh diangkat-Nya atasnya akan orang yang terkecil sekali.

다니엘 4:17
이는 순찰자들의 명령대로요 거룩한 자들의 말대로니 곧 인생으로 지극히 높으신 자가 인간 나라를 다스리시며 자기의 뜻대로 그것을 누구에게든지 주시며 또 지극히 천한 자로 그 위에 세우시는 줄을 알게 하려 함이니라 하였느니라

Daniel 4:17
(4-14) in sententia vigilum decretum est et sermo sanctorum et petitio donec cognoscant viventes quoniam dominatur Excelsus in regno hominum et cuicumque voluerit dabit illud et humillimum hominem constituet super eo

Danieliaus knyga 4:17
Sargų nutarimu taip nuspręsta, šventųjų įsakymu patvarkyta, kad gyvieji žinotų, jog Aukščiausiasis viešpatauja žmonių karalystėje ir duoda ją tam, kam Jis nori, patį žemiausią tarp žmonių paskirdamas valdovu’.

Daniel 4:17
Ko tenei mea he mea whakatakoto na nga tutei; he mea ki mai ano na te kupu a nga mea tapu: kia mohio ai te hunga ora kei te kawana te Runga Rawa ki te kingitanga o nga tangata, a e hoatu ana e ia ki tana e pai ai, e meinga ana hoki e ia nga ware rawa o nga tangata hei rangatira mo reira.

Daniel 4:17
Dette budskap har sin grunn i vekternes rådslutning, og sådan er de helliges avgjørelser i denne sak, forat alle som lever, skal sanne at den Høieste har makt over kongedømmet blandt menneskene og gir det til den han vil, og setter den ringeste av menneskene til å råde over det.

Daniel 4:17
`Esta sentencia es por decreto de los vigilantes, y la orden es por decisión de los santos, con el fin de que sepan los vivientes que el Altísimo domina sobre el reino de los hombres, y se lo da a quien le place, y pone sobre él al más humilde de los hombres.'

"Esta sentencia es por decreto de los vigilantes, Y la orden es por decisión de los santos, Con el fin de que sepan los vivientes Que el Altísimo domina sobre el reino de los hombres, Y se lo da a quien le place, Y pone sobre él al más humilde de los hombres."

La sentencia es por decreto de los vigilantes, y por dicho de los santos la demanda: para que conozcan los vivientes que el Altísimo señorea en el reino de los hombres, y que a quien Él quiere lo da, y constituye sobre él al más bajo de los hombres.

La sentencia es por decreto de los vigilantes, y por dicho de los santos la demanda: para que conozcan los vivientes que el Altísimo se enseñorea del reino de los hombres, y que á quien él quiere lo da, y constituye sobre él al más bajo de los hombres.

Por sentencia de los centinelas se acuerda el negocio, y por dicho de los santos la demanda: para que conozcan los vivientes que el Altísimo se enseñorea del reino de los hombres, y que a quien él quiere lo da, y constituye sobre él al más bajo de los hombres.

Daniel 4:17
E esta sentença é, pois, proclamada por sentinelas; os seres angelicais declaram o veredito, a fim de que todos os que vivem saibam que Elah, o Altíssimo domina sobre todos os reinos dos seres humanos e os dá a quem quer, e quando deseja; e pode decidir colocar no poder o mais simples dos homens!”

Esta sentença é por decreto dos vigias, e por mandado dos santos; a fim de que conheçam os viventes que o Altíssimo tem domínio sobre o reino dos homens, e o dá a quem quer, e até o mais humilde dos homens constitui sobre eles.   

Daniel 4:17
Hotărîrea aceasta a fost luată în sfatul străjerilor, şi pusă la cale înaintea sfinţilor, ca să ştie cei vii că Cel Prea Înalt stăpîneşte peste împărăţia oamenilor, că o dă cui îi place, şi înalţă pe ea pe cel mai de jos dintre oameni!``

Даниил 4:17
(4:14) Повелением Бодрствующих это определено, и по приговору Святых назначено, дабы знали живущие, что Всевышний владычествует над царством человеческим, и дает его, кому хочет, и поставляет над ним уничиженного между людьми".

(4-14) Повелением Бодрствующих это определено, и по приговору Святых назначено, дабы знали живущие, что Всевышний владычествует над царством человеческим, и дает его, кому хочет, и поставляет над ним уничиженного между людьми`.[]

Daniel 4:17
Så är det förordnat genom änglarnas rådslut, och så är det befallt om denna sak av de heliga, för att de levande skola besinna att den Högste råder över människors riken och giver dem åt vem han vill, ja, upphöjer den lägste bland människor till att härska över dem.'

Daniel 4:17
Ang hatol ay sa pamamagitan ng pasiya ng mga bantay, at ang utos ay sa pamamagitan ng salita ng mga banal; upang makilala ng mga may buhay na ang Kataastaasan ay nagpupuno sa kaharian ng mga tao, at ibinibigay niya ito sa kanino mang kaniyang ibigin, at itinataas niya sa kaniya ang pinakamababa sa mga tao.

ดาเนียล 4:17
คำพิพากษานั้นเป็นคำสั่งของผู้พิทักษ์ คำตัดสินนั้นเป็นวาทะขององค์บริสุทธิ์ เพื่อผู้มีชีวิตอยู่จะได้ทราบว่าท่านผู้สูงสุดทรงปกครองอยู่เหนือราชอาณาจักรของมนุษย์ และประทานราชอาณาจักรนั้นแก่ผู้ที่พระองค์จะประทาน และตั้งผู้ที่ด้อยที่สุดให้อยู่เหนือ'

Daniel 4:17
Bu yargıyı gözcüler, kararı kutsallar verdi. Öyle ki, her canlı Yüce Olanın insan krallıkları üzerinde egemenlik sürdüğünü ve onları dilediği kişiye, en hor görülen birine bile verebileceğini bilsin.›[]

Ña-ni-eân 4:17
Án đó là bởi các đấng canh giữ đã định, và lời các thánh đã truyền, hầu cho những kẻ sống biết rằng Ðấng Rất Cao cai trị trong nước của loài người; Ngài muốn ban cho ai tùy ý, và lập kẻ rất hèn hạ trong loài người lên đó.

Daniel 4:16
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