Daniel 4:10
Daniel 4:10
These are the visions I saw while lying in bed: I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land. Its height was enormous.

"'While I was lying in my bed, this is what I dreamed. I saw a large tree in the middle of the earth.

The visions of my head as I lay in bed were these: I saw, and behold, a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height was great.

Now these were the visions in my mind as I lay on my bed: I was looking, and behold, there was a tree in the midst of the earth and its height was great.

Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.

In the visions of my mind as I was lying in bed, I saw this: There was a tree in the middle of the earth, and its height was great.

This is what I saw in the visions of my head while I was in bed: I was looking and—listen carefully!—I saw a tree in the middle of the earth, the height of which was very great.

Here are the visions of my mind while I was on my bed. While I was watching, there was a tree in the middle of the land. It was enormously tall.

These are the visions I had while I was asleep: I was looking, and I saw an oak tree in the middle of the earth. It was very tall.

Thus were the visions of my head in my bed: It seemed that I saw a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height was great.

Thus were the visions of my head in my bed; I saw, and behold, a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height was great.

Thus were the visions of my head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the middle of the earth, and the height thereof was great.

Thus were the visions of my head upon my bed: I saw, and, behold, a tree in the midst of the earth; and the height thereof was great.

This was the vision of my head in my bed: I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was exceeding great.

Thus were the visions of my head upon my bed: I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height was great.

Thus were the visions of my head upon my bed: I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.

Thus were the visions of my head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and its hight was great.

Thus were the visions of my head on my bed: I saw, and behold, a tree in the midst of the earth; and its height was great.

As to the visions of my head on my bed, I was looking, and lo, a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height is great:

Danieli 4:10
Vegimet e mendjes sime kur isha në shtratin tim janë këto: Unë shikoja, dhe ja një dru në mes të dheut, lartësia e të cilit ishte madhe.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 4:10
فرؤى راسي على فراشي هي اني كنت ارى فاذا بشجرة في وسط الارض وطولها عظيم.

Dyr Däniheel 4:10
Also, dös Gesicht hiet i in n Schlaaf: Ayn Baaum stuendd mittn in n Erdkraiß, ayn ganz ayn hooher.

Данаил 4:10
Ето какви бяха виденията на главата ми и на леглото ми: Гледах и ето дърво всред света, на което височината бе голяма.

但 以 理 書 4:10
我 在 床 上 腦 中 的 異 象 是 這 樣 : 我 看 見 地 當 中 有 一 棵 樹 , 極 其 高 大 。

我 在 床 上 脑 中 的 异 象 是 这 样 : 我 看 见 地 当 中 有 一 棵 树 , 极 其 高 大 。



Daniel 4:10
Evo viđenja što mi se na postelji vrzlo po glavi: Pogledam, kad evo jedno stablo usred zemlje vrlo veliko.

Daniele 4:10
U vidění pak, kteréž jsem viděl na ložci svém, viděl jsem, a aj, strom u prostřed země, jehož vysokost byla veliká.

Daniel 4:10
Dette var mit Hoveds Syner paa mit Leje: Jeg skuede, og se, et Træ stod midt paa Jorden, og det var saare højt.

Daniël 4:10
De gezichten nu mijns hoofds op mijn leger waren deze: Ik zag, en ziet, er was een boom in het midden der aarde, en zijn hoogte was groot.

דניאל 4:10
וְחֶזְוֵ֥י רֵאשִׁ֖י עַֽל־מִשְׁכְּבִ֑י חָזֵ֣ה הֲוֵ֔ית וַאֲל֥וּ אִילָ֛ן בְּגֹ֥וא אַרְעָ֖א וְרוּמֵ֥הּ שַׂגִּֽיא׃

ז וחזוי ראשי על משכבי חזה הוית--ואלו אילן בגו ארעא ורומה שגיא

וחזוי ראשי על־משכבי חזה הוית ואלו אילן בגוא ארעא ורומה שגיא׃

Dániel 4:10
Látám fejem látásaiban az én ágyamban, és ímé: egy Vigyázó és Szent szálla alá az égbõl;

Daniel 4:10
La vizio de mia kapo sur mia lito estis jena:mi vidis, ke jen meze de la tero staras arbo tre alta;

(H4:7) Tämä on näky, jonka minä nähnyt olen minun vuoteessani: Katso, keskellä maata seisoi puu, joka oli sangen korkia.

Daniel 4:10
Or les visions de ma tête, sur mon lit, étaient celles-ci: je voyais, et voici, un arbre au milieu de la terre, et sa hauteur était grande.

Voici les visions de mon esprit, pendant que j'étais sur ma couche. Je regardais, et voici, il y avait au milieu de la terre un arbre d'une grande hauteur.

Les visions donc de ma tête sur mon lit étaient telles. Voici, je voyais un arbre au milieu de la terre, la hauteur duquel était fort grande.

Daniel 4:10
Dies ist aber das Gesicht, das ich gesehen habe auf meinem Bette: Siehe, es stund ein Baum mitten im Lande, der war sehr hoch,

Dies aber ist das Gesicht, das ich gesehen habe auf meinem Bette: Siehe, es stand ein Baum mitten im Lande, der war sehr hoch.

Die Gesichte meines Hauptes auf meinem Lager waren diese: Ich schaute hin, da war auf einmal mitten auf der Erde ein Baum von außerordentlicher Höhe zu sehen.

Daniele 4:10
Ed ecco le visioni della mia mente quand’ero sul mio letto. Io guardavo, ed ecco un albero in mezzo alla terra, la cui altezza era grande.

Or le visioni del mio capo, in sul mio letto, erano tali: Io riguardava, ed ecco un albero, in mezzo della terra, la cui altezza era grande.

Maka inilah segala khayal kepalaku di atas peraduanku: Bahwa sesungguhnya kulihat adalah pohon kayu sebatang di tengah-tengah bumi, dan amat besar tingginya.

다니엘 4:10
내가 침상에서 나의 뇌 속으로 받은 이상이 이러하니라 내가 본즉 땅의 중앙에 한 나무가 있는데 고가 높더니

Daniel 4:10
(4-7) visio capitis mei in cubili meo videbam et ecce arbor in medio terrae et altitudo eius nimia

Danieliaus knyga 4:10
Savo lovoje gulėdamas, sapnavau labai aukštą medį žemės viduryje.

Daniel 4:10
Ko nga mea enei i kitea e toku mahunga i runga i toku moenga; titiro rawa atu ahau, na ko tetahi rakau i waenganui o te whenua, nui atu tona tiketike.

Daniel 4:10
Dette var de syner jeg hadde i mitt indre mens jeg hvilte på mitt leie: Jeg så i mitt syn et tre som stod midt på jorden, og som var meget høit;

Daniel 4:10
``Y las visiones de mi mente, que vi estando en mi cama, fueron así: Vi un árbol en medio de la tierra, cuya altura era muy grande.

'Y las visiones de mi mente, que vi estando en mi cama, fueron así: Vi un árbol en medio de la tierra, Cuya altura era muy grande.

Éstas son las visiones de mi cabeza cuando estaba en mi cama: Me parecía que veía un árbol en medio de la tierra, cuya altura era grande.

Aquestas las visiones de mi cabeza en mi cama: Parecíame que veía un árbol en medio de la tierra, cuya altura era grande.

Las visiones de mi cabeza en mi cama eran : Me parecía que veía un árbol en medio de la tierra, cuya altura era grande.

Daniel 4:10
Estas são as visões que me ocorreram quando estava deitado em minha cama: Eis que olhei, e diante de mim estava uma árvore muito alta no meio da terra.

Eram assim as visões da minha cabeça, estando eu na minha cama: eu olhava, e eis uma árvore no meio da terra, e grande era a sua altura;   

Daniel 4:10
Iată vedeniile cari mi-au trecut prin cap, cînd eram în pat. Mă uitam, şi iată că în mijlocul pămîntului era un copac foarte înalt.

Даниил 4:10
(4:7) Видения же головы моей на ложе моем были такие: я видел, вот, среди земли дерево весьма высокое.

(4-7) Видения же головы моей на ложе моем были такие: я видел, вот, среди земли дерево весьма высокое.[]

Daniel 4:10
Detta var den syn jag hade på mitt läger: Jag såg i min syn ett träd stå mitt på jorden, och det var mycket högt.

Daniel 4:10
Ganito ang mga pangitain ng aking ulo sa aking higaan, Ako'y tumitingin, at narito, ang isang punong kahoy sa gitna ng lupa, at ang taas niyao'y di kawasa.

ดาเนียล 4:10
นิมิตที่ผุดขึ้นในศีรษะของเราเมื่อนอนอยู่บนที่นอน ดูเถิด เราได้เห็นต้นไม้ท่ามกลางพิภพ มันสูงมาก

Daniel 4:10
Yatarken gördüğüm görümler şunlar: Dünyanın ortasında çok yüksek bir ağaç gördüm.[]

Ña-ni-eân 4:10
Nầy là những sự hiện thấy đã tỏ ra trong đầu ta khi ta nằm trên giường: Ta nhìn xem, và nầy, ở giữa đất có một cây cao lạ thường.

Daniel 4:9
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