Daniel 3:8
Daniel 3:8
At this time some astrologers came forward and denounced the Jews.

But some of the astrologers went to the king and informed on the Jews.

Therefore at that time certain Chaldeans came forward and maliciously accused the Jews.

For this reason at that time certain Chaldeans came forward and brought charges against the Jews.

Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews.

Some Chaldeans took this occasion to come forward and maliciously accuse the Jews.

Just then, certain influential Chaldeans took this opportunity to come forward and denounce the Jews.

Now at that time certain Chaldeans came forward and brought malicious accusations against the Jews.

After that happened, some astrologers came forward and brought charges against the Jews.

Therefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews.

Therefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews.

Why at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews.

Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and brought accusation against the Jews.

And presently at that very time some Chaldeans came and accused the Jews,

Whereupon at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews.

Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and brought accusation against the Jews.

Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews.

Therefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and brought accusation against the Jews.

Therefore at that time drawn near have certain Chaldeans, and accused the Jews;

Danieli 3:8
Për këtë arësye në atë çast, disa Kaldeas dolën dhe paditën Judejtë;

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 3:8
لاجل ذلك تقدم حينئذ رجال كلدانيون واشتكوا على اليهود.

Dyr Däniheel 3:8
Und glei kaamend ayn Par Kaldauer dyrher und gvernaeternd d Judauer.

Данаил 3:8
Тогава някои халдейци се приближиха [при царя] та наклеветиха юдеите,

但 以 理 書 3:8
那 時 , 有 幾 個 迦 勒 底 人 進 前 來 控 告 猶 大 人 。

那 时 , 有 几 个 迦 勒 底 人 进 前 来 控 告 犹 大 人 。



Daniel 3:8
Uto dođoše neki Kaldejci i optužiše Judejce.

Daniele 3:8
A hned téhož času přistoupili muži Kaldejští, a s křikem žalovali na Židy,

Daniel 3:8
Men ved samme Lejlighed traadte nogle kaldæiske Mænd frem og førte Klage mod Jøderne.

Daniël 3:8
Daarom naderden even ter zelfder tijd Chaldeeuwse mannen, die de Joden openlijk beschuldigden;

דניאל 3:8
כָּל־קֳבֵ֤ל דְּנָה֙ בֵּהּ־זִמְנָ֔א קְרִ֖בוּ גֻּבְרִ֣ין כַּשְׂדָּאִ֑ין וַאֲכַ֥לוּ קַרְצֵיהֹ֖ון דִּ֥י יְהוּדָיֵֽא׃

ח כל קבל דנה בה זמנא קרבו גברין כשדאין ואכלו קרציהון די יהודיא

כל־קבל דנה בה־זמנא קרבו גברין כשדאין ואכלו קרציהון די יהודיא׃

Dániel 3:8
Elmenének azért ebben az idõben káldeabeli férfiak, és vádat emelének a zsidók ellen;

Daniel 3:8
En tiu tempo tuj aliris kelkaj HXaldeoj kaj akuzis la Judojn.

Kohta sillä hetkellä astuivat monikahdat Kaldean miehet edes, ja kantoivat Juudalaisten päälle,

Daniel 3:8
A cause de cela, en ce même moment, des hommes chaldéens s'approchèrent et accusèrent les Juifs.

A cette occasion, et dans le même temps, quelques Chaldéens s'approchèrent et accusèrent les Juifs.

Sur quoi certains Caldéens s'approchèrent en même temps, et accusèrent les Juifs.

Daniel 3:8
Von Stund an traten hinzu etliche chaldäische Männer und verklagten die Juden,

Von Stund an traten hinzu etliche chaldäische Männer und verklagten die Juden,

Sogleich darauf aber traten chaldäische Männer herzu und verklagten die Juden.

Daniele 3:8
Allora, in quello stesso momento, alcuni uomini Caldei si fecero avanti, e accusarono i Giudei;

Perciò, in quel punto alcuni uomini Caldei si fecero avanti, ed accusarono i Giudei.

Tetapi pada masa itu juga datanglah hampir beberapa orang Kasdim, yang seteru dan pengumpat orang Yahudi,

다니엘 3:8
그 때에 어떤 갈대아 사람들이 나아와 유다 사람들을 참소하니라

Daniel 3:8
statimque et in ipso tempore accedentes viri chaldei accusaverunt Iudaeos

Danieliaus knyga 3:8
Tuo metu priėję kai kurie chaldėjai apkaltino žydus.

Daniel 3:8
Heoi i taua wa ka haere mai etahi Karari, ka whakahe ki nga Hurai.

Daniel 3:8
Men straks efter stod nogen kaldeiske menn frem og klaget på jødene.

Daniel 3:8
Sin embargo en aquel tiempo algunos caldeos se presentaron y acusaron a los judíos.

Sin embargo en aquel tiempo algunos Caldeos se presentaron y acusaron a los Judíos.

Por esto en aquel tiempo algunos varones caldeos vinieron, y denunciaron a los judíos.

Por esto en el mismo tiempo algunos varones Caldeos se llegaron, y denunciaron de los Judíos.

Por esto en el mismo tiempo algunos varones caldeos se llegaron, y denunciaron de los judíos.

Daniel 3:8
Nesse momento alguns conselheiros e astrólogos se aproximaram do rei Nabucodonosor,

Ora, nesse tempo se chegaram alguns homens caldeus, e acusaram os judeus.   

Daniel 3:8
Cu prilejul acesta, şi în aceeaş vreme, cîţiva Haldei s'au apropiat şi au pîrît pe Iudei.

Даниил 3:8
В это самое время приступили некоторые из Халдеев и донесли на Иудеев.

В это самое время приступили некоторые из Халдеев и донесли на Иудеев.[]

Daniel 3:8
Men strax därefter kommo några kaldeiska män fram och anklagade judarna.

Daniel 3:8
Dahil dito sa oras na yaon ay nagsilapit ang ilang taga Caldea, at nagsumbong laban sa mga Judio.

ดาเนียล 3:8
เพราะฉะนั้น ในครั้งนั้นพวกเคลเดียบางคนมาเข้าเฝ้า และฟ้องพวกยิวด้วยใจคิดร้าย

Daniel 3:8
Bunun üzerine bazı Kildaniler yaklaşıp Yahudileri suçladılar.[]

Ña-ni-eân 3:8
Khi ấy, có mấy người Canh-đê đến gần để tố cáo những người Giu-đa.

Daniel 3:7
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