Daniel 2:30
Daniel 2:30
As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I have greater wisdom than anyone else alive, but so that Your Majesty may know the interpretation and that you may understand what went through your mind.

And it is not because I am wiser than anyone else that I know the secret of your dream, but because God wants you to understand what was in your heart.

But as for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because of any wisdom that I have more than all the living, but in order that the interpretation may be made known to the king, and that you may know the thoughts of your mind.

"But as for me, this mystery has not been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than in any other living man, but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind.

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart.

As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I have more wisdom than anyone living, but in order that the interpretation might be made known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind."

As for me, this secret was made known to me, not because my own wisdom is greater than anyone else alive, but in order that the meaning may be made known to the king, and that you might understand the thoughts of your heart.

As for me, this mystery was revealed to me not because I possess more wisdom than any other living person, but so that the king may understand the interpretation and comprehend the thoughts of your mind.

This secret wasn't revealed to me because I'm wiser than anyone else. It was revealed so that you could be told the meaning and so that you would know your innermost thoughts.

And unto me this mystery has been revealed, not for any wisdom that is in me more than in all those living but that I notify the interpretation to the king and that thou might understand the thoughts of thy heart.

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than anyone living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that you might know the thoughts of your heart.

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that you might know the thoughts of your heart.

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king, and that thou mayest know the thoughts of thy heart.

To me also this secret is revealed, not by any wisdom that I have more than all men alive: but that the interpretation might be made manifest to the king, and thou mightest know the thoughts of thy mind.

And as for me, this secret is revealed to me, not by any wisdom that I have more than any living, but to the intent that the interpretation should be made known to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart.

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king, and that thou mayest know the thoughts of thy heart.

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mayest know the thoughts of thy heart.

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king, and that you may know the thoughts of your heart.

As to me -- not for any wisdom that is in me above any living hath this secret been revealed to me; but for the intent that the interpretation to the king they make known, and the thoughts of thy heart thou dost know.

Danieli 2:30
Sa për mua, ky sekret m'u zbulua jo sepse kam më tepër dituri nga tërë të gjallët e tjerë, por me qëllim që interpretimi im t'i njoftohet mbretit, dhe ti të njihesh me mendimet e zemrës sate.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 2:30
اما انا فلم يكشف لي هذا السر لحكمة فيّ اكثر من كل الاحياء. ولكن لكي يعرّف الملك بالتعبير ولكي تعلم افكار قلبك

Dyr Däniheel 2:30
Dös Ghaimniss ist mir enthüllt wordn, aber nit, weil i öbbenn weiser wär als wie Anderne, sundern dyrmitst du, o Künig, deinn Traaum bschaint kriegst, und dös versteest, wost yso drüber naachgsunnen haast.

Данаил 2:30
Но колкото за мене тая тайна не ми се откри чрез някоя мъдрост, която имам аз повече от всичките живи, но за да се открие на царя значението [на съня], и за да разбереш размишленията на сърцето си.

但 以 理 書 2:30
至 於 那 奧 祕 的 事 顯 明 給 我 , 並 非 因 我 的 智 慧 勝 過 一 切 活 人 , 乃 為 使 王 知 道 夢 的 講 解 和 心 裡 的 思 念 。

至 於 那 奥 秘 的 事 显 明 给 我 , 并 非 因 我 的 智 慧 胜 过 一 切 活 人 , 乃 为 使 王 知 道 梦 的 讲 解 和 心 里 的 思 念 。



Daniel 2:30
Iako nemam mudrosti više nego ostali smrtnici, ta mi je tajna objavljena samo zato da njezino značenje saopćim kralju i da upoznaš misli svoga srca.

Daniele 2:30
Strany pak mne, ne skrze moudrost, kteráž by při mně byla nade všecky lidi, ta věc tajná mně zjevena jest, ale skrze modlitbu, aby ten výklad králi oznámen byl, a ty myšlení srdce svého abys zvěděl.

Daniel 2:30
Og mig er denne Hemmelighed aabenbaret, ikke ved nogen Visdom, som jeg har forud for alle andre levende Væsener, men for at Drømmen kan blive tydet Kongen, saa du kan kende dit Hjertes Tanker.

Daniël 2:30
Mij nu, mij is de verborgenheid geopenbaard, niet door wijsheid, die in mij is boven alle levenden; maar daarom, opdat men den koning de uitlegging zou bekend maken, en opdat gij de gedachten uws harten zoudt weten.

דניאל 2:30
וַאֲנָ֗ה לָ֤א בְחָכְמָה֙ דִּֽי־אִיתַ֥י בִּי֙ מִן־כָּל־חַיַּיָּ֔א רָזָ֥א דְנָ֖ה גֱּלִ֣י לִ֑י לָהֵ֗ן עַל־דִּבְרַת֙ דִּ֤י פִשְׁרָא֙ לְמַלְכָּ֣א יְהֹודְע֔וּן וְרַעְיֹונֵ֥י לִבְבָ֖ךְ תִּנְדַּֽע׃

ל ואנה לא בחכמה די איתי בי מן כל חייא רזא דנה גלי לי להן על דברת די פשרא למלכא יהודעון ורעיוני לבבך תנדע

ואנה לא בחכמה די־איתי בי מן־כל־חייא רזא דנה גלי לי להן על־דברת די פשרא למלכא יהודעון ורעיוני לבבך תנדע׃

Dániel 2:30
Nékem pedig ez a titok nem bölcseségbõl, a mely bennem minden élõ felett volna, jelentetett meg, hanem azért, hogy a megfejtés tudtára adassék a királynak és te megértsed a te szívednek gondolatait.

Daniel 2:30
Kaj al mi tiu kasxitajxo malkasxigxis ne pro tio, ke mi kvazaux estus pli sagxa ol cxiuj vivantoj, sed por tio, ke la regxo ricevu klarigon kaj ke vi eksciu la pensojn de via koro.

Niin ovat senkaltaiset asiat minulle ilmoitetut, ei minun viisauteni tähden, niinkuin se olis suurempi kuin kaikkein, jotka elävät, vaan sentähden että sen selitys pitäis kuninkaalle tiettäväksi tuleman, ja sinä saisit sinun sydämes ajatukset tietää.

Daniel 2:30
Et quant à moi, ce n'est pas par quelque sagesse qui soit en moi plus qu'en tous les vivants, que ce secret m'a été révélé: c'est afin que l'interprétation soit connue du roi, et que tu connaisses les pensées de ton coeur.

Si ce secret m'a été révélé, ce n'est point qu'il y ait en moi une sagesse supérieure à celle de tous les vivants; mais c'est afin que l'explication soit donnée au roi, et que tu connaisses les pensées de ton coeur.

Et ce secret m'a été révélé, non point par quelque sagesse qui soit en moi, plus qu'en aucun des vivants, mais afin de donner au Roi l'interprétation [de son songe], et afin que tu connaisses les pensées de ton cœur.

Daniel 2:30
So ist mir solch verborgen Ding offenbaret, nicht durch meine Weisheit, als wäre sie größer denn aller, die da leben, sondern darum, daß dem Könige die Deutung angezeiget würde, und du deines Herzens Gedanken erführest.

So ist mir solch verborgenes Ding offenbart, nicht durch meine Weisheit, als wäre sie größer denn aller, die da leben; sondern darum, daß dem König die Deutung angezeigt würde und du deines Herzens Gedanken erführest.

Mir aber ist dieses Geheimnis nicht infolge von Weisheit, die mir vor allen Lebenden zu eigen wäre, offenbart worden, sondern nur zu dem Zwecke, damit dem Könige die Deutung kundwürde, und du über die Gedanken deines Inneren Auskunft erhieltest.

Daniele 2:30
E quanto a me, questo segreto m’è stato rivelato, non per una sapienza ch’io possegga superiore a quella di tutti gli altri viventi, ma perché l’interpretazione ne sia data al re, e tu possa conoscere quel che preoccupava il tuo cuore.

Ora, quant’è a me, questo segreto mi è stato rivelato, non per sapienza, che sia in me sopra tutti i viventi; ma acciocchè l’interpretazione ne sia dichiarata al re, e che tu intenda i pensieri del cuor tuo.

Adapun akan patik ini, bukan sebab di dalam patik adalah barang hikmat terlebih dari pada segala orang lain, maka rahasia ini dinyatakan kepada patik, melainkan supaya tabirnya dimaklumkan kepada tuanku dan supaya diketahui oleh tuanku akan segala kepikiran hati tuanku itu.

다니엘 2:30
내게 이 은밀한 것을 나타내심은 내 지혜가 다른 인생보다 나은 것이 아니라 오직 그 해석을 왕에게 알려서 왕의 마음으로 생각하던 것을 왕으로 알게하려 하심이니이다

Daniel 2:30
mihi quoque non in sapientia quae est in me plus quam in cunctis viventibus sacramentum hoc revelatum est sed ut interpretatio regi manifesta fieret et cogitationes mentis tuae scires

Danieliaus knyga 2:30
Man šita paslaptis apreikšta ne todėl, kad esu už kitus išminčius pranašesnis, bet kad sapno išaiškinimas būtų žinomas tau, karaliau, ir tu pažintum savo širdies mintis.

Daniel 2:30
Ko ahau nei ia, ehara i te mea he nui atu oku whakaaro i o tetahi tangata ora, i whakapuakina ai tenei mea ngaro ki ahau; engari kia whakakitea ai tona tikanga ki te kingi, kia mohio ai hoki koe ki nga whakaaro o tou ngakau.

Daniel 2:30
Og for mig er denne hemmelighet blitt åpenbaret, ikke fordi jeg eier nogen visdom fremfor alle andre som lever, men forat uttydningen skulde kunngjøres kongen, og du skulde få ditt hjertes tanker å vite.

Daniel 2:30
En cuanto a mí, me ha sido revelado este misterio, no porque yo tenga más sabiduría que cualquier otro viviente, sino con el fin de dar a conocer al rey la interpretación, y para que tú entiendas los pensamientos de tu corazón.

"En cuanto a mí, me ha sido revelado este misterio, no porque yo tenga más sabiduría que cualquier otro viviente, sino con el fin de dar a conocer al rey la interpretación, y para que usted entienda los pensamientos de su corazón.

Y a mí me ha sido revelado este misterio, no porque en mí haya más sabiduría que en todos los vivientes, sino por aquellos que debían de hacer saber al rey la interpretación, y para que tú entendieses los pensamientos de tu corazón.

Y á mí ha sido revelado este misterio, no por sabiduría que en mí haya, más que en todos los vivientes, sino para que yo notifique al rey la declaración, y que entiendieses los pensamientos de tu corazón.

Y a mí me ha sido revelado este misterio, no por sabiduría que en mí haya, más que en todos los vivientes, sino para que yo notifique al rey la declaración, y que entendieses los pensamientos de tu corazón.

Daniel 2:30
E a mim foi esclarecido este mistério, não por ter eu mais sabedoria entre todos os que vivem na terra, mas para que tu, ó rei, saibas a correta interpretação e compreendas todos os pensamentos que passaram pelo teu coração.

E a mim me foi revelado este mistério, não por ter eu mais sabedoria que qualquer outro vivente, mas para que a interpretação se fizesse saber ao rei, e para que entendesses os pensamentos do teu coração.   

Daniel 2:30
Însă dacă mi s'a descoperit taina aceasta, nu înseamnă că este în mine o înţelepciune mai mare decît a tuturor celor vii, ci pentru ca să se dea împăratului tîlcuirea ei, şi să afli ce-ţi doreşte inima să ştii.

Даниил 2:30
А мне тайна сия открыта не потому, чтобы я был мудрее всех живущих, но для того, чтобы открыто былоцарю разумение и чтобы ты узнал помышления сердца твоего.

А мне тайна сия открыта не потому, чтобы я был мудрее всех живущих, но для того, чтобы открыто было царю разумение и чтобы ты узнал помышления сердца твоего.[]

Daniel 2:30
Och för mig har denna hemlighet blivit uppenbarad, icke i kraft av någon vishet som jag äger framför alla andra levande varelser, utan på det att uttydningen må bliva kungjord för konungen, så att du förstår ditt hjärtas tankar.

Daniel 2:30
Nguni't tungkol sa akin ang lihim na ito ay hindi nahayag sa akin ng dahil sa anomang karunungan na tinamo kong higit kay sa sinomang may buhay, kundi upang maipaaninaw sa hari ang kahulugan at upang iyong maalaman ang mga pagiisip ng iyong puso.

ดาเนียล 2:30
ฝ่ายข้าพระองค์ ซึ่งทรงเผยความลึกลับนี้แก่ข้าพระองค์นั้น มิใช่เพราะข้าพระองค์มีปัญญามากกว่าผู้มีชีวิตทั้งหลาย แต่เพื่อกษัตริย์จะทรงรู้คำแก้พระสุบิน และเพื่อพระองค์จะทรงรู้พระดำริในพระทัยของพระองค์

Daniel 2:30
Bana gelince, ey kral, öbür insanlardan daha bilge olduğum için değil, düşünün ne anlama geldiğini bilesin, aklından geçenleri anlayasın diye bu giz bana açıklandı.[]

Ña-ni-eân 2:30
Về phần tôi, sự kín nhiệm đó đã tỏ ra cho tôi, không phải vì tôi có sự khôn ngoan gì hơn người nào sống; nhưng để được giải nghĩa cho vua hiểu, và cho vua biết những ý tưởng trong lòng mình.

Daniel 2:29
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