Daniel 2:2
Daniel 2:2
So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed. When they came in and stood before the king,

He called in his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers, and he demanded that they tell him what he had dreamed. As they stood before the king,

Then the king commanded that the magicians, the enchanters, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans be summoned to tell the king his dreams. So they came in and stood before the king.

Then the king gave orders to call in the magicians, the conjurers, the sorcerers and the Chaldeans to tell the king his dreams. So they came in and stood before the king.

Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to shew the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king.

So the king gave orders to summon the diviner-priests, mediums, sorcerers, and Chaldeans to tell the king his dreams. When they came and stood before the king,

So the king gave orders to summon diviners, enchanters, sorcerers, and Chaldeans to reveal to the king what he had dreamed. When they came and stood before him,

The king issued an order to summon the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and wise men in order to explain his dreams to him. So they came and awaited the king's instructions.

The king sent for the magicians, psychics, sorcerers, and astrologers so that they could tell him what he had dreamed. So they came to the king.

Then the king commanded to call magicians, astrologers, enchanters, and Chaldeans, that they might show the king his dreams. So they came and presented themselves before the king.

Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, to show the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king.

Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to show the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king.

Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the enchanters, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, to tell the king his dreams. So they came in and stood before the king.

Then the king commanded to call together the diviners and the wise men, and the magicians, and the Chaldeans: to declare to the king his dreams: so they came and stood before the king.

And the king commanded to call the scribes, and the magicians, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, to shew the king his dreams; and they came and stood before the king.

Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the enchanters, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to tell the king his dreams. So they came in and stood before the king.

Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, to show the king his dream. So they came and stood before the king.

Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the enchanters, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, to tell the king his dreams. So they came in and stood before the king.

and the king saith to call for scribes, and for enchanters, and for sorcerers, and for Chaldeans, to declare to the king his dreams. And they come in and stand before the king;

Danieli 2:2
Atëherë mbreti dha urdhër të thërrisnin magjistarët, astrologët, shtriganët dhe Kaldeasit, që t'i tregonin mbretit ëndrrat e tij.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 2:2
فأمر الملك بان يستدعى المجوس والسحرة والعرّافون والكلدانيون ليخبروا الملك باحلامه فأتوا ووقفوا امام الملك.

Dyr Däniheel 2:2
Daa ließ dyr Künig de Bschainer und Waarsager, Beschwörer und Sterngutzer zammrueffen, däß s iem dönn Traaum auslögnd. Sö kaamend also zo n Künig,

Данаил 2:2
Тогава царят заповяда да повикат врачовете и вражарите, омаятелите и халдейците, за да явят на царя сънищата му. И тъй, те влязоха и застанаха пред царя.

但 以 理 書 2:2
王 吩 咐 人 將 術 士 、 用 法 術 的 、 行 邪 術 的 , 和 迦 勒 底 人 召 來 , 要 他 們 將 王 的 夢 告 訴 王 , 他 們 就 來 站 在 王 前 。

王 吩 咐 人 将 术 士 、 用 法 术 的 、 行 邪 术 的 , 和 迦 勒 底 人 召 来 , 要 他 们 将 王 的 梦 告 诉 王 , 他 们 就 来 站 在 王 前 。



Daniel 2:2
Kralj naredi da se pozovu čarobnici i gataoci, zaklinjači i zvjezdari da protumače kralju njegove sanje.

Daniele 2:2
I rozkázal král svolati mudrce, a hvězdáře i kouzedlníky a Kaldejské, aby oznámili králi sen jeho. Kteřížto přišli, a postavili se před králem.

Daniel 2:2
Saa lod Kongen Drømmetyderne, Manerne, Sandsigerne og Kaldæerne kalde, for at de skulde sige ham, hvad han havde drømt. Og de kom og traadte frem for Kongen.

Daniël 2:2
Toen zeide de koning, dat men roepen zou de tovenaars, en de sterrekijkers, en de guichelaars, en de Chaldeen, om den koning zijn dromen te kennen te geven; zij nu kwamen, en stonden voor het aangezicht des konings.

דניאל 2:2
וַיֹּ֣אמֶר הַ֠מֶּלֶךְ לִקְרֹ֨א לַֽחַרְטֻמִּ֜ים וְלָֽאַשָּׁפִ֗ים וְלַֽמְכַשְּׁפִים֙ וְלַכַּשְׂדִּ֔ים לְהַגִּ֥יד לַמֶּ֖לֶךְ חֲלֹמֹתָ֑יו וַיָּבֹ֕אוּ וַיַּֽעַמְד֖וּ לִפְנֵ֥י הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃

ב ויאמר המלך לקרא לחרטמים ולאשפים ולמכשפים ולכשדים להגיד למלך חלמתיו ויבאו ויעמדו לפני המלך

ויאמר המלך לקרא לחרטמים ולאשפים ולמכשפים ולכשדים להגיד למלך חלמתיו ויבאו ויעמדו לפני המלך׃

Dániel 2:2
És mondá a király, hogy hívjanak írástudókat, varázslókat, bûbájosokat és Káldeusokat, hogy fejtsék meg a királynak az õ álmait; és bemenének azok, és állának a király elé.

Daniel 2:2
Kaj la regxo ordonis alvoki la astrologojn, magiistojn, sorcxistojn, kaj HXaldeojn, por ke ili diru al la regxo liajn songxojn. Kaj ili venis kaj starigxis antaux la regxo.

Ja kuningas käski tähtientutkiat ja viisaat ja noidat ja Kaldealaiset kutsuttaa kokoon, sanomaan kuninkaalle hänen untansa. Ja he tulivat ja astuivat kuninkaan eteen.

Daniel 2:2
Et le roi commanda d'appeler les devins, et les enchanteurs, et les magiciens, et les Chaldéens, pour exposer au roi ses songes; et ils vinrent et se tinrent devant le roi.

Le roi fit appeler les magiciens, les astrologues, les enchanteurs et les Chaldéens, pour qu'ils lui disent ses songes. Ils vinrent, et se présentèrent devant le roi.

Alors le Roi commanda qu'on appelât les magiciens, et les astrologues, et les enchanteurs, et les Caldéens, pour expliquer au Roi ses songes; ils vinrent donc et se présentèrent devant le Roi.

Daniel 2:2
Und er hieß alle Sternseher, und Weisen und Zauberer und Chaldäer zusammenfordern, daß sie dem Könige seinen Traum sagen sollten. Und sie kamen und traten vor den König.

Und er hieß alle Seher und Weisen und Zauberer und Chaldäer zusammenfordern, daß sie dem König seinen Traum sagen sollten. Und sie kamen und traten vor den König.

Da befahl der König die Zauberer, Wahrsager, Beschwörer und Chaldäer zu berufen, damit sie dem Könige sagten, was er geträumt habe. Als sie nun erschienen und vor den König getreten waren,

Daniele 2:2
Il re fece chiamare i magi, gli astrologi, gl’incantatori e i Caldei, perché gli spiegassero i suoi sogni. Ed essi vennero e si presentarono al re.

E il re disse che si chiamassero i magi, e gli astrologi, e gl’incantatori, e i Caldei, per dichiarare al re i suoi sogni. Ed essi vennero, e si presentarono davanti al re.

Lalu baginda menitah memanggil segala orang satrawan dan ahlulnujum dan tukang sulap dan orang Kasdim, supaya dimaklumkannya kepada baginda mimpinya yang berkhayal itu; maka datanglah mereka itu sekalian menghadap hadirat baginda.

다니엘 2:2
왕이 그 꿈을 자기에게 고하게 하려고 명하여 박수와 술객과 점장이와 갈대아 술사를 부르매 그들이 들어와서 왕의 앞에 선지라

Daniel 2:2
praecepit ergo rex ut convocarentur arioli et magi et malefici et Chaldei et indicarent regi somnia sua qui cum venissent steterunt coram rege

Danieliaus knyga 2:2
Tuomet karalius įsakė sušaukti žynius, astrologus, burtininkus ir chaldėjus, kad jie išaiškintų karaliui jo sapną. Jie atėjo ir stojo karaliaus akivaizdoje.

Daniel 2:2
Katahi te kingi ka ki atu kia karangatia nga tohunga maori, nga kaititiro whetu, nga tohunga makutu, nga Karari, hei whakaatu i ana moe ki te kingi. Na haere ana mai ratou, tu ana i te aroaro o te kingi.

Daniel 2:2
Og kongen lot kalle tegnsutleggerne og åndemanerne og trollmennene og kaldeerne, forat de skulde fortelle kongen hans drømmer; og de kom og trådte frem for kongen.

Daniel 2:2
Mandó llamar el rey a los magos, los encantadores, los hechiceros y a los caldeos, para que le explicaran al rey sus sueños. Vinieron, pues, y se presentaron ante el rey.

Entonces el rey mandó a llamar a los magos (sacerdotes adivinos), encantadores, hechiceros y Caldeos (astrólogos), para que le explicaran al rey sus sueños. Vinieron, pues, y se presentaron ante el rey.

Y el rey mandó llamar a magos, astrólogos, encantadores y caldeos, para que declarasen al rey sus sueños. Vinieron, pues, y se presentaron delante del rey.

Y mandó el rey llamar magos, astrólogos, y encantadores, y Caldeos, para que mostrasen al rey sus sueños. Vinieron pues, y se presentaron delante del rey.

Y mandó el rey llamar a magos, astrólogos, encantadores, y caldeos, para que mostrasen al rey sus sueños. Los cuales vinieron, y se presentaron delante del rey.

Daniel 2:2
Então o rei mandou chamar seus magos, adivinhos, encantadores, feiticeiros, místicos e astrólogos para que lhe dissessem qual o significado daqueles pesadelos. Vieram apressadamente e se apresentaram diante do rei.

Então o rei mandou chamar os magos, os encantadores, os adivinhadores, e os caldeus, para que declarassem ao rei os seus sonhos; eles vieram, pois, e se apresentaram diante do rei.   

Daniel 2:2
Împăratul a poruncit să cheme pe vrăjitori, pe cititorii în stele, pe descîntători şi pe Haldei, ca să -i spună visurile. Ei au venit, şi s'au înfăţişat înaintea împăratului.

Даниил 2:2
И велел царь созвать тайноведцев, и гадателей, и чародеев, и Халдеев, чтобы они рассказали царю сновидения его. Они пришли, и стали перед царем.

И велел царь созвать тайноведцев, и гадателей, и чародеев, и Халдеев, чтобы они рассказали царю сновидения его. Они пришли, и стали перед царем.[]

Daniel 2:2
Då lät konungen tillkalla sina spåmän, besvärjare, trollkarlar och kaldéer, för att de skulle giva konungen till känna vad han hade drömt, och de kommo och trädde fram för konungen.

Daniel 2:2
Nang magkagayo'y ipinatawag ng hari ang mga mahiko, at ang mga enkantador, at ang mga manghuhula, at ang mga Caldeo, upang saysayin sa hari ang kaniyang mga panaginip. Sa gayo'y nagsipasok sila at sila'y nagsiharap sa hari.

ดาเนียล 2:2
แล้วกษัตริย์จึงทรงบัญชาให้มีหมายเรียกพวกโหร พวกหมอดู พวกนักวิทยาคม และคนเคลเดียเข้าทูลกษัตริย์ให้รู้เรื่องพระสุบิน เขาทั้งหลายก็เข้ามาเฝ้ากษัตริย์

Daniel 2:2
Düşünün ne olduğunu söylesinler diye sihirbazları, falcıları, büyücüleri, yıldızbilimcileri çağırttı. Hepsi gelip kralın önünde durdular.[]

Ña-ni-eân 2:2
Vậy vua truyền đòi các đồng bóng, thuật sĩ, thầy bói, và người Canh-đê để cắt nghĩa chiêm bao cho vua. Họ bèn đến chầu trước mặt vua.

Daniel 2:1
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