Daniel 1:16
Daniel 1:16
So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead.

So after that, the attendant fed them only vegetables instead of the food and wine provided for the others.

So the steward took away their food and the wine they were to drink, and gave them vegetables.

So the overseer continued to withhold their choice food and the wine they were to drink, and kept giving them vegetables.

Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them pulse.

So the guard continued to remove their food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables.

So the guard took away their rich food and wine, giving them vegetables.

So the warden removed the delicacies and the wine from their diet and gave them a diet of vegetables instead.

So the supervisor took away the king's rich food and wine and gave them vegetables.

Thus Melzar took the portion of their food and the wine that they should drink and gave them vegetables.

Thus Melzar took away the portion of their food, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them vegetables.

Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them vegetables.

So the steward took away their dainties, and the wine that they should drink, and gave them pulse.

So Malasar took their portions, and the wine that they should drink: and he gave them pulse.

So the steward took away their delicate food, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them pulse.

So the steward took away their meat, and the wine that they should drink, and gave them pulse.

Thus Melzar took away the portion of their food, and the wine that they should drink, and gave them pulse.

So the steward took away their dainties, and the wine that they should drink, and gave them pulse.

And the Meltzar is taking away their portion of food, and the wine of their drink, and is giving to them vegetables.

Danieli 1:16
Kështu Meltsari u hoqi atyre gjellët e shijshme dhe verën që duhet të pinin dhe u dha perime.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 1:16
فكان رئيس السقاة يرفع اطايبهم وخمر مشروبهم ويعطيهم قطاني

Dyr Däniheel 1:16
Daa ließ dyr Hai yn n Künig seine Speisn und seinn Wein für ien sein und gaab ien grad non Gruensln.

Данаил 1:16
И тъй, надзирателят отнемаше от тях изрядното ястие и виното, което трябваше да пият, и им даваше зеленчук.

但 以 理 書 1:16
於 是 委 辦 撤 去 派 他 們 用 的 膳 , 飲 的 酒 , 給 他 們 素 菜 吃 。

於 是 委 办 撤 去 派 他 们 用 的 膳 , 饮 的 酒 , 给 他 们 素 菜 吃 。



Daniel 1:16
Od tada čuvar dokinu njihova jela i obrok vina što su imali piti te im davaše povrća.

Daniele 1:16
Protož služebník brával ten vyměřený pokrm jejich, a víno nápoje jejich, a dával jim vaření.

Daniel 1:16
Saa lod Opsynsmanden deres Mad og Vinen, de skulde drikke, bringe bort og gav dem Grøntsager i Stedet.

Daniël 1:16
Toen geschiedde het, dat Melzar de stukken hunner spijs wegnam, mitsgaders den wijn huns dranks, en hij gaf hun van het gezaaide.

דניאל 1:16
וַיְהִ֣י הַמֶּלְצַ֗ר נֹשֵׂא֙ אֶת־פַּתְבָּגָ֔ם וְיֵ֖ין מִשְׁתֵּיהֶ֑ם וְנֹתֵ֥ן לָהֶ֖ם זֵרְעֹנִֽים׃

טז ויהי המלצר נשא את פת בגם ויין משתיהם ונתן להם זרענים

ויהי המלצר נשא את־פתבגם ויין משתיהם ונתן להם זרענים׃

Dániel 1:16
Elvevé azért a felügyelõ az õ ételöket és az õ italokul rendelt bort, és ad vala nékik zöldségféléket.

Daniel 1:16
Tial la inspektisto forportadis ilian mangxajxon, kaj la vinon, kiu estis destinita al ili por trinki, kaj donadis al ili legomojn.

Niin pani Meltsari pois heidän määrätyn ruokansa ja viinajuomansa, ja antoi heille puuroa.

Daniel 1:16
Alors l'intendant ôta leurs mets délicats et le vin de leur boisson, et leur donna des légumes.

L'intendant emportait les mets et le vin qui leur étaient destinés, et il leur donnait des légumes.

Ainsi Meltsar prenait la portion de leur viande, et le vin qu'ils devaient boire, et leur donnait des légumes.

Daniel 1:16
Da tat Melzar ihre verordnete Speise und Trank weg und gab ihnen Gemüse.

Da tat der Aufseher ihre verordnete Speise und Trank weg und gab ihnen Gemüse. {~}

Fortan ließ der Obermundschenk, was ihnen an Speise und Wein bestimmt war, hinwegtragen und gab ihnen Pflanzenkost.

Daniele 1:16
Così il maggiordomo portò via il cibo e il vino ch’eran loro destinati, e dette loro de’ legumi.

Laonde il Melsar da quel dì innanzi prendeva le lor vivande, e il vino del lor bere, e dava lor de’ legumi.

Maka sebab itu dilalukan penjawat santapan akan segala ayapan dan akan air anggur yang ditentukan akan minumannya, diberikannya mereka itu buah-buahan hasil tanah juga.

다니엘 1:16
이러므로 감독하는 자가 그들에게 분정된 진미와 마실 포도주를 제하고 채식을 주니라

Daniel 1:16
porro Malassar tollebat cibaria et vinum potus eorum dabatque eis legumina

Danieliaus knyga 1:16
Prievaizdas paimdavo jiems skirtą valgį ir vyną ir duodavo jiems daržovių.

Daniel 1:16
Heoi ka tangohia atu e Meretara te wahi kai ma ratou, me te waina ano hei inu ma ratou, a homai ana e ia he pini ma ratou.

Daniel 1:16
Da lot kjellermesteren deres kostelige mat bære bort, og likeså den vin de skulde drikke, og gav dem grønnsaker.

Daniel 1:16
Así que el mayordomo siguió suprimiendo los manjares y el vino que debían beber, y les daba legumbres.

Así que el mayordomo siguió suprimiendo los manjares y el vino que debían beber, y les daba legumbres.

Así fue que Melsar tomaba la porción de la comida de ellos, y el vino que habían de beber, y les daba legumbres.

Así fué que Melsar tomaba la ración de la comida de ellos, y el vino de su beber, y dábales legumbres.

Así, fue que Melsar tomaba la ración de la comida de ellos, y el vino de su beber, y les daba legumbres.

Daniel 1:16
Assim o encarregado tirou a comida e o vinho do rei que lhes havia sido designados, e em lugar dessas iguarias e do vinho real, passou a servi-lhes vegetais.

Pelo que o despenseiro lhes tirou as iguarias e o vinho que deviam beber, e lhes dava legumes.   

Daniel 1:16
Îngrijitorul lua bucatele şi vinul cari le erau rînduite, şi le dădea zazavaturi.

Даниил 1:16
Тогда Амелсар брал их кушанье и вино для питья и давал им овощи.

Тогда Амелсар брал их кушанье и вино для питья и давал им овощи.[]

Daniel 1:16
Då lät hovmästaren dem allt fortfarande slippa den mat som hade varit bestämd för dem och det vin som de skulle hava druckit, och gav dem grönsaker.

Daniel 1:16
Sa gayo'y inalis ng katiwala ang kanilang pagkain, at ang alak na kanilang inumin, at binigyan sila ng mga gulay.

ดาเนียล 1:16
ดังนั้นมหาดเล็กจึงนำอาหารสูงส่วนของเขาทั้งหลายและเหล้าองุ่นซึ่งเขาทั้งหลายควรจะได้ดื่มนั้นไปเสีย และให้ผักแก่เขา

Daniel 1:16
Böylece gözetici o günden sonra kralın gençler için ayırdığı yemekle şarabı kaldırdı ve onlara sebze vermeyi sürdürdü.[]

Ña-ni-eân 1:16
Vậy, Ham-nên-xa cất phần đồ ăn ngon và rượu của họ, và cho họ ăn rau.

Daniel 1:15
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