Daniel 1:10
Daniel 1:10
but the official told Daniel, "I am afraid of my lord the king, who has assigned your food and drink. Why should he see you looking worse than the other young men your age? The king would then have my head because of you."

But he responded, "I am afraid of my lord the king, who has ordered that you eat this food and wine. If you become pale and thin compared to the other youths your age, I am afraid the king will have me beheaded."

and the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, “I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and your drink; for why should he see that you were in worse condition than the youths who are of your own age? So you would endanger my head with the king.”

and the commander of the officials said to Daniel, "I am afraid of my lord the king, who has appointed your food and your drink; for why should he see your faces looking more haggard than the youths who are your own age? Then you would make me forfeit my head to the king."

And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your meat and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse liking than the children which are of your sort? then shall ye make me endanger my head to the king.

yet he said to Daniel, "My lord the king assigned your food and drink. I'm afraid of what would happen if he saw your faces looking thinner than those of the other young men your age. You would endanger my life with the king."

The chief officer told Daniel, "I fear his majesty the king, who has determined what you eat and drink. If he notices that your faces are more pale than the other young men in your group, I will forfeit my head to the king."

But he responded to Daniel, "I fear my master the king. He is the one who has decided your food and drink. What would happen if he saw that you looked malnourished in comparison to the other young men your age? If that happened, you would endanger my life with the king!"

The chief-of-staff told Daniel, "I'm afraid of my master, the king. The king determined what you should eat and drink. If he sees that you look worse than the other young men your age, he would have my head cut off."

And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your food and your drink; for when he shall see your faces more downcast than the other young men who are like unto you, then ye shall condemn my head before the king.

And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your food and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse looking than the young men who are of your age? then shall you make me endanger my head to the king.

And the prince of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your meat and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse liking than the children which are of your sort? then shall you make me endanger my head to the king.

And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your food and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse looking than the youths that are of your own age? so would ye endanger my head with the king.

And the prince of the eunuchs said to Daniel: I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed you meat and drink: who if he should see your faces leaner than those of the other youths your equals, you shall endanger my head to the king.

And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king who hath appointed your food and your drink; for why should he see your faces worse liking than the youths who are of your age? and ye would endanger my head with the king.

And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Darnel, I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your meat and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse liking than the youths which are of your own age? so should ye endanger my head with the king.

And the prince of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your provision and your drink: for why should he see your faces more meager than the children who are of your sort? then will ye make me endanger my head to the king.

The prince of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your food and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse looking than the youths who are of your own age? so would you endanger my head with the king.

and the chief of the eunuchs saith to Daniel, 'I am fearing my lord the king, who hath appointed your food and your drink, for why doth he see your faces sadder than those of the lads which are of your circle? then ye have made my head indebted to the king,'

Danieli 1:10
Kreu i eunukëve i tha pastaj Danielit: "Unë kam frikë nga mbreti, zoti im, që ka caktuar ushqimin tuaj dhe pijen tuaj. Pse ai duhet të shikojë fytyrat tuaja më të trishtuara nga ato të të rinjve të moshës suaj? Kështu do të vinit në rrezik kokën time te mbreti".

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 1:10
فقال رئيس الخصيان لدانيال اني اخاف سيدي الملك الذي عيّن طعامكم وشرابكم. فلماذا يرى وجوهكم اهزل من الفتيان الذين من جيلكم فتديّنون راسي للملك.

Dyr Däniheel 1:10
Dyr Kämmerling gmaint aber zo n Däniheel: "I scheuh halt önn Künig. Wenn yr enk schoon aufgsötzt haat, wasß össn und trinken solltß, und aft kimmt s iem vür, wie wenntß recht schindlhöllig ausschaugetß gögn de andern Burschn in enkern Öltter, naacherd stee i vor iem saubloed daa. Der putzet mi non durchhin aau."

Данаил 1:10
И началникът на скопците рече на Даниила: Аз се боя от господаря си царя, който определи ястието ви и питието ви, да не би да види, че лицата ви са по-малко поправени от [лицата] на юношите вашите връстници, и така да турите главата ми в опасност пред царя.

但 以 理 書 1:10
太 監 長 對 但 以 理 說 : 我 懼 怕 我 主 我 王 , 他 已 經 派 定 你 們 的 飲 食 ; 倘 若 他 見 你 們 的 面 貌 比 你 們 同 歲 的 少 年 人 肌 瘦 , 怎 麼 好 呢 ? 這 樣 , 你 們 就 使 我 的 頭 在 王 那 裡 難 保 。

太 监 长 对 但 以 理 说 : 我 惧 怕 我 主 我 王 , 他 已 经 派 定 你 们 的 饮 食 ; 倘 若 他 见 你 们 的 面 貌 比 你 们 同 岁 的 少 年 人 肌 瘦 , 怎 麽 好 呢 ? 这 样 , 你 们 就 使 我 的 头 在 王 那 里 难 保 。



Daniel 1:10
Starješina reče Danielu: Bojim se svoga gospodara kralja; on vam je odredio jelo i pilo, pa ako vidi da su vam lica mršavija nego u drugih dječaka vaše dobi, ja ću zbog vas biti kriv pred kraljem.

Daniele 1:10
A řekl správce nad dvořany Danielovi: Já se bojím pána svého krále, kterýž vyměřil pokrm váš a nápoj váš, tak že uzřel-li by, že tváře vaše opadlejší jsou, nežli mládenců těch, kteříž podobně jako i vy chování býti mají, způsobíte mi to u krále, že přijdu o hrdlo.

Daniel 1:10
men Overhofmesteren sagde til ham: »Jeg frygter for, at min Herre Kongen, som har tildelt eder Mad og Drikke, skal finde, at I ser ringere ud end de andre unge Mænd paa eders Alder, og at I saaledes skal bringe Skyld over mit Hoved hos Kongen.«

Daniël 1:10
Want de overste der kamerlingen zeide tot Daniel: Ik vreze mijn heer, den koning, die ulieder spijs, en ulieder drank verordend heeft; want waarom zou hij ulieder aangezichten droeviger zien, dan der jongelingen, die in gelijkheid met ulieden zijn? Alzo zoudt gij mijn hoofd bij den koning schuldig maken.

דניאל 1:10
וַיֹּ֜אמֶר שַׂ֤ר הַסָּרִיסִים֙ לְדָ֣נִיֵּ֔אל יָרֵ֤א אֲנִי֙ אֶת־אֲדֹנִ֣י הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ אֲשֶׁ֣ר מִנָּ֔ה אֶת־מַאֲכַלְכֶ֖ם וְאֶת־מִשְׁתֵּיכֶ֑ם אֲשֶׁ֡ר לָמָּה֩ יִרְאֶ֨ה אֶת־פְּנֵיכֶ֜ם זֹֽעֲפִ֗ים מִן־הַיְלָדִים֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר כְּגִֽילְכֶ֔ם וְחִיַּבְתֶּ֥ם אֶת־רֹאשִׁ֖י לַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃

י ויאמר שר הסריסים לדניאל--ירא אני את אדני המלך אשר מנה את מאכלכם ואת משתיכם  אשר למה יראה את פניכם זעפים מן הילדים אשר כגילכם וחיבתם את ראשי למלך

ויאמר שר הסריסים לדניאל ירא אני את־אדני המלך אשר מנה את־מאכלכם ואת־משתיכם אשר למה יראה את־פניכם זעפים מן־הילדים אשר כגילכם וחיבתם את־ראשי למלך׃

Dániel 1:10
És mondá az udvarmesterek fejedelme Dánielnek: Félek én az én uramtól, a királytól, a ki megrendelte a ti ételeteket és italotokat; minek lássa, hogy a ti orczátok hitványabb amaz ifjakénál, a kik egykorúak veletek? és így bûnbe kevernétek az én fejemet a királynál.

Daniel 1:10
Kaj la korteganestro diris al Daniel:Mi timas mian sinjoron, la regxon, kiu mem destinis por vi, kion vi devas mangxi kaj trinki; se li vidos, ke viaj vizagxoj estas malpli grasaj, ol cxe aliaj knaboj, viaj samagxuloj, tiam vi farus mian kapon kulpa antaux la regxo.

Ja ylimmäinen kamaripalvelia sanoi Danielille: minä pelkään minun herraani, kuningasta, joka teille teidän ruokanne ja juomanne toimittanut on; jos hän näkis teidän kasvonne laihemmiksi kuin muiden teidän ikäistenne, niin te minun sitte saatte kuninkaan tykönä pois hengeltäni.

Daniel 1:10
Et le prince des eunuques dit à Daniel: Je crains le roi mon seigneur, qui a prescrit votre nourriture et votre boisson; car pourquoi verrait-il vos visages plus tristes que ceux des jeunes gens de votre âge? Et vous exposeriez ma tête auprès du roi.

Le chef des eunuques dit à Daniel: Je crains mon seigneur le roi, qui a fixé ce que vous devez manger et boire; car pourquoi verrait-il votre visage plus abattu que celui des jeunes gens de votre âge? Vous exposeriez ma tête auprès du roi.

Toutefois le Capitaine des Eunuques dit à Daniel : Je crains le Roi mon maître, qui a ordonné votre manger et votre boire; pourquoi verrait-il vos visages plus défaits que ceux des autres jeunes enfants vos semblables, et rendriez-vous ma tête coupable envers le Roi?

Daniel 1:10
Derselbe sprach zu ihm: Ich fürchte mich vor meinem HERRN, dem Könige, der euch eure Speise und Trank verschaffet hat; wo er würde sehen, daß eure Angesichte jämmerlicher wären denn der andern Knaben eures Alters, so brächtet ihr mich bei dem Könige um mein Leben.

Derselbe sprach zu ihm: Ich fürchte mich vor meinem Herrn, dem König, der euch eure Speise und Trank bestimmt hat; wo er würde sehen, daß eure Angesichter jämmerlicher wären denn der andern Knaben eures Alters, so brächtet ihr mich bei dem König um mein Leben.

doch sagte der Oberkämmerer zu Daniel: Ich hege nur die Befürchtung, daß mein Herr, der König, der euch die Speise und das Getränk angewiesen hat, euer Aussehen schmächtiger finden könnte, als das der anderen Knaben eures Alters, und daß dann durch eure Schuld mein Kopf beim Könige verwirkt ist!

Daniele 1:10
E il capo degli eunuchi disse a Daniele: "Io temo il re, mio signore, il quale ha fissato il vostro cibo e le vostre bevande; e perché vedrebb’egli il vostro volto più triste di quello dei giovani della vostra medesima età? Voi mettereste in pericolo la mia testa presso il re".

Ma il capo degli eunuchi disse a Daniele: Io temo il re, mio signore, il quale ha ordinato il vostro cibo, e le vostre bevande; imperocchè, perchè s’egli vedesse le vostre facce più triste di quelle degli altri fanciulli, pari vostri, vorreste voi rendermi colpevole di fallo capitale inverso il re?

Tetapi kata juga penghulu segala penjawat istana kepada Daniel: Takutlah aku akan baginda yang dipertuan, yang sudah menentukan bahagian makanan dan minumanmu, karena mengapa kiranya seri mukamu akan kurang dari pada seri muka segala orang muda-muda yang sebaya dengan dikau? Demikianlah engkau akan menjunjungkan salah di atas kepalaku di hadapan baginda.

다니엘 1:10
환관장이 다니엘에게 이르되 내가 내 주 왕을 두려워하노라 그가 너희 먹을 것과 너희 마실 것을 지정하셨거늘 너희의 얼굴이 초췌하여 동무 소년들만 못한 것을 그로 보시게 할것이 무엇이냐 그렇게 되면 너희 까닭에 내 머리가 왕 앞에서 위태하게 되리라 하니라

Daniel 1:10
et ait princeps eunuchorum ad Danihel timeo ego dominum meum regem qui constituit vobis cibum et potum qui si viderit vultus vestros macilentiores prae ceteris adulescentibus coaevis vestris condemnabitis caput meum regi

Danieliaus knyga 1:10
Eunuchų viršininkas tarė Danieliui: “Aš bijau savo valdovo karaliaus, kuris jums paskyrė maistą ir gėrimą. Jei jis pamatys jus, atrodančius blogiau negu kiti jūsų amžiaus jaunuoliai, mano galva dėl jūsų atsidurs pavojuje”.

Daniel 1:10
Na ka mea te rangatira unaka ki a Raniera, E wehi aha ahau i toku ariki, i te kingi, nana nei i whakarite ta koutou e kai ai, ta koutou e inu ai: hei aha hoki i tirohia mai ai e ia o koutou mata he kino iho i o nga tamariki pena me koutou te kau matua? ma kona ka meinga ahau e koutou kia hopohopo ki toku upoko i te kingi.

Daniel 1:10
Og den øverste hoffmann sa til Daniel: Jeg er redd for at min herre kongen, som har fastsatt hvad I skal ete og drikke, vil synes at eders ansikter ser dårligere ut enn de gutters som er på eders alder, og at I således skal føre skyld over mitt hode hos kongen.

Daniel 1:10
y el jefe de los oficiales dijo a Daniel: Temo a mi señor el rey, porque él ha asignado vuestra comida y vuestra bebida; ¿por qué ha de ver vuestros rostros más macilentos que los de los demás jóvenes de vuestra edad? Así pondríais en peligro mi cabeza ante el rey.

y el jefe de oficiales dijo a Daniel: "Temo a mi señor el rey, porque él ha asignado su comida y su bebida. ¿Por qué ha de ver sus rostros más pálidos que los de los demás jóvenes de su edad? Así pondrían en peligro mi cabeza ante el rey."

y dijo el príncipe de los eunucos a Daniel: Tengo temor de mi señor el rey, que señaló vuestra comida y vuestra bebida; pues luego que él vea vuestros rostros más demacrados que los de los muchachos que son semejantes a vosotros, condenaréis para con el rey mi cabeza.

Y dijo el príncipe de los eunucos á Daniel: Tengo temor de mi señor el rey, que señaló vuestra comida y vuestra bebida; pues luego que él habrá visto vuestros rostros más tristes que los de los muchachos que son semejantes á vosotros, condenaréis para con

Y dijo el príncipe de los eunucos a Daniel: Tengo temor de mi señor el rey, que señaló vuestra comida y vuestra bebida; pues luego que él vea vuestros rostros más tristes que los de los muchachos que son semejantes a vosotros, condenaréis mi cabeza para con el rey.

Daniel 1:10
Todavia, aquele mordomo advertiu a Daniel, dizendo: “Tenho medo do meu senhor, o rei, que determinou a vossa comida e a vossa bebida. Se ele achar os vossos rostos mais abatidos do que os dos outros jovens da vossa idade, o rei poderá pedir a minha cabeça por vossa causa!”

E disse o chefe dos eunucos a Daniel: Tenho medo do meu senhor, o rei, que determinou a vossa comida e a vossa bebida; pois veria ele os vossos rostos mais abatidos do que os dos outros jovens da vossa idade? Assim poríeis em perigo a minha cabeça para com o rei.   

Daniel 1:10
Căpetenia famenilor a zis lui Daniel: ,,Mă tem numai de domnul meu împăratul, care a hotărît ce trebuie să mîncaţi şi să beţi, ca nu cumva să vadă feţele voastre mai triste decît ale celorlalţi tineri de vîrsta voastră, şi să-mi puneţi astfel capul în primejdie înaintea împăratului``.

Даниил 1:10
и начальник евнухов сказал Даниилу: боюсь я господина моего, царя, который сам назначил вам пищу и питье; если он увидит лица ваши худощавее, нежели у отроков, сверстников ваших, то вы сделаете голову мою виновноюперед царем.

и начальник евнухов сказал Даниилу: боюсь я господина моего, царя, который сам назначил вам пищу и питье; если он увидит лица ваши худощавее, нежели у отроков, сверстников ваших, то вы сделаете голову мою виновною перед царем.[]

Daniel 1:10
Men överste hovmannen sade till Daniel: »Jag fruktar att min herre, konungen, som har beställt om eder mat och dryck, då skall finna edra ansikten magrare än de ynglingars som äro jämnåriga med eder, och att I så skolen draga skuld över mitt huvud inför konungen.»

Daniel 1:10
At sinabi ng pangulo ng mga bating kay Daniel, Ako'y natatakot sa aking panginoong hari, na nagtakda ng inyong pagkain at ng inyong inumin: sapagka't bakit niya makikita na ang inyong mga mukha ay maputla kay sa mga binata na inyong mga kasinggulang? isasapanganib nga ninyo ang aking ulo sa hari.

ดาเนียล 1:10
และหัวหน้าขันทีจึงกล่าวแก่ดาเนียลว่า "ข้าเกรงว่ากษัตริย์เจ้านายของข้าผู้ทรงกำหนดอาหารและเครื่องดื่มของเจ้า ทอดพระเนตรเห็นว่า พวกเจามีหน้าซูบซีดกว่าบรรดาคนหนุ่มๆอายุรุ่นราวคราวเดียวกัน เจ้าก็จะกระทำให้ศีรษะของข้าเข้าสู่อันตรายเพราะกษัตริย์"

Daniel 1:10
Adam Daniele, ‹‹Yiyecek içecek payınızı ayıran efendimiz kraldan korkarım›› dedi, ‹‹Eğer yüzünüzü yaşıtınız olan öbür gençlerin yüzünden daha solgun görürse, başımı tehlikeye sokmuş olursunuz.››[]

Ña-ni-eân 1:10
Người làm đầu hoạn quan bảo Ða-ni-ên rằng: Ta sợ vua, là chủ ta, đã chỉ định đồ ăn đồ uống của các ngươi. Lẽ nào vua sẽ thấy mặt mày các ngươi tiều tụy hơn những kẻ trai trẻ khác đồng tuổi với các ngươi, và các ngươi nộp đầu ta cho vua sao?

Daniel 1:9
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