2 Samuel 6:2
2 Samuel 6:2
He and all his men went to Baalah in Judah to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the Name, the name of the LORD Almighty, who is enthroned between the cherubim on the ark.

He led them to Baalah of Judah to bring back the Ark of God, which bears the name of the LORD of Heaven's Armies, who is enthroned between the cherubim.

And David arose and went with all the people who were with him from Baale-judah to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the name of the LORD of hosts who sits enthroned on the cherubim.

And David arose and went with all the people who were with him to Baale-judah, to bring up from there the ark of God which is called by the Name, the very name of the LORD of hosts who is enthroned above the cherubim.

And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims.

He and all his troops set out to bring the ark of God from Baale-judah. The ark is called by the Name, the name of Yahweh of Hosts who dwells between the cherubim.

Then David and all the people with him set out from Baal-judah to bring up from there the Ark of God, who is called the Name, the name of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, and who is enthroned on the cherubim.

David and all the men who were with him traveled to Baalah in Judah to bring up from there the ark of God which is called by the name of the LORD of hosts, who sits enthroned between the cherubim that are on it.

He and all the people with him left Baalah in Judah to bring God's ark [to Jerusalem]. (The ark is called by the name of the LORD of Armies, who is enthroned over the angels.)

And David arose and went with all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah to bring up from there the ark of God upon which the name of the LORD of the hosts is invoked, who dwells there between the cherubim.

And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah, to bring up from there the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts who dwells between the cherubim.

And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah, to bring up from there the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that dwells between the cherubim.

And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him, from Baale-judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God, which is called by the Name, even the name of Jehovah of hosts that sitteth above the cherubim.

And David arose and went, with all the people that were with him of the men of Juda to fetch the ark of God, upon which the name of the Lord of hosts is invoked, who sitteth over it upon the cherubims.

And David arose and went with all the people that were with him from Baale-Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God which is called by the name, the name of Jehovah of hosts who sitteth between the cherubim.

And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him, from Baale Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God, which is called by the Name, even the name of the LORD of hosts that sitteth upon the cherubim.

And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale of Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubim.

David arose, and went with all the people who were with him, from Baale Judah, to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the Name, even the name of Yahweh of Armies who sits [above] the cherubim.

and David riseth and goeth, and all the people who are with him, from Baale-Judah, to bring up thence the ark of God, whose name hath been called -- the name of Jehovah of Hosts, inhabiting the cherubs -- upon it.

2 i Samuelit 6:2
Pastaj u ngrit dhe shkoi me gjithë popullin që ishte me të nga Baale e Judës, për të transportuar që andej arkën e Perëndisë me vete emrin e Zotit të ushtrive, që rri midis kerubinëve.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 6:2
وقام داود وذهب هو وجميع الشعب الذي معه من بعلة يهوذا ليصعدوا من هناك تابوت الله الذي يدعى عليه بالاسم اسم رب الجنود الجالس على الكروبيم.

Dyr Sämyheel B 6:2
Er braach auf und zog mit seinn gantzn Hör auf Bäly z Juden, um von dortn önn Schrein Gottes aufherzholn, über dönn was dyr Nam "Hörerherr, wo über de Kerebn troont" ausgrueffen ist.

2 Царе 6:2
И Давид стана от Ваала Юдова та отиде, и всичките люде, които бяха с него, за да пренесе от там, [дето се намираше], Божия ковчег, който се нарича с името на Господа на Силите, Който обитава между херувимите.

撒 母 耳 記 下 6:2
大 衛 起 身 , 率 領 跟 隨 他 的 眾 人 前 往 , 要 從 巴 拉 猶 大 將   神 的 約 櫃 運 來 ; 這 約 櫃 就 是 坐 在 二 基 路 伯 上 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 留 名 的 約 櫃 。

大 卫 起 身 , 率 领 跟 随 他 的 众 人 前 往 , 要 从 巴 拉 犹 大 将   神 的 约 柜 运 来 ; 这 约 柜 就 是 坐 在 二 基 路 伯 上 万 军 之 耶 和 华 留 名 的 约 柜 。



2 Samuel 6:2
Zatim David i sva vojska što je bila s njim krenu na put i odoše u Baalu Judinu da odande donesu Kovčeg Božji, što nosi ime Jahve Sebaota koji stoluje nad kerubinima.

Druhá Samuelova 6:2
A vstav, šel David i všecken lid, kterýž byl s ním, z Bála Judova, aby přinesli odtud truhlu Boží, při kteréž se vzývá jméno, jméno Hospodina zástupů, sedícího nad cherubíny.

2 Samuel 6:2
Derpaa brød David op med alle sine Krigere og drog til Ba'al i Juda for der at hente Guds Ark, over hvilken Hærskarers HERRES Navn er nævnet, han, som troner over Keruberne.

2 Samuël 6:2
En David maakte zich op, en ging heen met al het volk, dat bij hem was, van Baalim-Juda, om van daar op te brengen de ark Gods, bij dewelke de Naam wordt aangeroepen, de Naam van den HEERE der heirscharen, Die daarop woont tussen de cherubim.

שמואל ב 6:2
וַיָּ֣קָם ׀ וַיֵּ֣לֶךְ דָּוִ֗ד וְכָל־הָעָם֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אִתֹּ֔ו מִֽבַּעֲלֵ֖י יְהוּדָ֑ה לְהַעֲלֹ֣ות מִשָּׁ֗ם אֵ֚ת אֲרֹ֣ון הָאֱלֹהִ֔ים אֲשֶׁר־נִקְרָ֣א שֵׁ֗ם שֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֧ה צְבָאֹ֛ות יֹשֵׁ֥ב הַכְּרֻבִ֖ים עָלָֽיו׃

ב ויקם וילך דוד וכל העם אשר אתו מבעלי יהודה--להעלות משם את ארון האלהים אשר נקרא שם שם יהוה צבאות ישב הכרבים עליו

ויקם ׀ וילך דוד וכל־העם אשר אתו מבעלי יהודה להעלות משם את ארון האלהים אשר־נקרא שם שם יהוה צבאות ישב הכרבים עליו׃

2 Sámuel 6:2
És felkelvén, elméne Dávid az egész néppel együtt, mely vele vala, Júdának [városába], Bahalába, hogy elhozza onnét az Isten ládáját, mely Névrõl, a Seregek Urának nevérõl neveztetik, ki ül a Kérubok között.

Samuel 2 6:2
Kaj David, kaj la tuta popolo, kiu estis kun li, levigxis kaj iris el Baale-Jehuda, por venigi de tie la keston de Dio, kiu estas nomata per la nomo de la Eternulo Cebaot, kiu sidas sur la keruboj.

Ja David nousi ja meni, ja kaikki kansa kuin hänen tykönänsä oli Juudan asuvaisista, tuomaan sieltä Jumalan arkkia, joka kutsutaan Herran Zebaotin nimi, joka asuu Kerubimin päällä.

2 Samuel 6:2
Et David se leva et se mit en marche, et tout le peuple qui était avec lui, vers Baalé de Juda, pour en faire monter l'arche de Dieu, qui est appelée du nom, du nom de l'Éternel des armées, qui siège entre les chérubins.

Et David, avec tout le peuple qui était auprès de lui, se mit en marche depuis Baalé-Juda, pour faire monter de là l'arche de Dieu, devant laquelle est invoqué le nom de l'Eternel des armées qui réside entre les chérubins au-dessus de l'arche.

Puis David se leva et partit avec tout le peuple qui était avec lui vers Bahalé de Juda, pour transporter l'Arche de Dieu, duquel le nom est appelé : Le nom de l'Eternel des armées, qui habite entre les Chérubins sur l'Arche.

2 Samuel 6:2
Und machte sich auf und ging hin mit allem Volk, das bei ihm war aus den Bürgern Judas, daß er die Lade Gottes von dannen heraufholete, welcher Name heißt: Der Name des HERRN Zebaoth wohnet drauf über den Cherubim.

und machte sich auf und ging hin mit allem Volk, das bei ihm war, gen Baal in Juda, daß er die Lade Gottes von da heraufholte, deren Name heißt: Der Name des HERRN Zebaoth wohnt darauf über den Cherubim.

Dann machte sich David mit allen den Leuten, die er bei sich hatte, auf den Weg nach Baal in Juda, um von dort aus die Gotteslade hinaufzubringen, die nach dem Namen Jahwes der Heerscharen genannt ist, der über den Keruben thront.

2 Samuele 6:2
Poi si levò, e con tutto il popolo ch’era con lui, partì da Baalé di Giuda per trasportare di là l’arca di Dio, sulla quale è invocato il Nome, il nome dell’Eterno degli eserciti, che siede sovr’essa fra i cherubini.

E Davide, con tutto quel popolo ch’era con lui, si mosse di Baale-Giuda, e andò per trasportar di là l’Arca di Dio, la quale si chiama del Nome del Signore degli eserciti, che siede sopra i Cherubini.

2 SAMUEL 6:2
Maka bangkitlah Daud berdiri lalu berjalan dengan segala orang yang sertanya ke Baalim Yehuda, hendak membawa naik dari sana akan peti tabut Allah, yang nama itu disebutkan dengan dia, yaitu nama Tuhan serwa sekalian alam, yang duduk di antara kerubiun.

사무엘하 6:2
일어나서 그 함께 있는 모든 사람으로 더불어 바알레유다로 가서 거기서 하나님의 궤를 메어 오려 하니 그 궤는 그룹들 사이에 좌정하신 만군의 여호와의 이름으로 이름하는 것이라

II Samuelis 6:2
surrexitque et abiit et universus populus qui erat cum eo de viris Iuda ut adducerent arcam Dei super quam invocatum est nomen Domini exercituum sedentis in cherubin super eam

Antroji Samuelio knyga 6:2
Dovydas pakilo ir su visais tais žmonėmis, kurie buvo pas jį iš Baale Jehudo, nuėjo pargabenti iš ten Dievo skrynios, vadinamos kareivijų Viešpaties, gyvenančio tarp cherubų, vardu.

2 Samuel 6:2
A ka whakatika a Rawiri ratou ko tona nuinga katoa, haere ana i Paare o Hura, tikina ana i reira te aaka a Ihowa, e huaina nei ki te Ingoa, ara ki te ingoa o Ihowa o nga mano, e noho nei i waenganui o nga kerupima.

2 Samuel 6:2
Og David og alt folket som var hos ham, tok ut og drog fra Ba'ale-Juda* for å føre Guds ark op derfra, den som kalles med Herrens navn - med Herrens, hærskarenes Guds navn, han som troner på kjerubene**.

2 Samuel 6:2
Y David se levantó y fue con todo el pueblo que estaba con él a Baala de Judá, para hacer subir desde allí el arca de Dios, la cual es llamada por el Nombre, el nombre del SEÑOR de los ejércitos, que está sobre los querubines.

Y David se levantó y fue con todo el pueblo que estaba con él a Baala de Judá, para hacer subir desde allí el arca de Dios, la cual es llamada por el Nombre, el nombre del SEÑOR de los ejércitos, que está sobre los querubines.

Y se levantó David, y fue con todo el pueblo que tenía consigo, de Baala de Judá, para hacer pasar de allí el arca de Dios, sobre la cual era invocado el nombre de Jehová de los ejércitos, que mora entre los querubines.

Y levantóse David, y fué con todo el pueblo que tenía consigo, de Baal de Judá, para hacer pasar de allí el arca de Dios, sobre la cual era invocado el nombre de Jehová de los ejércitos, que mora en ella entre los querubines.

Y se levantó David, y fue con todo el pueblo que tenía consigo, de Baala de Judá, para hacer pasar de allí el arca de Dios, sobre la cual era invocado el nombre del SEÑOR de los ejércitos, que mora en ella entre los querubines.

2 Samuel 6:2
Conduziu-os até à cidade de Baalá, em Judá, com o objetivo de pegar a Arca da Aliança, sobre a qual se invoca o Nome Deus: Yahweh, SENHOR dos Exércitos, que se assenta no seu trono entre os querubins.

Depois levantou-se Davi, e partiu para Baal-Judá com todo o povo que tinha consigo, para trazerem dali para cima a arca de Deus, a qual é chamada pelo Nome, o nome do Senhor dos exércitos, que se assenta sobre os querubins.   

2 Samuel 6:2
Şi David, cu tot poporul care era cu el, a pornit dela Baale-Iuda, ca să suie de acolo chivotul lui Dumnezeu, înaintea căruia este chemat Numele Domnului oştirilor, care stă între Heruvimi deasupra chivotului.

2-я Царств 6:2
И встал и пошел Давид и весь народ, бывший с ним из Ваала Иудина, чтобы перенести оттуда ковчег Божий, на котором нарицается имя Господа Саваофа, сидящего на херувимах.

И встал и пошел Давид и весь народ, бывший с ним из Ваала Иудина, чтобы перенести оттуда ковчег Божий, на котором нарицается имя Господа Саваофа, сидящего на херувимах.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 6:2
Och David bröt upp och drog åstad med allt sitt folk ifrån Baale-Juda, för att därifrån föra upp Guds ark, som hade fått sitt namn efter HERREN Sebaot, honom som tronar på keruberna.

2 Samuel 6:2
At bumangon si David at yumaon na kasama ng buong bayan na nasa kaniya, mula sa Baale Juda, upang iahon mula roon ang kaban ng Dios, na tinatawag sa Pangalan, sa makatuwid baga'y sa pangalan ng Panginoon ng mga hukbo, na tumatahan sa gitna ng mga querubin.

2 ซามูเอล 6:2
และดาวิดก็ทรงลุกขึ้นไปกับประชาชนทั้งสิ้นที่อยู่กับพระองค์จากบาอาเลยูดาห์ เพื่อทรงนำหีบของพระเจ้าขึ้นมาจากที่นั่น ซึ่งเรียกตามพระนามคือพระนามของพระเยโฮวาห์จอมโยธาผู้ประทับระหว่างพวกเครูบ

2 Samuel 6:2
Böylece Davutla ordusu, sandığın üzerindeki Keruvlar arasında taht kuran Her Şeye Egemen RABbin adıyla anılan Tanrının Sandığını getirmek için Baale-Yahudaya gittiler.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 6:2
Ðoạn, người chỗi dậy, có và dân sự đồng theo, đi từ Ba-lê ở xứ Giu-đa đặng thỉnh hòm của Ðức Chúa Trời lên; trước hòm ấy dân cầu khẩn danh Chúa, tức là chánh danh Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân, vẫn ngự ở giữa chê-ru-bin tại trên hòm ấy.

2 Samuel 6:1
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