2 Samuel 24:13
2 Samuel 24:13
So Gad went to David and said to him, "Shall there come on you three years of famine in your land? Or three months of fleeing from your enemies while they pursue you? Or three days of plague in your land? Now then, think it over and decide how I should answer the one who sent me."

So Gad came to David and asked him, "Will you choose three years of famine throughout your land, three months of fleeing from your enemies, or three days of severe plague throughout your land? Think this over and decide what answer I should give the LORD who sent me."

So Gad came to David and told him, and said to him, “Shall three years of famine come to you in your land? Or will you flee three months before your foes while they pursue you? Or shall there be three days’ pestilence in your land? Now consider, and decide what answer I shall return to him who sent me.”

So Gad came to David and told him, and said to him, "Shall seven years of famine come to you in your land? Or will you flee three months before your foes while they pursue you? Or shall there be three days' pestilence in your land? Now consider and see what answer I shall return to Him who sent me."

So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue thee? or that there be three days' pestilence in thy land? now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

So Gad went to David, told him the choices, and asked him, "Do you want three years of famine to come on your land, to flee from your foes three months while they pursue you, or to have a plague in your land three days? Now, think it over and decide what answer I should take back to the One who sent me."

So Gad went to David and asked him, "Shall seven years of famine come to your land, or three months of reversals while you flee from your enemies as they pursue you, or three days of pestilence in your land? Decide right now what I am to answer to the one who sent me."

Gad went to David and told him, "Shall seven years of famine come upon your land? Or shall you flee for three months from your enemy with him in hot pursuit? Or shall there be three days of plague in your land? Now decide what I should tell the one who sent me."

When Gad came to David, he told David this and asked, "Should seven years of famine come to you and your land, or three months during which you flee from your enemies as they pursue you, or should there be a three-day plague in your land? Think it over, and decide what answer I should give the one who sent me."

So Gad came to David and told him and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? Or wilt thou flee three months before thy enemies while they pursue thee? Or shall there be three days' pestilence in thy land? Now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto you in your land? or will you flee three months before your enemies, while they pursue you? or shall there be three days' pestilence in your land? now consider, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

So Gad came to David, and told him, and said to him, Shall seven years of famine come to you in your land? or will you flee three months before your enemies, while they pursue you? or that there be three days' pestilence in your land? now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thy foes while they pursue thee? or shall there be three days pestilence in thy land? now advise thee, and consider what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

And when Gad was come to David, he told him, saying: Either seven years of famine shall come to thee in thy land: or thou shalt flee three months before thy adversaries, and they shall pursue thee: or for three days there shall be a pestilence in thy land. Now therefore deliberate, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

And Gad came to David, and told him, and said to him, Shall seven years of famine come to thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thine adversaries while they pursue thee? or shall there be three days' pestilence in thy land? Now be aware and consider what word I shall bring again to him that sent me.

So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thy foes while they pursue thee? or shall there be three days pestilence in thy land? now advise thee, and consider what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

So Gad came to David, and told him, and said to him, Shall seven years of famine come upon thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thy enemies, while they pursue thee? or that there be three days' pestilence in thy land? Now consider, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

So Gad came to David, and told him, and said to him, "Shall seven years of famine come to you in your land? Or will you flee three months before your foes while they pursue you? Or shall there be three days' pestilence in your land? Now answer, and consider what answer I shall return to him who sent me."

And Gad cometh in unto David, and declareth to him, and saith to him, 'Do seven years of famine come in to thee in thy land? or three months art thou fleeing before thine adversary -- and he pursuing thee? or are three days' pestilence in thy land? now, know and see what word I take back to Him sending me.'

2 i Samuelit 24:13
Kështu Gadi shkoi te Davidi për t'i njoftuar ngjarjen dhe i tha: "A do që të vijnë për ty shtatë vjet zi buke në vendin tënd, apo tre vjet arratisje përpara armiqve që të ndjekin, apo tri ditë murtaje në vendin tënd? Tani mendohu dhe shiko pak se çfarë përgjigje duhet t'i jap atij që më ka dërguar".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 24:13
فأتى جاد الى داود واخبره وقال له أتاتي عليك سبع سني جوع في ارضك ام تهرب ثلاثة اشهر امام اعدائك وهم يتبعونك ام يكون ثلاثة ايام وبأ في ارضك. فالآن اعرف وانظر ماذا ارد جوابا على مرسلي.

Dyr Sämyheel B 24:13
Weiter hieß s in dyr Botschaft von n Gäd an n Dafetn: "Also, was ist dyr lieber: Sollt sibn Jaar ayn Hungersnoot in deinn Land herrschn? Willst dreu Maanet von deine Feindd gjagt und eyn d Flucht tribn werdn? Older mechst drei Täg ayn Pest in n Land? Überlög dyr s guet, was i yn dönn, der wo mi gschickt haat, antwortn soll!"

2 Царе 24:13
Дойде, прочее, Гад при Давида та му извести [това]; после му рече: Дали за седем години да има върху тебе глад по земята ти? или три месеца да бягаш от неприятелите си, като те преследват? или три дни да има мор в земята ти? Размисли сега и виж какъв отговор да възвърна на Оногова, Който ме е пратил.

撒 母 耳 記 下 24:13
於 是 迦 得 來 見 大 衛 , 對 他 說 : 你 願 意 國 中 有 七 年 的 饑 荒 呢 ? 是 在 你 敵 人 面 前 逃 跑 , 被 追 趕 三 個 月 呢 ? 是 在 你 國 中 有 三 日 的 瘟 疫 呢 ? 現 在 你 要 揣 摩 思 想 , 我 好 回 覆 那 差 我 來 的 。

於 是 迦 得 来 见 大 卫 , 对 他 说 : 你 愿 意 国 中 有 七 年 的 饥 荒 呢 ? 是 在 你 敌 人 面 前 逃 跑 , 被 追 赶 三 个 月 呢 ? 是 在 你 国 中 有 三 日 的 瘟 疫 呢 ? 现 在 你 要 揣 摩 思 想 , 我 好 回 覆 那 差 我 来 的 。



2 Samuel 24:13
Gad tako dođe Davidu i javi mu ovo: "Hoćeš li da dođu tri gladne godine na tvoju zemlju, ili da tri mjeseca bježiš pred svojim neprijateljem koji će te goniti, ili da bude tri dana kuga u tvojoj zemlji? Sada promisli i gledaj što da odgovorim onome koji me poslao!"

Druhá Samuelova 24:13
Protož přišed Gád k Davidovi, oznámil mu to, a řekl jemu: Chceš-li, aby přišel na tebe hlad za sedm let v zemi tvé? čili abys za tři měsíce utíkal před nepřátely svými, a oni aby tě honili? čili aby za tři dni byl mor v zemi tvé? Pomysliž spěšně, a viz, jakou mám odpověd dáti tomu, kterýž mne poslal.

2 Samuel 24:13
Gad kom da til David og kundgjorde ham det og sagde: »Skal der komme tre Hungersnødsaar over dig i dit Land, eller vil du i tre Maaneder jages paa Flugt, forfulgt af din Fjende, eller skal der komme tre Dages Pest i dit Land? Overvej nu, hvad jeg skal svare ham, der har sendt mig!«

2 Samuël 24:13
Zo kwam Gad tot David, en maakte het hem bekend, en zeide tot hem: Zal u een honger van zeven jaren in uw land komen? Of wilt gij drie maanden vlieden voor het aangezicht uwer vijanden, dat die u vervolgen? Of dat er drie dagen pestilentie in uw land zij? Merk nu, en zie toe, wat antwoord ik Dien zal wederbrengen, Die mij gezonden heeft.

שמואל ב 24:13
וַיָּבֹא־גָ֥ד אֶל־דָּוִ֖ד וַיַּגֶּד־לֹ֑ו וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לֹ֡ו הֲתָבֹ֣וא לְךָ֣ שֶֽׁבַע שָׁנִ֣ים ׀ רָעָ֣ב ׀ בְּאַרְצֶ֡ךָ אִם־שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה חֳ֠דָשִׁים נֻסְךָ֙ לִפְנֵֽי־צָרֶ֜יךָ וְה֣וּא רֹדְפֶ֗ךָ וְאִם־הֱ֠יֹות שְׁלֹ֨שֶׁת יָמִ֥ים דֶּ֙בֶר֙ בְּאַרְצֶ֔ךָ עַתָּה֙ דַּ֣ע וּרְאֵ֔ה מָה־אָשִׁ֥יב שֹׁלְחִ֖י דָּבָֽר׃ ס

יג ויבא גד אל דוד ויגד לו ויאמר לו התבוא לך שבע שנים רעב בארצך אם שלשה חדשים נסך לפני צריך והוא רדפך ואם היות שלשת ימים דבר בארצך--עתה דע וראה מה אשיב שלחי דבר  {ס}

ויבא־גד אל־דוד ויגד־לו ויאמר לו התבוא לך שבע שנים ׀ רעב ׀ בארצך אם־שלשה חדשים נסך לפני־צריך והוא רדפך ואם־היות שלשת ימים דבר בארצך עתה דע וראה מה־אשיב שלחי דבר׃ ס

2 Sámuel 24:13
Elméne azért Gád Dávidhoz, és tudtára adá néki, és monda néki: [Akarod- é,] hogy hét esztendeig való éhség szálljon földedre? Vagy hogy három hónapig ellenségeid elõtt bujdossál és [ellenséged] kergessen téged? Vagy hogy három napig döghalál legyen országodban? Most gondold meg és lásd meg, micsoda választ vigyek annak, a ki engem elküldött.

Samuel 2 24:13
Kaj Gad venis al David kaj sciigis al li, kaj diris al li:CXu venu al vi sepjara malsato en via lando? aux dum tri monatoj vi forkuradu de viaj malamikoj kaj ili persekutu vin? aux estu tritaga pesto en via lando? pripensu do kaj decidu, kion mi respondu al mia Sendinto.

Gad tuli Davidin tykö, ilmoitti ja sanoi hänelle: tahdotkos että nälkä tulee seitsemäksi ajastajaksi maakunnalles, taikka ettäs kolme kuukautta pakenet vihamiestes edellä ja he ajavat sinua takaa, eli että rutto on kolme päivää sinun maallas? Niin ota nyt vaari, ja katso, mitä minä hänelle vastaan, joka minun lähetti.

2 Samuel 24:13
Et Gad vint vers David, et lui rapporta cela, et lui dit: La famine viendra-t-elle sur toi sept ans dans ton pays; ou veux-tu fuir trois mois devant tes ennemis, et qu'ils te poursuivent; ou y aura-t-il trois jours de peste dans ton pays? Sache maintenant, et vois quelle parole je rapporterai à celui qui m'a envoyé.

Gad alla vers David, et lui fit connaître la chose, en disant: Veux-tu sept années de famine dans ton pays, ou bien trois mois de fuite devant tes ennemis qui te poursuivront, ou bien trois jours de peste dans ton pays? Maintenant choisis, et vois ce que je dois répondre à celui qui m'envoie.

Gad vint donc vers David, et lui fit entendre cela en disant : Que veux-tu qui t'arrive : ou sept ans de famine sur ton pays ; ou que durant trois mois tu fuies devant tes ennemis, et qu'ils te poursuivent; ou que durant trois jours la mortalité soit en ton pays? Avises-y maintenant, et regarde ce que tu veux que je réponde à celui qui m'a envoyé.

2 Samuel 24:13
Gad kam zu David und sagte es ihm an und sprach zu ihm: Willst du, daß sieben Jahre Teurung in dein Land komme, oder daß du drei Monden vor deinen Widersachern fliehen müssest, und sie dich verfolgen, oder daß drei Tage Pestilenz in deinem Lande sei? So merke nun und siehe, was ich wieder sagen soll dem, der mich gesandt hat.

Gad kam zu David und sagte es ihm an und sprach zu ihm: Willst du, daß sieben Jahre Teuerung in dein Land komme? oder daß du drei Monate vor deinen Widersachern fliehen müssest und sie dich verfolgen? oder drei Tage Pestilenz in deinem Lande sei? So merke nun und siehe, was ich wieder sagen soll dem, der mich gesandt hat.

da ging Gad zu David hinein, teilte ihm dies mit und sprach zu ihm: Willst du, daß drei Jahre Hungersnot über dein Land kommen soll, oder daß du drei Monate vor deinen Feinden fliehen mußt, und das Schwert dich verfolge, oder daß drei Tage Pest in deinem Lande sei? Nun besinne dich und sieh' zu, was ich dem, der mich sendet, antworten soll!

2 Samuele 24:13
Gad venne dunque a Davide, gli riferì questo, e disse: "Vuoi tu sette anni di carestia nel tuo paese, ovvero tre mesi di fuga d’innanzi ai tuoi nemici che t’inseguano, ovvero tre giorni di peste nel tuo paese? Ora rifletti, e vedi che cosa io debba rispondere a colui che mi ha mandato".

Gad adunque venne a Davide, e gli rapportò la cosa, e gli disse: Qual cosa vuoi tu che ti avvenga? o sett’anni di fame nel tuo paese; o che tu fugga per tre mesi davanti a’ tuoi nemici, e ch’essi ti perseguitino; o che per tre giorni vi sia pestilenza nel tuo paese? Ora considera, e vedi ciò che io ho da rispondere a colui che mi ha mandato.

2 SAMUEL 24:13
Maka datanglah Gad kepada Daud, diberinya tahu kepadanya firman itu, lalu katanya: Maukah engkau suatu bala kelaparan tujuh tahun lamanya berlaku dalam negerimu? atau maukah engkau lari tiga bulan lamanya dari hadapan musuhmu, yang mengusir akan dikau? atau maukah engkau suatu bala sampar tiga hari lamanya dalam negerimu? Sekarang hendaklah engkau berfikir dan menimbang baik-baik, apa jawab akan kubawa kembali kepada Dia yang sudah menyuruhkan daku.

사무엘하 24:13
갓이 다윗에게 이르러 고하여 가로되 `왕의 땅에 칠년 기근이 있을 것이니이까 혹시 왕이 왕의 대적에게 쫓겨 석달을 그 앞에서 도망하실 것이니이까 혹시 왕의 땅에 삼일동안 온역이 있을 것이니이까 왕은 생각하여 보고 나를 보내신 이에게 대답하게 하소서'

II Samuelis 24:13
cumque venisset Gad ad David nuntiavit ei dicens aut septem annis veniet tibi fames in terra tua aut tribus mensibus fugies adversarios tuos et illi persequentur aut certe tribus diebus erit pestilentia in terra tua nunc ergo delibera et vide quem respondeam ei qui me misit sermonem

Antroji Samuelio knyga 24:13
Gadas atėjo pas Dovydą, pasakė jam visa tai ir klausė: “Ar nori, kad septyni bado metai būtų tavo krašte, ar kad tris mėnesius turėtum bėgti nuo savo priešų, ar kad tris dienas maras siaustų krašte? Dabar apsigalvok ir nuspręsk, ką turiu atsakyti mane siuntusiam”.

2 Samuel 24:13
Heoi ka tae a Kara ki a Rawiri, a ka korero ki a ia, ka mea, Kia tae atu ranei ki a koe etahi tau matekai e whitu ki tou whenua? kia toru ranei nga marama e rere ai koe i te aroaro o ou hoariri, me ta ratou whai ano i a koe? kia toru ranei nga r a o te mate uruta ki tou whenua? Na whakaaroa e koe kia kitea ai taku kupu e whakahoki ai ki toku kaitono mai.

2 Samuel 24:13
Da kom Gad til David og forkynte ham dette og sa til ham: Vil du at det skal være hungersnød i ditt land i syv år, eller at du skal komme til å flykte for dine fiender i tre måneder, mens de forfølger dig, eller at det skal bli pest i ditt land i tre dager? Tenk nu efter og se til hvad jeg skal svare ham som har sendt mig!

2 Samuel 24:13
Así que Gad fue a David y se lo hizo saber, diciéndo le: ¿ Quieres que te vengan siete años de hambre en tu tierra, o que huyas por tres meses delante de tus enemigos mientras te persiguen, o que haya tres días de pestilencia en tu tierra? Considera ahora, y mira qué respuesta he de dar al que me envió.

Así que Gad fue a David y se lo hizo saber, diciéndole: "¿Quieres que te vengan siete años de hambre en tu tierra, o que huyas por tres meses delante de tus enemigos mientras te persiguen, o que haya tres días de pestilencia en tu tierra? Considera ahora, y mira qué respuesta he de dar al que me envió."

Vino, pues, Gad a David, y se lo hizo saber, y le dijo: ¿Quieres que te vengan siete años de hambre en tu tierra? ¿O que huyas tres meses delante de tus enemigos, y que ellos te persigan? ¿O que tres días haya pestilencia en tu tierra? Piensa ahora, y mira qué responderé al que me ha enviado.

Vino pues Gad á David, é intimóle, y díjole: ¿Quieres que te vengan siete años de hambre en tu tierra? ¿ó que huyas tres meses delante de tus enemigos, y que ellos te persigan? ¿o que tres días haya pestilencia en tu tierra? Piensa ahora, y mira qué respo

Vino, pues , Gad a David, y le denunció, y le dijo: ¿Quieres que te vengan siete años de hambre en tu tierra? ¿O que huyas tres meses delante de tus enemigos, y que ellos te persigan? ¿O que tres días haya pestilencia en tu tierra? Piensa ahora, y mira qué responderé al que me envió.

2 Samuel 24:13
Então Gade correu à presença de Davi e lhe declarou: “Que preferes que te aconteça: que três anos de fome caiam sobre a tua terra; que caminhes três anos fugindo de teus inimigos que te perseguirão implacavelmente, ou três dias de praga sobre tua terra e teu povo? Reflete bem e decide que resposta devo apresentar diante daquele que me enviou!”

Veio, pois, Gade a Davi, e fez-lho saber dizendo-lhe: Queres que te venham sete anos de fome na tua terra; ou que por três meses fujas diante de teus inimigos, enquanto estes te perseguirem; ou que por três dias haja peste na tua terra? Delibera agora, e vê que resposta hei de dar àquele que me enviou.   

2 Samuel 24:13
Gad s'a dus la David, şi i -a făcut cunoscut lucrul acesta, zicînd: ,,Vrei şapte ani de foamete în ţara ta, sau să fugi trei luni dinaintea vrăjmaşilor tăi, cari te vor urmări, sau să bîntuie ciuma trei zile în ţară? Acum alege, şi vezi ce trebuie să răspund Celui ce mă trimete.``

2-я Царств 24:13
И пришел Гад к Давиду, и возвестил ему, и сказал ему: избирай себе,быть ли голоду в стране твоей семь лет, или чтобы ты три месяца бегал от неприятелей твоих, и они преследовали тебя, или чтобы в продолжение трех дней была моровая язва в стране твоей? теперь рассуди и реши, что мне отвечать Пославшему меня.

И пришел Гад к Давиду, и возвестил ему, и сказал ему: избирай себе, быть ли голоду в стране твоей семь лет, или чтобы ты три месяца бегал от неприятелей твоих, и они преследовали тебя, или чтобы в продолжение трех дней была моровая язва в стране твоей? теперь рассуди и реши, что мне отвечать Пославшему меня.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 24:13
Då gick Gad in till David och förkunnade detta för honom. Han sade till honom: »Vill du att hungersnöd under sju år skall komma i ditt land? Eller att du i tre månader skall nödgas fly för dina ovänner, medan de förfölja dig? Eller att pest i tre dagar skall hemsöka ditt land? Betänk nu och eftersinna vilket svar jag skall giva honom som har sänt mig.»

2 Samuel 24:13
Sa gayo'y naparoon si Gad kay David, at nagsaysay sa kaniya: at nagsabi sa kaniya, Darating ba sa iyo ang pitong taon na kagutom sa iyong lupain? o tatakas ka bang tatlong buwan sa harap ng iyong mga kaaway samantalang hinahabol ka nila? o magkakaroon ba ng tatlong araw na pagkasalot sa iyong lupain? ngayo'y muniin mo, at dilidilihin mo kung anong kasagutan ang aking ibabalik doon sa nagsugo sa akin.

2 ซามูเอล 24:13
กาดจึงเข้าเฝ้าดาวิดและกราบทูลพระองค์ว่า "จะให้เกิดกันดารอาหารในแผ่นดินของพระองค์สิ้นเจ็ดปีหรือ หรือพระองค์จะยอมหนีศัตรูสิ้นเวลาสามเดือนด้วยเขาไล่ติดตาม หรือจะให้โรคระบาดเกิดขึ้นในแผ่นดินของพระองค์สิ้นสามวัน บัดนี้ขอพระองค์ทรงตรึกตรอง และตัดสินในพระทัยว่า จะให้คำตอบประการใด เพื่อข้าพระองค์จะนำกลับไปกราบทูลพระองค์ผู้ทรงใช้ข้าพระองค์มา"

2 Samuel 24:13
Gad Davuta gidip durumu anlattı ve şöyle dedi: ‹‹Ülkende yedi yıl kıtlık mı olsun? Yoksa seni kovalayan düşmanlarının önünden üç ay kaçmak mı istersin? Ya da ülkende üç gün salgın hastalık mı olsun? Beni gönderene ne yanıt vereyim, şimdi iyice düşün.››[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 24:13
Gát đi đến cùng Ða-vít, thật các lời đó cho người, mà rằng: Vua muốn chọn điều nào? hãy bảy năm đói kém trong nước vua, hoặc trong ba tháng vua phải chạy trốn khỏi trước mặt kẻ thù nghịch đuổi theo vua, hoặc ba ngày dịch hạch trong nước vua? Bây giờ, hãy suy nghĩ và xem điều tôi phải thưa lại cùng Ðấng đã sai tôi.

2 Samuel 24:12
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