2 Samuel 21:4
2 Samuel 21:4
The Gibeonites answered him, "We have no right to demand silver or gold from Saul or his family, nor do we have the right to put anyone in Israel to death." "What do you want me to do for you?" David asked.

"Well, money can't settle this matter between us and the family of Saul," the Gibeonites replied. "Neither can we demand the life of anyone in Israel." "What can I do then?" David asked. "Just tell me and I will do it for you."

The Gibeonites said to him, “It is not a matter of silver or gold between us and Saul or his house; neither is it for us to put any man to death in Israel.” And he said, “What do you say that I shall do for you?”

Then the Gibeonites said to him, "We have no concern of silver or gold with Saul or his house, nor is it for us to put any man to death in Israel." And he said, "I will do for you whatever you say."

And the Gibeonites said unto him, We will have no silver nor gold of Saul, nor of his house; neither for us shalt thou kill any man in Israel. And he said, What ye shall say, that will I do for you.

The Gibeonites said to him, "We are not asking for money from Saul or his family, and we cannot put anyone to death in Israel."" Whatever you say, I will do for you," he said.

"We're not looking for mere silver or gold to be paid by Saul or his household to us," the Gibeonites responded to him. "And it's not for us to execute anyone in Israel." In reply, David asked, "So what are you asking me to do for you?"

The Gibeonites said to him, "We have no claim to silver or gold from Saul or from his family, nor would we be justified in putting to death anyone in Israel." David asked, "What then are you asking me to do for you?"

"We do not want silver or gold from Saul's family," the Gibeonites answered him. "And none of us wants to kill [anyone] in Israel." The king asked, "What are you saying that I should do for you?"

And the Gibeonites replied unto him, We have no quarrel regarding silver nor gold with Saul, nor with his house; neither do we desire that anyone in Israel should die. And he said unto them, What ye shall say that will I do for you.

And the Gibeonites said unto him, We will have no silver nor gold of Saul, nor of his house; neither for us shall you kill any man in Israel. And he said, What you shall say, that will I do for you.

And the Gibeonites said to him, We will have no silver nor gold of Saul, nor of his house; neither for us shall you kill any man in Israel. And he said, What you shall say, that will I do for you.

And the Gibeonites said unto him, It is no matter of silver or gold between us and Saul, or his house; neither is it for us to put any man to death in Israel. And he said, What ye shall say, that will I do for you.

And the Gabaonites said to him: We have no contest about silver and gold, but against Saul and against his house: neither do we desire that any man be slain of Israel. And the king said to them: What will you then that I should do for you?

And the Gibeonites said to him, As to Saul and his house, it is with us no question of receiving silver or gold, neither is it for us to have any man put to death in Israel. And he said, What ye say will I do for you.

And the Gibeonites said unto him, It is no matter of silver or gold between us and Saul, or his house; neither is it for us to put any man to death in Israel. And he said, What ye shall say, that will I do for you.

And the Gibeonites said to him, We will have no silver nor gold of Saul, nor of his house; neither for us shalt thou kill any man in Israel. And he said, What ye shall say, that will I do for you.

The Gibeonites said to him, "It is no matter of silver or gold between us and Saul, or his house; neither is it for us to put any man to death in Israel." He said, "Whatever you say, that will I do for you."

And the Gibeonites say to him, 'We have no silver and gold by Saul and by his house, and we have no man to put to death in Israel;' and he saith, 'What ye are saying I do to you.'

2 i Samuelit 21:4
Gabaonitët u përgjigjën: "Ne nuk na intereson të kemi ar apo argjend nga Sauli apo nga shtëpia e tij, as duhet të vrisni për ne ndonjë njeri në Izrael". Mbreti tha: "Atë që kërkoni, unë do ta bëj për ju".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 21:4
فقال له الجبعونيون ليس لنا فضة ولا ذهب عند شاول ولا عند بيته وليس لنا ان نميت احدا في اسرائيل. فقال مهما قلتم افعله لكم.

Dyr Sämyheel B 21:4
De Gibeuner gantwortnd iem: "Mir wollnd wöder ayn Silber non ayn Gold von n Saul und seinn Haus; und es steet üns aau nit zue, däß myr öbbern z Isryheel toettnd." Dyr Dafet gfraagt naachhin: "Was wolltß n naacherd habn von mir?"

2 Царе 21:4
А гаваонците му казаха: Не е въпрос за сребро или злато между нас и Саула, или неговия дом, нито е наша работа да убием човек в Израиля. И той рече: Каквото кажете ще ви сторя.

撒 母 耳 記 下 21:4
基 遍 人 回 答 說 : 我 們 和 掃 羅 與 他 家 的 事 並 不 關 乎 金 銀 , 也 不 要 因 我 們 的 緣 故 殺 一 個 以 色 列 人 。 大 衛 說 : 你 們 怎 樣 說 , 我 就 為 你 們 怎 樣 行 。

基 遍 人 回 答 说 : 我 们 和 扫 罗 与 他 家 的 事 并 不 关 乎 金 银 , 也 不 要 因 我 们 的 缘 故 杀 一 个 以 色 列 人 。 大 卫 说 : 你 们 怎 样 说 , 我 就 为 你 们 怎 样 行 。



2 Samuel 21:4
Gibeonci odgovoriše: "Ne tražimo mi ni srebra ni zlata od Šaula i njegova doma, niti nam je stalo da se pogubi koji čovjek u Izraelu." David će im nato: "Što reknete učinit ću za vas."

Druhá Samuelova 21:4
Odpověděli jemu Gabaonitští: Není nám o stříbro ani o zlato činiti s Saulem a domem jeho, ani o bezživotí někoho z Izraele. I řekl: Cožkoli díte, učiním vám.

2 Samuel 21:4
Gibeoniterne svarede: »Det er ikke Sølv eller Guld, der er os og Saul og hans Hus imellem, og vi har ikke Lov at dræbe nogen Mand i Israel!« Han sagde da: »Hvad I forlanger, vil jeg gøre for eder!«

2 Samuël 21:4
Toen zeiden de Gibeonieten tot hem: Het is ons niet te doen om zilver en goud met Saul en met zijn huis; ook is het ons niet om iemand te doden in Israel. En hij zeide: Wat zegt gij dan, dat ik u doen zal?

שמואל ב 21:4
וַיֹּ֧אמְרוּ לֹ֣ו הַגִּבְעֹנִ֗ים אֵֽין־ [לִי כ] (לָ֜נוּ ק) כֶּ֤סֶף וְזָהָב֙ עִם־שָׁא֣וּל וְעִם־בֵּיתֹ֔ו וְאֵֽין־לָ֥נוּ אִ֖ישׁ לְהָמִ֣ית בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַיֹּ֛אמֶר מָֽה־אַתֶּ֥ם אֹמְרִ֖ים אֶעֱשֶׂ֥ה לָכֶֽם׃

ד ויאמרו לו הגבענים אין לי (לנו) כסף וזהב עם שאול ועם ביתו ואין לנו איש להמית בישראל ויאמר מה אתם אמרים אעשה לכם

ויאמרו לו הגבענים אין־ [לי כ] (לנו ק) כסף וזהב עם־שאול ועם־ביתו ואין־לנו איש להמית בישראל ויאמר מה־אתם אמרים אעשה לכם׃

2 Sámuel 21:4
Felelének néki a Gibeoniták: Nincsen nékünk sem ezüstünk, sem aranyunk Saulnál és az õ házánál, és nem kell mi nékünk, hogy valaki megölettessék Izráelben. És monda: Valamit mondotok, megcselekszem veletek.

Samuel 2 21:4
La Gibeonanoj diris al li:Ni ne postulas argxenton aux oron de Saul kaj de lia domo; kaj ni ne volas, ke oni iun mortigu en Izrael. Kaj la regxo diris:Kion vi diros, tion mi faros por vi.

Niin vastasivat häntä Gibeonilaiset, ei ole meillä tekemistä hopiasta eli kullasta Saulin ja hänen huoneensa kanssa, eikä myös että joku surmattaisiin Israelista. Hän sanoi, mitä te tahdotte, että minä teille tekisin?

2 Samuel 21:4
Et les Gabaonites lui dirent: Il ne s'agit pas pour nous d'argent ou d'or à l'égard de Saül et de sa maison, ni qu'on fasse mourir personne en Israël. Et il dit: Ce que vous direz, je le ferai pour vous.

Les Gabaonites lui répondirent: Ce n'est pas pour nous une question d'argent et d'or avec Saül et avec sa maison, et ce n'est pas à nous qu'il appartient de faire mourir personne en Israël. Et le roi dit: Que voulez-vous donc que je fasse pour vous?

Et les Gabaonites lui répondirent : Nous n'avons à faire ni de l'or ni de l'argent de Saül et de sa maison, ni qu'on fasse mourir personne en Israël. Et [le Roi leur] dit : Que demandez-vous donc que je fasse pour vous?

2 Samuel 21:4
Die Gibeoniter sprachen zu ihm: Es ist uns nicht um Gold noch Silber zu tun an Saul und seinem Hause und ist uns nicht zu tun, um jemand zu töten in Israel. Er sprach: Was sprechet ihr denn, daß ich euch tun soll?

Die Gibeoniter sprachen zu ihm: Es ist uns nicht um Gold noch Silber zu tun an Saul und seinem Hause und steht uns nicht zu, jemand zu töten in Israel. Er sprach: Was sprecht ihr denn, daß ich euch tun soll?

Die Gibeoniten erwiderten ihm: Es handelt sich für uns gegenüber Saul und seinem Hause nicht um Silber oder Gold, und es steht uns nicht zu, irgend jemand in Israel zu töten. Er entgegnete: Was fordert ihr, daß ich euch thun soll?

2 Samuele 21:4
I Gabaoniti gli risposero: "Fra noi e Saul e la sua casa non è questione d’argento o d’oro; e non appartiene a noi il far morire alcuno in Israele". Il re disse: "Quel che voi direte io lo farò per voi".

Ed i Gabaoniti gli dissero: Noi non abbiam da fare con Saulle, nè con la sua casa, per argento, nè per oro; nè anche abbiam da fare di far morire alcuno in Israele. E il re disse loro: Che chiedete voi che io vi faccia?

2 SAMUEL 21:4
Maka sembah orang Gibeon kepada baginda: Bukannya patik sengajakan emas perak dari pada Saul atau dari pada orang isi istananya, lagipun tiada patik sengajakan matinya barang seorang dari pada orang Israel. Maka titah baginda: Barang yang hendak kamu katakan itu niscaya kuperbuat kamu kelak.

사무엘하 21:4
기브온 사람이 대답하되 `사울과 그 집과 우리 사이의 일은 은금에 있지 아니하오나 이스라엘 가운데서 사람을 죽이는 일은 우리에게 있지 아니하니이다' 왕이 가로되 `너희의 말하는 대로 시행하리라'

II Samuelis 21:4
dixeruntque ei Gabaonitae non est nobis super argento et auro quaestio contra Saul et contra domum eius neque volumus ut interficiatur homo de Israhel ad quos ait quid ergo vultis ut faciam vobis

Antroji Samuelio knyga 21:4
Gibeoniečiai jam atsakė: “Mes nereikalaujame nei sidabro, nei aukso iš Sauliaus ir jo namų ir dėl mūsų nieko nežudyk Izraelyje”. Dovydas sakė: “Kaip jūs pasakysite, taip padarysiu dėl jūsų”.

2 Samuel 21:4
Na ka mea nga Kipeoni ki a ia, Ehara i te koura i te hiriwa ranei te mea kei waenganui i a matou me Haora ratou ko tona whare; kahore hoki a matou mea ki tetahi tangata o Iharaira kia mate. Ano ra ko ia, Ka meatia e ahau ta koutou e ki mai ai.

2 Samuel 21:4
Gibeonittene svarte: Vi krever ikke sølv eller gull hos Saul og hans hus, og vi har ikke rett til å drepe nogen mann i Israel. Han sa: Hvad I krever, vil jeg gjøre for eder.

2 Samuel 21:4
Los gabaonitas le respondieron: No nos importa la plata ni el oro de Saúl o de su casa, ni nos corresponde dar muerte a ningún hombre en Israel. Y él dijo: Haré por vosotros lo que digáis.

Entonces los Gabaonitas le respondieron: "No nos importa la plata ni el oro de Saúl o de su casa, ni nos corresponde dar muerte a ningún hombre en Israel." "Haré por ustedes lo que digan," les dijo el rey.

Y los gabaonitas le respondieron: No tenemos nosotros querella sobre plata ni sobre oro con Saúl y con su casa; ni queremos que muera hombre de Israel. Y él les dijo: Haré por vosotros lo que digáis.

Y los Gabaonitas le respondieron: No tenemos nosotros querella sobre plata ni sobre oro con Saúl, y con su casa: ni queremos que muera hombre de Israel. Y él les dijo: Lo que vosotros dijereis os haré.

Y los gabaonitas le respondieron: No tenemos nosotros pleito sobre plata ni sobre oro con Saúl, y con su casa; ni queremos que muera hombre de Israel. Y él les dijo: Lo que vosotros dijereis os haré.

2 Samuel 21:4
Os gibeonitas responderam: “Não se trata de um caso de prata nem de ouro entre nós e Saul e a sua família. Tampouco é assunto que se resolva para nós por meio de um homem que deva ser morto em Israel!” Replicou-lhes Davi: “Eu vos compreendo. O que disserdes, eu vo-lo farei!”

Então os gibeonitas lhe disseram: Não é por prata nem ouro que temos questão com Saul e com a sua casa; nem tampouco cabe a nós matar pessoa alguma em Israel. Disse-lhes Davi: Que quereis que vos faça?   

2 Samuel 21:4
Gabaoniţii i-au răspuns: ,,Nu voim nici argint nici aur dela Saul şi dela casa lui, şi nici nu este treaba noastră să omorîm pe cineva din Israel.`` Şi împăratul a zis: ,,Ce voiţi dar să vă fac?``

2-я Царств 21:4
И сказали ему Гаваонитяне: не нужно нам ни серебра, ни золота от Саула, или от домаего, и не нужно нам, чтоб умертвили кого в Израиле. Он сказал: чего же вы хотите? я сделаю для вас.

И сказали ему Гаваонитяне: не нужно нам ни серебра, ни золота от Саула, или от дома его, и не нужно нам, чтоб умертвили кого в Израиле. Он сказал: чего же вы хотите? я сделаю для вас.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 21:4
Gibeoniterna svarade honom: »Vi fordra icke silver och guld av Saul och hans hus, ej heller hava vi rätt att döda någon man i Israel.» Han frågade: »Vad begären I då att jag skall göra för eder?»

2 Samuel 21:4
At sinabi ng mga Gabaonita sa kaniya, Hindi kabagayan ng pilak o ginto sa amin at kay Saul, o sa kaniyang sangbahayan; kahit sa amin ang pumatay ng sinomang tao sa Israel. At kaniyang sinabi, Ano ang inyong sasabihin, na aking gagawin sa inyo?

2 ซามูเอล 21:4
คนกิเบโอนทูลตอบพระองค์ว่า "พวกข้าพระองค์จะไม่รับเงินหรือทองจากซาอูลและวงศ์วานของท่านนั้น ทั้งพวกข้าพระองค์ไม่จำเป็นให้พระองค์ประหารชีวิตอิสราเอลคนหนึ่งคนใด" พระองค์จึงตรัสว่า "แล้วพวกท่านจะให้เรากระทำอะไรแก่ท่านเล่า"

2 Samuel 21:4
Givonlular ona şöyle karşılık verdi: ‹‹Saulla ailesinden ne altın ne de gümüş isteriz; İsrailde herhangi birini öldürmek de istemeyiz.›› Davut, ‹‹Ne isterseniz yaparım›› dedi.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 21:4
Dân Ga-ba-ôn tâu cùng vua rằng: Chúng tôi đối cùng Sau-lơ và nhà người chẳng đòi bạc hay vàng, chúng tôi cũng chẳng có phép giết người nào trong Y-sơ-ra-ên. Ða-vít tiếp: Vậy các ngươi muốn ta làm gì cho các ngươi?

2 Samuel 21:3
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