2 Samuel 21:16
2 Samuel 21:16
And Ishbi-Benob, one of the descendants of Rapha, whose bronze spearhead weighed three hundred shekels and who was armed with a new sword, said he would kill David.

Ishbi-benob was a descendant of the giants; his bronze spearhead weighed more than seven pounds, and he was armed with a new sword. He had cornered David and was about to kill him.

And Ishbi-benob, one of the descendants of the giants, whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of bronze, and who was armed with a new sword, thought to kill David.

Then Ishbi-benob, who was among the descendants of the giant, the weight of whose spear was three hundred shekels of bronze in weight, was girded with a new sword, and he intended to kill David.

And Ishbibenob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David.

Then Ishbi-benob, one of the descendants of the giant, whose bronze spear weighed about eight pounds and who wore new armor, intended to kill David.

and Ishbi-benob, who had been fathered by giants, said he intended to kill David. (His bronze spearhead weighed 300 shekels, and he carried state-of-the-art weaponry.)

Now Ishbi-Benob, one of the descendants of Rapha, had a spear that weighed three hundred bronze shekels, and he was armed with a new weapon. He had said that he would kill David.

A descendant of Haraphah named Benob, who had a bronze spear weighing 71/2 pounds which he wore on a new belt, captured David and intended to kill him.

And Ishbibenob, who was of the sons of the giant, and the weight of whose spear was three hundred shekels of brass in weight, was girded with a new sword and had determined to kill David.

And Ishbi-benob, who was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear was three hundred shekels of bronze in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to slay David.

And Ishbibenob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David.

and Ishbibenob, who was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear was three hundred'shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new'sword , thought to have slain David.

Jesbibenob, who was of the race of Arapha, the iron of whose spear weighed three hundred ounces, being girded with a new sword, attempted to kill David.

And Ishbibenob, who was of the children of Raphah the weight of his lance was three hundred shekels of bronze, and he was girded with new armour thought to smite David.

and Ishbi-benob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear was three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David.

And Ishbi-benob, who was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear was three hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new sword, thought to have slain David.

and Ishbibenob, who was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear was three hundred [shekels] of brass in weight, he being armed with a new [sword], thought to have slain David.

and Ishbi-Benob, who is among the children of the giant -- the weight of his spear is three hundred shekels weight of brass, and he is girded with a new one -- speaketh of smiting David,

2 i Samuelit 21:16
Ishbi-Benobi, një nga pasardhësit e gjigantëve që kishte një shtizë që peshonte treqind sikla bronzi dhe mbante në brez një shpatë të re, kishte ndër mend të vriste Davidin;

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 21:16
ويشبي بنوب الذي من اولاد رافا ووزن رمحه ثلاث مئة شاقل نحاس وقد تقلد جديدا افتكر ان يقتل داود.

Dyr Sämyheel B 21:16
Dyr Jischbi aus Nob, ayn Räfeitterris, gabilddt syr aft ein, er kännt önn Dafetn leicht abmurxn. Sein Brontznspieß wog fast vier Teger, und sein Schwert war ganz neu.

2 Царе 21:16
А Исви-венов, който беше от синовете на исполина, чието копие тежеше триста медни [сикли], и който беше опасан с нов [меч], се надяваше да убие Давида.

撒 母 耳 記 下 21:16
偉 人 的 一 個 兒 子 以 實 比 諾 要 殺 大 衛 ; 他 的 銅 槍 重 三 百 舍 客 勒 , 又 佩 著 新 刀 。

伟 人 的 一 个 儿 子 以 实 比 诺 要 杀 大 卫 ; 他 的 铜 枪 重 三 百 舍 客 勒 , 又 佩 着 新 刀 。



2 Samuel 21:16
Išibenob, jedan od Rafinih potomaka, čije je koplje bilo teško tri stotine mjedenih šekela i koji o pripasu imaše nov mač, hvastao se tada da će ubiti Davida.

Druhá Samuelova 21:16
Tedy Izbibenob, kterýž byl z synů jednoho obra, (jehož kopí hrot vážil tři sta lotů oceli, a měl připásaný k sobě meč nový), myslil zabiti Davida.

2 Samuel 21:16
Da fremstod Dod, som var af Rafaslægten, og hvis Spyd vejede 300 Sekel Kobber; han var iført en ny Rustning, og han havde i Sinde at slaa David ihjel.

2 Samuël 21:16
En Isbi Benob, die van de kinderen van Rafa was, en het gewicht zijner spies driehonderd gewicht kopers, en hij was aangegord met een nieuw zwaard; deze dacht David te slaan.

שמואל ב 21:16
[וְיִשְׁבֹּו כ] (וְיִשְׁבִּ֨י ק) בְּנֹ֜ב אֲשֶׁ֣ר ׀ בִּילִידֵ֣י הָרָפָ֗ה וּמִשְׁקַ֤ל קֵינֹו֙ שְׁלֹ֤שׁ מֵאֹות֙ מִשְׁקַ֣ל נְחֹ֔שֶׁת וְה֖וּא חָג֣וּר חֲדָשָׁ֑ה וַיֹּ֖אמֶר לְהַכֹּ֥ות אֶת־דָּוִֽד׃

טז וישבו (וישבי) בנב אשר בילידי הרפה ומשקל קינו שלש מאות משקל נחשת והוא חגור חדשה ויאמר להכות את דוד

[וישבו כ] (וישבי ק) בנב אשר ׀ בילידי הרפה ומשקל קינו שלש מאות משקל נחשת והוא חגור חדשה ויאמר להכות את־דוד׃

2 Sámuel 21:16
Akkor Jisbi Bénób, ki az óriások maradékából való vala (kinek kopjavasa háromszáz rézsiklust nyomott, és új hadi szerszámmal volt felövezve), elhatározá magában, hogy megöli Dávidot;

Samuel 2 21:16
Jisxbi-benob, el la infanoj de giganto, li, kies lanco havis la pezon de tricent sikloj da kupro, kaj kiu estis zonita per nova glavo, intencis mortigi Davidon.

Niin Jesbibenob, joka oli Raphan lapsia, jonka keihään ota painoi kolmesataa sikliä vaskea, ja jolla oli uudet sota-aseet, alkoi surmata Davidin.

2 Samuel 21:16
Et Jishbi-Benob, qui était des enfants du géant (le poids de sa lance était de trois cents sicles d'airain, et il était ceint d'une armure neuve), pensa frapper David.

Et Jischbi-Benob, l'un des enfants de Rapha, eut la pensée de tuer David; il avait une lance du poids de trois cents sicles d'airain, et il était ceint d'une épée neuve.

Et Jisbi-benob, qui était des enfants de Rapha, et qui avait une lance dont le fer pesait trois cents sicles d'airain, et qui était armé d'une nouvelle manière, avait résolu de frapper David.

2 Samuel 21:16
Und Jesbi zu Nob (welcher war der Kinder Raphas einer, und das Gewicht seines Speers war dreihundert Gewicht Erz und hatte neue Waffen), der gedachte David zu schlagen.

Und Jesbi zu Nob (welcher war der Kinder Raphas einer, und das Gewicht seines Speers war dreihundert Gewicht Erzes, und er hatte neue Waffen), der gedachte David zu schlagen.

einer von den Riesenkindern, dessen Speer 300 Sekel Erz wog, und der mit einem neuen Schwert umgürtet war, und gedachte David zu erschlagen.

2 Samuele 21:16
e Ishbi-Benob, uno dei discendenti di Rafa, che aveva una lancia del peso di trecento sicli di rame e portava un’armatura nuova, manifestò il proposito di uccidere Davide;

Isbibenob, ch’era de’ discendenti di Rafa il ferro della cui lancia era di peso di trecento sicli, ed era di rame, ed egli avea cinta una spada nuova, propose di percuotere Davide.

2 SAMUEL 21:16
Maka adalah di sana si Yisbi-Benob, dari pada bani Rafa, berat tumbaknya tiga ratus syikal tembaga dan iapun bersandangkan sebilah pedang yang baharu, maka ia berniat hendak membunuh Daud.

사무엘하 21:16
장대한 자의 아들 중에 삼백세겔 중 되는 놋창을 들고 새 칼을 찬 이스비브놉이 다윗을 죽이려 하므로

II Samuelis 21:16
Iesbidenob qui fuit de genere Arafa cuius ferrum hastae trecentas uncias adpendebat et accinctus erat ense novo nisus est percutere David

Antroji Samuelio knyga 21:16
Išbi Benobas, milžinų palikuonis, kurio ietis svėrė tris šimtus šekelių vario, dėvėjo naujus šarvus ir norėjo nukauti Dovydą.

2 Samuel 21:16
Na ko Ihipipenopo, no nga uri o Rapa, ko te taimaha o tana tao, e toru rau hekere parahi te taimaha, he mea hou te hoari, whitiki rawa ki a ia; ka mea ia kia patua a Rawiri.

2 Samuel 21:16
og Jisbo-Benob, som hørte til Rafas barn - han hadde en lanse som veide tre hundre sekel kobber, og han var omgjordet med et nytt sverd - han tenkte på å slå David ihjel.

2 Samuel 21:16
Entonces Isbi-benob, que era de los descendientes del gigante, y cuya lanza pesaba trescientos siclos de bronce, y que estaba ceñido con una espada nueva, trató de matar a David;

Entonces Isbi Benob, que era de los descendientes del gigante, y cuya lanza pesaba 300 siclos (3.4 kilos) de bronce, y que estaba ceñido con una espada nueva, trató de matar a David;

E Isbibenob, que era de los hijos del gigante, y cuya lanza pesaba trescientos siclos de bronce, y que estaba ceñido de una espada nueva, trató de matar a David;

En esto Isbi-benob, el cual era de los hijos del gigante, y el peso de cuya lanza era de trescientos siclos de metal, y tenía él ceñida una nueva espada, trató de herir á David:

E Isbi-benob, el cual era de los hijos del gigante, y el peso de cuya lanza era de trescientos siclos de bronce, y tenía él ceñida una nueva espada , este había determinado de herir a David.

2 Samuel 21:16
Ora, havia um grande guerreiro, conhecido como Ishbi, de Nov, Isbi-Benobe, um dos descendentes dos gigantes de Rafa, que prometera matar Davi. A ponta de bronze da lança de Isbi-Benobe pesava cerca de quatro quilos, e, além disso, ele estava armado com uma grande espada nova.

E Isbi-Benobe, que era dos filhos do gigante, cuja lança tinha o peso de trezentos, siclos de bronze, e que cingia uma espada nova, intentou matar Davi.   

2 Samuel 21:16
Şi Işbi-Benob, unul din copiii lui Rafa, a voit să omoare pe David; avea o suliţă în greutate de trei sute de sicli de aramă, şi era încins cu o sabie nouă.

2-я Царств 21:16
Тогда Иесвий, один из потомков Рефаимов, у которого копье было весом в триста сиклеймеди и который опоясан был новым мечом, хотел поразить Давида.

Тогда Иесвий, один из потомков Рефаимов, у которого копье было весом в триста сиклей меди и который опоясан был новым мечом, хотел поразить Давида.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 21:16
och Jisbo-Benob, en av rafaéernas avkomlingar, vilkens lans vägde tre hundra siklar koppar, och som var iklädd en ny rustning, tänkte då döda David.

2 Samuel 21:16
At si Isbi-benob, na sa mga anak ng higante; na ang bigat ng sibat niya ay tatlong daang siklong tanso, na palibhasa'y nabibigkisan ng bagong tabak ay nagmunukalang patayin si David.

2 ซามูเอล 21:16
อิชบีเบโนบ บุตรชายคนหนึ่งของคนยักษ์ ถือหอกทองสัมฤทธิ์หนักสามร้อยเชเขล มีดาบใหม่คาดเอว คิดจะสังหารดาวิดเสีย

2 Samuel 21:16
Ucu üç yüz şekelfö ağırlığında bir tunç mızrak taşıyan ve yeni kılıç kuşanan Rafaoğullarından Filistli Yişbi-Benov Davutu öldürmeyi amaçlıyordu. Ama Seruya oğlu Avişay Davutun yardımına koştu; saldırıp onu öldürdü. Bundan sonra Davutun adamları ant içerek, Davuta, ‹‹İsrailin ışığını söndürmemek için bir daha bizimle birlikte savaşa gelmeyeceksin›› dediler.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 21:16
Bấy giờ, Ít-bi-Bê-nốp, con cháu của Ra-pha có một cây lao nặng ba trăm siếc-lơ đồng và đeo gươm mới, toan đánh giết Ða-vít.

2 Samuel 21:15
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