2 Samuel 19:22
2 Samuel 19:22
David replied, "What does this have to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? What right do you have to interfere? Should anyone be put to death in Israel today? Don't I know that today I am king over Israel?"

"Who asked your opinion, you sons of Zeruiah!" David exclaimed. "Why have you become my adversary today? This is not a day for execution but for celebration! Today I am once again the king of Israel!"

But David said, “What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah, that you should this day be as an adversary to me? Shall anyone be put to death in Israel this day? For do I not know that I am this day king over Israel?”

David then said, "What have I to do with you, O sons of Zeruiah, that you should this day be an adversary to me? Should any man be put to death in Israel today? For do I not know that I am king over Israel today?"

And David said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be adversaries unto me? shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel?

David answered, "Sons of Zeruiah, do we agree on anything? Have you become my adversary today? Should any man be killed in Israel today? Am I not aware that today I'm king over Israel?"

David replied, "What do you sons of Zeruiah have in common with me? You've become my enemies today! Should anyone be executed in Israel today? Don't you know that I've been reinstated as king over Israel today?"

But David said, "What do we have in common, you sons of Zeruiah? You are like my enemy today! Should anyone be put to death in Israel today? Don't you realize that today I am king over Israel?"

David responded, "Are you sure we're from the same family, sons of Zeruiah? You are my enemies today. Should anyone in Israel be killed today? Don't I know that I'm king of Israel again?"

Then David said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be adversaries unto me? Shall anyone be put to death today in Israel? Do I not know that I am this day king over Israel?

And David said, What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah, that you should this day be adversaries unto me? shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel?

And David said, What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah, that you should this day be adversaries to me? shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel?

And David said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be adversaries unto me? shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel?

And David said: What have I to do with you, ye sons of Sarvia? why are you a satan this day to me? shall there any man be killed this day in Israel? do not I know that this day I am made king over Israel?

And David said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be adversaries to me? Should there any man be put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel?

And David said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be adversaries unto me? shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel?

And David said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be adversaries to me? shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel?

David said, "What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah, that you should this day be adversaries to me? Shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel? For don't I know that I am this day king over Israel?"

And David saith, 'What -- to me and to you, O sons of Zeruiah, that ye are to me to-day for an adversary? to-day is any man put to death in Israel? for have I not known that to-day I am king over Israel?'

2 i Samuelit 19:22
Davidi tha: "Ç'marrëdhënie kam unë me ju, bijtë e Tserujahut, që sot u treguat kundërshtarë të mi? A mund ta dënosh sot me vdekje dikë në Izrael? A nuk e di, vallë që sot jam mbret i Izraelit?".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 19:22
فقال داود ما لي ولكم يا بني صروية حتى تكونوا لي اليوم مقاومين. آليوم يقتل احد في اسرائيل. أفما علمت اني اليوم ملك على اسرائيل.

Dyr Sämyheel B 19:22
Dyr Dafet aber wis n zrecht: "Was spiltß n enk ös daa yso auf, ös Zeruiysün? Wenntß myr yso kemmtß, ist s aus zwischn üns! I werd heint z Isryheel öbbern umbringen, wo i doch ietz wider als Künig von Isryheel föst eyn n Satl sitz!?"

2 Царе 19:22
А Давид рече: Какво има между мен и вас, Саруини синове, та да ми ставате днес противници? Бива ли да бъде убит днес човек в Израиля? защото не зная ли, че аз съм днес цар над Израиля?

撒 母 耳 記 下 19:22
大 衛 說 : 洗 魯 雅 的 兒 子 , 我 與 你 們 有 何 關 涉 , 使 你 們 今 日 與 我 反 對 呢 ? 今 日 在 以 色 列 中 豈 可 治 死 人 呢 ? 我 豈 不 知 今 日 我 作 以 色 列 的 王 麼 ?

大 卫 说 : 洗 鲁 雅 的 儿 子 , 我 与 你 们 有 何 关 涉 , 使 你 们 今 日 与 我 反 对 呢 ? 今 日 在 以 色 列 中 岂 可 治 死 人 呢 ? 我 岂 不 知 今 日 我 作 以 色 列 的 王 麽 ?



2 Samuel 19:22
A David odgovori: "Što ja imam s vama, Sarvijini sinovi, te me danas uvodite u napast? Zar bi danas mogao tko biti pogubljen u Izraelu? TÓa sada znam da sam danas opet kralj nad Izraelom."

Druhá Samuelova 19:22
Ale David řekl: Co vám do toho, synové Sarvie, že jste mi dnes odporní? Dnes-liž má zabit býti někdo v Izraeli? Nebo zdaliž nevím, že dnes jsem králem nad Izraelem.

2 Samuel 19:22
Men David svarede: »Hvad er der mig og eder imellem, I Zerujasønner, at I vil være mine Modstandere i Dag? Skulde nogen i Israel lide Døden i Dag? Ved jeg da ikke, at jeg nu er Konge over Israel?«

2 Samuël 19:22
Maar David zeide: Wat heb ik met ulieden te doen, gij zonen van Zeruja! Dat gij mij heden ten satan zoudt zijn? Zou heden iemand gedood worden in Israel? Want weet ik niet, dat ik heden koning geworden ben over Israel?

שמואל ב 19:22
וַיֹּ֣אמֶר דָּוִ֗ד מַה־לִּ֤י וְלָכֶם֙ בְּנֵ֣י צְרוּיָ֔ה כִּי־תִֽהְיוּ־לִ֥י הַיֹּ֖ום לְשָׂטָ֑ן הַיֹּ֗ום י֤וּמַת אִישׁ֙ בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל כִּ֚י הֲלֹ֣וא יָדַ֔עְתִּי כִּ֥י הַיֹּ֖ום אֲנִי־מֶ֥לֶךְ עַל־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

כג ויאמר דוד מה לי ולכם בני צרויה--כי תהיו לי היום לשטן היום יומת איש בישראל--כי הלוא ידעתי כי היום אני מלך על ישראל

ויאמר דוד מה־לי ולכם בני צרויה כי־תהיו־לי היום לשטן היום יומת איש בישראל כי הלוא ידעתי כי היום אני־מלך על־ישראל׃

2 Sámuel 19:22
Monda pedig Dávid: Mi közöm van veletek, Sérujának fiai, hogy ellenkezni akartok velem ma? Ma kellene-é embert ölni Izráelben? Mintha nem tudnám, hogy ma lettem [újonnan] Izráel királya.

Samuel 2 19:22
Sed David diris:Kiel tio koncernas min kaj vin, filoj de Ceruja, ke vi hodiaux malhelpas min? cxu hodiaux oni povas iun mortigi en Izrael? cxu mi ne scias, ke mi nun estas regxo super Izrael?

Ja David vastasi: mitä minun on teidän kanssanne, te ZeruJan pojat, että tahdotte tänäpänä minulle tulla saatanaksi? Pitäiskö jonkun tänäpänä kuoleman Israelista? Luuletteko, etten minä tiedä tänäpänä itseni tulleeksi kuininkaaksi Israelissa?

2 Samuel 19:22
Et David dit: Qu'ai-je à faire avec vous, fils de Tseruïa? car vous êtes aujourd'hui des adversaires pour moi. Ferait-on mourir aujourd'hui un homme en Israël? car ne sais-je pas que je suis aujourd'hui roi sur Israël?

Mais David dit: Qu'ai-je affaire avec vous, fils de Tseruja, et pourquoi vous montrez-vous aujourd'hui mes adversaires? Aujourd'hui ferait-on mourir un homme en Israël? Ne sais-je donc pas que je règne aujourd'hui sur Israël?

Et David dit : Qu'ai-je à faire avec vous, fils de Tséruja? car vous m'êtes aujourd'hui des adversaires. Ferait-on mourir aujourd'hui quelqu'un en Israël? car ne connais-je pas bien qu'aujourd'hui je suis fait Roi sur Israël?

2 Samuel 19:22
David aber sprach: Was habe ich mit euch zu schaffen, ihr Kinder Zerujas, daß ihr mir heute wollt zum Satan werden? Sollte heute jemand sterben in Israel? Meinest du, ich wisse nicht, daß ich heute ein König bin worden über Israel?

(-) David aber sprach: Was habe ich mit euch zu schaffen, ihr Kinder der Zeruja, daß ihr mir heute wollt zum Satan werden? Sollte heute jemand sterben in Israel? Meinst du, ich wisse nicht, daß ich heute bin König geworden über Israel?

David erwiderte jedoch: Was habe ich mit euch zu thun, ihr Zerujasöhne, daß ihr mir heute zum Versucher werdet? Sollte heute in Israel jemand ums Leben kommen? Weiß ich doch nun, daß ich jetzt König über Israel bin.

2 Samuele 19:22
E Davide disse: "Che ho io da fare con voi, o figliuoli di Tseruia, che vi mostrate oggi miei avversari? Si farebb’egli morir oggi qualcuno in Israele? Non so io dunque che oggi divento re d’Israele?"

E Davide disse: Che ho io da far con voi, figliuoli di Seruia, che oggi mi siate in luogo di Satana? Farebbesi oggi morire alcuno in Israele? perciocchè non conosco io che oggi son re sopra Israele?

2 SAMUEL 19:22
Tetapi titah Daud: Apakah kerjaku dengan kamu, hai anak-anak Zeruya! maka pada hari ini kamu menjadi pahlawan akan daku? Masakan pada hari ini ada orang dibunuh di antara orang Israel, karena masakan tiada aku tahu, bahwa pada hari ini aku menjadi raja atas segala orang Israel!

사무엘하 19:22
다윗이 가로되 `스루야의 아들들아 내가 너희와 무슨 상관이 있기로 너희가 오늘 나의 대적이 되느냐 오늘 어찌하여 이스라엘 가운데서 사람을 죽이겠느냐 내가 오늘날 이스라엘의 왕이 된 것을 내가 알지 못하리요' 하고

II Samuelis 19:22
et ait David quid mihi et vobis filii Sarviae cur efficimini mihi hodie in Satan ergone hodie interficietur vir in Israhel an ignoro hodie me factum regem super Israhel

Antroji Samuelio knyga 19:22
Dovydas atsakė: “Kas man ir jums, Cerujos sūnūs, kad jūs šiandien man prieštaraujate. Ar šiandien reikėtų ką nors bausti mirtimi Izraelyje? Juk aš šiandien žinau, kad esu Izraelio karalius”.

2 Samuel 19:22
Ano ra ko Rawiri, Hei aha maku ta korua, e nga tama a Teruia, i mea ai korua ki te totohe ki ahau i tenei ra? kia mate koia he tangata i roto i a Iharaira i tenei ra? kahore ianei ahau e mohio ko ahau te kingi o Iharaira i tenei ra?

2 Samuel 19:22
Da sa David: Hvad har jeg med eder å gjøre, I Serujas sønner, at I idag skulde bli mine motstandere? Skulde nogen mann i Israel late livet idag? Jeg vet jo at jeg idag er blitt konge over Israel.

2 Samuel 19:22
Entonces David dijo: ¿Qué tengo yo que ver con vosotros, hijos de Sarvia, para que en este día me seáis adversarios? ¿Ha de morir hoy hombre alguno en Israel? ¿Acaso no sé que hoy soy rey sobre Israel?

Entonces David dijo: "¿Qué tengo yo que ver con ustedes, hijos de Sarvia, para que en este día me sean adversarios? ¿Ha de morir hoy hombre alguno en Israel? ¿Acaso no sé que hoy soy rey sobre Israel?"

David entonces dijo: ¿Qué tengo yo con vosotros, hijos de Sarvia, para que hoy me seáis adversarios? ¿Ha de morir hoy alguno en Israel? ¿No conozco yo que hoy soy rey sobre Israel?

David entonces dijo: ¿Qué tenéis vosotros conmigo, hijos de Sarvia, que me habéis de ser hoy adversarios? ¿ha de morir hoy alguno en Israel? ¿no conozco yo que hoy soy rey sobre Israel?

David entonces dijo: ¿Qué tenéis vosotros conmigo, hijos de Sarvia, que me habéis de ser hoy adversarios? ¿Ha de morir hoy alguno en Israel? ¿No conozco yo que hoy soy rey sobre Israel?

2 Samuel 19:22
Contudo, Davi advertiu: “Que tenho eu convosco, filhos de Zeruia, para que hoje sejais meus adversários? Deveria neste dia de glória morrer alguém em Israel? Ou não tenho eu plena garantia de que voltei a reinar sobre todo o Israel?

Mas Davi disse: Que tenho eu convosco, filhos de Zeruia, para que hoje me sejais adversários? Será morto alguém hoje em Israel? pois não sei eu que hoje sou rei sobre Israel?   

2 Samuel 19:22
Dar David a zis: ,,Ce am eu cu voi, fiii Ţeruiei, şi pentruce vă arătaţi astăzi protivnicii mei? Astăzi să se omoare oare vreun om în Israel? Nu ştiu eu că împărăţesc azi peste Israel?``

2-я Царств 19:22
И сказал Давид: что мне и вам, сыны Саруины, что вы делаетесь ныне мне наветниками? Ныне ли умерщвлять кого-либо в Израиле? Не вижу ли я, что ныне я – царь над Израилем?

И сказал Давид: что мне и вам, сыны Саруины, что вы делаетесь ныне мне наветниками? Ныне ли умерщвлять кого-либо в Израиле? Не вижу ли я, что ныне я--царь над Израилем?[]

2 Samuelsbokem 19:22
Men David svarade: »Vad haven I med mig att göra, I Serujas söner, eftersom I i dag ären mig till hinders? Skulle väl i dag någon dödas i Israel? Vet jag då icke att jag i dag har blivit konung över Israel?»

2 Samuel 19:22
At sinabi ni David, Ano ang ipakikialam ko sa inyo, mga anak ni Sarvia, na kayo'y magiging mga kaaway ko sa araw na ito? may sinoman bang papatayin sa araw na ito sa Israel? sapagka't di ko ba talastas na ako'y hari sa araw na ito sa Israel?

2 ซามูเอล 19:22
แต่ดาวิดตรัสว่า "บุตรทั้งสองของนางเศรุยาห์เอ๋ย เรามีธุระอะไรกับท่าน ซึ่งในวันนี้ท่านจะมาเป็นปฏิปักษ์กับเรา ในวันนี้น่ะควรที่จะให้ใครมีโทษถึงตายในอิสราเอลหรือ ในวันนี้เราไม่ทราบดอกหรือว่า เราเป็นกษัตริย์ครอบครองอิสราเอล"

2 Samuel 19:22
Davut, ‹‹Ey Seruya oğulları, bu sizin işiniz değil!›› dedi, ‹‹Bugün bana düşman oldunuz. İsrailde bugün bir tek kişi öldürülmeyecek! İsrailin Kralı olduğumu bilmiyor muyum?››[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 19:22
Nhưng Ða-vít đáp cùng người rằng: Hãy các con trai Xê-ru-gia, ta có can hệ chi với các ngươi chăng, mà ngày nay các ngươi ở với ta khác nào kẻ cừu địch? Trong một ngày như vậy, người ta há có thể sai giết một người trong Y-sơ-ra-ên ư? Ngày nay có lẽ nào ta không hiểu rằng ta là vua của Y-sơ-ra-ên sao?

2 Samuel 19:21
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