2 Kings 18:26
2 Kings 18:26
Then Eliakim son of Hilkiah, and Shebna and Joah said to the field commander, "Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, since we understand it. Don't speak to us in Hebrew in the hearing of the people on the wall."

Then Eliakim son of Hilkiah, Shebna, and Joah said to the Assyrian chief of staff, "Please speak to us in Aramaic, for we understand it well. Don't speak in Hebrew, for the people on the wall will hear."

Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebnah, and Joah, said to the Rabshakeh, “Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, for we understand it. Do not speak to us in the language of Judah within the hearing of the people who are on the wall.”

Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebnah and Joah, said to Rabshakeh, "Speak now to your servants in Aramaic, for we understand it; and do not speak with us in Judean in the hearing of the people who are on the wall."

Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebna, and Joah, unto Rabshakeh, Speak, I pray thee, to thy servants in the Syrian language; for we understand it: and talk not with us in the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall.

Then Eliakim son of Hilkiah, Shebnah, and Joah said to the Rabshakeh, "Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, since we understand it. Don't speak with us in Hebrew within earshot of the people on the wall."

At this, Hilkiah's son Eliakim, Shebnah, and Joah asked Rab-shakeh, "Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, because we understand it, but don't speak the language of Judah to us within the hearing of the people who are on the wall."

Eliakim son of Hilkiah, Shebna, and Joah said to the chief adviser, "Speak to your servants in Aramaic, for we understand it. Don't speak with us in the Judahite dialect in the hearing of the people who are on the wall."

Then Eliakim (son of Hilkiah), Shebnah, and Joah said to the field commander, "Speak to us in Aramaic, since we understand it. Don't speak to us in the Judean language as long as there are people on the wall listening."

Then said Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, and Shebna and Joah unto Rabshakeh, Speak, I pray thee, to thy slaves in the Syrian language, for we understand it, and do not talk with us in the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall.

Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebna, and Joah, unto Rab-shakeh, Speak, I pray you, to your servants in the Aramaic language; for we understand it: and talk not with us in the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall.

Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebna, and Joah, to Rabshakeh, Speak, I pray you, to your servants in the Syrian language; for we understand it: and talk not with us in the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall.

Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebnah, and Joah, unto Rabshakeh, Speak, I pray thee, to thy servants in the Syrian language; for we understand it: and speak not with us in the Jews language, in the ears of the people that are on the wall.

Then Eliacim the son of Helcias, and Sobna, and Joahe said to Rabsaces: We pray thee speak to us thy servants in Syriac: for we understand that tongue: and speak not to us in the Jews' language, in the hearing of the people that are upon the wall.

And Eliakim the son of Hilkijah, and Shebnah and Joah said to Rab-shakeh, Speak, we pray thee, to thy servants in Syriac, for we understand it, and talk not with us in the Jewish language in the ears of the people that are on the wall.

Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebnah, and Joah, unto Rabshakeh, Speak, I pray thee, to thy servants in the Syrian language; for we understand it: and speak not with us in the Jews' language, in the ears of the people that are on the wall.

Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebna and Joah, to Rab-shakeh, Speak, I pray thee, to thy servants in the Syrian language; for we understand it: and talk not with us in the Jews language in the ears of the people that are on the wall.

Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebnah, and Joah, said to Rabshakeh, "Please speak to your servants in the Syrian language; for we understand it. Don't speak with us in the Jews' language, in the hearing of the people who are on the wall."

And Eliakim son of Hilkiah saith -- and Shebna, and Joah -- to the chief of the butlers, 'Speak, we pray thee, unto thy servants in Aramaean, for we are understanding, and do not speak with us in Jewish, in the ears of the people who are on the wall.'

2 i Mbretërve 18:26
Atëherë Eliakimi, bir i Hilkiahut, Shebna dhe Joashi i thanë Rabshakehut: "Të lutem, folu shërbëtorëve të tu në gjuhën aramaike, se ne e kuptojmë; por mos na fol në gjuhën hebraike, sepse populli që është mbi muret dëgjon".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 18:26
فقال الياقيم بن حلقيا وشبنة ويواخ لربشاقى كلم عبيدك بالارامي لاننا نفهمه ولا تكلمنا باليهودي في مسامع الشعب الذين على السور.

De Künig B 18:26
Daa gabittnd dyr Eljykim Hilkiesnsun, Schebnen und Joch önn Trucksaetzn: "Gee, röd halt ärmauisch mit üns; mir versteend s schoon! Mueß y diend nit glei dös gantze Hör eyn dyr Mauer obn allss mitkriegn, wenntß ös judauisch rödtß."

4 Царе 18:26
Тогава Елиаким, Хелкиевият син, Шевна и Иоах рекоха на Рапсака: Говори, молим, на слугите си на сирийски, защото го разбираме; недей ни говори на юдейски, та да чуят людете, които са на стената.

列 王 紀 下 18:26
希 勒 家 的 兒 子 以 利 亞 敬 和 舍 伯 那 , 並 約 亞 , 對 拉 伯 沙 基 說 : 求 你 用 亞 蘭 言 語 和 僕 人 說 話 , 因 為 我 們 懂 得 ; 不 要 用 猶 大 言 語 和 我 們 說 話 , 達 到 城 上 百 姓 的 耳 中 。

希 勒 家 的 儿 子 以 利 亚 敬 和 舍 伯 那 , 并 约 亚 , 对 拉 伯 沙 基 说 : 求 你 用 亚 兰 言 语 和 仆 人 说 话 , 因 为 我 们 懂 得 ; 不 要 用 犹 大 言 语 和 我 们 说 话 , 达 到 城 上 百 姓 的 耳 中 。



2 Kings 18:26
Elijakim, Šebna i Joah rekoše velikom peharniku: "Molimo te, govori svojim slugama aramejski, jer mi razumijemo; ne govori s nama judejski da čuje narod koji je na zidinama!"

Druhá Královská 18:26
I řekl Eliakim syn Helkiášův a Sobna a Joach Rabsacovi: Mluv medle k služebníkům svým Syrsky, však rozumíme, a nemluv k nám Židovsky před lidem tímto, kterýž jest na zdech.

Anden Kongebog 18:26
Men Eljakim, Hilkijas Søn, Sjebna og Joa sagde til Rabsjake: »Tal dog Aramaisk til dine Trælle, det forstaar vi godt; tal ikke Judæisk til os, medens Folkene paa Muren hører paa det!«

2 Koningen 18:26
Toen zeide Eljakim, de zoon van Hilkia, en Sebna, en Joah tot Rabsake: Spreek toch tot uw knechten in het Syrisch, want wij verstaan het wel; en spreek met ons niet in het Joods, voor de oren des volks, dat op den muur is.

מלכים ב 18:26
וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֶלְיָקִ֣ים בֶּן־חִ֠לְקִיָּהוּ וְשֶׁבְנָ֨ה וְיֹואָ֜ח אֶל־רַב־שָׁקֵ֗ה דַּבֶּר־נָ֤א אֶל־עֲבָדֶ֙יךָ֙ אֲרָמִ֔ית כִּ֥י שֹׁמְעִ֖ים אֲנָ֑חְנוּ וְאַל־תְּדַבֵּ֤ר עִמָּ֙נוּ֙ יְהוּדִ֔ית בְּאָזְנֵ֣י הָעָ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־הַחֹמָֽה׃

כו ויאמר אליקים בן חלקיהו ושבנה ויואח אל רבשקה דבר נא אל עבדיך ארמית--כי שמעים אנחנו ואל תדבר עמנו יהודית באזני העם אשר על החמה

ויאמר אליקים בן־חלקיהו ושבנה ויואח אל־רב־שקה דבר־נא אל־עבדיך ארמית כי שמעים אנחנו ואל־תדבר עמנו יהודית באזני העם אשר על־החמה׃

2 Királyok 18:26
És monda Eliákim, a Hilkia fia, és Sebna és Joákh Rabsakénak: Beszélj, kérlek, a te szolgáiddal siriai nyelven, mert jól értjük; és ne beszélj velünk zsidóul e nép füle hallatára, a mely a kõfalon van.

Reĝoj 2 18:26
Tiam Eljakim, filo de HXilkija, kaj SXebna kaj Joahx diris al Rabsxake:Volu paroli al viaj sklavoj en la lingvo Siria, cxar ni komprenas; sed ne parolu kun ni Jude antaux la oreloj de la popolo, kiu estas sur la murego.

Niin sanoi Eliakim Hilkian poika, ja Sebna ja Joa Rabsakelle: puhu palveliais kanssa Syrian kielellä, sillä me ymmärrämme sen, ja älä puhu meidän kanssamme Juudan kielellä, kansan kuullen, jotka muurin päällä ovat.

2 Rois 18:26
Et Éliakim, fils de Hilkija, et Shebna, et Joakh, dirent à Rab-Shaké: Parle, nous te prions, à tes serviteurs en syriaque, car nous le comprenons, et ne nous parle pas en langue judaïque, aux oreilles du peuple qui est sur la muraille.

Eliakim, fils de Hilkija, Schebna et Joach, dirent à Rabschaké: Parle à tes serviteurs en araméen, car nous le comprenons; et ne nous parle pas en langue judaïque, aux oreilles du peuple qui est sur la muraille.

Alors Eliakim fils de Hilkija, et Sebna, et Joach dirent à Rab-saké : Nous te prions de parler en Langue Syriaque à tes serviteurs, car nous l'entendons; et ne nous parle point en Langue Judaïque, le peuple qui est sur la muraille l'écoutant.

2 Koenige 18:26
Da sprach Eliakim, der Sohn Hilkias, und Sebena und Joah zum Erzschenken: Rede mit deinen Knechten auf syrisch, denn wir verstehen es; und rede nicht mit uns auf jüdisch vor den Ohren des Volks, das auf der Mauer ist.

Da sprach Eljakim, der Sohn Hilkias und Sebna und Joah zum Erzschenken: Rede mit deinen Knechten auf syrisch, denn deine Knechte verstehen es; und rede nicht mit uns auf jüdisch vor den Ohren des Volks, das auf der Mauer ist.

Da sprachen Eljakim, der Sohn Hilkias, und Sebna und Joah zum Rabsake: Rede doch mit deinen Knechten aramäisch, denn wir verstehen es; und rede nicht auf judäisch mit uns vor den Ohren der Leute, die auf der Mauer stehen.

2 Re 18:26
Allora Eliakim, figliuolo di Hilkia, Scebna e Joah dissero a Rabshaké: "Ti prego, parla ai tuoi servi in aramaico, perché noi lo intendiamo; e non ci parlare in lingua giudaica, in guisa che la gente che sta sulle mura oda".

Allora Eliachim, figliuolo di Hilchia, e Sebna, e Ioa, dissero a Rabsache: Deh! parla a’ tuoi servitori in lingua siriaca, perciocchè noi l’intendiamo; e non parlar con noi in lingua giudaica, udente il popolo ch’è sopra le mura.

2 RAJA-RAJA 18:26
Maka kata Elyakim bin Hilkia dan Sibna dan Yoah bin Rabsaki: Hendaklah kiranya tuan berkata-kata kepada hamba ini dengan bahasa Arami, karena hamba mengerti juga bahasa itu; jangan apalah tuan berkata-kata kepada hamba dengan bahasa Yahudi, kepada pendengaran orang banyak yang di atas dewala ini.

열왕기하 18:26
힐기야의 아들 엘리야김과 셉나와 요아가 랍사게에게 이르되 우리가 알아듣겠사오니 청컨대 아람 방언으로 당신의 종들에게 말씀하시고 성 위에 있는 백성의 듣는데 유다 방언으로 우리에게 말씀하지 마옵소서

II Regum 18:26
dixerunt autem Eliachim filius Helciae et Sobna et Ioahe Rabsaci precamur ut loquaris nobis servis tuis syriace siquidem intellegimus hanc linguam et non loquaris nobis iudaice audiente populo qui est super murum

Antroji Karaliø knyga 18:26
Tuomet Hilkijo sūnus Eljakimas, Joahas ir Šebna tarė Rabšakei: “Kalbėk su savo tarnais aramėjiškai, mes suprantame; nekalbėk su mumis žydiškai, girdint žmonėms ant sienų”.

2 Kings 18:26
Katahi ka mea a Eriakimi tama a Hirikia ratou ko Hepena, ko Ioaha, ki a Rapahake, Korero koa ki au pononga i te reo Hiriani; e matau ana hoki matou ki tena reo; kaua e korero mai ki a matou i te reo Hurai i te mea e whakarongo ana te iwi i runga i te taiepa.

2 Kongebok 18:26
Da sa Eljakim, Hilkias' sønn, og Sebna og Joah til Rabsake: Tal til dine tjenere på syrisk, for vi forstår det sprog, og tal ikke til oss på jødisk, så folket som står på muren, hører det!

2 Reyes 18:26
Entonces Eliaquim, hijo de Hilcías, Sebna y Joa dijeron al Rabsaces: Te rogamos que hables a tus siervos en arameo, porque nosotros lo entendemos, y no nos hables en la lengua de Judá a oídos del pueblo que está sobre la muralla.

Entonces Eliaquim, hijo de Hilcías, Sebna y Joa dijeron al Rabsaces: "Le rogamos que hable a sus siervos en Arameo, porque nosotros lo entendemos, y no nos hable en la lengua de Judá a oídos del pueblo que está sobre la muralla."

Entonces dijo Eliaquim hijo de Hilcías, y Sebna y Joah, al Rabsaces: Te ruego que hables a tus siervos en arameo, porque nosotros lo entendemos, y no hables con nosotros en lengua judaica a oídos del pueblo que está sobre el muro.

Entonces dijo Eliacim hijo de Hilcías, y Sebna y Joah, á Rabsaces: Ruégote que hables á tus siervos siriaco, porque nosotros lo entendemos, y no hables con nosotros judaico á oídos del pueblo que está sobre el muro.

Entonces dijo Eliacim hijo de Hilcías, y Sebna y Joa, a Rabsaces: Te ruego que hables a tus siervos siriaco, porque nosotros lo entendemos, y no hables con nosotros judaico a oídos del pueblo que está sobre el muro.

2 Reis 18:26
Então, Eliaquim, filho de Hilquias, e Sebna, e Joá responderam a Rabsaqué: “Rogamos-te que fales aos teus servos em aramaico, porquanto podemos também compreender essa língua. Não fales em hebraico, pois se assim o fizeres todas as pessoas que estão sobre os muros ficarão sabendo o que dizes!”1

Então disseram Eliaquim, filho de Hilquias, e Sebna, e Joá, a Rabsaqué: Rogamos-te que fales aos teus servos em aramaico, porque bem o entendemos; e não nos fales na língua judaica, aos ouvidos do povo que está em cima do muro.   

2 Imparati 18:26
Eliachim, fiul, lui Hilchia, Şebna şi Ioah, au zis lui Rabşache: ,,Vorbeşte robilor tăi în limba aramaică, fiindcă o înţelegem; nu ne vorbi în limba iudaică, în auzul poporului de pe zid.``

4-я Царств 18:26
И сказал Елиаким, сын Хелкиин, и Севна и Иоах Рабсаку: говори рабам твоим по-арамейски, потому что понимаем мы, а не говори с нами по-иудейски вслух народа, который на стене.

И сказал Елиаким, сын Хелкиин, и Севна и Иоах Рабсаку: говори рабам твоим по-арамейски, потому что понимаем мы, а не говори с нами по-иудейски вслух народа, который на стене.[]

2 Kungaboken 18:26
Då sade Eljakim, Hilkias son, och Sebna och Joa till Rab-Sake: »Tala till dina tjänare på arameiska, ty vi förstå det språket, och tala icke med oss på judiska inför folket som står på muren.»

2 Kings 18:26
Nang magkagayo'y sinabi ni Eliacim na anak ni Hilcias, at si Sebna, at ni Joah, kay Rabsaces. Isinasamo ko sa iyo na magsalita ka sa iyong mga lingkod ng wikang Siria; sapagka't aming naiintindihan yaon; at huwag kang magsalita sa amin ng wikang Judio, sa mga pakinig ng bayan na nasa kuta.

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 18:26
แล้วเอลียาคิมบุตรชายฮิลคียาห์และเชบนาห์และโยอาห์ เรียนรับชาเคห์ว่า "ขอทีเถอะ ขอพูดกับผู้รับใช้ของท่านเป็นภาษาอารัมเถิด เพราะเราเข้าใจภาษานั้น ขออย่าพูดกับเราเป็นภาษาฮีบรูให้ประชาชนผู้อยู่บนกำแพงนั้นได้ยินเลย"

2 Krallar 18:26
Hilkiya oğlu Elyakim, Şevna ve Yoah, ‹‹Lütfen biz kullarınla Aramice konuş›› diye karşılık verdiler, ‹‹Çünkü biz bu dili anlarız. Yahudi dilinde konuşma. Surların üzerindeki halk bizi dinliyor.››[]

2 Caùc Vua 18:26
Ê-li-a-kim, con trai Hinh-kia, Sép-na, và Giô-a, bèn nói với Ráp-sa-kê rằng: Hãy nói với các tôi tớ ông bằng tiếng Sy-ri; vì chúng tôi hiểu thứ tiếng ấy. Chớ nói cùng chúng tôi bằng tiếng Giu-đa vào tai dân sự ở trên vách thành.

2 Kings 18:25
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