2 Kings 11:4
2 Kings 11:4
In the seventh year Jehoiada sent for the commanders of units of a hundred, the Carites and the guards and had them brought to him at the temple of the LORD. He made a covenant with them and put them under oath at the temple of the LORD. Then he showed them the king's son.

In the seventh year of Athaliah's reign, Jehoiada the priest summoned the commanders, the Carite mercenaries, and the palace guards to come to the Temple of the LORD. He made a solemn pact with them and made them swear an oath of loyalty there in the LORD's Temple; then he showed them the king's son.

But in the seventh year Jehoiada sent and brought the captains of the Carites and of the guards, and had them come to him in the house of the LORD. And he made a covenant with them and put them under oath in the house of the LORD, and he showed them the king’s son.

Now in the seventh year Jehoiada sent and brought the captains of hundreds of the Carites and of the guard, and brought them to him in the house of the LORD. Then he made a covenant with them and put them under oath in the house of the LORD, and showed them the king's son.

And the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the rulers over hundreds, with the captains and the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD, and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of the LORD, and shewed them the king's son.

Then in the seventh year, Jehoiada sent messengers and brought in the commanders of hundreds, the Carites, and the guards. He had them come to him in the LORD's temple, where he made a covenant with them and put them under oath. He showed them the king's son

But during the seventh year of her reign, Jehoiada went out and called together the rulers of hundreds, the captains, and the guards, and assembled them together inside the LORD's Temple. He made a covenant with them, making them take an oath in the LORD's Temple, and then he revealed the king's son to them.

In the seventh year Jehoiada summoned the officers of the units of hundreds of the Carians and the royal bodyguard. He met with them in the LORD's temple. He made an agreement with them and made them swear an oath of allegiance in the LORD's temple. Then he showed them the king's son.

In the seventh year of Athaliah's reign, Jehoiada sent for the company commanders of the Carites and the guards and had them come to him in the LORD's temple. He made an agreement with them, put them under oath in the LORD's temple, and showed them the king's son.

But the seventh year Jehoiada sent and took rulers over hundreds, captains and people of the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD and made a covenant with them, causing them to swear an oath in the house of the LORD, and he showed them the king's son.

And the seventh year Jehoiada sent and brought the rulers over hundreds, with the captains and the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD, and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of the LORD, and showed them the king's son.

And the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the rulers over hundreds, with the captains and the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD, and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of the LORD, and showed them the king's son.

And in the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the captains over hundreds of the Carites and of the guard, and brought them to him into the house of Jehovah; and he made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of Jehovah, and showed them the king's son.

And in the seventh year Joiada seat, and taking the centurions and the soldiers, brought them in to him into the temple of the Lord, and made a covenant with them: and taking an oath of them in the house of the Lord, shewed them the king's son:

And in the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the captains of the hundreds, of the bodyguard and the couriers, and brought them to him into the house of Jehovah, and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of Jehovah, and shewed them the king's son.

And in the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the captains over hundreds, of the Carites and of the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD; and he made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of the LORD, and shewed them the king's son.

And in the seventh year Jehoiada sent and took the rulers over hundreds, with the captains and the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD, and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of the LORD, and showed them the king's son.

In the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the captains over hundreds of the Carites and of the guard, and brought them to him into the house of Yahweh; and he made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of Yahweh, and showed them the king's son.

And in the seventh year hath Jehoiada sent and taketh the heads of the hundreds, of the executioners and of the runners, and bringeth them in unto him, to the house of Jehovah, and maketh with them a covenant, and causeth them to swear in the house of Jehovah, and sheweth them the son of the king,

2 i Mbretërve 11:4
Vitin e shtatë Jehojada dërgoi të thërrasë komandantët e qindsheve të rojeve personale dhe të rojeve dhe i solli pranë vetes në shtëpinë e Zotit; ai lidhi një besëlidhje me ta, i vuri të betohen në shtëpinë e Zotit dhe u tregoi birin e mbretit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 11:4
وفي السنة السابعة ارسل يهوياداع فاخذ رؤساء مئات الجلادين والسعاة وادخلهم اليه الى بيت الرب وقطع معهم عهدا واستحلفهم في بيت الرب واراهم ابن الملك.

De Künig B 11:4
Eyn n sibtn Jaar gholt dyr Hoohpriester Joiyden d Scharfüerer von dyr Fremdnharg und dyr Leibwach zamm. Er gweist s eyn n Herrn sein Haus einhin und schloß mit ien aynn Bund, auf dönn wo s aynn Aid glaistnd. Aft gazaigt yr ien önn Sun von n Künig.

4 Царе 11:4
Но в седмата година Иодай прати и, като взе стотниците на палачите и на телохранителите, доведе ги при себе си в Господния дом; после, като направи договор с тях и ги закле в Господния дом, показа им царския син.

列 王 紀 下 11:4
第 七 年 , 耶 何 耶 大 打 發 人 叫 迦 利 人 ( 或 作 親 兵 ) 和 護 衛 兵 的 眾 百 夫 長 來 , 領 他 們 進 了 耶 和 華 的 殿 , 與 他 們 立 約 , 使 他 們 在 耶 和 華 殿 裡 起 誓 , 又 將 王 的 兒 子 指 給 他 們 看 ,

第 七 年 , 耶 何 耶 大 打 发 人 叫 迦 利 人 ( 或 作 亲 兵 ) 和 护 卫 兵 的 众 百 夫 长 来 , 领 他 们 进 了 耶 和 华 的 殿 , 与 他 们 立 约 , 使 他 们 在 耶 和 华 殿 里 起 誓 , 又 将 王 的 儿 子 指 给 他 们 看 ,



2 Kings 11:4
Sedme godine Jojada posla po satnike Karijaca i tjelesnu stražu i pozva ih k sebi u Dom Jahvin. Sklopi s njima savez, zakle ih i pokaza im kraljeva sina.

Druhá Královská 11:4
Léta sedmého poslav Joiada, povolal setníků, hejtmanů a drabantů. I uvedl je k sobě do domu Hospodinova, a učinil s nimi smlouvu, a zavázav je přísahou v domě Hospodinově, ukázal jim syna králova.

Anden Kongebog 11:4
Men i det syvende Aar lod Jojada Hundredførerne for Karerne og Livvagten hente ind til sig i HERRENS Hus; og efter at have sluttet Pagt med dem og taget dem i Ed i HERRENS Hus fremstillede han Kongesønnen for dem.

2 Koningen 11:4
In het zevende jaar nu zond Jojada, en nam de oversten van honderd met de hoofdmannen, en met de trawanten, en hij bracht hen tot zich, in het huis des HEEREN; en hij maakte een verbond met hen, en hij beedigde hen in het huis des HEEREN, en hij toonde hun den zoon des konings.

מלכים ב 11:4
וּבַשָּׁנָ֣ה הַ֠שְּׁבִיעִית שָׁלַ֨ח יְהֹויָדָ֜ע וַיִּקַּ֣ח ׀ אֶת־שָׂרֵ֣י [הַמֵּאיֹות כ] (הַמֵּאֹ֗ות ק) לַכָּרִי֙ וְלָ֣רָצִ֔ים וַיָּבֵ֥א אֹתָ֛ם אֵלָ֖יו בֵּ֣ית יְהוָ֑ה וַיִּכְרֹת֩ לָהֶ֨ם בְּרִ֜ית וַיַּשְׁבַּ֤ע אֹתָם֙ בְּבֵ֣ית יְהוָ֔ה וַיַּ֥רְא אֹתָ֖ם אֶת־בֶּן־הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃

ד ובשנה השביעית שלח יהוידע ויקח את שרי המאיות (המאות) לכרי ולרצים ויבא אתם אליו בית יהוה ויכרת להם ברית וישבע אתם בבית יהוה וירא אתם את בן המלך

ובשנה השביעית שלח יהוידע ויקח ׀ את־שרי [המאיות כ] (המאות ק) לכרי ולרצים ויבא אתם אליו בית יהוה ויכרת להם ברית וישבע אתם בבית יהוה וירא אתם את־בן־המלך׃

2 Királyok 11:4
A hetedik esztendõben azonban elküldött Jójada, és magához hivatta a Káriánusok és a testõrök csapatainak vezéreit, és bevitte õket magával az Úr házába, és szövetséget kötött velök, és megesküdteté õket az Úr házában, és megmutatta nékik a király fiát.

Reĝoj 2 11:4
Sed en la sepa jaro sendis Jehojada kaj prenis la centestrojn el la korpogardistoj kaj la kuristoj kaj venigis ilin al si en la domon de la Eternulo; kaj li faris kun ili interligon kaj jxurigis ilin en la domo de la Eternulo kaj montris al ili la filon de la regxo.

Seitsemäntenä ajastaikana lähetti Jojada ja otti sadanpäämiehet, esimiehet ja vartiat, ja noudatti heidät tykönsä Herran huoneesen, ja teki liiton heidän kanssansa, ja vannotti heitä Herran huoneessa, ja näytti heille kuninkaan pojan,

2 Rois 11:4
Et la septième année, Jehoïada envoya, et prit les chefs de centaines des gardes et des coureurs; et il les fit entrer vers lui dans la maison de l'Éternel, et fit un pacte avec eux et les fit jurer dans la maison de l'Éternel, et leur montra le fils du roi.

La septième année, Jehojada envoya chercher les chefs de centaines des Kéréthiens et des coureurs, et il les fit venir auprès de lui dans la maison de l'Eternel. Il traita alliance avec eux et les fit jurer dans la maison de l'Eternel, et il leur montra le fils du roi.

Et la septième année Jéhojadah envoya, et prit des centeniers, des capitaines, et des archers, et les fit entrer vers soi dans la maison de l'Eternel, et traita alliance avec eux, et les fit jurer dans la maison de l'Eternel, et leur montra le fils du Roi.

2 Koenige 11:4
Im siebenten Jahr aber sandte hin Jojada und nahm die Obersten über hundert mit den Hauptleuten und die Trabanten und ließ sie zu sich ins Haus des HERRN kommen; und machte einen Bund mit ihnen und nahm einen Eid von ihnen im Hause des HERRN; und zeigte ihnen des Königs Sohn.

Im siebenten Jahr aber sandte hin Jojada und nahm die Obersten über hundert von den Leibwächtern und den Trabanten und ließ sie zu sich ins Haus des HERRN kommen und machte einen Bund mit ihnen und nahm einen Eid von ihnen im Hause des HERRN und zeigte ihnen des Königs Sohn

Im siebenten Jahr aber sandte Jojada hin, ließ die Hauptleute über die Hundertschaften der Karer und der Trabanten holen und zu sich in den Tempel Jahwes kommen. Sodann nahm er sie feierlich in Pflicht und ließ sie im Tempel Jahwes schwören. Sodann zeigte er ihnen den Sohn des Königs

2 Re 11:4
Il settimo anno, Jehoiada mandò a chiamare i capi-centurie delle guardie del corpo e dei soldati, e li fece venire a sé nella casa dell’Eterno; fermò un patto con essi, fece loro prestar giuramento nella casa dell’Eterno, e mostrò loro il figliuolo del re.

Ma l’anno settimo, Gioiada mandò a chiamare de’ capi di centinaia per esser capitani e sergenti; e li fece venire a sè nella Casa del Signore, e fece lega con loro, e fece lor giurare nella Casa del Signore; poi mostrò loro il figliuolo del re.

2 RAJA-RAJA 11:4
Maka pada tahun yang ketujuh disuruh Yoyada panggil segala penghulu atas orang seratus dan segala biduanda, lalu dibawanya akan mereka itu sertanya masuk ke dalam kaabah Tuhan dan berjanji-janjianlah ia dengan mereka itu, disuruhnya mereka itu bersumpah setia dalam kaabah Tuhan, lalu ditunjuknya kepada mereka itu putera baginda.

열왕기하 11:4
제 칠년에 여호야다가 보내어 가리 사람의 백부장들과 호위병의 백부장들을 불러 데리고 여호와의 전으로 들어가서 저희와 언약을 세우고 저희로 여호와의 전에서 맹세케 한 후에 왕자를 보이 고

II Regum 11:4
anno autem septimo misit Ioiada et adsumens centuriones et milites introduxit ad se in templum Domini pepigitque cum eis foedus et adiurans eos in domo Domini ostendit eis filium regis

Antroji Karaliø knyga 11:4
Septintais metais Jehojada, pasikvietęs šimtininkus ir sargybos viršininkus, įsivedė juos į Viešpaties namus ir padarė su jais sutartį. Prisaikdinęs Viešpaties namuose, jis parodė jiems karaliaus sūnų.

2 Kings 11:4
Na, i te whitu o nga tau ka unga tangata a Iehoiara ki te tiki i nga rangatira rau, o nga Kariti, o nga kaitiaki kingi, a mauria ana mai ratou ki a ia ki roto ki te whare o Ihowa. Na ka whakarite kawenata ia ki a ratou, ka whakaoati i a ratou i r oto i te whare o Ihowa, a whakakitea ana e ia te tama a te kingi ki a ratou.

2 Kongebok 11:4
Men i det syvende år sendte Jojada bud efter livvaktens høvedsmenn og lot dem komme inn til sig i Herrens hus og gjorde en pakt med dem og tok dem i ed der i Herrens hus og viste dem kongens sønn.

2 Reyes 11:4
Pero en el séptimo año Joiada mandó a buscar e hizo venir a los capitanes de centenas de los cariteos y de la guardia, y los hizo venir a él en la casa del SEÑOR. Entonces hizo un pacto con ellos en la casa del SEÑOR y los puso bajo juramento, y les mostró al hijo del rey.

Pero en el séptimo año Joiada mandó a buscar e hizo venir a los capitanes de centenas de los Cariteos y de la guardia, y los hizo venir a él en la casa del SEÑOR. Entonces hizo un pacto con ellos en la casa del SEÑOR y los puso bajo juramento, y les mostró al hijo del rey.

Mas al séptimo año envió Joiada, y tomó centuriones, capitanes, y gente de la guardia, y los metió consigo en la casa de Jehová: e hizo con ellos pacto, y les hizo tomar juramento en la casa de Jehová; y les mostró al hijo del rey.

Mas al séptimo año envió Joiada, y tomó centuriones, capitanes, y gente de la guardia, y metiólos consigo en la casa de Jehová: é hizo con ellos liga, juramentándolos en la casa de Jehová; y mostróles al hijo del rey.

Mas al séptimo año envió Joiada, y tomó centuriones, capitanes, y gente de la guardia, y los metió consigo en la Casa del SEÑOR; e hizo con ellos liga, juramentándolos en la Casa del SEÑOR; y les mostró al hijo del rey.

2 Reis 11:4
Contudo, no sétimo ano, o sacerdote Joiada convocou à sua presença no templo do SENHOR os líderes dos batalhões de cem mercenários, cários, e os oficiais da guarda e os levou consigo para o templo do SENHOR; ele firmou com eles uma aliança com juramento, no templo do SENHOR, e depois apresentou-lhes o filho do rei.

No sétimo ano, porém, Jeoiada mandou chamar os centuriões dos caritas e os oficiais da guarda, e fê-los entrar consigo na casa do Senhor; e fez com eles um pacto e, ajuramentando-os na casa do Senhor, mostrou-lhes o filho do rei.   

2 Imparati 11:4
În anul al şaptelea, Iehoiada a trimes şi a luat pe sutaşii Cheretiţilor şi alergătorilor, şi i -a adus la el în Casa Domnului. A făcut legămînt cu ei, i -a pus să jure în Casa Domnului, şi le -a arătat pe fiul împăratului.

4-я Царств 11:4
В седьмой год послал Иодай, и взял сотниковиз телохранителей и скороходов, и привел их к себе в дом Господень, и сделал с ними договор, и взял с них клятву в доме Господнем, и показал им царского сына.

В седьмой год послал Иодай, и взял сотников из телохранителей и скороходов, и привел их к себе в дом Господень, и сделал с ними договор, и взял с них клятву в доме Господнем, и показал им царского сына.[]

2 Kungaboken 11:4
Men i det sjunde året sände Jojada åstad och lät hämta karéernas och drabanternas underhövitsmän och förde dem in till sig i HERRENS hus; och sedan han hade gjort en överenskommelse med dem och tagit en ed av dem i HERRENS hus visade han dem konungens son.

2 Kings 11:4
At nang ikapitong taon, si Joiada ay nagsugo, at kinuha ang mga punong kawal ng dadaanin, sa mga Cariteo, at sa bantay, at ipinagsama niya sa bahay ng Panginoon; at siya'y nakipagtipan sa kanila, at pinasumpa sila sa bahay ng Panginoon, at ipinakita sa kanila ang anak ng hari;

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 11:4
แต่ในปีที่เจ็ดเยโฮยาดาได้ใช้ให้บรรดานายทัพนายกอง ผู้บังคับบัญชากองและพวกทหารรักษาพระองค์ ให้เขาทั้งหลายมาหาท่านที่ในพระนิเวศของพระเยโฮวาห์ และท่านได้ทำพันธสัญญากับเขาทั้งหลาย และให้เขาปฏิญาณในพระนิเวศของพระเยโฮวาห์ และท่านได้นำโอรสของกษัตริย์มาให้เขาเห็น

2 Krallar 11:4
Yedinci yıl Yehoyada haber gönderip Karyalılarınfö ve muhafızların yüzbaşılarını çağırttı. Onları RABbin Tapınağında toplayarak onlarla bir antlaşma yaptı. Hepsine RABbin Tapınağında ant içirdikten sonra kralın oğlu Yoaşı kendilerine gösterdi.[]

2 Caùc Vua 11:4
Năm thứ bảy, Giê-hô-gia-đa vời các quan cai hàng trăm quân canh và những quân hộ vệ đến cùng người trong đền thờ của Ðức Giê-hô-va. Người lập ước cùng chúng, và bắt chúng thề tại trong đền thờ của Ðức Giê-hô-va; người chỉ con trai của vua cho chúng.

2 Kings 11:3
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