2 Chronicles 9:23
2 Chronicles 9:23
All the kings of the earth sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart.

Kings from every nation came to consult him and to hear the wisdom God had given him.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put into his mind.

And all the kings of the earth were seeking the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom which God had put in his heart.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.

All the kings of the world wanted an audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart.

All the kings of the earth continued to seek audiences with Solomon so they could hear the wise things that God had put in his heart.

All the kings of the earth wanted to visit Solomon to see him display his God-given wisdom.

All the kings of the world wanted to listen to the wisdom that God gave Solomon.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

And all the kings of the earth desired to see the face of Solomon, that they might hear the wisdom which God had given in his heart.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.

All the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

and all the kings of the earth are seeking the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom that God hath put in his heart,

2 i Kronikave 9:23
Tërë mbretërit e dheut kërkonin praninë e Salomonit për të dëgjuar diturinë që Perëndia i kishte vënë në zemër.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 9:23
وكان جميع ملوك الارض يلتمسون وجه سليمان ليسمعوا حكمته التي جعلها الله في قلبه.

Dyr Lauft B 9:23
Allsand Künig von dyr Erdn warnd drauf aus, däß s mit iem zammkemmend und öbbs von seiner Weisheit sebnd, dö wo iem dyr Herrgot eyn s Hertz glögt hiet.

2 Летописи 9:23
И всичките царе на света търсеха Соломоновото присъствие, за да чуят мъдростта, която Бог бе турил в сърцето му.

歷 代 志 下 9:23
普 天 下 的 王 都 求 見 所 羅 門 , 要 聽   神 賜 給 他 智 慧 的 話 。

普 天 下 的 王 都 求 见 所 罗 门 , 要 听   神 赐 给 他 智 慧 的 话 。



2 Chronicles 9:23
Svi su zemaljski kraljevi željeli vidjeti Salomona i čuti mudrost koju mu je Bog ulio u srce.

Druhá Paralipomenon 9:23
Pročež všickni králové země žádostivi byli viděti tvář Šalomounovu, aby slyšeli moudrost jeho, kterouž složil Bůh v srdci jeho.

Anden Krønikebog 9:23
Alle Jordens Konger søgte hen til Salomo for at høre den Visdom, Gud havde lagt i hans Hjerte;

2 Kronieken 9:23
En alle koningen der aarde zochten Salomo's aangezicht, om zijn wijsheid te horen, die God in zijn hart gegeven had.

דברי הימים ב 9:23
וְכֹל֙ מַלְכֵ֣י הָאָ֔רֶץ מְבַקְשִׁ֖ים אֶת־פְּנֵ֣י שְׁלֹמֹ֑ה לִשְׁמֹ֙עַ֙ אֶת־חָכְמָתֹ֔ו אֲשֶׁר־נָתַ֥ן הָאֱלֹהִ֖ים בְּלִבֹּֽו׃

כג וכל מלכי הארץ מבקשים את פני שלמה--לשמע את חכמתו אשר נתן האלהים בלבו

וכל מלכי הארץ מבקשים את־פני שלמה לשמע את־חכמתו אשר־נתן האלהים בלבו׃

2 Krónika 9:23
És e földnek minden királyai kivánnak vala szembe lenni Salamonnal, hogy hallhatnák az õ bölcseségét, a melyet Isten adott vala az õ szívébe.

Kroniko 2 9:23
Kaj cxiuj regxoj de la tero penis vidi Salomonon, por auxdi lian sagxecon, kiun Dio enmetis en lian koron.

Ja kaikki kuninkaat maan päällä himoitsivat nähdä Salomon kasvoja ja kuulla hänen taitoansa, jonka Jumala hänen sydämeensä antanut oli.

2 Chroniques 9:23
Et tous les rois de la terre recherchaient la face de Salomon, pour entendre sa sagesse, que Dieu avait mise dans son coeur.

Tous les rois de la terre cherchaient à voir Salomon, pour entendre la sagesse que Dieu avait mise dans son coeur.

Et tous les Rois de la terre cherchaient de voir la face de Salomon, pour entendre la sagesse que Dieu avait mise dans son cœur.

2 Chronik 9:23
Und alle Könige auf Erden begehrten das Angesicht Salomos, seine Weisheit zu hören, die ihm Gott in sein Herz gegeben hatte.

Und alle Könige auf Erden suchten das Angesicht Salomos, seine Weisheit zu hören, die ihm Gott in sein Herz gegeben hatte.

Und alle Könige der Erde begehrten, Salomo zu sehen, um die Aussprüche seiner Weisheit zu hören, die ihm Gott ins Herz gegeben hatte.

2 Cronache 9:23
E tutti i re della terra cercavano di veder Salomone per udir la sapienza che Dio gli avea messa in cuore.

E tutti i re della terra cercavano di veder Salomone, per intender la sapienza di esso, la quale Iddio gli avea messa nel cuore.

Maka segala raja yang di dalam duniapun datang menghadap raja Sulaiman hendak mendengar hikmatnya, yang telah dikaruniakan Allah dalam hatinya.

역대하 9:23
천하 열왕이 하나님께서 솔로몬의 마음에 주신 지혜를 들으며 그 얼굴을 보기 원하여

II Paralipomenon 9:23
omnesque reges terrarum desiderabant faciem videre Salomonis ut audirent sapientiam quam dederat Deus in corde eius

Antroji Kronikø knyga 9:23
Visi žemės karaliai siekė išvysti Saliamoną, norėdami išgirsti jo išmintį, kurią Dievas buvo įdėjęs į jo širdį.

2 Chronicles 9:23
A i whai nga kingi katoa o te whenua ki a Horomona, kia rongo i tona mohio i homai nei e te Atua ki tona ngakau.

2 Krønikebok 9:23
Fra alle jordens kanter kom det konger for å se Salomo og høre hans visdom, som Gud hadde lagt i hans hjerte,

2 Crónicas 9:23
Y todos los reyes de la tierra procuraban ver a Salomón, para oír la sabiduría que Dios había puesto en su corazón.

Y todos los reyes de la tierra procuraban ver a Salomón, para oír la sabiduría que Dios había puesto en su corazón.

Y todos los reyes de la tierra procuraban ver el rostro de Salomón, para oír su sabiduría, que Dios había puesto en su corazón.

Y todos los reyes de la tierra procuraban ver el rostro de Salomón, por oir su sabiduría, que Dios había puesto en su corazón:

Y todos los reyes de la tierra procuraban ver el rostro de Salomón, por oír su sabiduría, que Dios había puesto en su corazón.

2 Crônicas 9:23
Todos os reis da terra solicitavam audiências para aconselhamento com o rei Salomão, todos disputavam ouvir da sabedoria que Deus fazia brotar dos lábios do rei a quem ungira.

E todos os reis da terra buscavam a presença de Salomão para ouvirem a sabedoria que Deus lhe tinha posto no coração.   

2 Cronici 9:23
Toţi împăraţii pămîntului căutau să vadă pe Solomon, ca să audă înţelepciunea pe care o pusese Dumnezeu în inima lui.

2-я Паралипоменон 9:23
И все цари земли искали видеть Соломона, чтобы послушать мудрости его, которую вложил Бог в сердце его.

И все цари земли искали видеть Соломона, чтобы послушать мудрости его, которую вложил Бог в сердце его.[]

Krönikeboken 9:23
Alla konungar på jorden kommo för att besöka Salomo och höra den vishet som Gud hade nedlagt i hans hjärta.

2 Chronicles 9:23
At hinanap ng lahat na hari sa lupa ang harapan ni Salomon, upang magsipakinig ng kaniyang karunungan, na inilagay ng Dios sa kaniyang puso.

2 พงศาวดาร 9:23
และกษัตริย์ทั้งสิ้นแห่งแผ่นดินโลกก็แสวงหาที่จะเข้าเฝ้าซาโลมอน เพื่อจะฟังพระสติปัญญาซึ่งพระเจ้าพระราชทานไว้ในใจของท่าน

2 Tarihler 9:23
Tanrının Süleymana verdiği bilgeliği dinlemek için dünyanın bütün kralları onu görmek isterlerdi.[]

2 Söû-kyù 9:23
Các vua trên đất đều cầu thấy mặt Sa-lô-môn, đặng nghe sự khôn ngoan của người mà Ðức Chúa Trời đã để trong lòng người.

2 Chronicles 9:22
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