2 Chronicles 6:34
2 Chronicles 6:34
"When your people go to war against their enemies, wherever you send them, and when they pray to you toward this city you have chosen and the temple I have built for your Name,

"If your people go out where you send them to fight their enemies, and if they pray to you by turning toward this city you have chosen and toward this Temple I have built to honor your name,

“If your people go out to battle against their enemies, by whatever way you shall send them, and they pray to you toward this city that you have chosen and the house that I have built for your name,

"When Your people go out to battle against their enemies, by whatever way You shall send them, and they pray to You toward this city which You have chosen and the house which I have built for Your name,

If thy people go out to war against their enemies by the way that thou shalt send them, and they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name;

When Your people go out to fight against their enemies, wherever You send them, and they pray to You in the direction of this city You have chosen and the temple that I have built for Your name,

"When your people go out to war against their enemies, no matter what way you send them, and they pray to you in the direction of this city that you have chosen and in the direction of the Temple that I have built for your name,

"When you direct your people to march out and fight their enemies, and they direct their prayers to you toward this chosen city and this temple I built for your honor,

"When your people go to war against their enemies (wherever you may send them) and they pray to you toward this city you have chosen and the temple I built for your name,

If thy people go out to war against their enemies by the way that thou shalt send them and they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast chosen, toward the house which I have built for thy name,

If your people go out to war against their enemies by the way that you shall send them, and they pray unto you toward this city which you have chosen, and the house which I have built for your name;

If your people go out to war against their enemies by the way that you shall send them, and they pray to you toward this city which you have chosen, and the house which I have built for your name;

If thy people go out to battle against their enemies, by whatsoever way thou shalt send them, and they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name;

If thy people go out to war against their enemies, by the way that thou shalt send them, and adore thee towards the way of this city, which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built to thy name:

If thy people go out to battle against their enemies by the way that thou shalt send them, and they pray unto thee toward this city that thou hast chosen, and the house that I have built unto thy name;

If thy people go out to battle against their enemies, by whatsoever way thou shalt send them, and they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name:

If thy people go out to war against their enemies by the way that thou shalt send them, and they pray to thee towards this city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name;

"If your people go out to battle against their enemies, by whatever way you shall send them, and they pray to you toward this city which you have chosen, and the house which I have built for your name;

'When Thy people doth go out to battle against its enemies in the way that Thou dost send them, and they have prayed unto Thee the way of this city that Thou hast fixed on, and the house that I have built for Thy name:

2 i Kronikave 6:34
Kur populli yt do të hyjë në luftë kundër armiqve të tij duke ndjekur rrugën nëpër të cilën e dërgove, në rast se të luten duke u drejtuar ndaj këtij qyteti që ti ke zgjedhur dhe ndaj tempullit që unë kam ndërtuar në emrin tënd,

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 6:34
اذا خرج شعبك لمحاربة اعدائه في الطريق الذي ترسلهم فيه وصلّوا اليك نحو هذه المدينة التي اخترتها والبيت الذي بنيت لاسمك

Dyr Lauft B 6:34
Wenn dein Volk gögn seine Feindd eyn n Krieg auszieght, wost ys aau hinschickst, und wenn ys si aft zo deiner Walstat wenddt und bett, zo dönn Haus daader, wo i yn deinn Nam baut haan,

2 Летописи 6:34
Ако людете Ти излязат на бой против неприятелите си, където би ги пратил Ти, и Ти се помолят [като се обърнат] към тоя град, който Ти си избрал, и към дома, който построих на Твоето име,

歷 代 志 下 6:34
你 的 民 若 奉 你 的 差 遣 , 無 論 往 何 處 去 與 仇 敵 爭 戰 , 向 你 所 選 擇 的 城 與 我 為 你 名 所 建 造 的 殿 禱 告 ,

你 的 民 若 奉 你 的 差 遣 , 无 论 往 何 处 去 与 仇 敌 争 战 , 向 你 所 选 择 的 城 与 我 为 你 名 所 建 造 的 殿 祷 告 ,



2 Chronicles 6:34
Kad narod tvoj krene na neprijatelja putem kojim ga ti uputiš i pomoli se tebi, okrenut gradu što si ga izabrao i prema Domu koji sam podigao tvome Imenu,

Druhá Paralipomenon 6:34
Když by vytáhl lid tvůj k boji proti nepřátelům svým cestou, kterouž bys je poslal, a modlili by se tobě naproti městu tomuto, kteréž jsi vyvolil, a domu tomuto, kterýž jsem ustavěl jménu tvému:

Anden Krønikebog 6:34
Naar dit Folk drager i Krig mod sine Fjender, hvor du end sender dem hen, og de beder til dig, vendt mod den By, du har udvalgt, og det Hus, jeg har bygget dit Navn,

2 Kronieken 6:34
Wanneer Uw volk in den krijg tegen zijn vijanden uittrekken zal door den weg, dien Gij hen heenzenden zult, en zullen tot U bidden naar den weg dezer stad, die Gij verkoren hebt, en naar dit huis, hetwelk ik Uw Naam gebouwd heb;

דברי הימים ב 6:34
כִּֽי־יֵצֵ֨א עַמְּךָ֤ לַמִּלְחָמָה֙ עַל־אֹ֣ויְבָ֔יו בַּדֶּ֖רֶךְ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּשְׁלָחֵ֑ם וְהִתְפַּֽלְל֣וּ אֵלֶ֗יךָ דֶּ֣רֶךְ הָעִ֤יר הַזֹּאת֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בָּחַ֣רְתָּ בָּ֔הּ וְהַבַּ֖יִת אֲשֶׁר־בָּנִ֥יתִי לִשְׁמֶֽךָ׃

לד כי יצא עמך למלחמה על איביו בדרך אשר תשלחם והתפללו אליך דרך העיר הזאת אשר בחרת בה והבית אשר בניתי לשמך

כי־יצא עמך למלחמה על־אויביו בדרך אשר תשלחם והתפללו אליך דרך העיר הזאת אשר בחרת בה והבית אשר־בניתי לשמך׃

2 Krónika 6:34
Ha a te néped hadba megy ki az õ ellensége ellen azon az úton, a melyen elbocsátod õket; ha könyörögnek, hozzád [fordulván] e város felé, a melyet választottál magadnak, és e ház felé, a melyet a te nevednek építettem:

Kroniko 2 6:34
Kiam Via popolo eliros milite kontraux siajn malamikojn laux la vojo, laux kiu Vi ilin sendos, kaj ili pregxos al Vi, turninte sin al cxi tiu urbo, kiun Vi elektis, kaj al la domo, kiun mi konstruis al Via nomo:

Jos sinun kansas lähtee sotaan vihollistansa vastaan sitä tietä, jotas heitä lähettävä olet, ja he rukoilevat sinua sillä tiellä, sitä kaupunkia päin, jonkas valinnut olet, ja sen huoneen puoleen, jonka minä sinun nimelles rakentanut olen;

2 Chroniques 6:34
Lorsque ton peuple sortira pour la guerre contre ses ennemis, par le chemin par lequel tu l'auras envoyé, et qu'ils te prieront en se tournant vers cette ville que tu as choisie et vers la maison que j'ai bâtie pour ton nom:

Quand ton peuple sortira pour combattre ses ennemis, en suivant la voie que tu lui auras prescrite; s'ils t'adressent des prières, les regards tournés vers cette ville que tu as choisie et vers la maison que j'ai bâtie en ton nom,

Quand ton peuple sera sorti en guerre contre ses ennemis, par le chemin par lequel tu les auras envoyés, s'ils te font leur prière, en regardant vers cette ville que tu as choisie, et vers cette maison que j'ai bâtie à ton Nom;

2 Chronik 6:34
Wenn dein Volk auszeucht in Streit wider seine Feinde des Weges, den du sie senden wirst, und zu dir bitten gegen dem Wege zu dieser Stadt, die du erwählet hast, und zum Hause, das ich deinem Namen gebauet habe,

Wenn dein Volk auszieht in den Streit wider seine Feinde des Weges, den du sie senden wirst, und sie zu dir beten nach dieser Stadt hin, die du erwählt hast und nach dem Hause, das ich deinem Namen gebaut habe:

Wenn dein Volk zum Kampf gegen seine Feinde ausziehen wird, des Wegs, den du sie senden wirst, und sie zu dir beten in der Richtung nach dieser Stadt hin, die du erwählt hast, und nach dem Tempel, den ich deinem Namen erbaut habe:

2 Cronache 6:34
Quando il tuo popolo partirà per muover guerra al suo nemico seguendo la via per la quale tu l’avrai mandato, se t’innalza preghiere rivolto alla città che tu hai scelta, e alla casa che io ho costruita al tuo nome,

Quando il tuo popolo sarà uscito in guerra contro a’ suoi nemici, per la via per la quale tu l’avrai mandato, e ti avrà fatta orazione, volgendosi verso questa città che tu hai eletta, e verso questa Casa che io ho edificata al tuo Nome,

Jikalau kiranya umat-Mu keluar hendak berperang dengan musuhnya pada jalan yang Kausuruhkan mereka itu, maka mereka itupun meminta doa kepada-Mu arah ke kiblat negeri ini, yang sudah Kaupilih, dan ke kiblat rumah ini, yang telah kubangunkan bagi nama-Mu,

역대하 6:34
주의 백성이 그 적국으로 더불어 싸우고자 하여 주의 보내신 길로 나갈때에 저희가 주의 빼신 이 성과 내가 주의 이름을 위하여 건축한 전있는 편을 향하여 여호와께 기도하거든

II Paralipomenon 6:34
si egressus fuerit populus tuus ad bellum contra adversarios suos per viam in qua miseris eos adorabunt te contra viam in qua civitas haec est quam elegisti et domus quam aedificavi nomini tuo

Antroji Kronikø knyga 6:34
Jei Tavo tauta išeis kariauti su priešais, kur Tu juos pasiųsi, ir melsis atsigręžę į šį miestą, kurį Tu išsirinkai, ir šituos namus, kuriuos pastačiau Tavo vardui,

2 Chronicles 6:34
Ki te haere tau iwi ki te whawhai ki ona hoariri i te ara e tonoa ai ratou e koe, a ka inoi ki a koe ki te ritenga mai o tenei pa kua whiriwhiria nei e koe, o te whare ano kua hanga nei e ahau mo tou ingoa:

2 Krønikebok 6:34
Når ditt folk drar ut i krig mot sine fiender på den vei du sender dem, og de så beder til dig, vendt mot denne stad som du har utvalgt, og det hus jeg har bygget for ditt navn,

2 Crónicas 6:34
Cuando salga tu pueblo a la batalla contra sus enemigos, por cualquier camino que los envíes, y oren a ti vueltos hacia esta ciudad que has escogido, y hacia la casa que he edificado a tu nombre,

"Cuando Tu pueblo salga a la batalla contra sus enemigos, por cualquier camino que los envíes, y oren a Ti vueltos hacia esta ciudad que has escogido, y hacia la casa que he edificado a Tu nombre,

Si tu pueblo saliere a la guerra contra sus enemigos por el camino que tú los enviares, y oraren a ti hacia esta ciudad que tú elegiste, hacia la casa que he edificado a tu nombre,

Si tu pueblo saliere á la guerra contra sus enemigos por el camino que tú los enviares, y oraren á ti hacia esta ciudad que tú elegiste, hacia la casa que he edificado á tu nombre,

Si tu pueblo saliere a la guerra contra sus enemigos por el camino que tú los enviares, y oraren a ti hacia esta ciudad que tú elegiste, hacia la Casa que he edificado a tu Nombre,

2 Crônicas 6:34
Quando o teu povo sair à guerra contra os inimigos, seja qual for o caminho pelo qual os enviares, e orarem a ti voltados para a Cidade que escolheste e para o Templo que edifiquei ao teu Nome,

Se o teu povo sair à guerra contra os seus inimigos, seja qual for o caminho por que os enviares, e orarem a ti, voltados para esta cidade que escolheste e para a casa que edifiquei ao teu nome,   

2 Cronici 6:34
Cînd va ieşi poporul Tău la luptă împotriva vrăjmaşilor lui, urmînd calea pe care îi vei porunci s'o urmeze: dacă Îţi vor face rugăciuni, cu privirile îndreptate spre cetatea aceasta pe care ai ales -o şi spre casa pe care am zidit -o în Numele Tău, -

2-я Паралипоменон 6:34
Когда выйдет народ Твой на войну против неприятелей своих путем, которым Ты пошлешь его, и будет молиться Тебе, обратившись к городу сему,который избрал Ты, и к храму, который я построил имени Твоему,

Когда выйдет народ Твой на войну против неприятелей своих путем, которым Ты пошлешь его, и будет молиться Тебе, обратившись к городу сему, который избрал Ты, и к храму, который я построил имени Твоему,[]

Krönikeboken 6:34
Om ditt folk drager ut till strid mot sina fiender, på den väg du sänder dem, och de då bedja till dig, vända i riktning mot denna stad som du har utvalt och mot det hus som jag har byggt åt ditt namn,

2 Chronicles 6:34
Kung ang iyong bayan ay lumabas sa pakikipagbaka laban sa kanilang mga kaaway, saan mo man sila suguin, at manalangin sa iyo sa dako ng bayang ito na iyong pinili, at sa dako ng bahay na aking itinayo na ukol sa iyong pangalan:

2 พงศาวดาร 6:34
ถ้าประชาชนของพระองค์ออกไปกระทำสงครามต่อสู้ศัตรูของเขาทั้งหลาย จะเป็นโดยทางใดๆที่พระองค์ทรงใช้เขาออกไปก็ตาม และเขาทั้งหลายได้อธิษฐานต่อพระองค์ตรงต่อเมืองนี้ซึ่งพระองค์ทรงเลือกสรรไว้ และตรงต่อพระนิเวศซึ่งข้าพระองค์ได้สร้างเพื่อพระนามของพระองค์

2 Tarihler 6:34
‹‹Halkın, düşmanlarına karşı gösterdiğin yoldan savaşa giderken sana, seçtiğin bu kente ve adına yaptırdığım bu tapınağa yönelip dua ederse,[]

2 Söû-kyù 6:34
Khi dân sự Chúa ra chiến tranh với kẻ thù nghịch mình, theo đường nào mà Chúa sẽ sai đi, nếu chúng cầu nguyện cùng Chúa, xây về hướng thành nầy mà Chúa đã chọn, và về đền nầy mà tôi đã xây cất cho danh Chúa,

2 Chronicles 6:33
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