2 Chronicles 5:13
2 Chronicles 5:13
The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: "He is good; his love endures forever." Then the temple of the LORD was filled with the cloud,

The trumpeters and singers performed together in unison to praise and give thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and other instruments, they raised their voices and praised the LORD with these words: "He is good! His faithful love endures forever!" At that moment a thick cloud filled the Temple of the LORD.

and it was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the LORD ), and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the LORD, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever,” the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud,

in unison when the trumpeters and the singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise and to glorify the LORD, and when they lifted up their voice accompanied by trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and when they praised the LORD saying,"He indeed is good for His lovingkindness is everlasting," then the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud,

It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;

The trumpeters and singers joined together to praise and thank the LORD with one voice. They raised their voices, accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and musical instruments, in praise to the LORD: For He is good; His faithful love endures forever. The temple, the LORD's temple, was filled with a cloud.

the trumpeters and musicians played in union, praising and giving thanks to the LORD. They praised the LORD loudly and sang, "He is good, and his gracious love is eternal," accompanied by the trumpets, cymbals, and other musical instruments.) As they did this, a cloud filled the Temple, that is, the LORD's Temple,

The trumpeters and musicians played together, praising and giving thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and other instruments, they loudly praised the LORD, singing: "Certainly he is good; certainly his loyal love endures!" Then a cloud filled the LORD's temple.

the trumpeters and singers praised and thanked the LORD in unison. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and other musical instruments, they sang in praise to the LORD: "He is good; his mercy endures forever." Then the LORD's temple was filled with a cloud.

And they sounded the trumpets and sang with one voice, all together as one man praising and thanking the LORD, when they lifted up their voice with trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, when they praised the LORD, saying, For he is good, for his mercy endures for ever; and the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD,

It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endures forever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;

It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endures for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;

it came to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Jehovah; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised Jehovah,'saying , For he is good; for his lovingkindness endureth for ever; that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of Jehovah,

So when they all sounded together, both with trumpets, and voice, and cymbals, and organs, and with divers kind of musical instruments, and lifted up their voice on high : the sound was heard afar off, so that when they began to praise the Lord, and to say: Give glory to the Lord for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever: the house of God was filled with a cloud.

it came to pass when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one voice to be heard in praising and thanking Jehovah; and when they lifted up their voice with trumpets, and cymbals, and instruments of music, and praised Jehovah: For he is good,

it came even to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD,

It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;

it happened, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Yahweh; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised Yahweh, [saying], "For he is good; for his loving kindness endures forever!" that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of Yahweh,

yea, it cometh to pass, as one are trumpeters and singers, to sound -- one voice -- to praise and to give thanks to Jehovah, and at the lifting up of the sound with trumpets, and with cymbals, and with instruments of song, and at giving praise to Jehovah, for good, for to the age is His kindness, that the house is filled with a cloud -- the house of Jehovah,

2 i Kronikave 5:13
dhe kur trumbetarët dhe këngëtarët si një njeri i vetëm bënë të dëgjohet bashkarisht zëri i tyre për të lëvduar dhe për të kremtuar Zotin dhe e ngritën zërin në tingullin e borive, të cembaleve dhe të veglave të tjera muzikore dhe lëvduan Zotin: "Sepse është i mirë, sepse mirësia e tij vazhdon në përjetësi", ndodhi që shtëpia, shtëpia e Zotit, u mbush me një re,

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 5:13
وكان لما صوّت المبوقون والمغنون كواحد صوتا واحدا لتسبيح الرب وحمده ورفعوا صوتا بالابواق والصنوج وآلات الغناء والتسبيح للرب لانه صالح لان الى الابد رحمته ان البيت بيت الرب امتلأ سحابا.

Dyr Lauft B 5:13
Wie ain Mann liessnd de Trumper und Sönger mitaynand yn n Herrn sein Lob und Preis erschalln. Wie s mit ienerne Trumpnen, Zimbln und andern Getoeber eingsötznd und önn Herrn prisnd: "Danktß für sein Guetheit iem! Sein Huld bleibt eebig üns.", gerfüllt ayn Wolk önn Templ, yn n Herrn sein Haus.

2 Летописи 5:13
и като възгласиха тръбачите и певците заедно, пеещи и славословещи Господа с един глас, и като издигнаха глас с тръби и кимвали и музикални инструменти та хвалеха Господа, защото е благ, защото милостта Му е до века, тогава домът, Господният дом, се изпълни с облак,

歷 代 志 下 5:13
吹 號 的 、 歌 唱 的 都 一 齊 發 聲 , 聲 合 為 一 , 讚 美 感 謝 耶 和 華 。 吹 號 、 敲 鈸 , 用 各 種 樂 器 , 揚 聲 讚 美 耶 和 華 說 : 耶 和 華 本 為 善 , 他 的 慈 愛 永 遠 長 存 ! 那 時 , 耶 和 華 的 殿 有 雲 充 滿 ,

吹 号 的 、 歌 唱 的 都 一 齐 发 声 , 声 合 为 一 , 赞 美 感 谢 耶 和 华 。 吹 号 、 敲 钹 , 用 各 种 乐 器 , 扬 声 赞 美 耶 和 华 说 : 耶 和 华 本 为 善 , 他 的 慈 爱 永 远 长 存 ! 那 时 , 耶 和 华 的 殿 有 云 充 满 ,



2 Chronicles 5:13
I dok su trubili i pjevali složno kao jedan i jednoglasno hvalili i slavili Jahvu, podižući glas uz trube, cimbale i druga glazbala, hvaleći Jahvu "jer je dobar i jer je vječna njegova ljubav", oblak ispuni Dom Jahvin.

Druhá Paralipomenon 5:13
Nebo měli ti, kteříž spolu troubili v trouby, a zpěváci vydávati jeden zvuk k chválení a oslavování Hospodina); a když povyšovali hlasu na trouby a cymbály i jiné nástroje hudebné, chválíce Hospodina a řkouce, že dobrý jest, a že na věky trvá milosrdenství jeho: tedy oblak naplnil dům ten, dům totiž Hospodinův,

Anden Krønikebog 5:13
i samme Øjeblik som Trompetblæserne og Sangerne paa een Gang stemte i for at love og prise HERREN og lod Trompeterne, Cymblerne og Musikinstrumenterne klinge og lovede HERREN med Ordene »thi han er god, og hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!« — fyldte Skyen HERRENS Hus,

2 Kronieken 5:13
Het geschiedde dan, als zij eenpariglijk trompetten en zongen, om een eenparige stem te laten horen, prijzende en lovende den HEERE; en als zij de stem verhieven met trompetten, en met cimbalen, en andere muzikale instrumenten, en als zij den HEERE prezen, dat Hij goed is, dat Zijn weldadigheid is tot in eeuwigheid; dat het huis met een wolk vervuld werd, namelijk het huis des HEEREN.

דברי הימים ב 5:13
וַיְהִ֣י כְ֠אֶחָד [לַמַּחֲצֹצְרִים כ] (לַמְחַצְּרִ֨ים ק) וְלַמְשֹֽׁרֲרִ֜ים לְהַשְׁמִ֣יעַ קֹול־אֶחָ֗ד לְהַלֵּ֣ל וּלְהֹדֹות֮ לַיהוָה֒ וּכְהָרִ֣ים קֹ֠ול בַּחֲצֹצְרֹ֨ות וּבִמְצִלְתַּ֜יִם וּבִכְלֵ֣י הַשִּׁ֗יר וּבְהַלֵּ֤ל לַיהוָה֙ כִּ֣י טֹ֔וב כִּ֥י לְעֹולָ֖ם חַסְדֹּ֑ו וְהַבַּ֛יִת מָלֵ֥א עָנָ֖ן בֵּ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃

יג ויהי כאחד למחצצרים (למחצרים) ולמשררים להשמיע קול אחד להלל ולהדות ליהוה וכהרים קול בחצצרות ובמצלתים ובכלי השיר ובהלל ליהוה כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו והבית מלא ענן בית יהוה

ויהי כאחד [למחצצרים כ] (למחצרים ק) ולמשררים להשמיע קול־אחד להלל ולהדות ליהוה וכהרים קול בחצצרות ובמצלתים ובכלי השיר ובהלל ליהוה כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו והבית מלא ענן בית יהוה׃

2 Krónika 5:13
Mert a kürtölõknek és éneklõknek tisztök vala egyenlõképen zengeni az Úrnak dícséretére és tiszteletére.) És mikor nagy felszóval énekelnének kürtökkel, czimbalmokkal és [mindenféle] zengõ szerszámokkal, dícsérvén az Urat, hogy õ igen jó és örökkévaló az õ irgalmassága: akkor a ház, az Úrnak háza megtelék köddel,

Kroniko 2 5:13
kaj ili estis kvazaux unu, la trumpetantoj kaj la kantantoj; kaj oni auxdis kvazaux unu vocxon, lauxdantan kaj dankantan antaux la Eternulo; kaj kiam ektondris la vocxo de la trumpetoj kaj cimbaloj kaj aliaj muzikaj instrumentoj, kaj de la glorkantado al la Eternulo, ke Li estas bona kaj ke Lia favorkoreco estas eterna:tiam la domo plenigxis de nubo, la domo de la Eternulo;

Ja soittajain ja veisaajain ääni kuului soveliaasti yhteen niinkuin yhden ääni, kiittäin ja kunnioittain Herraa; ja kuin vaskitorven, symbalein ja muiden harppuin ääni hänensä korotti, kiittäissä Herraa, että hän on hyvä, ja hänen laupiutensa pysyy ijankaikkiseen, silloin Herran huone täytettiin pilvellä,

2 Chroniques 5:13
-il arriva, lorsque les trompettes et les chantres furent comme un seul homme pour faire entendre une même voix en louant et en célébrant l'Éternel, et qu'il élevèrent la voix avec des trompettes, et des cymbales, et des instruments de musique, en louant

et lorsque ceux qui sonnaient des trompettes et ceux qui chantaient, s'unissant d'un même accord pour célébrer et pour louer l'Eternel, firent retentir les trompettes, les cymbales et les autres instruments, et célébrèrent l'Eternel par ces paroles: Car il est bon, car sa miséricorde dure à toujours! en ce moment, la maison, la maison de l'Eternel fut remplie d'une nuée.

Il arriva, [dis-je], que tous ensemble sonnant des trompettes, et chantant, et faisant retentir tous d'un accord leur voix pour louer et célébrer l'Eternel, élevant donc leur voix avec des trompettes, des cymbales, et d'autres instruments de musique en louant l'Eternel de ce qu'il est bon, parce que sa miséricorde demeure à toujours, la maison de l'Eternel fut remplie d'une nuée;

2 Chronik 5:13
Und es war, als wäre es einer, der trommetete und sänge, als hörete man eine Stimme, zu loben und zu danken dem HERRN. Und da die Stimme sich erhub von den Trommeten, Zimbeln und andern Saitenspielen und von dem Loben des HERRN, daß er gütig ist und seine Barmherzigkeit ewig währet, da ward das Haus des HERRN erfüllet mit einer Wolke,

und es war, als wäre es einer, der drommetete und sänge, als hörte man eine Stimme loben und danken dem HERRN. Und da die Stimme sich erhob von den Drommeten, Zimbeln und Saitenspielen und von dem Loben des HERRN, daß er gütig ist und seine Barmherzigkeit ewig währet, da ward das Haus des HERRN erfüllt mit einer Wolke, {~}

es hatten aber die Trompeter und die Sänger gleichzeitig und einstimmig anzuheben, Jahwe zu rühmen und ihm zu danken, - sowie man also die Trompeten und Cymbeln und die übrigen Musikinstrumente und den Lobpreis Jahwes "denn er ist gütig, denn ewig währt seine Gnade" erschallen ließ, da wurde der Tempel Jahwes von einer Wolke erfüllt,

2 Cronache 5:13
mentre, dico, quelli che sonavan la tromba e quelli che cantavano, come un sol uomo, fecero udire un’unica voce per celebrare e per lodare l’Eterno, e alzarono la voce al suon delle trombe, de’ cembali e degli altri strumenti musicali, e celebrarono l’Eterno dicendo: "Celebrate l’Eterno, perch’egli è buono, perché la sua benignità dura in perpetuo", avvenne che la casa, la casa dell’Eterno, fu riempita da una nuvola,

avvenne, dico, che, come quelli che sonavano con le trombe, e quelli che cantavano, facevano unitamente risonare un medesimo concento, lodando e celebrando il Signore; ed alzavano la voce con le trombe, co’ cembali, e con gli altri strumenti musicali, e con lodi al Signore, dicendo: Ch’egli è buono, e che la sua benignità è in eterno; la Casa del Signore fu ripiena della nuvola della Casa del Signore;

Maka sesungguhnya sementara segala peniup nafiri dan orang penyanyi bersama-sama menyaringkan suaranya akan memuji-muji dan mempermuliakan Tuhan, dan setelah bunyi segala nafiri sudah diangkat bersama-sama dengan segala ceracak dan bunyi-bunyian, dan sementara mereka itu memuji-muji Tuhan sebab baiklah Ia dan kemurahan-Nya kekal sampai selama-lamanya, tiba-tiba datanglah sebuah awan memenuhi rumah, yaitu bait Tuhan,

역대하 5:13
나팔 부는 자와 노래하는 자가 일제히 소리를 발하여 여호와를 찬송하며 감사하는데 나팔 불고 제금치고 모든 악기를 울리며 소리를 높여 여호와를 찬송하여 가로되 선하시도다 그 자비하심이 영원히 있도다 하매 그 때에 여호와의 전에 구름이 가득한지라

II Paralipomenon 5:13
igitur cunctis pariter et tubis et voce et cymbalis et organis et diversi generis musicorum concinentibus et vocem in sublime tollentibus longe sonitus audiebatur ita ut cum Dominum laudare coepissent et dicere confitemini Domino quoniam bonus quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius impleretur domus Domini nube

Antroji Kronikø knyga 5:13
Trimitininkai ir giedotojai buvo kaip vienas, šlovindami ir dėkodami Viešpačiui vienu balsu. Kai jie pakėlė savo balsus su trimitais, cimbolais ir kitais muzikos instrumentais, šlovindami Viešpatį ir sakydami: “Jis yra geras ir Jo gailestingumas amžinas”, debesis pripildė Viešpaties namus

2 Chronicles 5:13
Na reira, kia hui nga kaiwhakatangi tetere me nga kaiwaiata, kia kotahi tonu te reo i rangona, hei whakamoemiti; hei whakawhetai ki a Ihowa; kia whakarewa tahi ratou i o ratou reo me to nga tetere, me to nga himipora, me to nga mea rangi waiata, he whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa, me te mea, No te mea he pai ia: mau tonu hoki tana mahi tohu ake ake: hei reira kua ki te whare i te kapua, ara te whare o Ihowa,

2 Krønikebok 5:13
og da trompetblåserne og sangerne alle som en og på en gang stemte i for å love og prise Herren, og de lot trompetene og cymblene og de andre musikkinstrumenter klinge og lovet Herren, fordi han er god, og hans miskunnhet varer evindelig - da blev huset - Herrens hus - fylt av en sky.

2 Crónicas 5:13
Cuando los trompeteros y los cantores, al unísono, se hacían oír a una voz alabando y glorificando al SEÑOR, cuando levantaban sus voces acompañados por trompetas y címbalos e instrumentos de música, cuando alababan al SEÑOR diciendo: Ciertamente El es bueno porque su misericordia es para siempre, entonces la casa, la casa del SEÑOR, se llenó de una nube,

Cuando los trompeteros y los cantores al unísono se hacían oír a una voz alabando y glorificando al SEÑOR, cuando levantaban sus voces acompañados por trompetas y címbalos e instrumentos de música, cuando alababan al SEÑOR diciendo: "Ciertamente El es bueno porque Su misericordia es para siempre," entonces la casa, la casa del SEÑOR, se llenó de una nube,

sucedió pues, que cuando los trompetistas y cantores al unísono hicieron oír su voz para alabar y dar gracias a Jehová; cuando elevaron la voz con trompetas y címbalos e instrumentos de música, y alabaron a Jehová, diciendo: Porque Él es bueno, porque para siempre es su misericordia, la casa se llenó entonces de una nube, la casa de Jehová.

Sonaban pues las trompetas, y cantaban con la voz todos á una, para alabar y confesar á Jehová: y cuando alzaban la voz con trompetas y címbalos é instrumentos de música, cuando alababan á Jehová, diciendo: Porque es bueno, porque su misericordia es para

Y tocaban las trompetas, y cantaban con la voz todos a una como un varón alabando y confesando al SEÑOR, cuando alzaban la voz con trompetas y címbalos, e instrumentos de música, cuando alababan al SEÑOR, diciendo : Porque es bueno, porque su misericordia es para siempre. Y la Casa fue llena de una nube, la Casa del SEÑOR.

2 Crônicas 5:13
Os que entoavam as trombetas e os cantores, louvaram e agradeceram a Yahweh a uma só voz. Ao som de cornetas, címbalos e outros instrumentos, ergueram suas vozes em uníssono ao SENHOR e cantaram: “Porque ele é bom, o seu amor dura para sempre!” Em seguida, toda a Casa se encheu da Nuvem de Glória de Yahweh,

quando os trombeteiros e os cantores estavam acordes em fazerem ouvir uma só voz, louvando ao Senhor e dando-lhe graças, e quando levantavam a voz com trombetas, e címbalos, e outros instrumentos de música, e louvavam ao Senhor, dizendo: Porque ele é bom, porque a sua benignidade dura para sempre; então se encheu duma nuvem a casa, a saber, a casa do Senhor,   

2 Cronici 5:13
şi cînd cei ce sunau din trîmbiţe şi ceice cîntau, unindu-se într'un glas ca să mărească şi să laude pe Domnul, au sunat din trîmbiţe, chimvale şi celelalte instrumente, şi au mărit pe Domnul prin aceste cuvinte: ,,Căci este bun, căci îndurarea Lui ţine în veci!`` în clipa aceea, casa, şi anume Casa Domnului, s'a umplut cu un nor.

2-я Паралипоменон 5:13
и были, как один, трубящие и поющие, издавая один голос к восхвалению и славословию Господа; и когда загремел звук труб и кимвалов и музыкальных орудий, и восхваляли Господа, ибо Он благ, ибо вовек милость Его; тогда дом, дом Господень, наполнило облако,

и были, как один, трубящие и поющие, издавая один голос к восхвалению и славословию Господа; и когда загремел звук труб и кимвалов и музыкальных орудий, и восхваляли Господа, ибо Он благ, ибо вовек милость Его; тогда дом, дом Господень, наполнило облако,[]

Krönikeboken 5:13
och trumpetblåsarna och sångarna stämde på en gång och enhälligt upp HERRENS lov och pris), och när man nu lät trumpeter och cymbaler och andra instrumenter ljuda och begynte lova HERREN, därför att han är god, och därför att hans nåd varar evinnerligen, då blev huset, HERRENS hus, uppfyllt av en molnsky,

2 Chronicles 5:13
Nangyari nga, nang ang mga nangagpapakakak at mga mangaawit ay nangagkakatugma, upang mangagpatunog ng isang tunog na maririnig sa pagdalangin at pasasalamat sa Panginoon; at nang kanilang itaas ang kanilang tinig na katugma ng mga pakakak, at mga simbalo, at mga panugtog ng tugtugin at magsipuri sa Panginoon, na magsipagsabi, Sapagka't siya'y mabuti; sapagka't ang kaniyang kaawaan ay magpakailan man: na nang magkagayo'y ang bahay ay napuno ng ulap; sa makatuwid bagay ang bahay ng Panginoon,

2 พงศาวดาร 5:13
อยู่มาพวกคนเป่าแตรและพวกนักร้องจะทำให้คนได้ยินเขาทั้งหลายร้องเพลงสรรเสริญ และเพลงโมทนาพระคุณพระเยโฮวาห์เป็นเสียงเดียวกัน และเมื่อเขาร้องขึ้นพร้อมกับแตรและฉาบกับเครื่องดนตรีอย่างอื่น ในการถวายสรรเสริญแด่พระเยโฮวาห์ว่า "เพราะพระองค์ประเสริฐ เพราะความเมตตาของพระองค์ดำรงเป็นนิตย์" พระนิเวศคือพระนิเวศของพระเยโฮวาห์ก็มีเมฆเต็มไปหมด

2 Tarihler 5:13
Borazan çalanlarla ezgiciler tek ses halinde RABbe şükredip övgüler sunmaya başladılar. Borazan, zil ve çalgıların eşliğinde seslerini yükselterek RABbi şöyle övdüler: ‹‹RAB iyidir; Sevgisi sonsuza dek kalıcıdır.›› O anda RABbin Tapınağını bir bulut doldurdu.[]

2 Söû-kyù 5:13
Xảy khi kẻ thổi kèn và kẻ ca hát đồng thinh hòa nhau như một người, mà khen ngợi cảm tạ Ðức Giê-hô-va, và khi họ trổi tiếng kèn, chập chỏa, nhạc khí lên khen ngợi Ðức Giê-hô-va, rằng: Ngài từ thiện, lòng thương xót Ngài hằng có đời đời, thì đền của Ðức Giê-hô-va bị mây lấp đầy;

2 Chronicles 5:12
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